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Hamas (arabic: حماس , acronym of Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya, Arabic: حركة المقاومة الاسلامية, literally "Islamic Resistance Movement") is a Palestinian Islamist Sunni organisation. It was established in 1987 during the First Intifada. It was started by people who were close to the Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt. The group wants to build a Palestinian state based on Islamic principles in the area that is now Israel.
Hamas claims it has created social networks for supporting the "poor" in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, to hide their terrorist activities. Hamas is known for its military wing, which is known for attacks on Israel and its citizens, killing thousands each year.
In early 2006, Hamas won a landslide victory in the elections of the Palestinian Authority. Due to its history, and its nature, the organisation does not recognise the state of Israel.
Because of numerous suicide bombings on Israeli soil, the United States, the European Union, and other states consider Hamas to be a terrorist organisation. Country ofJordan has banned the group. Hamas is also associated in some way with Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine headed by Ahmed Jabril.
[edit] External links
- Hamas official website (not updated since 2004)
- Hamas websites
- "The Palestinian Information Center" Mideast news from the Hamas point of view. In English.
- Hamas at The Institute for Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel
- The Hamas organization is responsible for more than 425 terror attacks in Israel from November 6, 2000] to April 17, 2004 at IDF
- Suicide Bomber's Father: Let Hamas and Jihad Leaders Send Their Own Sons a letter to the editor of the London Arabic-language daily Al-Hayat. October 8, 2002
- Hamas Fact Sheet and Hamas in Their Own Words at ADL
- Hamas at Council on Foreign Relations, October 2005
- Frequently Asked Questions About Hamas at ABC News
- Springtime for Hamas by Diane West at The Jewish World Review, April 22, 2005
- Hamas vs. America by Daniel Pipes. Published in The New York Sun on May 3, 2005
- Hamas terrorist infrastructures in the regions of Hebron and Ramallah exposed by The Israel Security Agency, October 12, 2005
- Hamas Without Veils. No more hiding behind the PA by Emanuele Ottolenghi in National Review Online, January 26, 2006
- Political earthquake strikes as Hamas wins landslide by Kevin Simpson on CWI Website, January 29, 2006
- BBC: Hamas urges EU not to end funding
- The EU's new Palestine dilemma by Khaled Diab
- Checkmate: the Hamas victory
- Russia is Ready for Dialogue With HAMAS
- Give Hamas Nothing for Free by Dennis Ross. (The Washington Post, p.B07. February 5, 2006)