右美沙芬(Dextromethorphan),又名右甲嗎喃,英文簡稱DM或DXM,是一種鎮咳藥物,它的氫溴酸鹽(Dextromethorphan hydrobromide)常用於藥品中。
目录 |
[编辑] 化學
右美沙芬 is a salt of the methyl ether dextrorotatory isomer of levorphanol, a narcotic analgesic. 它的化学命名是3-methoxy-17-methyl-9(alpha), 13(alpha), 14(alpha)-morphinan hydrobromide monohydrate. 右美沙芬为白色晶体, 微溶于水, 易溶于乙醇. The drug is dextrorotatory in water (at 20 degrees Celsius, Sodium D-line) with a specific rotation of +27.6 degrees.
Dextromethorphan is metabolized by various liver enzymes and subsequently undergoes O-demethylation, N-demethylation, and partial conjugation with glucuronic acid and sulfate ions. Hours after dextromethorphan therapy, (in humans) the metabolites (+)-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorphinan, (+)-3-morphinan, and traces of the unchanged drug are detectable in the urine.
[编辑] 醫學上的用途
[编辑] 藥物效應動力學
服用治療劑量後,右美沙芬在中樞神經系統作用,抑制咳嗽,卻不抑制纖毛活動。右美沙芬在腸胃被迅速吸收,在口服後15至60分鐘內可發揮藥效。口服後藥力可維持大約3至8小時。Because administration of DXM can be accompanied by histamine release, its use in atopic children is very limited.
According to the 世界衛生組織 committee on Drug Dependence, dextromethorphan, when used recreationally (see non-medical use of dextromethorphan), doesn't produce physical addiction but can generate slight psychological dependence in some users.
[编辑] 臨床藥理學
口服後,右美沙芬迅速從腸胃吸收,進入血管及穿過腦血管障壁。初次進入肝門靜脈後,部份右美沙芬被代謝成另一有藥效的代謝物右啡烷(dextrorphan),即3-hydroxy derivative of dextromethorphan. 右美沙芬的藥效相信由該藥本身及此代謝物所致。右美沙芬主要經肝臟透過多種肝酶代謝。Through various pathways, the drug undergoes (O-demethylation (which produces dextrorphan), N-demethylation, and partial conjugation with glucuronic acid and sulfate ions. 無藥效的(+)-3-hydroxy-N-methylmorphinan是右美沙芬經過這些途徑代謝而產生的一種代謝物。涉及這些過程的一種著名代謝催化剂是一種獨特的cytochrome P450 enzyme known as 2D6, or CYP2D6. 不少人的身體內的這種酶有功能上的缺憾 (and are known as poor CYP2D6 metabolizers). 由於CYP2D6是導致右美沙芬在體內失效的主要代謝途徑,右美沙芬在體內的效應及其持續時間在這些比較差的代謝者身上明顯增強,他們當中有人因濫用右美沙芬而死亡或住院的事例曾被報告。
Dextromethorphan crosses the blood-brain barrier, and the following pharmacological actions have been reported:
[编辑] 歷史
右美沙芬獲批美國專利 2,676,177,已屆滿,在1958年被批准為可不需處方售賣的鎮咳藥。
目前在台灣有商品販售的藥,就屬 諾比舒咳 而該商品又細分兩種 咳嗽液 和 祛痰液 只有咳嗽液 含有右美沙芬
[编辑] 非醫學的用途
For a history of and information on the use of dextromethorphan as a dissociative or hallucinogen, see non-medical use of dextromethorphan.