Uprightness of all Sahaba
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- This is a sub-article to Sunni view of the Sahaba.
The Uprightness of all Sahaba is a Sunni doctrine. In accordance with it, it is a sin to curse or reject the Sahaba.
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[edit] Definition
By uprightness can be meant "Sidq", "truthfulness" is meant, and several individuals are also specifically called "al-Siddiq" by Sunnis, most notably Abu Bakr and Fatima Zahra.
It can also refer to the Arabic "udul".
Sunni write:
- One of the fundamental beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama`ah that at times distinguishes them from (Shi'a) heretics is their belief in the Companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and all that has been mentioned about their virtues, merits and characteristics in the Qur'an and Sunnah. [1]
And also:
- Undoubtedly, such phrases as
- "did all the Sahaba enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong? No"
- shall come as millstones around the neck of their speakers on the Day of Judgment, when they shall be facing the Sahaba - and the Prophet (saw)- in shame. And Allah Most High might ask them: What business did you have reviling the men and women I chose as Companions for My Most Beloved, Most Respected, Most Praised Servant?? [2]
In al-Nasa'ih al-Kaafiyah page 130, Muhammad din Aqeeal Shaafi whilst discussing the justice of the companions states:
- "prior to the murder of Hadhrath Uthman all the Sahaba were Adil (Just). After his murder, fitnah arose and a viewpoint developed that those who fought against Hadhrath 'Ali were fasiq because they rebelled against the rightful Imam". [3]
[edit] Hadith
[edit] don't curse my companions
They quote the "don't curse my companions".
[edit] my companions are like the star
They quote the "my companions are like the star" hadiths in support of this view.
[edit] Sunni view
[edit] Isnad
- "...the Hanafis do not differ from the rest of the Sunnis in that Abu Bakrah is a Companion and the Companions are all Upright (`udul) without exception among the Sunnis by Consensus as per Imam al-Haramayn and others. The Fiqh al-Akbar and Aqida Tahawiyya show no exception and from the first moments of the discussion on whose riwaya is accepted and whose not, the category of potentially impugned (qustioned) narrators is precluded (excluded) from the Companions of the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace." [4]
- According to the general Sunni school of thought, all of the Sahaba were truthful, reliable and Upright. Sunnis regard all Sahaba as great people and the best of Earth's generations. The second best are the taba'een, and the third are the following generation, the tabi' taba'een, and serve as a guide to humanity. Sunnis consider that the Sahaba may have different ranks, as explained by Sheikh Gibril Haddad [5]:
- There is Consensus among Ahl al-Sunna that the Sahaba are all of the highest probity (`udul); in addition, their precision (dabt) is not called into question except in cases of conflicting Companion-reports of equal strength, such as the corrections of our Mother `A'isha for several reports from other Sahaba (although not all her corrections were retained). Ibn Rajab said the fatwa of Abu Bakr and `Umar has precedence over all the rest. The upshot is that ALL the Sahaba are trustworthy (thiqa) in hadith without exception, but some more than others, e.g. the ahl al-fatwa and the senior ones. [6]
In one article [7], Sheikh Faraz Rabbani notes:
- "Someone who speaks ill of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him, his family, and companions) has innovation (bid'a) in matters of belief, and is going against the way of Ahl al-Sunna in this matter. Speaking ill of the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is a dangerous sign, and it is feared that such a person may have other methodological variances--intellectual or nafsanic--from the way of mainstream traditional Islamic scholarship."
[edit] Shi'a view
Shi'a reject this view with multiple arguments especially since there is absolutely no evidence in the Qur'an of any such immunity with regards to all the companions of Muhammad nor the sub companion groups who followed later in history as being infallible and free from sin. Thus for anyone to say that to follow blindly any companion of Muhammad goes against the principles of the Qur'an which categorically states that obedience is strictly to Allah, Muhammad, and those authorized by Allah as leaders (4:59). Those authorized by Allah are referred by the Quran as Ul-ul-Amr, which certainly does not mean Sahaba.
The word Sahaba in its full form is Sahaba -e- Rasool Allah (Companions of the Messenger of God) itself means people who stayed in the company of the Prophet Muhammad , and it would be naive to say that all people who stayed in the company of the Prophet were pious. Had it been the case, the Prophet and his family would have been supported by influential Muslims rather than pagans during the rigourious three years in exile in Shaib-e-Abi Talib. Had all the companions be pious men of character, the Muslim army would not have been defeated at Uhud. Did not the archers leave their stations to collect the booty and allowed Khalid Bin Walid to advance onto the Muslim Army from the rear? So can these greedy people who disobeyed the Prophet be considered as pious? Disobedience of the Prophet is disobedience of Allah!
The Shi'a hold the progeny of Mohammad to be the best of all people, as they (AS) teach the true doctrine of Islam and teaching of Muhammad (AS). The first Shi'a Imam Ali was specifically designated as the Prophet's successor in the hadith 'Man kunte maula, fahaza Ali - un- Maulao'. (Ali is the master of all those, whose master I am). And another hadith, 'I will have twelve Caliphs and all of them will be from Quraysh', thus solidifying the claim of the twelve Shia Imams. Both these hadiths can be found in the Sunni 'Sahah' (collection of hadiths).
Thus, if a group of companions ignore the Prophet and conspire against Ali (AS) to gain power and position, they are defying the Allah and His Messenger and depriving the progency of Muhammad (AS) of their right. Such people cannot be held pious of favourable is the eyes of Allah and His Messenger as they defied the word of God. True, they had the ultimate of honour being the company of the Prophet , but alas! not all of them were able to seek the true path and deviated from it for their personal gains.
[edit] Non-Muslim view
[edit] See also
- Not mentioning the faults of the Sahaba
- All Sahaba go to heaven
- Cursing Sahaba is Kufr
[edit] References
[edit] External links
- answering-ansar - Cursing Sahaba; Shari'i penalty