Zork timeline
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Zork games
Enchanter trilogy
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Characters Kings Creatures
Timeline Magic Calendar
Zorkmid Double Fanucci Books
In the Zork series of interactive fiction computer games, created by Infocom and Activision, events in the Zork Calendar take place in the fictional Great Underground Empire, originally known as the Kingdom of Quendor.
- See also: Characters in Zork, Creatures in Zork, and Kings of Quendor.
Contents |
[edit] Timeline of the published games
- 1980
- 1981
- Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz (948 GUE)
- 1982
- Zork III: The Dungeon Master (948 GUE)
- 1983
- 1984
- 1985
- 1987
- 1988
- Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz
- 1993
- 1996
- 1997
[edit] Timeline of Zork history
[edit] Before Entharion (BE)
- 1,000,000 BE
- The Frobeolithic Epozz begins.
- 50,000 BE
- The Frobozzolithic Epozz begins.
- 30,000 BE
- The Brogmolithic Epozz begins.
- 10,000 BE
- The Zorkeolithic Epozz begins.
- 396 BE
- A black knight of Borphee slays Prince Foo, bringing an end to the age of Pheebor, and beginning the age of Borphee.
- 1 BE
- With the year zero right around the corner, people eagerly anticipate some major historical event.
[edit] After Entharion (AE)
- 0 AE
- 01 Estuary - The Kingdom of Quendor is formed by Entharion the Wise. The Entharion Dynasty begins.
- 41 AE
- Mysterion the Brave succeeds Entharion the Wise as the second king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 55 AE
- Zylon the Aged succeeds Mysterion the Brave as the third king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 398 AE
- Zilbo I succeeds Zylon the Aged as the fourth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 423 AE
- Bozbo I succeeds Zilbo I as the fifth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 429 AE
- Zilbo II succeeds Bozbo I as the sixth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 451 AE
- Harmonius Fzort succeeds Zilbo II as the seventh king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 466 AE
- Dundor of Vriminax quashes the Yipple Rebellion at Galepath.
- 474 AE
- The Zucchini Wars devastated seven provinces up to this point.
- 5 Jam - The Treaty of Znurg ends the Zucchini Wars.
- 477 AE
- Bozbo II succeeds Harmonius Fzort as the eighth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 481 AE
- Thaddium Fzort succeeds Bozbo II as the ninth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 545 AE
- Mumbo I succeeds Thaddium Fzort as the tenth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 569 AE
- Bozbo III succeeds Mumbo I as the eleventh king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 575 AE
- Bozbo IV succeeds Bozbo III as the twelfth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 580 AE
- Bozbo IV expends government: 14% Military, 2% Royal Bureaucracy, 18% Construction of Roads and Bridges, 66% Other
- 619 AE
- Mumbo II succeeds Bozbo IV as the thirteenth king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 628 AE
- Zilbo III succeeds Mumbo II as the fourteenth and final king of the Entharion Dynasty.
- 659 AE
- 31 Dismembur - Duncanthrax the Bellicose ousts the slain Zilbo III to become King of Quendor, the first king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 660 AE
- Egreth Castle built.
- 660-662 AE
- Duncanthrax's army conquers the westlands.
- 665 AE
- Duncanthrax defeats the Antharian Armada at the Battle of Fort Griffspotter, gaining control of the Great Sea.
- 666 AE
- Underground caverns discovered.
- Duncanthrax the Bellicose invades the eastlands.
- The Diablo Massacre at Zorbel Pass.
- Duncanthrax ends the battle at Globby Hills by burying the opposing army's champion ogre in granola.
- 672 AE
- 9 Dismembur - Duncanthrax the Bellicose writes the Unnatural Acts.
- 680 AE
- Duncanthrax expends government: 33% Military, 8% Royal Bureaucracy, 54% Construction of Caverns, 5% Other
- 688 AE
- Belwit the Flat succeeds Duncanthrax the Bellicose as the second king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 691 AE
- First annual Double Fanucci Championships held in Borphee.
- 699 AE
- First zorkmid minted.
- 701 AE
- Frobwit the Flatter succeeds Belwit the Flat as the third king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 727 AE
- Timberthrax Flathead succeeds Frobwit the Flatter as the fourth king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 732 AE
- Frobozz Philharmonic Orchestra is founded.
- 738 AE
- Phloid Flathead succeeds Timberthrax Flathead as the fifth king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 747 AE
- The seven-week Battle of the Stonewall, for which T. J. "Stonewall" Flathead got his nickname.
- 755 AE
- Mumberthrax Flathead the Insignificant succeeds Phloid Flathead as the sixth king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- Stonewall Flathead becomes General of the Royal Army.
[edit] Great Underground Empire (GUE)
- 770 GUE
- Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive, seventh king of the Flathead Dynasty, succeeds Mumberthrax Flathead the Insignificant.
- Plans for Dimwit's coronation begin.
- Bloit basis "permanently" changes to Dimwit’s three-eyed cat.
- Dimwit raises tax rate to just over 98%.
- Dimwit orders the excavation of entire forests for chocolate truffles.
- Quendor is renamed The Great Underground Empire.
- The Great Sea is renamed Flathead Ocean.
- 771 GUE
- The small village of Aragain is renamed Flatheadia.
- 14 Jam - The capital is moved to Flatheadia.
- 773 GUE
- Civil servant accidentally casts zimbor instead of zemdor, destroying the city of Mareilon and starting the four-week Endless Fire.
- As a result of the Endless Fire, Lord Dimwit Flathead passes 5,521 edicts severely limiting access to magic (and lawyers).
- All magic is henceforth entrusted to the Guilds of Enchanters.
- Dawn of the Age of Guilds.
- 776 GUE
- Lord Dimwit creates Royal Museum to house the crown jewels.
- 777 GUE
- Royal Museum dedicated under Lord Dimwit.
- 780 GUE
- Dimwit Flathead expends government: 1% Military, 68% Royal Bureaucracy, 29% Construction of Dams, etc., 2% Other
- 781 GUE
- The Magic Cave Company builds 400-story company headquarters in Flatheadia.
- 782 GUE
- Dimwit Flathead orders the construction of Flathead Stadium in honor of Babe Flathead.
- 783 GUE
- 30 Estuary - Flood Control Dam #3 dedicated.
- 22 Oracle - Dimwit’s coronation begins.
- 785 GUE
- End of Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive's 18 month coronation ceremony, which took 13 years to plan.
- 789 GUE
- Dimwit orders the defoliation of 1400 square bloits of lush forest in Fublio Valley to erect a nine-bloit-high statue of himself.
- 14 Mumberbur
- Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive proposes another tax increase.
- Curse Day: Megaboz the Magnificent curses Lord Dimwit Flathead.
- Dimwit dies mysteriously.
- Loowit Flathead succeeds Lord Dimwit Flathead the Excessive as the eighth king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- Babe Flathead, the youngest of the twelve Flatheads, enters the shark-wrestling finals and is killed by a shark.
- 811 GUE
- Rose Riots.
- 813 GUE
- Duncwit Flathead succeeds Loowit Flathead as the ninth king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 841 GUE
- Elvis Flathead, a hit singer, has his first concert.
- 843 GUE
- Barbawit Flathead succeeds Duncwit Flathead as the tenth king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 845 GUE
- Idwit Oogle Flathead succeeds Barbawit Flathead as the eleventh king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- 865 GUE
- 16 Estuary - The Granola Riots.
- 875 GUE
- Barsap appointed Royal Magician by Idwit Oogle Flathead.
- 881 GUE
- Wurb Flathead succeeds Idwit Oogle Flathead as the twelfth and final king of the Flathead Dynasty.
- Bloit basis changes to Wurb’s elephant.
- 883 GUE
- 14 Mumberbur - The Great Underground Empire falls. Belboz says, "I told you so."
- Flatheadia is reduced to a small white house as a warning and reminder of the Flatheads' excesses.
- Megaboz assigns the title of the first Dungeon Master to a peasant who came closest to ending the Curse. The Dungeon Master is given magical powers and half the wealth of the kingdom.
- General Syovar declares himself King of Zork.
- The Enchanters Guilds of the westlands eliminate the rebellious alchemists who use forbidden magic. Survivors flee to the eastlands.
- FrobozzCo relocates headquarters to Borphee.
- 896 GUE
- The Great Underground Empire: A History, by Froboz Mumbar, is published.
- 948 GUE
- A nameless adventurer enters the Great Underground Empire via the mysterious white house, defeats the Wizard of Frobozz, and becomes the second Dungeon Master.
- 952 GUE
- Belboz destroys the evil giant Amathradonis.
- Belboz becomes the kingdomwide Secretary of the Guild of Enchanters.
- A nameless enchanter defeats Krill at Largoneth Castle.
- 957 GUE
- The enchanter who defeated Krill saves Belboz from Jeearr and becomes the new head of the Circle.
- 966 GUE
- Festeroon is changed into Witchville, but a postal clerk saves the village.
- 14 August - Final Conclave held in the Guild Hall at Borphee. Most of the enchanters are changed into amphibians.
- The head of the Circle finds the Cubes of Foundation and uses them to defeat his shadow.
- 69,105 Christmas Tree Monsters descends upon Thriff village.
- Recorded year of the end of the Age of Magic.
- An ur-grue stole the Coconut of Quendor, which is then used to store the sum of all human knowledge from the Age of Magic.
- 967 GUE
- The beginning of the Age of Science.
- 972 GUE
- Lord Syovar II succeeds Lord Syovar as the second King of Zork.
- 997 GUE
- Lord Syovar III succeeds Lord Syovar II as the third King of Zork.
- 1047 GUE
- Mir Yannick assumes the title of Grand Inquisitor.
- 1048 GUE
- Syovar III accidentally strangles himself, according to the only witness, Mir Yannick. Yannick becomes the leader of the Theocracy of Quendor.
- The Grand Inquisitor becomes Chairman of Frobozz Magic Co. International, renaming it Frobozz Electric.
- 1066 GUE
- A worker for the Grand Inquisitor defeats a colony of rat-ants in the Undiscovered Underground.
- 1067 GUE
- The Grand Inquistor falls from power.
- Lucy Flathead, heir to the Flathead dynasty, becomes Queen of the Empire.
- 1247 GUE
- The Great Diffusion.
- All magic and magical items thought to be destroyed by wizards.
- End of the second Age of Magic.
- 1627 GUE
- The Futurelithic Epozz begins.
- 1647 GUE
- Sweepstakes winner defeats Morphius.
[edit] Distant future
- ~20,000
- The Earth is frozen. An arctic chill approaches.
- ~1,000,000
- Glacial ice sheets advance.
- ~2,500,000
- Scientific age. The landscape is still covered with glacial boulders.
- ~15,000,000,000
- After the Final Conflagration.
[edit] References
- Main source: Chronology of Quendor
- Shorter secondary source: Quendor Timeline
- Froboz Mumbar. The Great Underground Empire: A History.