Diskussion:Alexander Samuelsson
Please Note!
Alexander Samuelson did NOT design the 1915 contour Coca-Cola bottle. It was Earl R. Dean who was the Designer. Yes, Samuelson's name was on the patent, but this doesn't make him the designer. Typically, Chapman J. Root, President of the Root Bottling Company, would put his name on the bottle [[patents]even though he was not a bottle designer. In the case of the contour bottle, Chapman decided to put Samuelson name. Alexander Samuelson was Root Bottling Company's Superintendent. He was not, nor was he ever a bottle designer.
--Gavinmacqueen 8 april 2007 kl. 08.31 (CEST)
The prototype never made it to production since its middle diameter was larger than its base. This would make it unstable on the conveyor belts. Dean reduced the middle diameter...and famous Contour Coca-Cola Bottle was born. —föregående osignerade inlägg skrevs av (diskussion • bidrag) 2007-04-07T01:07:02
NE skriver i artikeln Coca-Cola Company: "Varumärket Coca-Cola inregistrerades 1893, Coke 1945, och den karakteristiska flaskan (formgiven av svenskamerikanen Alex Samuelson) introducerades 1916." torvindus • Et tu, Brute? 7 april 2007 kl. 01.33 (CEST)
- Tänkte bara visa en bild. [1] Hur jag än letar så hittar jag mestadels uppgifter om Samuelsson, tex. [2].
En annan intressant uppgift på [3] som påstår att det var AS idé men att Clyde Edwards designade.
Torvindus hänvisade till NE om att det var AS. Kan ingen skriva direkt till C-C och fråga (nån som kan engelska bättre än mig)? En:wiki har iallafall Earl R. Dean som designer och AS nämns i förbigående. / Indianarrow 7 april 2007 kl. 02.56 (CEST)
[redigera] kännedom
Mig namn er Jeff Dean. JAG er den sonson av Earl R. Dean , formgivaren om Kontur Coca-Cola flaska. Alexandria Samuelson är inte formgivaren om Kontur Coca-Cola flaska. Behaga läsa den följande websites. Hoppas du kanna läsa engelsk.
Official Coca-Cola websites: [4] [5] [6]
Other sites: [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
Också den Coca-cola sällskap har angelägenhet förorätta. De trodde formgivaren av flaska är personen vem er namn är ovanför patenten. Chapman J. Root, President av glass sällskap vanligtvis lägga hans namn ovanför flaskan patenterad. Utom när mig farfar designat contour flaska , han tillåtet Samuelson's namn till vara ovanför patenterad. Där inne dag konturen flaska var betraktat som rättvis en flaska , ingenting speciell. i deras tid , nej person trodde den var går till bli så berömd idag. Annars , Jag er säker Chapman skulle har gjord säker så pass min farfar namn var ovanför patenterad i stället. När patenterad advokat var gjort med det prototypen dragandet och sedan dess patenterad kontor bara behövde en framsida syn av flaska , han gav formgivaren den annan halva av dragandet. Så pass formgivaren var Earl R. Dean , min farfar. Idag , min fader har besittande av så pass dragandet. Han också har besittande av original prototypen. Den Coca-cola Sällskap äga annan en. Min fader är redan meddelar med Phil Mooney, Coca-Cola's Arkivarien till besluta den här lämna ut. Snart , all Officiell Coca-cola spindelväv vilja kredit min Farfar den skosula formgivaren.
Tack själv,
--Gavinmacqueen 8 april 2007 kl. 08.32 (CEST)
- Jeff, I suggest you do not use an automated translation programme. Better put your view forward in english, since your contribution is in swenglish and rather difficult to understand. However, do know that official swedish sources (our national encyclopedia) state that Samuelsson is the designer of the bottle. Other sources state that Samuelsson was one of several people working with the design of the bottle, whether he was a designer or not. As you understand, the fame of the creation of an icon like the Coca-Cola bottle is something which obviously several people have reason to claim. Therefor, in true Wikipedia style, please continue to argue for your case in this talk page, but do not just add your edits to the article. Wikipedia is all about consensus, not about edit wars. Riggwelter 7 april 2007 kl. 10.47 (CEST)
- I have included a note about Earl R. Deans claim of being the designer. The article now sais something like: Samuelsson is said to have designed the famous Coca-Colas contoure glassbottle in 1915, at the very least his name is mentioned on the patent. Samuelson was the superintendent for the Root Bottling Company and other claims say that Earl R. Dean did the actual designing of the bottle. I hope that this edit will satisfy everyone here. --MiCkEdb 7 april 2007 kl. 11.26 (CEST)
[redigera] Thank you Micke...
...and yes, I agree. Those translators Suck!!! ...lol.
Below is what I was trying to say using the bloody translator:
I thought you should know that Alexander Samuelsson did not design or invent the famous contour Coca-Cola bottle. Yes, his name was on the patent, naming him as the inventor. But if you knew how the company dealt with patents, you would know that they never put the actual designer on the patent. In the case of the Root Glass Company, Chapman J. Root, in almost every case, put his son's name on the companies bottle patents. Why he did this...no one is sure. Ironically, out of the four people who were part of the bottle project, Samuelsson had the least to do with it. Samuelsson was not hired on as a bottle designer. He was the plant superintendent. Chapman's decision to put Samuelsson's name on the patent has resulted in the true designer not getting the recognition he deserved. Rumor has it that Samuelson was never even a glass-blower, but a blacksmith.
Please don't feel bad, most of the Coca-Cola sites have the story wrong as well. I have found three Official Coca-Cola websites which give credit to the correct designer. Please take a look: [14] [15] [16]
Please let me introduce myself. My name is Jeff Dean, the grandson of the contour bottle's designer, Earl R. Dean. I'm on a mission to revert the credit back to my grandfather. My Father is currently writing a book on the issue. He also has been in contact with the Coca-Cola Companies, Archivist, Pillup Mooney. My father and I are hoping to have the full credit reverted back to Earl R. Dean by the end of this year.
Please don't hesitate to write me here if you have any questions or concerns.
Best regards,
--Gavinmacqueen 8 april 2007 kl. 08.29 (CEST)