European Convention on Human Rights
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Countries, which are members of the Council of Europe agreed on certain points written in a document. These points became the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In its shorter form it is European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The Convention also established the European Court of Human Rights (ECoHR).
ECHR had made many protocols. Protocols are set of rules. All member countries must follow these rules.
The ECoHR can give decisions on complaints or cases, which come to it. If a person thinks that any other person has abused his or her human rights, that person may take the matter to the judges of ECoHR. They will listen to the complaint and give their decisions. These decisions must be followed. Even for violation or abuse of human rights by any country, the complaint may be made to the ECoHR. Even governments of the countries have to follow the decisions of the judges of ECoHR.