Death metal
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Death metal is a kind of music similar to Heavy metal. Death metal is a very fast, brutal, and energetic style of music. Death metal has technically hard guitar riffs and drum beats, usually requiring years of skill. Almost every Death metal band is complete with double bass drums, and being an evolution of rock and thrash metal, is very drum and guitar oriented and very fast. Lyrics are more focused on pain, suffering, rape, death, monsters, torture, chaos, war, and murder. Death metal vocalist often scream excessively or give haunting grunts. Some artists and groups of this genre are:
- Alastis
- Amon Amarth
- Arch Enemy
- At the Gates
- Atheist
- Bathory
- Cannibal Corpse
- Carcass
- Celtic Frost
- Death
- Deicide
- Emperor
- Entombed
- Hellhammer
- Hypocrisy
- In Flames
- Morbid Angel
- Napalm Death
- Obituary
- Samael
- Tiamat