Talk:Wendy Campbell
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[edit] Old discussion
It is biased to write an article on Wendy Cambell with out making light of her views that have branded her with controversy.Limbojones 00:03, 30 January 2006 (UTC)
- To accuse Wendy Campbell of being "anti-semitic" is the typical defamation of character that Zionist activists such as "limbojones" participate in to silence those who disagree with their views. Feb. 15, 2006
I am not a "Zionist Activist." However, I have read just about every article she has written on her website. It is unfair and one sided to just list her soley as a "veteran peace activist" and a proponent of the Palestinian cause. The fact that she believes zionists and many jews hold a "Jewish-Supremacist" ideology is a significant part of her viewpoint agenda and deserves mention. Accordingly, many have accused her of being anti-semetic and it deserves mention in the Wikipedia article. Wikipedia is a living document. Limbojones 19:33, 15 February 2006 (UTC)
- Limbo Jones IS a Zionist activist who could legitimately be labelled an "anti-semite" because Palestinians are Semitic and surely Limbojones is so concerned with Wendy Campbell primarily because she believes that Palestinians must be considered as complete equals in the Holy Land, aka Palestine aka Israel. Israel is currently a Jewish state where ONLY those of Jewish background/ethnicity have competely equal rights. Wendy Campbell is not against people who are Jewish per se, but against current organized "Jewish politics" that supports the notion of a Jewish state of Israel at the expense of the non-Jewish Palestinian people. Currently organized Jewry in the USA supports a Jewish state at the expense of the Palestinian people, who are the indigenous people of that land, and Palestinians are also Semitic people. Many Jewish people agree with Wendy Campbell's politics calling for Israel to become a truly democratic country, such as Israel Shamir, Gilad Atzmon, Jeffrey Blankfort and many others. American taxpayers are required to support Israel with billions of their tax dollars every year, while they are generally unaware that Israel is not an American-style democracy, and has been persecuting non-Jewish Palestinian people since the Jewish state of Israel was created in 1948.
- One can tell who someone is by what the say and the actions they take. You are accusing Wendy Campbell of being "anti-Semitic" which is a common smear thrown at people who believe that Israel should be a true American-style democracy with completely equal rights for all, including all the Palestinian refugees who should be allowed to return to their ancestral land of Palestine-Israel. It is their right according to UN Resolutions and International Law. Some Jews who also agree with this are smeared as "self-hating Jews", whereas all others are smeared as "anti-Semitic" or "nazi" or "white supremacist", etc.
You ( dont even know who I am. And I do believe we should keep discussion of our "edit fight" within this message board as wikipedia is open forum, that Is why I will not email you. I also agree with some of the recent edits to the article made by other users as they contribute to making the article more NPOV. Limbojones 20:23, 15 February 2006 (UTC)
Also, simply stating that many people consider her to be Anti-semetic is not a statement of opinion, it is a statement of fact. It simply is a fact that many that do not share her beliefs do beleive she is an anti-semite. Therefore, it is within NPOV Limbojones
lioness4" is simply Wendy Campbell herself, as the canned and predictable rhetoric makes clear. It is IDENTICAL to that found in Campbell's articles and with the same sense of self-importance, libel of all of her critics as by definition "zionists" etc. The fact of the matter is that Ms. Campbell (known by many as "KKKlanbell") is indeed a white supremacist and explicit anti-Jewish racist who, for instance, regularly refers to "Jew York City" and the "Jew York Times" and is a fervent defender of the viewpoint of Ernest Zundel, author of "The Hitler we loved and why". She is a holocaust denier and a Nazi sympathizer, as any perusal of her Marwen Media website makes clear. She has openly and unapologetically posted regular contributions to the Neo-Nazi National Alliance's "National Vanguard" website and similar fascist sites. She has been banned from many of even the most anti-zionist "Indymedias" for her blatant anti-Jewish racism, and links to neo-Nazi URL's. Her anti-Judaism also led to her being repudiated by Sue Blackwell, the leader of the movement in the UK to boycott Israel. All of this can easily be verified by just a few webclicks. Virtually all of the "Jews" she cites as allies are in fact, EX-Jews who have written the most libelous racist attacks on the Jewish people and the Jewish religion.
Lioness4/IP Do you refer to anyone that does not conform to your world view a "zionist activist?" Limbojones 20:54, 16 February 2006 (UTC)
- The person who makes the libelous claims against Wendy Campbell, accusing her of being a "fervent defender of the viewpoint of Ernst Zundel" and being a "white supremacist" as well as a "holocaust denier" and "Nazi sympathizer", is obviously a Zionist activist resorting to ad hominen attacks because he/she does not agree with her viewpoints: namely, Israel must be pressured to become a real American-style democracy with completely equal rights for all regardless of religion, race, creed or ethnicity; that the Palestinian refugees must be allowed their right to return to their ancestral homeland of Palestine-Israel as equals; that it is an infringement on our freedom of speech to outlaw questioning any aspect of "The Holocaust". In many countries it is against the law to question various claims by Jewish (and other) historians about what happened to Jews during WWII in Europe. Now there are more laws being made around the world making it a crime to question other historical events, such as the genocide against Armenians in Turkey in 1915. But it is an on-going crime what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people: ethnic cleansing. There should be no double standards anywhere: if it is OK to print insulting, inflammatory cartoons of Mohammad, then it should be OK to print such cartoons about the Holocaust OR if it's not OK to print cartoons poking fun at the Holocaust then it should not be OK to print cartoons about Mohammad, or Jesus for that matter. If apartheid was bad in South Africa, then apartheid is bad in Israel. If segregation is bad for the US then it is bad for Israel. If WMD is bad for Iran then it is bad for Israel. For more info on apartheid in Israel check out For more info on the "Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict" check out For more info on Zionism check out There must be no double standards. If American-style democracy is good for the US then it is good for Israel, a theocracy with an apartheid regime. We should strive to live by The Golden Rule, not The Gold Rules. If Israel doesn't want to hear that some want Israel to be "wiped off the map" then Israel should stop trying to wipe Palestine off the map.
Lioness4/IP wrote: "The person who makes the libelous claims against Wendy Campbell, accusing her of being a "fervent defender of the viewpoint of Ernst Zundel" and being a "white supremacist" as well as a "holocaust denier" and "Nazi sympathizer", is OBVIOUSLY a Zionist activist resorting to ad hominen attacks because he/she does not agree with her viewpoints"
+ In her postings across the internet, Wendy Campbell arrogantly assumes that SHE ALONE (as well as her Fascist allies like Israel Shamir, aka Joran Jermas aka Adam Ermash) is entitled to determine who is a true friend of the Palestinian cause. Thankfully, racist vermin such as them are rightly repudiated by most supporters of this cause. And further examples of Wendy's support for genocide against Jews can be found in an exchange on the Robert Lindsay blog this past fall in which she told him that whatever persecution the Jews suffered in Germany was their own doing and richly deserved, as well as in her interview with several Belgian neo-nazi white supremacists where she agreed with "Dr." Kevin MacDonald that Judaism is a group evolutionary strategy designed to "enslave non-Jews" (the latter is posted on her own Marwen Media website). All of these are quite relevant points that should be brought up in this article, despite her obvious attempts-under a variety of disguises-to censor them (anti-fascist activist).
Based on your logic, anyone whom does not conform to the viewpoints or world view of Wendy Campbell is automatically branded a "Zionist activist". This sounds like a double standard to me. Limbojones
Lioness4: The fact is that all Zionist Jewish writers/politcians/activists or Zionist Christian writers/politicians/activists are all virulently anti-semitic/anti-Palestinian. This is simply a fact. Palestinians are truly Semitic people. But do people go around calling all the Zionists anti-semitics? No. Therefore there should be no double standards. The word "anti-Semitic" was coined apparently by Nazis to refer to Jews and now Zionists are using that label to vilify anyone who criticizes Zionism and the Jewish (supremacist) state of Israel, even though Israel is an apartheid state that has been guilty of the ethnic-cleansing of the Semitic people known as the Palestinians, simply because they are not Jewish. Therefore, the fact is that Limbojones has truly revealed himself to be anti-Semitic, since he seems to be opposing Ms. Campbell's view that Israel should transform from a racist, Jewish supremacist state into a true American-style democracy in all of Israel-Palestine with completely equal rights for all regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender or creed. Many human rights activists, including many Jewish human rights activists, now also believe in this vision, which can be accomplished along the exact same lines that apartheid South Africa was transformed into a true American-style democracy for all.
As far as Jewish power goes, it is undeniable that there is a huge percentage of Jewish influence in American media, law and government. Jewish lobbies are perhaps the most powerful of all lobbies. Unfortunately, what is happening now is an abuse of that power, resulting in double standards that create grave injustices, wars and infringements on freedom of speech.
Wendy, I dont know why you object to a simple statement of two facts in the Wikipedia article about yourself; The first fact being that in your writings, you often assert that Jews weild too much power. The second fact being that many of your critics consider you do be anti-semetic/anti-jewish. These are not libelous statements, but are simply facts. They can be confirmed by a simple visit to your website, a quick perousal of the comments on your postings at any indymedia site, and a reference to such websites as or Limbojones 07:24, 23 February 2006 (UTC)
Conflict in Bosnia/Herzegovenia: Ethnic Cleansing
- Conflict in Darfur region of Sudan: Ethnic Cleansing
- The Holocaust: Ethnic cleansing of non aryans
- Americas expansion into the west: ethnic cleansing
- - Wendy: Most reasonable people unequivically consider the above listed examples to be ethnic cleansing. In the Holocaust Jews, Jehovahs Witnesses, homosexuals and other minorities were rounded up, interred in camps and systematically executed simply because of thier religion, ethnicity or way of life. In the Darfur conflict, Janjaweed militia have systematically pillaged black african villages and murdered their inhabitants. - - Wendy: Please qualify how the tit for tat war occuring in Israel and the Palestinian territiories is ethnic cleansing. In the 58 year history of Israel, there have been isolated incidents where a captive group of arabs or jews were murdered by the opposing force. For example, In the case of Sabra and Shatilla, Lebanese Maronite Christians were permitted by the Israeli army to enter a palestinian refugee camps near the Beirut suburbs and murder innocent palestinian arabs. However, horrific events such as this are not been the norm of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. - - You also refered to the security fence as an 'appartheid wall.' This is a double misnomer; first, the security fence is mostly constructed of chain link fence and barbed wire, not a berlin-like concrete wall, which we often see on news reports. The Affrikans word 'appartheid' literally means seperateness. Apartheid was a policy of isolating black africans and providing them with few, if any of the rights whites were privy to. While the wall does separate the west bank from Israel proper, it was not built for xenophobic reasons. It was built to provide security and prevent suicide bombers from entering Israeli busses and restarants where thousands have been murdered. - - Additionally, a similar fence has surrounded the Gaza Strip that has existed since the days of Egypt's authoritarian military control (pre-1967) over the area. Israel has now fully disengaged from the area and it is under full Palestinian-Arab control. - - Israel is a democracy. it is not a perfect democracy and is not an american democracy. If fact, there is only one american style democracy in the world. If israel must become an american style democracy, Should England become an american style democracy? Should Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Russia and China all become american style democracies? Please qualify your assertions. - - Wendy, why do you post your writings on white separatist websites such as National Vanguard, an admitted white supremacist/separatist (think apartheid) group that encourages segregation?
The subject matter is ONLY: Why is apartheid OK in Israel? It's NOT OK in South Africa and segregation is NOT OK in the USA. Therefore, apartheid and ethnic cleansing are NOT OK in Israel. That and only that is the subject matter at hand. Apparently Limbo Jones and others who libel Ms. Campbell, think that apartheid and ethnic cleansing are OK in Israel-Palestine.
The subject matter is ONLY “Wendy Campbell”: (Limbo Jones).
Please admit you are Wendy Cambell. You are not fooling anyone. You make your assertions yet refuse to support them. It is impossible to have a discussion with you as you refuse to provide any support for your statements. Predictibly, you will mask the views of those that do not conform with your world view and delete this post. Your lack of support for your statements and lack of rebuttal to my response leads me along with other reasonable people to believe you have no evidence for your grand theories.
As Wendy's latest response proves (she honestly "thinks" she's fooling us by writing in the third person about "Ms. Campbell"), she is intellectually incapable of understanding the very simple and direct points that Limbo Jones is making. It is a complete non-sequitor to assert that anyone who rightly rejects Klanbell's vile, gutteral racism against Jews and support for their Nazi persectuors is by definition an enemy of the Palestinian people or any sort of "zionist" (which for racists like her is simply a codeword for "dirty, malignant Jew"). Once again, she arrogantly assumes that SHE ALONE (as well as her Fascist allies like Israel Shamir, aka Joran Jermas aka Adam Ermash) is entitled to determine who is a true friend of the Palestinian cause. Thankfully, racist vermin such as them are rightly repudiated by most supporters of this cause. And further examples of Wendy's support for genocide against Jews can be found in an exchange on the Robert Lindsay blog this past fall in which she told him that whatever persecution the Jews suffered in Germany was their own doing and richly deserved, as well as in her interview with several Belgian neo-nazi white supremacists where she agreed with "Dr." Kevin MacDonald that Judaism is a group evolutionary strategy designed to "enslave non-Jews" (the latter is posted on her own Marwen Media website). All of these are quite relevant points that should be brought up in this article, despite her obvious attempts-under a variety of disguises-to censor them (anti-fascist activist).
My prediction exactly. I dont even think she read what I wrote. Wendy's immediate deletion of my response is evidence she has no proof for her statements and wishes to censure those that do not conform to her world view. - - Her deletion of any additions she does not agree with to her wikipedia article is further evidence of this.
Wendy Campbell, who regularly posts to this page as Lioness4/IP has repeatedly removed my and Limbo Jones comments in explicit violation of the wikipedia rules for contributors spelled out at the top of this page. She and/or her delegated lackey's have done this over 10 times, seeking to censor any critical perspective on her "activism", especially her documented involvement and support of neo-nazi/white supremacist individuals and groups. For this explicit violation of the Wikipedia rules-and her refusal to contribute in good faith to this board which includes accepting disagreement and debate-I am asking the Wikipedia posters that her IP -and that of anyone else who seeks to censor opposing views-be PERMANENTLY BANISHED from this board. There should be no acceptance of fascist attempts at censorship of opposing views. As for myself, I will make sure to locate and repost EVERY SINGLE ONE of our publications and will assure Wendy/Lioness that I will continue to do this AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN until your attempts to censor and silence are throughly defeated on this board -anti-fascist activist.
00:33, 1 April 2006 (UTC)~ All I can say is that so far, none of the reactions to the report (below) has proved the authors wrong. KL,,1743769,00.html
US professors accused of being liars and bigots over essay on pro-Israeli lobby
Julian Borger in Washington Friday March 31, 2006 The Guardian <>
An article by two prominent American professors arguing that the pro-Israel lobby exerts a dominant and damaging influence on US foreign policy has triggered a furious row, pitting allegations of anti-semitism against claims of intellectual intimidation. Stephen Walt, the academic dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and John Mearsheimer, a political science professor at the University of Chicago, published two versions of the essay, the Israel Lobby, in the London Review of Books and on a Harvard website.
The pro-Israel lobby and its sway over American policy has always been a controversial issue, but the professors' bluntly worded polemic created a firestorm, drawing condemnation from left and right of the political spectrum.
Professor Walt's fellow Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz - criticised in the article as an "apologist" for Israel - denounced the authors as "liars" and "bigots" in the university newspaper, The Harvard Crimson, and compared their arguments to neo-Nazi literature.
"Accusations of powerful Jews behind the scenes are part of the most dangerous traditions of modern anti-semitism," wrote two fellow academics, Jeffrey Herf and Andrei Markovits, in a letter to the London Review of Books. Critics also pointed out that the article had been praised by David Duke, a notorious American white supremacist.
Prof Mearsheimer said the storm of protest proved one of its arguments - that the strength of the pro-Israel lobby stifled debate on US foreign policy.
"We argued in the piece that the lobby goes to great lengths to silence criticism of Israeli policy as well as the US-Israeli relationship, and that its most effective weapon is the charge of anti-semitism," Prof Mearsheimer told The Guardian. "Thus, we expected to be called anti-semites, even though both of us are philo-semites and strongly support the existence of Israel."
He added: "Huge numbers of people know this story to be true but are afraid to say it because they would punished by pro-Israeli forces."
Soon after the publication of the article it was announced that Prof Walt would step down from his job as academic dean at the end of June. However, the Kennedy School and Prof Walt's colleagues said that the move had long been planned.
The Kennedy school removed its cover page from the online version of the article but said in a statement: "The only purpose of that removal was to end public confusion; it was not intended, contrary to some interpretations, to send any signal that the school was also 'distancing' itself from one of its senior professors."
"The University of Chicago and Harvard University have behaved admirably in difficult circumstances. We have had the full support of our respective institutions," Prof Mearsheimer said.
The article argues that the US has "been willing to set aside its own security and that of many of its allies" to advance Israeli interests, largely as a result of pressure from Jewish American groups such as the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) allied to pro-Zionist Christian evangelists and influential Jewish neo-conservatives such as former Pentagon officials Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and Richard Perle. It argues their combined influence was critical in the decision to go to war in Iraq.
Writing in the online magazine, Slate, the British-born journalist Christopher Hitchens criticised the authors' "over-fondness for Jewish name-dropping" and argued that the first occasion the neo-conservatives had a significant influence on foreign policy was to press the Clinton administration to intervene on behalf of Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo.
No AIPAC officials would comment about the controversy on the record.
Yesterday Prof Mearsheimer said: "We went out of our way to say that the lobby is simply engaging in interest group politics, which is as American as apple pie."
This very long post above is absolutely irrelevent to the subject of this article which is once again: "Wendy Campbell". There is no reason to believe that either Walt or Mearsheimer would have any agreement or sympathy with her explicitly Neo-Nazi perspective on Judaism and Jews. It is therefore dishonest for her to "hide behind" this current controversy which again is of no relevance to the topic of this page. (anti-fascist activist).
⇒ SWATJester Ready Aim Fire! 10:24, 29 March 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Rewriting of paragraph
I rewrote the last paragraph in the article. It was sort of against WP:WEASEL; we should try to stay away from any sort of statement like "some of ... consider", as such a statement really has very little content. Moreover, I don't think we actually have to say that some of her critics consider her anti-semitic, it's sort of a priori obvious. And if we really want to say that she has been accused of anti-semitism, we really should have a source backing that up. --Deville (Talk) 00:31, 5 April 2006 (UTC)
- I agree with your rewrite Limbojones 02:44, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
- Rewritten to include antisemitism criticisms (hell some of them are located on this very page), but without using the weasel word "some". As for the obviousness of it....well some people aren't smart enough to extrapolate that. ⇒ SWATJester
Ready Aim Fire! 05:42, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
- Rewritten to include antisemitism criticisms (hell some of them are located on this very page), but without using the weasel word "some". As for the obviousness of it....well some people aren't smart enough to extrapolate that. ⇒ SWATJester
- I agree, it is certainly better than it once was, and hopefully Antifascist won't come back and revert it again. Better still would be an explicit reference to someone of note accusing her of anti-Semitism, do we have something like that? It could be, however, that noone of note has taken the time to say it; I still think it's sort of clear once one looks at that link that she will be, at the least, open to charges of anti-Semitism. --Deville (Talk) 14:36, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Sue Blackwell Incident
Article from Jerusalem Post, May 5, 2005 (grabbed from lexis nexis)
LENGTH: 654 words
HEADLINE: UK academic boycott instigator has Web links to neo- Nazi sites
BYLINE: Yaakov Lappin Jerusalem Post Correspondent
BODY: LONDON - The Web site of Sue Blackwell, the Birmingham lecturer who presented motions calling for boycotts of Israeli universities, contains a recommended link to a Web site owned by an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi activist. Wendy Campbell, who owns the MarWen Media Web site, has promoted Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories discussing unrivaled Jewish power and maintains an additional Web site entitled Exposing Israeli Apartheid which is also linked by Blackwell.
MarWen Media, which is linked directly from Blackwell's Web site, advocates the views of Kevin Macdonald, an anti-Semitic pro-Nazi author, who has claimed Jews are responsible for a breeding program" to conquer other "races."
Under the heading "Sue Blackwell's links on Israel and Palestine Blackwell provides a link to the MarWen site, along with the following description: MarWen Media offers the latest in groundbreaking documentaries breaking through barriers and taboos that mainstream media - and even most alternative media do not venture." Blackwell writes that "the documentaries mostly about Israel Zionism and Palestine are by Wendy Campbell; see her other site Exposing Israeli Apartheid."
Combining anti-Semitic conspiracy theories Holocaust denial and vilification of Israel Campbell writes: "It is no accident that Israeli 'security' is now the centerpiece of US foreign policy. How are the highly placed "friends of Israel" able to bamboozle so much of the world?"
She peddles Holocaust denial saying It's a staggering fact that in numerous 'free, Western democracies' (such as Germany, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and others) it's a crime to question the official Jewish death toll figures or the gas chamber story in the events now called The Holocaust. Penalties include fines and actual imprisonment! Holocaust heretic Ernst Zundel was deported from the US to Canada where he spent two years in solitary confinement. Now he sits in a German prison. Who's next?
MarWen Media offers a videotaped interview with Kevin MacDonald accompanied by the following description: "Prof. Kevin MacDonald is the author of three groundbreaking books on Judaism the most recent being The Culture of Critique. In it MacDonald concludes that Jewish intellectual movements including Freudian psychology Marxism (including other radical Leftist politics) the Frankfurt School of Social Research the New York intellectuals and others including right-wing NeoConservatism have all been designed to advance specifically Jewish interests - often at the expense of non-Jewish interests. MacDonald's incisive analyses offer an alternative view of western history and has the potential to change the course of major events still unfolding."
MacDonald is a pseudo-intellectual white supremacist who claims that Jews have been practicing a breeding program "masked" as a Jewish religious code in a sinister bid to subjugate the world and holds that Jews are responsible for an impending "race war" in the US.
Blackwell who was described by columnist David Aaronovitch as a "former Christian fundamentalist has said on her Web page that I do not include links to sites which promote either racism or terrorism. This has always been my policy and applies to all my 200+ Web pages not just this one."
Her Web site is reported to be under a House of Commons Committee investigation for a previous link to a Web site blaming Jews for the 9/11 attacks.
Ronnie Fraser chairman of the Academic Friends of Israel group told The Jerusalem Post that he was "shocked but not surprised."
"Sue Blackwell denies being an anti-Semite but her denial of being anti-Semitic cannot be taken seriously in light of the links she has put on her personal Web site said Fraser.
With this revelation I call upon the executive of the AUT to take a stand and bring the boycott motions to an end he added.
Sue Blackwell states on her website why she no longer links to Campbell's website at She writes of Marwen Media:
- I have now had a chance to take a closer look at this site and consult Jewish friends on their views of it. There was nothing anti-semitic on the home page, which was all I was linking to; but buried in other pages on this site is some pretty nasty stuff which borders on Holocaust denial and further nasty stuff which crosses the border from anti-Zionism into anti-semitism. I'm happy to pull the plug on it.
Limbojones 19:55, 6 April 2006 (UTC)
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 19:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAllLibertyandJusticeforAll 19:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC))
The characterizations of Wendy Campbell by her critics and detractors are one sided.. Anonymous internet posters here do not reveal themselves in any way other than their statements which they "back up" with quotes from dubious sources, such as the Zionist, and therefore racist, Israeli newspaper "The Jerusalem Post". They are truly a highly dubious “authority” on Wendy Campbell. Despite these long standing attempts to delegitimize her, Wendy Campbell enjoys a broad range of support from across the political spectrum.
As a fellow human rights activist, I know her personally. The authors of some of these posts trying to discredit Wendy claim to be “anti-racist” and “anti-fascist”. What many appear to be are diehard supporters of Israel. Why don't they reveal themselves via posting a personal website, as does Wendy Campbell? Instead they hide behind an internet cloak of "respectability". Who are they really? What are their real names? Who are they affiliated with? What is their background?
Some organized, self-proclaimed "anti-fascist" groups refuse to take a position on Israel-Palestine. That in itself would seem to give credibility to a central claim of Wendy Campbell that the Zionist Lobby exerts enormous influence within the United States, especially with regards to US foreign policy. In the meantime, Palestinians are deprived of their livelihoods and consigned to West Bank ghettoes that are ringed with concrete walls, chain link fences and barbed wire, while their land and resources continue to be expropriated by the US-backed Israelis with impunity.
There is within the U.S. constitutionally protected free speech. I believe Wendy's defense of our first amendment right has been misinterpreted as something more sinister, which simply does not apply. She rightly rails against double standards in media and foreign policy.
Like Wendy, I am a promoter of a one state solution for Israel/Palestine. One truly democratic states for all its citizens: Jewish, Arab Christian and Arab Muslims. I share Wendy's concerns regarding the over-reaching Israel lobby, as well as the pernicious and deadly effects of U.S. imperialism in general and more broadly.
Much of what has been attributed to Wendy, she has simply never said or written. There was a campaign of misinformation with Campbell as the victim. Her articles were viciously recast and reworded and spread far and wide over the internet in an effort to discredit her. Other activists who believe as she does with regards to the legitimacy of Palestinian human rights have been like-wise targeted with vicious internet campaigns in order to attempt to discredit them and the cause for Palestinian human rights. In fact, it is instructive to read the wikipedia entry on Criticism of Noam Chomsky to see how easily unsubstantiated allegations of “anti-Semitism” are bandied about.
I agree with Debra Lipstad that Holocaust Revisionism, rather than being criminalized, as it is in Canada and some European countries, should be disproved publicly and in a scholarly manner, without intimidation to anyone. The evidence of the World War II genocide I believe is strong enough to be able to withstand attacks by critics. If not, then so be it. Historical events and political theories must be open to debate in democratic, free societies. It is interesting, but not surprising, however, that neither Canada nor European Countries have outlawed revisionism or denialof Al-Nakba and the many well documented Zionist perpetrated massacres of unarmed Palestinian civilians (see partial list below).
Wendy Campbell informs me that she has submitted one or two articles to the National Vanguard in the past, and that she has also submitted articles to a wide variety of websites and newspapers that are mainstream, rightist , leftist and everything in between, if they will have her. Because their politics don‘t match mine, I have cautioned her against posting to National Vanguard. As she has been shut out of various media venues, she maintains the right to submit her articles to all and any venues in an effort to open up dialog with all groups of people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender or creed. She feels that necessity dictates she reaches the widest possible audience with irrefutable evidence of the massive brutality and displacement that Israel has, and continues to, cause for the indigenous Palestinians. She does not believe, nor do I, that any historical event gives Zionist Israel or Israelis license to create a hideous apartheid system, steal land, colonize, terrorize, imprison and make the daily life of Palestinians a living hell on Earth..
Obviously, the New York Times is not about to print her views. Neither has the San Francisco Chronicle or other pro-Israel mainstream media, although, as she relates, she has submitted numerous pieces. Please note that the editors of National Vanguard pointed out that Campbell has differences of opinion with most readers in that she promotes “multiracial mass democracy.” Since when does promoting a multiracial, multicultural society make one a supremacist? How ludicrous the very suggestion. I would say how very silly the defenders of apartheid, racist Israel are at times, but there is nothing even remotely funny about the fact that Israel has its jackbooted heel on several million imprisoned Palestinians.
By way of perspective, keep in mind that elected Israeli politicians have often publicly stated that Palestinians are "lice" and "a cancer" that "need to removed" from Israel, such as the late Minister of Tourism, Rehavam Zeevi. This is even revealed on a wikipedia search or google search.
All the political leaders of Israel call for separation of Palestinians and non-Jews from Jews in Israel, some even publicly calling for a transfer of non-Jewish people out of Israel. The Israeli government has been stealing Palestinian land, and creating Jewish only settlements and with Jewish only roads, on that land. We have laws against that sort of thing here, and Israel should too. That is the crux of the argument, and apparently very upsetting to those who advocate for the racist, apartheid State of Israel, and against Wendy Campbell’s highlighting of the supremacist nature of the Zionist ideology..
Even on this page, I see Wendy referred to as "vermin". Now I ask who historically referred to other humans beings as vermin and cockroaches. Will the real Nazis (or ZioNazis), racists, and fascists please stand up!
In the past few weeks alone twelve Palestinians civilians have been killed by Israel. Below is a partial list of Zionist perpetrated Massacres, not including those since 2000. Why isn’t denying this a crime? Apparently, Arab Palestinians lives aren’t worth the same in the racist minds of many in the mainstream media.
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 19:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC)LIbertyandJusticeforAllLibertyandJusticeforAll 19:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC))
The Massacre at Baldat al-Shaikh: January 30-31, 1947(Palestine) YEHIDA MASSACRE: 13 December 1947(Palestine) : KHISAS MASSACRE: 18 December1947(Palestine) : QAZAZA MASSACRE: 19 December 1947(Palestine) The Semiramis Hotel Massacre: 5/7/1948(Palestine): The Massacre at Dair Yasin: 9/4/1948(Palestine): NASER AL-DIN MASSACRE: 13-14 April 1948(Palestine) : Abu Shusha Massacre THE TANTURA MASSACRE: May 15, 1948 (Palestine): BEIT DARAS MASSACRE: 21 May 1948(Palestine): THE DAHMASH MOSQUE MASSACRE: 11 July 1948 (Palestine): DAWAYMA MASSACRE: On October 29 Palestine): HOULA MASSACRE: 26/10/1948 (Lebanon) :Salha Massacre: 1948 (Lebanon) : SHARAFAT MASSACRE: 7 Febraury 1951(Palestine): The Massacre at Qibya: 14-15/10/1953 (Palestine): KAFR QASEM MASSACRE: On October 29, 1956 Khan Yunis Massacre: 3/11/1956 (Palestine) The Massacre in Gaza City: 5/4/1956 (Palestine): AL-SAMMOU' MASSACRE: 13 November 1966(Palestine): Aitharoun Massacre: 1975 (Lebanon) :Kawnin Massacre: 15/10/1975(Lebanon): Hanin Massacre : 16/10/1976(Lebanon): Bint Jbeil Massacre : 21/10/1976(Lebanon):Abbasieh Massacre : 17/3/1978 (Lebanon): Adloun Massacre : 17/3/1978 (Lebanon): Saida Massacre : 4/4/1981 (Lebanon) Fakhani Massacre : 17/7/1981 (Lebanon):Beirut Massacre : 17/7/1981 (Lebanon) The Massacre at the Sabra and Shatila Camps: Jibsheet Massacre 27/3/1984(Lebanon): Sohmor Massacre : 19/9/1984 (Lebanon): Seer Al Garbiah Massacre : 23/3/1985 (Lebanon): Maaraka Massacres: 5/3/1985(Lebanon):Zrariah Massacre : 11/3/1985(Lebanon): Homeen Al-Tahta Massacre : 21/3/1985(Lebanon): Jibaa Massacre : 30/3/1985(Lebanon): Yohmor Massacre : 13/4/1985 (LebanonTiri massacre : 17/8/1986Al-Naher Al-Bared Massacre (Palestinian camp):11/12/1986(Lebanon): Ain Al-Hillwee Massacre(Palestinian Camp) :9/1987(Lebanon): OYON QARA MASSACRE: 20 May 1990, Siddiqine Massacre: 25/7/1990(Lebanon):AL-AQSA MOSQUE MASSACRE: 1990, THE IBRAHIMI MOSQUE MASSACRE:February 25, 1994 (Palestine):THE JABALIA MASSACRE: 8 March 1994, Aramta Massacre: 5/4/1994(Lebanon): ERETZ CHECKPOINT MASSACRE:17 July 1994,Deir Al-Zahrani Massacre: 5/8/1994(Lebanon): Nabatiyeh (school bus) Massacre: 21/03/1994(Lebanon): The Sohmor Second Massacre : 2/04/1996 (Lebanon): Mnsuriah Massacre: On 13 April 1996, Nabatyaih Massacre: 18 April 1996, Qana Massacre : 18 April 1996, Trqumia Massacr: March 10 1998 :Janta Massacre : 22/12/1998 (Lebanon):
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 19:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC)LIbertyandJusticeforAllLibertyandJusticeforAll 19:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC))
LibertyandJusticeforAll: I agree with some of what you wrote, and disagree with much of it as well. The situation in Israel/Palestine is not a simple conflict with a simple solution. However, this discussion board is not about Israel, Palestine and Zionism, a discussion that Campbell has regularly tried to force. This discussion board is about the wikipedia article on Campbell, and whether there is evidence to support what she has written or what other contributors have written.
What I do object to is Campbell editing any adjustments to her own articles, especially when these adjustments are sourced. Campbell has regularly criticized the media for being "jewish" (im not sure what that means??). Campbell has written for National Vanguard, a clearly racist organization, and Campbell has claimed that the Jews of the Holocaust "apparently" died only from starvation and refered to the holocaust as "lore"[1]. All of these POVs have contributed to the perception that she is anti-semetic, irregardless of the Jerusalem Post article and Sue Blackwell's opinion.
It is completely dishonest, and some call it fascist, but is definately censorship when Campbell regularly removes any mentions of these facts (again, its all on her website [2]) from her article. Wikipedia is a wiki, which means all users can contribute and edit. Regularly removing the contributions of others is considered vandalism.
Additionally, the Wikipedia community considers it a faux-paux to write an autobiography. There are also proper avenues to dealing with articles about oneself. These avenues do not include censoring contributions of other Wikipedia users.
The fact is, Campbell has written many things that many people have percieved as anti-semetic. There is evidence of this and thus has a legitimate spot on wikipedia. It is also not right to use wikipedia as a medium for making self-aggrandizing statements about oneself, such as "She is a veteran peace activist. . ." which was once part of this article. The goal of wikipedia is to be neutral. "Peace activist" is neutral but "veteran peace activist" is hardly neutral. Limbojones 03:35, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
LibertyandJustice, you write that the nature of the internet has allowed Campbells critics to not reveal themselves. How about you reveal yourself at your next post?? Campbell writing about herself on this discussion board in the third person and making wikipedia contributions under the guise of IP address [|] is hardly revealing ones self either, is it?
Limbo Jones of course makes excellent points and emphasizes the crucial ones: Wendy Campbell's authoring of this self-validating entry (which is why it probably doesn't really belong in Wikipedia in the first place), along with her documented efforts to vandalize any contributions with which she disagreed. Now one of her designated lackey's who calls themselves "Liberty and Justice" (i.e for everyone EXCEPT Jews!) has been assigned by her to further muddy the waters and distract attention from these crucial points.
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 20:24, 15 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeForallLibertyandJusticeforAll 20:24, 15 April 2006 (UTC))
I just removed a personal attack on myself since it violated wikipedia guidelines. It was inaccurate, unsubstantiated and conjecture. I believe in Liberty and justice for all regardless of race, creed, religion, national origin and ethnicity.
I am new to wikipedia. I would be happy to elaborate more on my advocacy for Wendy Campbell and free speech in general, but I do not feel that I should tolerate personal attacks on me that do not represent who or what I am and are outright lies regarding myself.
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 20:24, 15 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeForallLibertyandJusticeforAll 20:24, 15 April 2006 (UTC))
I see that like his idol, Liberty and Justice for all seeks to censor all descriptions of his and her activism that differ from his own. Here once again is the post that he vandalized:
Limbo Jones of course makes excellent points and emphasizes the crucial ones: Wendy Campbell's authoring of this self-validating entry (which is why it probably doesn't really belong in Wikipedia in the first place), along with her documented efforts to vandalize any contributions with which she disagreed. Now one of her designated lackey's who calls themselves "Liberty and Justice" (i.e for everyone EXCEPT Jews!) has been assigned by her to further muddy the waters and distract attention from these crucial points. - As far as revealing oneself, it is my very strong suspicion that "Liberty and Justice" is none other than Vincent Fischer, a New Jersey "peace activist" who uncritically worships Wendy Campbell, and whose praise has been quoted on many of her documentaries and on her website. He too has been known to make racist comments about Judaism and Jews and was tossed off more than one Indymedia site for doing so. He has used the "Liberty and Justice" moniker on some of those sites, and also cautioned Wendy on contributing to the National Vanguard because of how obviously it discredited her (not that he disagreed with any of her expressed views). He has frequently "come to her rescue" whenever he sees her under attack; just recently, he was dispatched to defend her Neturei Karta documentary on Amazon after a more critical reviewer exposed Ms. Campbell's larger agenda and aims. Interestingly, there too the initially postive reviews were written by none other than Campbell herself and her fiance Mark Green. (anti-fascist activist).
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 20:37, 17 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
I am not letting this go unchallenged.
“I see that like his idol, Liberty and Justice for all seeks to censor all descriptions of his and her activism that differ from his own.”
Pardon me, but the vandalism is the spreading of rumors about myself by yourself. It’s also called cyber stalking.
“Here once again is the post that he vandalized:”
Please do show me where wikipedia allows for unsupported and untrue allegations against anyone.
“Limbo Jones of course makes excellent points and emphasizes the crucial ones: Wendy Campbell's authoring of this self-validating entry (which is why it probably doesn't really belong in Wikipedia in the first place), along with her documented efforts to vandalize any contributions with which she disagreed. Now one of her designated lackey's who calls themselves "Liberty and Justice" (i.e for everyone EXCEPT Jews!)”
Lackey, is a pejorative. It is indicative of your mood. It seems to be imply no small bit of anger by yourself and is evidence of an obsessional grudge. In fact, I stand for equality for regardless of race, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin.
“has been assigned by her to further muddy the waters and distract attention from these crucial points. - As far as revealing oneself, it is my very strong suspicion that "Liberty and Justice" is none other than Vincent Fischer, a New Jersey "peace activist" who uncritically worships Wendy Campbell, and whose praise has been quoted on many of her documentaries and on her website.”
Wendy Campbell was long threatened on Indy media, by a cyber stalker, I do fear is none other than yourself. Vince Fischer is a gay rights activist, a death penalty opponent, and animals advocate, who himself was subject to a smear campaign. Perhaps it was the same cyber stalker who routinely made vicious homophobic remarks against Vince and wished that he contract AIDS.
In any case, Vince is of some Jewish origin and frequent contributor to left sites. He is also a progressive/socialist. He was friends with Wendy long before she posted two articles to a site that some find objectionable. He refuses to back down in the face of a anonymous obsessed internet lunatic demanding that he stop being friends with Wendy.
You can read some of Vince’s work here. You may also notice that in the comments section of various articles he seems to be still being haunted by Pro-Israelis partisans.
A Murder Most Foul: The Execution of Brian Steckel
Bennigan's Homophobic Placard
'Brokeback Mountain' No Love Story for Its Animal Actors
Wendy is motivated by empathy for Palestine and Palestinians. Her detractors are motivated by hate.
“ He too has been known to make racist comments about Judaism and Jews and was tossed off more than one Indymedia site for doing so.”
Inaccurate and NOT true. He is a frequent contributor to Indy media.
“He has used the "Liberty and Justice" moniker on some of those sites, and also cautioned Wendy on contributing to the National Vanguard because of how obviously it discredited her (not that he disagreed with any of her expressed views).”
He has disagreed with publicly with some of her views. Indeed, the National Vanguard is a racist site. Since Wendy is not a racist, she should not publish there.
He has frequently "come to her rescue" whenever he sees her under attack; just recently, he was dispatched to defend her Neturei Karta documentary on Amazon after a more critical reviewer exposed Ms. Campbell's larger agenda and aims.
His only wish is that Wendy is presented in a balanced light. The Neturei Karta documentary is an interview with Rabbi Weiss. The voice of Campbell is not even heard on the tape. He does recommend the tape for all, as it does give an alternate Jewish narrative that has been shut out of the mainstream. In fact, not all Jewish people are Zionists.
He is being punished unfairly and persecuted for retaining a friendship with Wendy Campbell.
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 20:37, 17 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
Well, it's nice to see that Vince Fischer did not attempt to reinstitute his censorship THIS time. It is interesting to note that he does NOT deny that he that he has made extremely racist and hateful statements about Judaism and Jews, only that he was tossed off some Indymedia's (in fact, he WAS banned by the NYC Indymedia site). One wonders why he continues to write in the third person about himself, (much as his beloved Wendy did under the thin guise of "lioness"); I guess it reveals his low estimate of our intelligence. In any event, these are all documented facts; I state them only to make clear just what credibility Vince-or "Liberty and Justice"-really has as a defender of Wendy Campbell and why he is so determined that her broader program and agenda not be illuminated and revealed. (anti-fascist activist)
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 04:15, 18 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
Actually, I did not want to confirm my identity because I fear you are a very weird cyber stalker who has posted thinly veiled threats against myself as well as more overt ones directed at Wendy Campbell.
In fact, I have a very high opinion of wikipedia readers. It is you yourself that I have an low opinion of.
I have not said anything racist or anti-Jewish. At this point, your lies are self-replicating.
I was however baited by a very homophobic person who repeatedly called me “faggot” and worse and wished AIDS upon me. Perhaps it is that you are referring to.
Wendy Campbell is not as one-dimensional, as you paint her. That is my agenda here, which is offering up for wikipedia, the internet, and the universe a balanced view. There are many sides to her as with any other human being. She simply is moved by the plight of Palestinians, which has on a few instances moved her to post on venues that some find objectionable. In the minds of a certain percentage of people, that would cancel out all the good works she has done. I disagree. I look at Wendy as I do all my fellow humans: in their totality.
I believe that you feel that you are right to have the absolutist views that you hold. That is where your past has taken you to. I do disagree though with your point of view.
The other agenda I have is that I not be misrepresented, which you as a cyber stalker and harasser, have continued to do.
I have nothing to be ashamed of you, but I believe that you do, as you have misrepresented me for what you consider the unpardonable sin of offering a mitigating view of my friend Wendy Campbell. I will continue to advocate for Palestine and Palestinians and for the upholding of international law in this regard. I continue to work with members of the public and countless Jewish-Americans who demand an end to the occupation of the West Bank in Contravention of UN Resolution 242.
By the way, these are some of my more recent posts on nyc Indy media
GLBT Rights
People of Color GBLT
Finally, I really can’t go around the mulberry bush for ever. I am busy these days.
As I have done privately when you emailed me under various pseudonyms, I will now do again publicly, I apologize for whatever it is you perceive or thought I said that you found so objectionable.
I’m sure that all good people of conscience working together can bring about a justice for Palestine and that includes you!
In Peace,
Vincent Fischer
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 04:15, 18 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 04:49, 18 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
Oh, one other thing. I really think you owe me an apology for purposefully misrepresenting me. I have faith that you are man (or woman) enough to do so.
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 04:49, 18 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 04:49, 18 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
Oh, one other thing, I really think you owe me an apology for purposefully misrepresenting me. I have faith that you are man (or woman) enough to do so. I really don't think that anyone could be as malicious as to spread baseless allegations against anyone, as you have done toward me, year after year and not feel any remorse, or am I underestimating the wrath, underhandedness and that anything goes for right-wing pro-Israel defenders? Please tell me it's isn't so. Please make me believe that even right-wing Israeli hawks play fair from time to time. I await your apology!
(LibertyandJusticeforAll 04:49, 18 April 2006 (UTC)LibertyandJusticeforAll).
[edit] Stub Sorting
Such a large talk page for such a little article! Is there any particular stub category we can sort it into? -Fsotrain09 22:20, 7 May 2006 (UTC)
- Well, one could image something like {{thelastpageyouthoughyoudeverseeaneditwaron-stub}}. Actually, I'm not sure. Would {{US-poli-bio-stub}} work? --Deville (Talk) 04:11, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Category:Anti-Semitic people
Do we have any reliable source to why she sould be included in the category? // Liftarn
Being that Campbell is a fringe figure in activism, her projects and background are rarely written about in published sources. However, there are some references that can be found:
- Virulently anti-Semitic, Wendy Campbell is a writer/filmmaker based in Oakland, California, who devotes much energy to the condemnation of the state of Israel. She refers to supporters of Israel as "ZionNAzis" and defiantly tells them to "Go to Israhell." She produces no films beyond those that excoriate Israel and liken Israelis to Nazis.
- Campbell is the founder of the group Americans for Justice in Palestine. On her website, she frequently refers to Israel as a "Jewish supremacist state." She attributes the U.S. war with Iraq to a vast Zionist conspiracy that consists of a "Zionist-dominated American media" and a "Zionist-dominated war-mongering government." Whenever critics accuse her of being an anti-Semite, she generally defends herself by citing the support she receives from the Neturei Karta, a small sect of ultra-Orthodox Jewish outcasts who detest the state of Israel. Campbell refers to the New York Times as the "Jew York Times;" and she has defended white supremacist David Duke as a "political prisoner."
- Sue Blackwell, originator of the UK instructor's union Israel boycott proposal:
- I have now had a chance to take a closer look at this site and consult Jewish friends on their views of it. There was nothing anti-semitic on the home page, which was all I was linking to; but buried in other pages on this site is some pretty nasty stuff which borders on Holocaust denial and further nasty stuff which crosses the border from anti-Zionism into anti-semitism. I'm happy to pull the plug on it.
- I suppose it might be claimed that the Jerusalem Post is not a "reliable source", however, here is the opening paragraph which led to Blackwell's removal of the MarWen link: (retrieved from Google cache)
- The Birmingham lecturer who presented motions calling for boycotts of Israeli universities, contains a recommended link to a Web site owned by an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi activist. Wendy Campbell, who owns the MarWen Media Web site, has promoted Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories discussing "unrivaled Jewish power," and maintains an additional Web site entitled "Exposing Israeli Apartheid," which is also linked by Blackwell.
-LeflymanTalk 22:42, 17 July 2006 (UTC)
- Is "" a reliable source? The site seems to be entierly anynomous, there is no one behind it. The personal page of Sue Blackwell is hardly a reliable source either. Jerusalem Post may be a reliable source, but that she has a link on her homepage is hardly evidence of anti-Semitism. Unless the article says she indeed is an anti-Semite it's useless. // Liftarn
- DiscoverTheNetworks is a produced by the "Center for Study of Popular Culture" which also publishes the online FrontPage magazine-- as is made obvious by the link at the top of the site. The organisation is being renamed the "David Horowitz Freedom Center" [3] Granted, this may make it partisan, but that doesn't preclude it from being a sourceable reference. Sue Blackwell isn't a source, in the sense of a publication. However, she is considered one of the leading proponents of the Israel boycott in the UK, and had previously linked to MarWen. Her impressions as a fellow ideologue, that Campell's views step over the bounds of anti-Zionism into anti-Semitism is a legitimate reference, and her removal of links to Campbell's site was reported in numerous places. The Jerusalem Post article, which is quoted above, specifically says that "[MarWen Media] Web site [is] owned by an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi activist", and "Wendy Campbell, who owns the MarWen Media Web site, has promoted Holocaust denial and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories..." How much more explicit could that be? --LeflymanTalk 10:11, 18 July 2006 (UTC)
- Fine, put that in the article so we have a source in the article itself. // Liftarn