The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby
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The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby is a children's book written by Dav Pilkey. It is part of the Captain Underpants series.
[edit] Summary
George and Harold got in trouble by running skateboards over ketchup packs in the gymnasium by their school principal, Mr. Krupp. Their punishment was to write a 100-page essay on "Good Citizenship." Mr. Krupp reminded George and Harold to not write a 100-page comic book about Captain Underpants. So they made a new comic book about a new superhero. However, this results in them writing on a blackboard appologizing for writing a comic.
Mary and Bill Hoskins quickly rush to the hospital because of pregnancy. Meanwhile, two criminals named Deputy Dangerous and Danger Dog steal Captain Underpants's super powers by tricking him into going into a laundromat. They strap him down and zap him with a machine called the "Super Power Taker-Awayer Ray 2000". Deputy Dangerous then gives Danger Dog some of the juice generated by the machine to give him super powers. But just as Dangerous is about drink the juice himself, the police appear to arrest them. Deputy Dangerous takes off on Danger Dog, with the police giving chase.
Back in the hospital, Mary and Bill give birth to a baby and the doctor has to spank the baby. The spanking accidentally sends the baby out of a window and it flies into the bucket of super power juice just as Deputy Dangerous was passing by. The baby drinks the juice, causing him to gain super powers. Dangerous yells at the baby for drinking the juice, but the baby fights back, leaving the police to arrest Deputy Dangerous and Danger Dog.
But Depty Dangerous, who is determined to get the super powers back from the baby (named Billy), soon breaks out of jail using Danger Dog's super powers, and they create a crib. They both give it to the Hoskins family under the ailases of Deputy Un-Dangerous and Safety Dog. That night, Deputy Dangerous gets ready to take away Billy's super powers through the crib he made, but at that moment, Billy calls for his diaper to be changed. As Mary takes Billy out of the crib, it transfers the poop Billy made to Deputy Dangerous, turning him into a piece of poop.
Deputy Dangerous swears revenge on Billy, and creates a giant robotic ant, while Danger Dog, at the expense of Dangerous, decides to rename him "Deputy Doo-Doo". During the subsequent attack on the city, Danger Dog is more interested in goofing off than committing actual evil. Meanwhile, Billy hears of the rampaging ant, and fasioning his blanket into a cape, he flies off to stop it. However, Deputy Doo-Doo gets the best of Super Diaper Baby, and takes him to be thrown into a nuclear power plant. However, at the last moment, Danger Dog saves Super Diaper Baby, while the giant ant loses balance and falls into the power plant instead.
Danger Dog then takes Billy back home. Mary and Bill consider keeping "Safety Dog" as a pet, but the landlord disagrees, voicing his concern that the dog might defecate in the house. The parents inprovise, saying that they can make the dog wear a diaper, and the landlord changes his mind and lets them keep him. So Danger Dog is renamed Diaper Dog, and becomes part of the family.
Meanwhile, back at the power plant, radioactivity causes Deputy Doo-Doo to grow into a giant, and he resumes his rampage through the city. Super Diaper Baby and Diaper Dog fly out to stop him, but Diaper Dog notes that they shouldn't touch the now-radioactive Deputy Doo-Doo. Instead, they trick him to attack himself, and they eventually wrap him up using a giant toilet paper roll (taken from the top of a building), and dispose him at the planet Uranus.
On the way back to Earth, they stop by at a Starbutts, where they discover that they offer super power juice. They decide to take some back to Earth, and they go to the laundromat where Captain Underpants is still captured. They restore his powers, and all is right with the world.
[edit] Trivia
- Billy was originally going to be named Spanky, due to him spanking his doctor (this is referenced in the doctor's quote "You should have named him 'Spanky'"). However, Dav Pilkey decided to rename him Billy so that he can have his parents say the lyrics to Billy Don't Be a Hero by Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods.
- Billy and Diaper Dog are seen in Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. When Melvin is reading the comic about him, they are both being sent to jail.
- In the "Flip-O-Rama" sections, every few pages contain an instructional paragraph about which pages to flip. The first few Flip-O-Ramas say the same thing, but eventually the paragraphs contain other information, such as silly jokes and hidden messages from Dav Pilkey.
[edit] External links
Captain Underpants | |
Main series | The Adventures of... | Talking Toilets | Cafeteria Ladies From Outer Space | Professor Poopypants | Wicked Wedgie Woman | Bionic Booger Boy | Purple Potty People | Tippy Tinkletrousers |
Other | Super Diaper Baby | 2 | FrankenFart | Book o' Fun | 2 | Cartoon-O-Rama 1 |