千年: | 前3千年 - 前2千年 - 前1千年 |
前2千年标志着青铜时代从中期向后期转变。在它的前半时期,较著名的统治政权是埃及中王国和巴比伦尼亚。The 2nd millennium BC marks the transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age Its first half is dominated by the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and Babylonia. Indo-Iranian expansion reaches the Persian plateau and India, spreading the chariot. The alphabet develops. Chariot warfare and population movements lead to violent changes at the center of the millennium, and a new order emerges with Greek dominance of the Aegean, the rise of the Hittite Empire. 前2千年的晚期是向铁器时代转变的时期。世界人口开始稳定增长,到前1000年约有5000万人。
目录 |
[编辑] 回顾
[编辑] 中青铜时代
The first part of the millennium is a time a bit less colorful than others, a lull in the history of Ancient Near East, still living in the shadow of greater past times, and spending all energies in trying to recuperate from the deeply anarchic situation that was at the turn of the millennium. Even the most powerful civilizations of the time, Egypt and Mesopotamia, were having what could be called a low-profile period, aiming at modest, realistic goals. The Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and their contemporary Kings of Babylon, of Amorite origin, brought good governance without too much tyranny, favoured elegant art and architecture without overblown exaggeration, painstakingly achieved a good general balance that lasted only a short while. Farther east, the Indus Valley civilization was in a period of decline, possibly as a result of intense, ruinous flooding.
Egypt and Babylonia's military tactics were still based on foot soldiers transporting their equipment on donkeys. Combined with a weak economy and difficulty in maintaining order, this was a fragile situation that crumbled under the pressure of external forces they could not oppose.
[编辑] 16世纪的动荡
About a century before the middle of the millennium, bands of Indo-European invaders burst from their Central Asia plains and swept through the Near East like a series of electric shocks. They were riding fast two-wheeled chariots powered by horses, a system of weaponry developed earlier within the context of plains warfare. This tool of war was unknown among the classical oriental civilizations. Egypt and Babylonia's foot soldiers were simply no match for them. In 1630 BC, the Hyskos swept into the Nile Delta. In 1600 BC, the Balkans and the Aryans swept into Greece and India, and in 1595 BC, the Hittites swept into Mesopotamia.
[编辑] 后青铜时代
The peoples in place were quick to adapt to the new tactics, and a whole new international situation resulted from the change. For most of the second half of the 2nd millennium BC, the Ancient Near East became a giant chessboard where several regional powers competed endlessly for hegemony, rolling their chariots at full speed in all directions. These actually became very colorful times, with new emphasis on grandiose architecture, new clothing fashions, vivid diplomatic correspondence on clay tablets, renewed economic exchanges, and the New Kingdom of Egypt playing the role of the main superpower. Among the great states of the time, only Babylon refrained from taking part in the rolling chessgame, satisfied with its prestigious new position as the World's religious and intellectual capital.
This was the Bronze Age civilization at its final and brightest period of time, with all its characteristic social traits : low level of urbanization, small cities centered around temples or royal palaces, strict separation of classes between an illiterate mass and a powerful military elite, knowledge of writing and education reserved to a tiny minority of scribes, and grandiose aristocratic life.
Near the end of the 2nd millennium BC, new waves of barbarians, riding on horseback this time, wholly destroyed the Bronze Age world, and were to be followed by waves of social changes that marked the beginning of very different times. Also contributing to the changes were the Sea Peoples, ship-faring raiders of the Mediterranean Sea.
[编辑] 事件
- 巴比伦第二王朝
- 班图人从西非第一次迁徒出来。
- The Cushites drive the original inhabitants from Ethiopia, and establish trade relations with Egypt.
- 埃及中王国时期。(前2052年-[[前1570年
- Hittites Old Kingdom in Anatolia (1900 BC)
- 迦南文明(前1800年)
- 中国商朝建立(约前1600年}
- 埃及人统治迦南和叙利亚。(前1600年–前1360年)
- 雅典建城(前1235年)
- 迦南被Israelites占领
- 犹太教创立(前1200年)
- 特洛伊陷落(传统时间前1184年)
[编辑] 发明、发现、传入
- 字母发明(中青铜时代字母)。
- 马被驯养。
- 印度发展了种姓制度。
- 中国记录下了已知的最早被人看到的彗星。
- 汉字已知的最早出现的时代。
- 铁器时代开始:在前2千年的后期,在安那托利亚或高加索发现了炼铁和制造铁器的方法。
- 桃从中国传入波斯和欧洲。
[编辑] 文化
- Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica
- Middle Elamite period
- Oxus civilization
- Andronovo culture, Central Asia
- Aegean civilization
- Mycenaean civilization (c. 1600 BC–1200 BC)
- Beaker culture (ca. 2200 to 1800 BC)
- Unetice culture (ca 1800 to 1600 BC)
- Tumulus culture (ca. 1600 to 1200 BC)
- Urnfield culture (ca. 1300 to 750 BC)
[编辑] 重要人物
- 摩西, Israelite Leader of the Exodus. Legendary figure. May have lived between the 18th century BC and the 13th century BC.
- 汉谟拉比, Babylonian king and law maker(1792–1745 BC)
- 法老 Kamose of the Seventeenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1573 BC - 1570 BC).
- Pharaoh Ahmose I of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1570 BC - 1546 BC).
- Pharaoh Amenhotep I of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1546 BC - 1524 BC).
- Pharaoh Thutmose I of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1525 BC - 1518 BC).
- Pharaoh Thutmose II of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1518 BC - 1504 BC).
- Pharaoh Thutmose III of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1503 BC - 1450 BC).
- Pharaoh Hatshepsut of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1498 BC - 1483 BC).
- Pharaoh Amenhotep II of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1453 BC - 1419 BC.
- Pharaoh Thutmose IV of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1453 BC - 1386 BC).
- Pharaoh Amenhotep III of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1386 BC - 1349 BC).
- Pharaoh Akhenaten of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1350 BC - 1334 BC.
- Pharaoh Smenkhkare of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1336 BC - 1334 BC0.
- Pharaoh Tutankhamun of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1334 BC - 1325 BC).
- Pharaoh Ay of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1325 BC - 1321 BC).
- Pharaoh Horemheb of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1321 BC - 1293 BC).
- Pharaoh Ramesses I of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1293 BC - 1291 BC).
- Pharaoh Seti I of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1291 BC - 1278 BC).
- Pharaoh Ramesses II of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1279 BC - 1212 BC).
- Shalmaneser I, King of Assyria (reigned 1274 - 1245 BC).
- Theseus. Legendary King of Athens, credited with the political unification of Attica under Athens (reign estimated to 1234 BC - 1204 BC or 1213 BC).
- Pharaoh Merneptah of the Nineteenth dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1212 BC - 1202 BC).
[编辑] 文化里程碑
[编辑] 小说和神话
- The Canadian–American speculative fiction author S.M. Stirling has written a trilogy (the Nantucket series) set in Bronze Age era, circa the 1250s BC. The trilogy describes the conflict between the different factions of the population of the island of Nantucket after an unknown phenomenon ("The Event") transports them into the past — some trying to dominate the world for their own benefit, others trying to better it — and the different Bronze Age civilizations.
[编辑] 世纪和年代
前20世纪 | 前1990年代 | 前1980年代 | 前1970年代 | 前1960年代 | 前1950年代 | 前1940年代 | 前1930年代 | 前1920年代 | 前1910年代 | 前1900年代 |
前19世纪 | 前1890年代 | 前1880年代 | 前1870年代 | 前1860年代 | 前1850年代 | 前1840年代 | 前1830年代 | 前1820年代 | 前1810年代 | 前1800年代 |
前18世纪 | 前1790年代 | 前1780年代 | 前1770年代 | 前1760年代 | 前1750年代 | 前1740年代 | 前1730年代 | 前1720年代 | 前1710年代 | 前1700年代 |
前17世纪 | 前1690年代 | 前1680年代 | 前1670年代 | 前1660年代 | 前1650年代 | 前1640年代 | 前1630年代 | 前1620年代 | 前1610年代 | 前1600年代 |
前16世纪 | 前1590年代 | 前1580年代 | 前1570年代 | 前1560年代 | 前1550年代 | 前1540年代 | 前1530年代 | 前1520年代 | 前1510年代 | 前1500年代 |
前15世纪 | 前1490年代 | 前1480年代 | 前1470年代 | 前1460年代 | 前1450年代 | 前1440年代 | 前1430年代 | 前1420年代 | 前1410年代 | 前1400年代 |
前14世纪 | 前1390年代 | 前1380年代 | 前1370年代 | 前1360年代 | 前1350年代 | 前1340年代 | 前1330年代 | 前1320年代 | 前1310年代 | 前1300年代 |
前13世纪 | 前1290年代 | 前1280年代 | 前1270年代 | 前1260年代 | 前1250年代 | 前1240年代 | 前1230年代 | 前1220年代 | 前1210年代 | 前1200年代 |
前12世纪 | 前1190年代 | 前1180年代 | 前1170年代 | 前1160年代 | 前1150年代 | 前1140年代 | 前1130年代 | 前1120年代 | 前1110年代 | 前1100年代 |
前11世纪 | 前1090年代 | 前1080年代 | 前1070年代 | 前1060年代 | 前1050年代 | 前1040年代 | 前1030年代 | 前1020年代 | 前1010年代 | 前1000年代 |