温哥華市 City of Vancouver |
温哥華市中心 | |||||
标语:By Land, Air and Sea We Prosper. (憑陸、空、海我們得以繁榮。) | |||||
温哥華在大溫哥華地區的位置 | |||||
经纬度 北纬49度16分秒,西经123度7分秒 | |||||
國家 | 加拿大 | ||||
省 | 不列颠哥伦比亚 | ||||
區域 | 大溫 | ||||
成立 | 1886年4月6日 | ||||
市長 | Sam Sullivan | ||||
面積 | |||||
總面積 | 114.67 km² | ||||
都會區 | 2,878.52 km² | ||||
人口 | |||||
總人口 (2001) | 545,671 | ||||
人口密度 | 4758.6/km² | ||||
都會區 | 1,986,965 | ||||
海拔 | 0-167 m | ||||
時區 | 太平洋標準時間(UTC-8) | ||||
夏令時間 | 太平洋日光節約時間(UTC-7) | ||||
网站: 溫哥華市官方網頁 |
溫哥華市(City of Vancover)是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一個美麗的城市,是該省第一大城市,也是全國第三大城市。2010年冬季奧林匹克運動會將於溫哥華舉行。在2006年的世界最佳居住城市評選中溫哥華為全球第三位。
目录 |
[编辑] 歷史
[编辑] 地理環境
[编辑] 大溫地區城市列表
- 溫哥華市(City of Vancouver)
- 本那比市(City of Burnaby)
- 新西敏市(City of New Westminster)
- 西温哥華(District of West Vancouver)
- Village of Lions Bay
- Bowen Island
- 北溫哥華市(City of North Vancouver)
- District of North Vancouver
- City of Port Moody
- 高貴林市(City of Coquitlam)
- 高貴林港市 (City of Port Coquitlam)
- 素里市(City of Surrey)
- 白石鎮(White Rock)
- 列治文市(City of Richmond)
- Corporation of Delta
- 蘭里市(City of Langley)
- 蘭里鎮(District(Township) of Langley)
- Pitt Meadows
- Maple Ridge
- Anmore
- Village of Belcarra
[编辑] 交通
Vancouver's streetcar system began on 28 June 1890 and ran from the (first) Granville Street Bridge to Westminster Avenue (now Main Street). Less than a year later, the Westminster and Vancouver Tramway Company began operating Canada's first interurban line between the two cities, which encouraged residential neighbourhoods outside the central core to develop.[1] The British Columbia Electric Railway became the company that operated the urban and interurban rail system, until 1958 when its last vestiges were dismantled in favour of diesel buses.[2]
City councils, as part of a long term plan, prohibited the construction of freeways in the 1980s.[3] The only major freeway within city limits is Highway 1, which passes through the eastern edge of the city.
TransLink, the Greater Vancouver Regional District transportation authority, is responsible for roads and public transportation within region. It provides a bus service, B-Line Rapid Bus Service (2 of the 3 B-Lines run in Vancouver with 2 more B-Lines by 2008), a foot passenger and bicycle ferry service (known as SeaBus), a two-line automated metro system called SkyTrain, and the commuter rail West Coast Express.[4] Future projects include the Canada Line, a metro-style train line that will connect Vancouver International Airport and the neighbouring municipality Richmond with Downtown.
Inter-city passenger rail service is operated from Pacific Central Station by VIA Rail to points east; Amtrak Cascades to Seattle, Washington; and Rocky Mountaineer rail tour routes.
Vancouver is served by Vancouver International Airport (YVR), located on Sea Island in the City of Richmond, immediately south of Vancouver. Vancouver's airport is Canada's second busiest airport, and the second largest gateway on the west coast of North America for international passengers. HeliJet and two float plane companies operate scheduled air service from Vancouver harbour. The city is also served by two BC Ferry terminals. One is to the northwest at Horseshoe Bay, West Vancouver, and the other is to the south, at Tsawwassen (in Delta).
[编辑] 旅遊
溫哥華旅遊景點眾多,包括史丹利公園(Stanley Park)- 北美第三大的城市公園,獅門大橋(Lion's Gate Bridge)- 加拿大最長的橋樑,泛太平洋酒店(Canada Place)- 著名的「五帆」建筑,伊麗莎白女王公園(Queen Elizabeth Park),葛勞士山(Grouse Mountain),卡皮拉諾吊橋(Capilano Suspension Bridge),唐人街(千禧門,孫中山花園),惠斯勒(Whistler)滑雪場(2010年冬奥會滑雪舉辦場)等。
[编辑] 教育
- UBC(University of British Columbia) - 中文译卑詩大學或不列顛哥倫比亞大學或英屬哥倫比亞大學,
- SFU(Simon Fraser University) - 西門菲沙大學。排名均名列前茅。
- BCIT(British Columbia Institute of Technology) - 卑詩理工学院
- VCC(Vancouver Community College) - 温哥华社区学院
- Capilano College - 卡皮拉諾學院
- Kwantlen University College - 昆特兰学院
- Langara College - 蘭加拉學院(曾为VCC第三分校,2004年4月獨立)
- Columbia College - 哥倫比亞學院
- Douglas College - 道格拉斯學院
[编辑] 姊妹城市
[编辑] 外部連結