伯特利(Bethel),在古亞述、波斯、希臘時期,伯特利在希伯來語、腓利基語、亞蘭語中是神殿(House of El)的意思。
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[编辑] 字源
在677 BC亞述國王以撒哈頓與蒂爾國王Ba'al I簽訂的條約中記載著:
May Bethel and Anat-Bethel deliver you to a man-eating lion.
Or to put it another way, the stone at Bethel which was named House-of-God was also a god in itself, a manifestation of the god Bethel.
Zechariah 7.2 may give the personal name Bethelsharezer 'May Bethel protect the king'. This is a verse in which translators greatly differ as to whether Bethel means the town of Bethel which sent Sharezer, or that Sharezar and his fellows were sent to the House of God (that is the temple in Jerusalem), or that "they" sent Bethesharezer and his fellows.
Bethel is mentioned, but unfortunately with no details, in Elephantine and Hermopolis papyri. And in those papyri there are also mentions of gods named Eshembethel 'Name of Bethel' and Ḥerembethel 'Sanctuaury of Bethel' (cf. Arabic ḥaram 'sanctuary').
Sanchuniathon mentions the god Baitylos as a brother of the gods El and Dagon. He later says that the god Sky devised the baitylia, having contrived to put life into stones. The reference would seem to be to Bethels in the plural, that is to many stones like the stone in the Israelite city of Bethel which served a housing for God in Israelite belief.
Compare the Egyptian goddess Hathor whose name means 'House of Horus'.
[编辑] 聖經
- 雅各去舅舅拉班处避难时夜宿于此,梦见通天的梯子,天使上去下来,耶和华应许他的后裔(以色列人)要“象地上的尘沙那样多”,“地上万族必因你和你的后裔得福”,“我与你同在;你无论往那里去,我必保守你,使你归回这地。我总不离弃你,直到我成就了向你所应许的”。
- 于是雅各给这里起名伯特利(神的殿),将所枕的石头立为石柱纪念,浇油在上面。并许愿说:“凡你所赐给我的,我必将十分之一献给你。”(创世纪28:11-19)
- 雅各返回时又重到此地,在那里筑坛给神,除掉外邦神像和耳环,自洁更换衣裳。又把利百加的乳母底波拉埋葬在橡树底下。耶和华再次向他显现,要他改名为以色列。并应许他要繁衍增多,生出君王,得到迦南美地。雅各又立了一根石柱,在柱上浇奠祭和油。(创世纪35:6-15)
- 台語聖詩第287首-救主我愛就你 歌詞中有提及
[编辑] 以色列
伯特利是古以色列的一個城市,約在耶路撒冷北方十英哩。目前被確認在接近現代以色列領土Beit El的約旦河西岸上Beitun這個巴勒斯坦村莊。
[编辑] 耶和华见证人的伯特利
[编辑] Reference
- James Teixidor, The Pagan God (Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1977). ISBN 0691072205