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Solar is taking a short wikibreak and will be back on Wikipedia soon
This user is drug-free. |
This user does not smoke. |
[edit] About me
I have been a registered Wikipedian since September 27, 2004 but have been contributing since May 2004. My main areas of interest are spirituality and parapsychology. My spiritual influences have been very varied but key among them would be the Hermetic, ShahMai, Neopagan, New age (for want of a better term), Thelemic and Quaker traditions, as well as many elements of Eastern religions, notably Ahimsa and the Jain and Buddhist religions. I consider myself a Humanitarian and believe strongly in the positive principle of nonviolent resistance. I am a vegan and a life-long abstainer from drugs and alcohol, which is both a social statement in terms of the context of contemporary drug use, and a personal spiritual discipline.
I am a supporter of the existence of Psi and like Nobel prize winning physicist Brian Josephson I believe the "evidence is overwhelming". I am also very interested in the work of Dean Radin and would point those interested in the subject of psi to read The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds. My particular area of interest within psi is the out-of-body experience and related phenomena such as NDE and to some extent remote viewing. Michael Persinger's neuroscientific approach which 'reproduced' mystical type experiences using low level electro-magnetic fields applied to the temporal lobes is also very interesting; especially the work he undertook with psychic or as he prefers to be called "perception researcher" Ingo Swann which supports the existence of psi. Outside of the lab there is also the studies undertaken by Dr. Pim van Lommel of the Rijnstate Hospital in the Netherlands, which investigated 344 survivors of cardiac arrest and demonstrated support for the reality of psi functioning in NDE experiences. Also the Ganzfeld experiments by Daryl Bem have resulted in some very interesting results with telepathy. Between 1974 and 2004, 88 ganzfeld experiments were conducted, and they reported 1,008 hits in 3,145 trials. This is a 32% hit rate, but only 25% is expected by chance. The odds that this 7% above-chance hit rate would occur without the intervention of an unknown factor is 29 quintillion to one, and such a result is highly significant statistically.
[edit] Scepticism
The general belief held by some sceptics that there is no evidence in support of the existence of psi can be shown to be untrue by a review of the work of Dean Radin, Brian Josephson, Daryl Bem, Edwin May and Jessica Utts plus many more. While those remaining sceptical who are aware of the evidence will cite fraud and poor controls as the reason for successful trials, this still seems highly unlikely as a consistent explanation across many institutions and individuals. In fact resent trails have employed far stricter controls and even employed sceptics purely to deal with this accusation and have still come up with repeated successful results. I do understand and support those who take a truly agnostic view, the true definition of scepticism, but the unbalanced denial of psi research only serves to create greater division and is as damaging as the outlandish claims at the other end of the spectrum.
Another common problem is the weight given to the James Randi: One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge; although Randi is valuable in his role as a debunker of psychic frauds and charlatans, he has far less value to science. Randi's prize is part of his wider tabloid approach and serves little real purpose beyond his use of it as a slur against scientists courageous enough to ignore the criticisms of pseudo-sceptics and find out for themselves. It is completely illogical and unreasonable to expect a proponent of psi with any intelligence and critical understanding to submit themselves to trails with such an aggressively anti-psi individual who clearly has a whole range of factors and a substantial amount of money on the line. Sceptics who use the Randi Prize as an argument against parapsychology or those genuinely exploring the area are guilty of the same unrealistic views as the worst examples of those they decry. Would sceptics submit themselves to a scientific evaluation by say Uri Geller? No, of course not, they would be well aware it would be biased and no doubt unfair to their position. Sadly, Randi is just as poor a judge to give a fair evaluation of psi. Sceptics need to find better arguments and I would like to see them even embrace the true agnostic basis of scepticism that looks at the facts, and does not simply use attacks and prizes to avoid the real issue, they also need to be aware that there are many individuals who like myself have a genuine interest in the area, and are also informed about common sceptical arguments such as those based upon confirmation bias and magical thinking. I for one want to build a fairer and more open engagement with psi without the endless sceptic vs proponent dynamic.
[edit] Wikipedia
- Neutral point of view - I am a strong supporter of the policy of NPOV.
- Inclusionist - I would define myself as an inclusionist as I believe many articles are overly general and would benefit from more specific sub-articles. I also believe in supporting minority interest articles on Wikipedia.
- Personal attacks - I take a policy of not making personal attacks or replying to them
- View my edit count
[edit] Political views
[edit] Positive Action
I am also involved in positive action against capital punishment and the exploitation of people in poverty as well as the destruction of the environment. Essentially I believe in human rights (as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), freedom of speech, tolerance and compassion. I support Amnesty International, Greenpeace, CND and most if not all groups and individuals involved in the peace movement. I also work for a humanitarian organisation in London with a focus on developing democracy.
[edit] People I like
Below is a list of people who I either admire or find interesting (in no real order):
Siddhartha Gautama | Lao Tzŭ | Mohandas Gandhi | Leo Tolstoy | Pythagoras | George Orwell | Petra Kelly | Gene Sharp | Noam Chomsky | Starhawk | Mumia Abu Jamal | Alexandra David-Neel | Martin Luther King, Jr | Coretta Scott King | Dexter Scott King | Rosa Parks | Tenzin Gyatso | Helen Prejean | S. N. Goenka | Leonardo da Vinci | Nicolaus Copernicus | Julian | Socrates | Plato | Hermes Trismegistus | Aleister Crowley | Austin Osman Spare | Israel Regardie | Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers | Alex Grey | Bob Geldof | Wangari Maathai | Desmond Tutu | Stanley Williams | Thich Nhat Hanh | Guru Nanak | Irene Khan | Paul Rusesabagina | Martha Graham | Aung San Suu Kyi | Philip Berrigan | Kofi Annan | Cyrus II of Persia | William Blake | Albert Einstein | Ammon Hennacy | Hilary Swank | Khalil Gibran | Ray Mears | Merhan Karimi Nasseri | Gerrard Winstanley | Nikola Tesla | Isaac Newton | Orson Welles | H. G. Wells | Thomas Barnardo | Yul Brynner | Richard Bach | Prem Rawat | Shri Gurudev Mahendranath | Peter Benenson | Charles Henry Allan Bennett | Maya Deren | Michael Moore | Dean Radin | Paulo Coelho | Emanuel Swedenborg | Marshall Rosenberg | Manuel Cardoso | Kim Ki-duk | Eckhart Tolle | Vandana Shiva | Naomi Klein | Donald Watson | Melba Pattillo Beals | Elizabeth Eckford | Henry David Thoreau | George Fox | William A. Tiller | Peter Singer | Benjamin Zephaniah | Lafcadio Hearn | Barry Long | Brian David Josephson | Rupert Sheldrake | John Stewart Bell | Andandamayi Ma | Lawrence Leshan | Kary Mullis | Baruch Spinoza
This list is an ongoing process
[edit] Contributions
Including articles I have added to or edited and images I have contributed:
[edit] Articles
Abramelin oil | Abramelin the Mage | Adam Johnson | Adept | Adi Da | Afterlife | Ahimsa | Ahinsa | Alan Watts | Aleister Crowley | Allison DuBois | Ana Voog | Annie Besant | Anomalous phenomenon | Anti-cult movement | Argenteum Astrum | Asceticism | Astral body | Astral projection | Avebury | Benedictine | Blaketashi Darwishes | Camping | Capital punishment | Capital punishment in the United States | Carthusian | Catherine Eddowes | Censorship in the United Kingdom | Compassion | Crime against humanity | Dan Millman | Dancer in the Dark | David Icke | Death Penalty | Deepak Chopra | Devil's Dyke, Sussex | Divination | Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki | Douglas Baker | Dowsing | Earthlings (documentary) | Eckhart Tolle | Electronic voice phenomenon | Eleusinian Mysteries | Elizabeth Eckford | Emanuel Swedenborg | Enlightenment (concept) | Environmental vegetarianism | Eshu | Ethics of eating meat | Evocation | Extra-sensory perception | Falun Gong | Ghost | God in Jainism | Goetia | Golden Dawn tradition | Haridwar | Heaven | Higher Self | Indigo children | Ingo Swann | Institute of Noetic Sciences | JZ Knight | Jainism | James Herbert Brennan | Jane Roberts | John Edward | John Negroponte | John Stewart Bell | Jonas Salk | Joseph McMoneagle | Kabbalah Centre | Khalil Gibran | Kundalini | Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path | Les Brown (motivational speaker) | Lex talionis | List of movies about capital punishment | London Stone | Lunar node | Lunar standstill | Magical thinking | Magick | Make Poverty History | Manly Palmer Hall | Margaret Singer | Matthew Manning | Merhan Karimi Nasseri | Mikha'il Na'ima | Moon | Motivational speaker | Musée de l'Érotisme | Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | Naomi Klein | Near-death experience | Nema | Neopaganism | Nonviolence | Nonviolence International | Noumenon | Occult | Otherkin | Out-of-body experience | Pagan activism | Paramita | Parapsychology | Pathological skepticism | Patty Jenkins | Paulo Coelho | Peace Monitoring Group | Peace movement | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals | Physiognomy | Precognition | Psychic | Psychic detective | Psychometry | Ramtha | Raw food diet | Red-Green Coalition (Norway) | Remote viewing | Reptilian humanoid | Retreat | Richard Bandler | Robert Monroe | Rosa Parks | S. N. Goenka | Sceptics | Scrying | Sephirot (Kabbalah) | Seth Jane Roberts | Shahmai Network | Simon Turnbull | Skepticism | Spiritual discipline | Spiritual evolution | Spiritual practice | Spirituality | Stanley Williams | Steve Irwin | Stop the War Coalition | Stuart Wilde | Sylvan Muldoon | Taizé, Saône-et-Loire | Tattva vision | Temple of Mithras, London | The 120 Days of Sodom | The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | The Kingdom of God is Within You | Thelema | Theurgy | Timothy Treadwell | Tolerance | Tree of life (Kabbalah) | Tulku | Unicursal Hexagram | Uri Geller | Vegan nutrition | Veganism | Vegetarianism and religion | Virtual reality | Visionary | Viva! | Walbrook | Way of the Peaceful Warrior | West Kennet Long Barrow | What The Bleep Do We Know!? | Wicca | William Blake | Yggdrasil | Zos Kia Cultus
[edit] Images
[edit] Pages I created
[edit] Future contributions
[edit] Pages I intend to create
- East Kennet Long Barrow
- Edwin May
- Society of the Inner Light
[edit] Pages I intend to expand
[edit] Awards
The Original Barnstar |
I award you this barnstar for your excellent contributions to paranormal articles. - Dreadlocke ☥ 05:50, 17 January 2007 (UTC) |
The Handshake Award |
The Handshake Award is presented to User:Solar for numerous welcomes! (BB) Kukini 05:20, 23 April 2006 (UTC)
Random Smiley Award |
For your contributions to Wikipedia and humanity in general, you are hereby granted the coveted Random Smiley Award
originated by Pedia-I - TomasBat (Talk) 23:18, 31 January 2007 (UTC) |
[edit] Projects
I am a member of Wikiprojects:
[edit] My stuff
- /Society of the Inner Light
[edit] International Travels
Spent years: |
Spent months: |
Weeks or days: |
To go some day: |
and everywhere in-between.... |
[edit] Other information
VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: This user is opposed to ads on Wikipedia. |
I agree to multi-license all my contributions, with the exception of my user pages and images, as described below:
Multi-licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License versions 1.0 and 2.0 |
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under the GFDL and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides. |