英國陸軍, 英國軍隊的地面武裝部隊,是從蘇格蘭與英格蘭的武裝部隊、政經文架構,在1707年合拼為大不列顛聯合王國時形成。 至2006年止,英國陸軍人數大約為十萬七千七百三十名正規軍(Regular Army)士兵,及三萬八千四百六十名 地方自衛隊 士兵。 英國陸軍經常被部署於全球每一各落的戰地參與戰鬥部隊、多國聯軍、或聯合國維持和平部隊行動。
目录 |
[编辑] 歷史
其一英軍勝戰 - 滑鐵盧戰役
英國從1763至1914年期間為全球超級軍事及經濟大國。 當皇家海軍被公認為大英帝國在地球七大洲上的殖民地、保護地、自治領等擴張的先河,英國陸軍扮演主要角色包括佔領戰略土地、進駐殖民地、平息叛亂、支援盟國、及鎮壓敵對組織等殖民化行動。 值得注意的行動包括七年戰爭、美國獨立戰爭、拿破崙戰爭、兩次鴉片戰爭、義和團運動、毛利人戰爭、印度民族起義、兩次布爾人戰爭、Fenian raids、愛爾蘭獨立戰爭;十九世紀末期的用來防止俄羅斯勢力的一連串阿富汗入侵、和克里米亞戰爭;兩次世界大戰、1960年代印尼-馬來西亞衝突、福克蘭戰爭、及兩次海灣戰爭 - 波斯灣戰爭 and 伊拉克戰爭。
[编辑] The legend of Tommy Atkins
The nickname for a British soldier for several centuries was 'Tommy Atkins' or 'Tommy' for short. Present day soldiers are called 'Toms' or just 'Tom' within the services. Outside the services soldiers are generally known as 'Squaddies'. The British Army magazine Soldier has a regular cartoon strip, 'Tom', featuring the everyday life of a British soldier. Officers in the army are generally known as 'Ruperts' by the Other ranks.
[编辑] 當今陸軍
[编辑] 統計
英國陸軍統計 [1] | |
正規士兵 | 107,730名 |
英國地方自衛隊 (後備士兵) | 38,460名 |
主力坦克 | 386輛挑戰者2型 |
步兵戰車 | 667輛Warrior (789 purchased) |
裝甲輸送車 and reconnaissance vehicles | 3,230–4,000輛以上 |
Land Rover Wolf | 15,000輛 |
Pinzgauer | 2,000輛 |
Utility Trucks | 2,300輛 |
火炮及迫擊炮 | 2,896件 |
空防組件 | 337件 |
飛機 | 300架以上 |
[编辑] 現時行動
[编辑] 高烈度行動
地區 | 時段 | 部署 | 內容 |
阿富汗 | 2001– | 5,000 troops | British troops have been based in Afghanistan since the US-led invasion there in 2001. The Parachute Regiment were deployed in Kabul, Afghanistan to assist in the liberation of the troubled capital. Royal Marines Commandos also swept the Afghan mountains but this force is part of the Royal Navy. Currently, under Operation Herrick, the Army maintains a battalion in Kabul and most of a brigade in the southern province of Helmand. The British Army is today concentrating on fighting Taliban forces and bringing security to Helmand province under NATO control. |
伊拉克 | 2003– | 8,500 troops | As part of Operation Telic (Gulf War 2), the British Army participated in the United States-led invasion of Iraq as the only other major contributor. There was great disagreement amongst the populace but the government voted for the war, with the result of sending over 30,000 army personnel to the region. Following the decision for continued security operations, the UK commands the Multi-National Division (South-East) in the city of Basra and the Southern regions of Iraq; with a headquarters unit, National Support Element, and a combat brigade (at the moment 7 Armoured Brigade), along with troops from Italy, Norway, Romania, Denmark, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Portugal, and Lithuania. A large number of Territorial Army soldiers have been deployed for a variety of tasks, both as individuals serving and as formed units. |
[编辑] 低烈度行動
地區 | 時段 | 部署 | 內容 |
波士尼亞 | 1995– | 一營輕型步兵(輪班制) | 英軍以執行聯合國安理會決議案名義作維持和平士兵。 The British Army was deployed to Yugoslavia in 1992. Initially this force formed part of the United Nations Protection Force. In 1995 command was transferred to IFOR and then to SFOR. Currently troops are under the command of EUFOR. Over 10,000 troops were sent. |
塞普勒斯 | 1960– | 二營定居步兵營、皇家工程兵、16 Flight Army Air Corps and Joint Service Signals Unit at Ayios Nikolaos as a part of British Forces Cyprus | The UK retains two Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus after the island's independence. The bases serve as forward bases for deployment in the Middle East. British forces are also deployed separately with UN forces. |
福克蘭群島 | 1982– | An infantry company group and an Engineers Squadron | Constant occupation since 1833, except brief period in 1982 when Argentina invaded. Previously a platoon-sized Royal Marines Naval Party served as garrison. After 1982 the garrison was enlarged, and bolstered with an RAF base. |
直布羅陀 | 1704– | 一營步兵、, Joint Provost and Security Unit as a part of British Forces Gibraltar | British Army garrison is provided by an indigenous regiment, the Royal Gibraltar Regiment, which has been on the Army regular establishment since the last British regiment left in 1991. |
Kosovo | 1999 | 3,500 troops | After the Kosovo War in 1999, the British Army under the command of SFOR led the NATO deployment in Kosovo to restore peace to the province. Since then, the UK has withdrawn some forces, as other nations provided troops. Command was subsequently transferred to KFOR. |
其餘中東地區 | 1990 | 3,700 troops | Since the Gulf War 1 in 1991, the UK has had a considerable military presence in the Middle East. Besides Iraq, there are also an additional 3,500 troops in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, as well as regular training missions in Oman. |
Sierra Leone | 1999 | around 100 | The British Army were deployed to Sierra Leone, a former British colony, in 1999 to aid the government in quelling violent uprisings by militiamen, under United Nations resolutions. Troops remain in the region to provide military support and training to the Sierra Leone government. |
北愛爾蘭 | 1969– | 11,000 troops | British Army first deployed under Operation Banner since 1969 in support of to the Royal Ulster Constabulary and then to the Police Service of Northern Ireland. Re-deployed in large numbers from 14 August 1969 after civil disorder. They were initially welcomed by the nationalist community as protectors but most came to oppose their presence especially after Operation Demetrius (internment) and Bloody Sunday, when members of the Parachute Regiment shot dead 14 civilians. The army became involved in a conflict with the PIRA, smaller republican splinter groups and loyalist terrorists. 763 soldiers have been killed in Northern Ireland since 1969, mostly in Belfast and Armagh. There has been a reduction in the number of troops deployed in Northern Ireland since the Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998. In 2005, after the IRA announced an end to armed conflict in Northern Ireland, it was revealed that the British Army would dismantle posts in the province and withdraw many troops and restore troop levels to that of a peace time garrison. Counter-terrorist experience in Northern Ireland later proved useful in Iraq. Officially Operation Banner will end on 1 August 2007, making it the longest military operation in the history of the British Army, at 35-years-old. |
[编辑] 海外訓練
地區 | 時段 | 部署 | 內容 |
伯利茲 | 1981– | British Army Training and Support Unit Belize and 25 Flight Army Air Corps | 自伯利茲1981年獨立至1994年,英軍進駐防犯鄰國危地馬垃對主權入侵的威懾力量。 現時為英軍的森林作戰訓練中心。 |
汶萊 | 1962– | 一營來自Royal Gurkha Rifles, British Garrison, Training Team Brunei (TTB) and 7 Flight Army Air Corps | 一營Gurkha battalion has been maintained in Brunei since the troubles in 1962 at the request of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin III. The Training Team Brunei is the Army's jungle warfare school, while the small number of garrison troops support the battalion. 7 Flight Army Air Corps supports both the Gurkha battalion and the TTB. |
加拿大 | 1972– | British Army Training Unit Suffield | 在亞爾伯達省舉行每年度軍事演習。 |
德國 | 1945– | 1st (UK) Armoured Division as part of British Forces Germany | British forces remained in Germany after the end of World War II. Forces declined considerably after the end of the Cold War, although the lack of accommodation in the UK means forces will continue to be based in Germany. |
Kenya | British Army Training and Liaison Staff Kenya | 與肯亞政達成協議,成立每年提供三營陸軍士兵的沙漠訓練設施。 |
[编辑] 裝備
- 個人武器
- 戰車
- 火炮及防空系統
- 英國陸軍三大炮類系統:三十公里射程的MLRS;AS-90自行式火炮;105毫米L118輕型火炮。
- 輕劍式FSC飛彈系統、Starstreak HVM地對空飛彈。
- 英國陸軍航空兵(Army Air Corp/AAC) - 提供陸軍地面部隊直接支援;皇家空軍提供其餘包括戰略運送支援。
- 阿帕奇AH.1直升機,攻擊直升機
- 山貓AH.7直升機,提供多樣支援任務;可配上八枚TOW式反坦克飛彈。
- Bell 212及Agusta A109直升機
- Gazelle AH.1直升機;提供戰地低空偵察。
- Britten-Norman Islander - 主要提供北愛爾蘭低空偵察。
- 補給裝備
- en:Land Rover (TUL/TUM)
- 電子及通訊設備
- Bowman數碼電子通訊系統
- Skynet 5衛星通訊系統
- Spyglass Thermal Imager
- Cobra Artillery Location Radar - 提供火炮位置
[编辑] 編制及組織架構
See main article: Structure of the British Army
英國陸軍組織架構,由於屬下單位不同成立的因素,導至非常復雜。 全架構由正規及後備軍人組成兩大平行(parallel)組織 - 行政及行動。
行政: 軍,一個功能性組織,例如皇家訊號團(Royal Corps of Signals)。
行動: 英國陸軍有三大行動指揮部:陸地指揮部、陸務總處、及、北愛爾蘭總部。
- 師,從兩或三個旅、師總部、支援單位組成,由一名陸軍少將指揮。 師級的軍事單位被視為英國最高的軍事組織規模;例如陸軍第三機械師。
- 旅,從兩或三個營、營總部、有牽連的支援單位組成;由一名陸軍準將(brigadier)指揮。 例如三軍直升機指揮部(Joint Helicopter Command)屬下的第十六空中特擊旅 (16 Air Assault Brigade)
- 約數共有七百名士兵,由五個連組成的營;由一名陸軍中校(lieutenant colonel)指揮。
- 旅,從兩或三個營、營總部、有牽連的支援單位組成;由一名陸軍準將(brigadier)指揮。 例如三軍直升機指揮部(Joint Helicopter Command)屬下的第十六空中特擊旅 (16 Air Assault Brigade)
- 主力組 (battlegroup) - 一組約六百至七百人,以裝甲/步兵營(團)為中心架構(specific task)的混合部隊;齊集裝甲、步兵、火炮、工程、及支援單位;由一名陸軍中校(lieutenant colonel)指揮。
以下是在2006年十月時的英國陸軍編制,有少許軍團(regiments)需跟從2003年英國國防白皮書Delivering Security in a Changing World合拼或解散。
[编辑] 裝甲部隊
- 御林騎兵 (Household Cavalry Regiment and Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment)
- 重型裝甲
[编辑] 步兵
- 御林兵
- 近衛步兵團 - 一營
- Coldstream Guards - 一營
- 蘇格蘭衛兵團 - 一營
- 愛爾蘭衛兵團 - 一營
- 威爾斯衛兵團 - 一營
- 戰列及輕型步兵
- 皇家蘇格蘭軍團 - 五營
- 威爾斯皇妃御准軍團 - 兩營
- 蘭開夏公爵御准軍團 - 三營(Jul 06-Feb 07)
- 皇家步兵團 (The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers) - 兩營
- 皇家盎格魯軍團 - 兩營
- 來福槍團 - 五營
- 約克郡軍團 - 3 battalions
- 第二十二(柴郡)軍團 - 一營
- 皇家威爾斯軍團 - 兩營
- 皇家愛爾蘭軍團 - 一營
- The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters (29th/45th Foot)軍團 - 一營
- 史塔福郡軍團 - 一營
- 傘兵軍團 - 三營(1 Battalion forms part of SFSG)
- 皇家廓爾喀來福槍團 - 兩營
- 皇家直布羅陀軍團 - 一營
- 廓尔喀雇佣兵部队建设 -长备3700人
[编辑] 支援組織
A number of element of the British Army use alternative terms for Battalion, Company and Platoon.
- 戰地支援組織
- 服務組織
[编辑] 特種部隊
- 特別空勤隊 Special Air Service Regiment
- Special Reconnaissance Regiment
由1941年成立的著名部隊,SAS日後成為世界各地特種部隊的模範。 現時特別空勤隊由一支正規團及兩支地方自衛隊(後備)團。
特別空勤隊正規團,第二十二團包含A、B、D、G及後備五支大隊;另加一訓練部。 軍團專責戰空深度偵察及倩報搜集、目標確認及蹤跡、目標毀滅及拒制。 而軍團的反恐專責被確認為全球反恐、人質營救、目標俘虜的首屈一指專家。
由現有資源,包括陸軍傘兵團第一營、皇家海軍陸戰隊、和皇家空軍的單位,在2005年成立的Special Reconnaissance Regiment(SRR)專責目標近距離偵察和監視工作。
[编辑] 招募
The Army mainly recruits within the United Kingdom, and normally has a recruitment target of around 25,000 soldiers per year. Low unemployment in Britain has resulted in the Army having difficulty in meeting its target, and in the early years of the 21st century there has been a marked increase in the number of recruits from other (mostly Commonwealth) countries, who as of mid-2004 comprised approximately 7.5% of the Army's total strength. By 2005 this number had risen to almost 10%. There were 6,460 foreign soldiers from 54 countries in the Army (not counting over 3,000 Nepalese Gurkhas). After Nepal, the nation with most citizens in the British Army is Fiji, with 1,965, followed by Jamaica with 975; soldiers also come from more prosperous countries such as Australia and South Africa (650) (However, recent proposals by the South African government may in future bar South African citizens from serving within the militaries of foreign states. The British government has appealed against this move). The Caribbean island of St Lucia, which has a population of just over 150,000, provides 220 soldiers.[2]
There has been a strong and continuing tradition of recruiting from Ireland including what is now the Republic of Ireland. Almost 150,000 Irish soldiers fought in the First World War; 49,000 died. More than 60,000 Irishmen, more than from Northern Ireland, also saw action in the Second World War; like their compatriots in the Great War, all were volunteers. There were more than 400 men serving from the Republic in 2003[3].
[编辑] Flags and ensigns
The British Army does not have its own specific ensign, unlike the Royal Navy, which uses the White Ensign, and the RAF, which uses the Royal Air Force Ensign. Instead, the Army has different flags and ensigns, for the entire army and the different regiments and corps. The official flag of the Army as a whole is the Union Flag, flown in ratio 3:5. A non-ceremonial flag also exists, which is used at recruiting events, military events and exhibitions. Whilst at war, the Union Flag is always used, and this flag represents the Army on the Cenotaph in Whitehall, London (the UK's memorial to war dead). A British Army ensign also exists for vessels commanded by a commissioned officer, the Blue Ensign defaced with the Army badge. However, there are currently no commissioned vessels in the Army.
Each line regiment (except the Rifle Regiments) also has its own flags, known as the Colours - the Regimental Colour and the Queen's Colour. These colours have been taken into battle in the past and give pride to the regiment. There is great variation in the designs of different regimental colours. Typically the colour has the regiment's badge in the centre.
[编辑] Ranks, specialisms and insignia
Template:Ranks and Insignia of NATO/Army/Blank Template:Ranks and Insignia of NATO/Army/United Kingdom
Abbreviation | FM | Gen. | Lt-Gen. | Maj-Gen. | Brig. | Col. | Lt-Col. | Maj. | Capt. | Lt. | 2nd Lt. |
Template:Ranks and Insignia of NATO Armies/OR/Blank Template:Ranks and Insignia of NATO Armies/OR/United Kingdom
Every regiment and corps has its own distinctive insignia, such as cap badge, beret and stable belt.
Throughout the army there are many official specialisms. They do not affect rank, but they do affect pay bands.
Band 2 Specialisms: | Band 3 Specialisms: |
Bandsman | Survey Technician |
Farrier | Lab Technician |
Driver Tank Transporter | Registered General Nurse |
Radar Operator | Telcom Op (Special) |
Meteorologist | Aircraft Technician |
Bomb Disposal Engineer | SAS Soldier |
Telcom Op (Linguist) | |
Operator Special Intelligence | |
Construction Materials Technician | |
Gun Fitter | |
Driver Specialist | |
Vehicle Electrician | |
Armoured Engineer |
[编辑] 海外領土成立的軍事單位
Numerous military units were raised historically in British territories, including self-governing and Crown colonies, and protectorates. Few of these have appeared on the Army List, and their relationship to the British Army has been ambiguous. Whereas Dominions, such as Canada and Australia, raised their own armies, Crown possessions (like the Channel Islands), and colonies (now called Overseas Territories) were, and are, legally part of the UK, and their defence remains the responsibility of the National (ie., United Kingdom) government. All military forces of overseas territories are, therefore, under the direct command of the UK Government, via the local Governor and Commander-In-Chief. Many of the units in colonies, or former colonies, were also actually formed at the behest of the UK Government as it sought to reduce the deployment of the British Army on garrison around the world at the latter end of the 19th Century. Today, three overseas territories retain locally-raised military units, Bermuda, Gibraltar, and the Falkland Islands. The units are patterned on the British Army, are subject to review by the Ministry Of Defence, and are ultimately under the control of the UK Government, not the local governments of the Territories (though day-to-day control may be delegated to Ministers of the territorial governments). Despite this, the units may have no tasking or funding from the MOD, and are generally raised under acts of the territorial assemblies.
[编辑] 參閱
- 英國國防部
- Redcoat
- en:Territorial Army
- Volunteer Army
- en:British military history
- en:British Army Casualties during Operation TELIC
- 皇家海軍
- 皇家空軍
- 英國特種部隊
- Modern equipment and uniform of the British Army
- Army Rugby Union
[编辑] 外部連接
![]() ![]() |
- 英國陸軍官方網站
- 英國戰爭紀念計劃
- The National Archives of Scotland: Doing research. Guides. Military records.
- Regiments.Org內英國陸軍各軍及團單位概要
- 第一次世界大戰時的英國陸軍
- 關於英國陸軍內謠傳的網站
- 的英國陸軍during the Napoleonic Wars
- Tom Wall, New Statesman, 6 December 2004, "Our boy soldiers"
- 陸軍皇家工程博物館 - 講述皇家工程的歷史
[编辑] Footnotes
- ↑ Armed forces.co.uk
- ↑ One in 10 soldiers is recruited overseas in the Daily Telegraph 13 April, 2006
- ↑ ‘Ian's death brought people together' in the Daily Telegraph 19 March 2003