Wikipedia:Wikipedians by pet
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Wikipedians ordered by pet(s) they own:
[edit] Allergies
- Andre (talk) , cats and dogs
- Anonunit, anything with fur.
- bcatt, canaries
- Elf, rabbits and how
- Hyacinth, cats and dogs
- Half-life guy cats, rodents, and birds
- Topbanana, cats, dogs, birds and buffalo.
- Twoflower, cats
- Yesopenilno, rabbits
[edit] Birds
[edit] Agapornis (Lovebirds)
- IJzeren Jan - two lovebirds, in fact.
[edit] Budgerigars (Parakeets)
- ugen64
- Philip Nilsson - Two of them.
- Thunderbrand
- User: Pelegius One half-albino.
- User:Lunakeet The name gives it all away. One beautiful blue clearwing- that's lack of melanin to non-budgie lovers. My parakeeet is named Luna of course.
- User:Figaro - Five of them
- Twoflower
[edit] Chickens
- Dismas - 12 hens of various breeds
- User:HistoricalPisces
- tekana - 9 hens, one Black Rock, one Marans speckledy and 7 Light sussex banties.
- Russia Moore - 2 Golden-laced Wyandottes, 2 RIRs, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Black Australorps, 1 Barred Rock and 1 Bantam polish. And two roosters of unknown breed...
- Mitternacht90 - I have alot, I think 15, I also have a Turkey.
[edit] Nymphicus hollandicus (Cockatiels)
- TCorp (8)
- Mitternach90 (4)
- User:Figaro (1)
[edit] Cats
- Admiral Roo
- Aeris of Iniquity - 2 cats: a Maine Coon and a mixed breed. I love them so much!
- A.J. Halliwell - 3 cats: a mom, who came home one day and surprised us with kittens!
- Allison Stillwell - 14 cats - 6 inside, 8 outside. Inside: a Tabby, an Ocicat, a Tuxedo, a Siamese, a Tortie, and a jet-black cat who happens to be a Siamese. Outside, we have an odd amalgamation of mackeral tabbies, orange tabbies and solids. Recently, because of tick problems, we lost our alpha cat outside, Pumpkin, to Cytauxzoonosis. I wrote the Wiki for it in her memory.
- Amerika - One once scragggly, parasite-ridden tabby rescued from behind a Circle K, now beautiful, with bunny-like hair. Also a black cat rescued after her mother was hit by a car.
- bcatt - two tabbyco (sort of torbie) sisters, longhair Bosun and shorthair Zepplin (aka Dialtone and Prostikitty)
- Batchelor 2 purebred moggies (black) called Arthur and George
- Catbar (Brian Rock) - three Egyptian Maus
- CFIF - 1 energetic bengal sealpoint lynx.
- CyberSkull né Dread Lord CyberSkull ✎☠
- Daniel_123 | Talk - A brown tabby named Max, not actually mine but he likes me the best so I guess I can call him mine.
- Dismas - My cat goes outside whenever possible to hunt mice, my girlfriend's cat goes outside and gets chased by the chickens (yes, it's as funny as it sounds)
- DrWho42 A cat by the name of Jimmy.. He has his own website at: Fuhrer Jimmy.
- Essjay - one tiger-striped tabby named Mia.
- User:Figaro - a torti-point siamese
- Fuzzform - two half-siamese, half-something. brother and sister.
- gracefool
- User:HistoricalPisces
- Hołek
- Jasra - one female black and white moggie
- Jay - Two male Maine Coons, one female Norwegian Forest and red/white longhair moggie (The Maine Coons and the Norwegian Forest are registered with CFA)
- Joe Pearson
- Ketsuban - My family has about a dozen, but only one of them's actually "mine".
- Kitty-Kat- 3 cats live with me one of which is my pet.
- Lachatdelarue - three grey boys
- Livingston.Dell - Stripey, a very old, but still very active, mix.
- Lyfia - one black kitty with white feet.
- Indigo - Two cats, one is a Tabby and the other looks like a Persian mutt.
- maltmomma - Two DSH cats, a beautiful gray male with a bullseye on his side named Zebedee (Zeb for short) and a black and white female named Hannah Rosanna Danna or Hannah dammit as she's usually called.
- Merovingian - they say it's my sister's (yeah right)
- Miaow Miaow - I think my username says all...
- Mitternacht90 I have 6.
- Mononoke - and I'm pretty porud of it
- MSTCrow - One wonderful tiger striped domestic short-hair
- Nbarbettini - Female Calico (black/grey/white); Female Persian Manx (orange/brown), recently passed away
- Nohat - See my user page
- NymphadoraTonks - Female Calico (Anastasia... goes by Tasia)
- Obiskobilob : Her name is Sylvie, she lives in France at the moment but we hope to have her with us soon.
- Tori - One grey american shorthair (climbing into lap as we speak), one maine coone-ish thing
- orthoseeker: four cats. Two big, fat, lazy ones and two skinny little terrors who constantly chase each other around the house. One big one is calico (and one little one is, too). One big one is a tuxedo cat (and the last one is all black).
- Panda: blue mackerel-type tabby, domestic shorthair, spoilt, cute, furry, purry, snuggly, miaowy
- Djadek
- Philip Nilsson - Had one... dead from cancer~
- Ponder
- PurebladeTwo cats, brother and sister.
- Rachel Cakes - 2 black and white tabbies- Sam and Zac. They are brothers. Their mum was a tabby and their dad was black and white. Zac has a white ring on his otherwise black tail, whilst Sam has two white lines on his black nose.
- Riffsyphon1024 - Siamese and Black tabby
- Ryan - White, grey, and tan cat named Ashes of unknown ethnicity.
- Romeo Bravo =/\= Floyd
- RTC - two DMH brothers, one appears to be part Maine Coon is very calm and quiet (brown tabby patches on white) and a smaller one that trills his meows (black patches on white). I take them with me on vacation trips in the car.
- Sonic Mew - He is 18 years old!
- Stan Shebs - three; two females, an older black-and-white longhair, and an energetic young tabby who formerly tormented her, the tabby now being distracted by our newest, a jumped-in-the-milk tabby male kitten whose cuteness lets him get away with much misbehavior...
- Slambo - The cat in our house has chosen me
- User:Steveo2 - I love my spunky kitty, Oliver. He is an American Longhair, and 8 years of age. (I guess he's not a kitty, then.)
- User:DarkEvil - Two adorable cats, a brown one and a gray obese, but cute one
- Arthur Rubin - Two tailless cats, collected as strays, Topaz and Aujourd'hui. Babyface died of heart complications in early 2005.
- Tekana - Two med-length fur cats, one black and one black and white. both rescued and both male.
- Viriditas
- WindFish - 2 cats. 1 is about 9 years old, 1 is about 6 months old.
- User:Hailey C. Shannon - An old grey cat who ain't what he used to be!
- User:Hotwiki So far, I had 50+ cats, some of them died, lost and some just left our house, currently I have 4.
- HurricaneJeanne ~ 2 year old Maine Coon named Mackenzie.
- Pharaoh Hound - Two cats, both six years old, both rescued at the same time as kittens (though not related), both are mix breeds, both short-haired, both lazy (I have yet to meet a cat who isn't), and both hate each other. (for more info see my userpage)
- Manuc - A splotchy colored black / orange / brown cat with a perputual opinion being voiced about something
[edit] Chinchillas
- Dismas - His name is Chilla and he likes to get into his ball and roll around the house by picking something out on the far side of the room, aiming at it, and running into it. Turn around and repeat.
- Tekana One grey Chinnie called Trey. His predecessor was called Ash.
[edit] Cockroaches
- Ian13 - I have 4 pet cockroaches, 2 of which are called Titanium & Maple, and can fly! (Well, they have wings, and it's more of a glide, but still good). I get the feeling I may end up being the only user in this section.
- Husond - Apparently you're wrong, Ian. I currently have 26 Madagascar hissing cockroaches. I couldn't possibly give names to all those little rascals, many of them look like clones.
- Wishkres.
[edit] Dogs
- Nyatvrida91-4 year old lab mix. Name is Buddy
- Arny - 12 years old Rough Collie (tricolor). Smart, beautiful, wonderful friend, a bit spoiled though :)
- Addesso - Shiba Inu and German Shepherd mix. Very smart (yay!) and very difficult (hrm...)
- Aeris of Iniquity A Toy Poodle/Maltese mix. She's so cute!!! Her name is Keewy, and she is verrrrry fluffy!
- User:Air Transport Freak I Have Scooter, a beagle, and Rocco, a wiener dog-mix.
- Allison Stillwell A Golden Retriever named Bellamy Percival Octavius Rex de Montford-Haverstock, commonly known as Bells. He'll be one year old in July, and will be receiving his therapy dog certification in the fall :D!
- Amerika - Two purebred Golden Retrievers. One from a breeder in Plant City and the other from a Golden Retriever Rescue in Citrus County
- Bradd W. Szonye - Two Lhasa Apsos
- Buchanan-Hermit - A Lhasa Apso named Rolly
- Chris the speller - retired racing Greyhound
- Chilepine - black and tan Patterdale Terrier
- Chili14- Liver English Springer Spaniel and other, unknown breed, orange in color.
- Circeus, many over the years - Basset Hound, Lhasa Apsos and mixed Golden Hound
- CQJ - Rage of Power a.k.a. Toby, a seven year old retired racing Greyhound
- DavidShankbone - Two Chihuahuas: Little Man & Paco.
- Dismas - 3, an old mutt who can't hear anymore, a huskie lab mix who almost got arrested once, and a Bernese Mountain Dog who is the most loyal dog ever
- Earl Andrew - yellow Labrador Retriever (possible mix)
- Elipongo- Black Spotted, fifteen year old Dalmatian- He died just a week shy of his 16th birthday in March 2006... :'-(
- Elf | Talk - Current: Border Collie (this one), Australian Shepherd (this one), Mixed-breed dog (this one, possibly Sheltie or Border Collie mix). Previous: Lab mix (this one), German Shepherd/Golden mix (this one), Siberian Husky
- Essjay - A lovely yellow Lab named Ami (she's a Psychiatric Service Dog)
- Gangleri - two Icelandic Sheepdog girls (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- Habap - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Henry. To quote Henry, Rust recause Ri'm ra ruppy roesn't rean Ri ron't ruse re rinterret. Rikiredia rocks!
- Hailey C. Shannon - a spastic Jack Russell!
- Half-life guy 2 Chocolate Labrador Retrievers 1 is 12 and is calm the other is 9 months and very very crazy.
- JB82 - Beagle
- Jonwilliamsl-American Standard (Mutt)
- Kayellen - (Dalmatian/dachshund mix!!!!)
- Koh Jun Lin (A cute, pure Shih Tzu)
- Lachatdelarue - white American Pit Bull Terrier
- Laura Scudder | Talk - an Australian Shepherd
- Livingston.Dell - Rufus, a very large chocolate lab, very active.
- maltmomma - 3 wonderful Maltese; Simon, Lily and Isabella.
- MattSal - Two English Springer Spaniels, Molly Bell and Quincy Rupert.
- Mike H - mix of Chihuahua and Pomeranian
- Nelgallan - 4 mangy dogs! German Shepherd Basset Hound Chow Chow mutt. 'Release the hounds!!!'
- neostinker - ROCKY!!! My little Affenpinscher, 6yrs old with glossy black fur.
- Neutrality/talk - One Australian Shepherd and one Bichon Frisé
- Pekinensis - Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix
- Serpens - Jack Russell Terrier and three cats
- SmthManly - A playful Black Lab called Amy.
- speedoflight - 2 girls (Shih Tzus)
- SqueakBox - Esqueak, Boxito and their 6 puppies are the doggies, Soledad the kitten in La Ceiba, Honduras. Pics of Boddhi, highly trained urban sheepdog following me 30 miles on the bike, now very sadly passed away in Guatemala, and Shakti the shit cat, who now lives with my brother in London
- Tekana - One black lab called Deacon and a liver English Springer Spaniel called Zach
- The Wizard of Magicland - One purebred Norwich Terrier, named Pepper. Wanted a dog for years, finally got one, love him to bits! Born on Xmas day 2004.
- Thomas Aquinas- a Beagle, called "Afred Thaddeus Horndecker III"
- Weaponofmassinstruction - Siberian Husky And she is just adorable if I may say so myself.
- HurricaneJeanne ~ 8 year old pit bull/boxer named Callie.
- Myke209 (Almost 3 Year Old Australian Shepherd Black-Tri Female)
- Ejlucas : A 1 year old Miniature Schnauzer named Laila Alouette
[edit] Ferrets
- Psychonaut
- Stargoat
- Salome
[edit] Fish
- QuizQuick- over 50 goldfish and a two hundred gallon aquarium
- Anonunit - over a dozen goldfish.
- Serge K. Keller
- Silume
- Kayellen (2 aquariums)
- *drew
- DrWho42 Three goldfish collectively named Watson and another named Kafka.
- Philip Nilsson - Aquarium with random fish.
- Amerika - 1 swordtail, 1 Cichlid, and 4 of unknown origins.
- Yesopenilno - mostly comets
- Belgian man ± 15
- akaDruid It's a common or garden goldfish.
- Jaxl - one 6+ year old goldfish named Napoleon, with two failed suicide attempts (jumped out of the tank twice).
- Cacao43 50+ tropical fish at one time.
- Mitternacht A LOT!
- Pharaoh Hound Besides bettas (below) I have Platys, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Swordtails, a Guppy, four corys, zebra danios, and two (constantly fighting) gouramis.
- Marcin Suwalczan [our talk] Poecilia reticulata :P
[edit] Betta
- ugen64 - not really mine
- Kayellen (yep, got one of these too...)
- HurricaneJeanne ~ Named 'Sapphire', Just turned three this past January.
- Mitternacht I have 1.
- Pharaoh Hound I have 3 right now (with plans for more). My bettas are: ten-month-old "Memnon", nine-month-old Umbra, and seven-month-old Mars.
- Jam01 I have one called Basil.
- Jerrypp772000 I had one, but it died.
[edit] Goldfish
- User:Livingston.Dell - Fred, a young, active goldfish
[edit] Frogs
- Bradd W. Szonye - Two African dwarf frogs.
- Kayellen (2 oriental firebelly toads..)
- Fuzzform - single male African clawed frog
[edit] Guinea pigs
- StarNeptune - Her name is Tribble.
- Justyn - Jellybean, Patches, and Squeaky.
[edit] Hamsters
- Bradd W. Szonye - Gray dwarf Siberian hamster, born on February 29, 2004
- ugen64 - 2 adult, 2 older children, 5 younger children (including 2 albino)... interesting genetics there
- Eloquence (pic)
- Mammalia 2 adult no children
[edit] Hermit crabs
- Chaiken - 7 land hermit crabs, 3 Ecuadorean and 4 Caribbean
- User:Lunakeet Marie, Jack, Albert, and Albert's replacement Albert Pearls all died. But I had 'em!
[edit] Imaginary friend
- Batchelor I have an imaginary friend called Fred - created for french lessons because everybody else in my class had siblings to talk about , and I dont have any. Ma copine imaginaire.
- DrWho42 An intermittently disgruntled butler named Cosgrove.
- -- orthogonal
- Sizarieldor A nice Vedalken Dude, which represents my superego. The Id, of course, is represented by me :-)
- Mitternacht I have an imginary country with wildife. does that count?
- The Wizard of Magicland Megan. I should have outgrown her by now, but she refuses to leave!
- User:Lunakeet- Eniara, IQ 600, an alter ego too, Little Kat, an egocentric and egomaniac and of course an egotist, BY, a non-annoying boy, Katerina and Kotton Kandy, identical twins, and of course, Leiana, me. Leiana is a faerie. And my alter ego.
- Dogman15 Mine is my alter-ego, and he's a humanoid dragon version of me. He's awesome!
[edit] Lizards
- Aeris of Iniquity A [[iguana] whose name is Inco. He sleeps in a cage under a heat lamp. I love him! He's cute!
- Kayellen (9 crested geckos, 2 gargoyle geckos, 2 uromastyx lizards, 2 bearded dragons, 1 jackson's chameleon, 1 veiled chameleon, 2 ocelot geckos, 1 leopard gecko...)
- Ott Iguana named Leegu
- Topbanana - Just a little leopard gecko named Gavin.
- Feezo - Blue-tongued skink named Cobalt.
- Idiota Invisível - Not really a pet, but there's a gecko who lives in my kitchen.
[edit] Mongolian Gerbil
User:Starom - their names are Fudge, Snowball, Truffle, Sunshine, Nourooz, Lavender and Sage!
[edit] Mice
[edit] Nintendogs
- Sonic Mew
- Matteh
- Dogman15 Yeah! This game is the original reason why I chose my username! More people oughtta put their name here.
[edit] None – don't like pets
[edit] None – Can't have pets
- Nichalp
- Anonunit, apartment building owner doesn't allow anything with fur.
- Dogman15, My grandma doesn't like pets, and we're living with her. See my user page for an explanation of my unusual username.
[edit] Rabbits
- Catamorphism one dwarf and one Dutch mix, named Poincare and Hilbert
- Node has a domestic rabbit, and takes care of orphaned wild bunnies, two at a time.
- iKato Black rex
- Mammalia
- Olyl 4 rabbits
[edit] Rats
- Dismas - Bailey's Irish Cream Pinecones, or more simply, Bailey.
- Tekana - Three hooded rats of the same litter, two male and one female.
- Mego'brien - 1 fancy rat and 1 rex rat, sisters; named Wren and Rex
- Russia Moore - 2 domestic, male rats, that started out much nicer than they are now... I don't think of them as "pets" so much as "room mates"
[edit] Spiders
- Eequor - they just choose to be around me. Jumping spiders are cute.
- I've roughly identified the jumping spiders as some variety of Pellenes.[1] They aren't P. shoshonensis, though; the stripes on their abdomens line up with the stripes on their heads.
- One of them likes to visit my computer screen. It doesn't seem to pay much attention to static images, but it chases the mouse pointer sometimes.
- Kayellen (tiger rump tarantula)
- Chaiken Aphonopelma hentzi, one female
[edit] Tortoises
[edit] Turtles
[edit] Thysanura
- Rursus have a small and variable population of Thysanura in my bathroom.