楊氏模數(Young's modulus )是材料力學中的名詞,彈性材料承受正向應力時會產生正向應變,定義為正向應力與正向應變的比值。公式記為
其中,E 表示楊氏模數,σ 表示正向應力,ε 表示正向應變。
目录 |
[编辑] 各種物料的楊氏模數約值
Note that Young's Modulus can vary considerably depending on the exact composition of the material. For example, the value for most metals can vary by 5% or more, depending on the precise composition of the alloy and any heat treatment applied during manufacture. As such, many of the values here are very approximate.
材料 | 楊氏模量 (E) in GPa | 楊氏模量 (E) in lbf/in² |
橡膠 (small strain微小应变) | 0.01-0.1 | 1,500-15,000 |
低密度聚乙烯 Low density polyethylene | 0.2 | 30,000 |
聚丙烯 | 1.5-2 | 217,000-290,000 |
Polyethylene terephthalate | 2-2.5 | 290,000-360,000 |
聚苯乙烯 | 3-3.5 | 435,000-505,000 |
尼龍 | 2-4 | 290,000-580,000 |
Oak wood (along grain) | 11 | 1,600,000 |
高強度混礙土High-strength concrete (under compression) | 30 | 4,350,000 |
金屬鎂 Magnesium metal | 45 | 6,500,000 |
玻璃 (all types) | 10,400,000 | |
鋁 alloy | 69 | 10,000,000 |
黄銅和青銅 Brass and bronze | 103-124 | 17,000,000 |
鈦 (Ti) | 105-120 | 15,000,000-17,500,000 |
炭纖維Carbon fiber reinforced plastic (unidirectional, along grain) | 150 | 21,800,000 |
合金 and 鋼 | 190-210 | 30,000,000 |
鎢 (W) | 400-410 | 58,000,000-59,500,000 |
碳化硅 Silicon carbide (SiC) | 450 | 65,000,000 |
碳化鎢Tungsten carbide (WC) | 450-650 | 65,000,000-94,000,000 |
單碳納米管 [1] | approx. 1,000 | approx. 145,000,000 |
鑽石 | 1,050-1,200 | 150,000,000-175,000,000 |