{{{校名}}} {{{native_name}}} |
萊頓大學座落在荷蘭的萊頓市,是目前荷蘭持續運作中最古老的大學(技術上來說,魯汶大學於1425年在荷蘭境內建立,才是荷蘭最古老的大學,不過現在魯汶大學在比利時境內)。萊頓大學是Coimbra Group、Europaeum以及League of European Research Universities等大學聯盟的一員。本校建立於西元1575年,由八十年戰爭中的荷蘭革命領袖Prince William of Orange所建,迄今仍與Orange皇朝的皇室有密切關係。荷蘭女王Wilhelmina、Juliana、Beatrix以及王儲Willem-Alexander也曾在萊頓大學學習。在2005年,Beatrix女王從萊頓大學獲得珍貴的榮譽學位。[1]
目录 |
[编辑] 校內機構
本大學沒有中央校園;所有建築散布在城市各處。有些建築非常老舊,例如Gravensteen (現為萊頓的國際辦公室);而有些很有現代感,如Lipsius以及Gorlaeus。本大學分為9個學院,其中包含了約50個系以及超過100個以上的研究所。
各學院 | |
數學與自然科學院 | Website |
哲學院 | Website |
藝術學院 | Website |
法學院 | Website |
宗教學院 | Website |
考古學院 | Website |
社會學與行為科學院 | Website |
醫學院 | Website |
創作及表演藝術學院 | Website |
創作及表演藝術學院是由萊頓大學、Royal Conservatory以及Royal Academy for Art合作創建的。本大學沒有經濟學、商學與管理學院,因為這些年來這類課程被認為不符合本大學的傳統。然而,2002年創立了萊頓管理學校(LUSM),提供6個專業MBA課程。此課程只維持四年,也就是2006年所有管理課程都被取消。然而萊頓管理學校發展了其他商業管理活動,使得他們與大學內的學院關係更密切。現在他們與數學學院合作提供理學碩士學位:ICT in Business。
[编辑] 歷史
In 1575 Prince William of Orange presided over one of the few realms in Europe which did not have any universities. The scientific renaissance had begun to highlight the importance of academic study, and so Prince William founded the first Dutch university in Leiden as a reward for the heroic defence of Leiden against Spanish attacks in the previous year. Ironically, the name of Philip II of Spain, William's adversary, appears on the official foundation certificate, as he was still the de jure Count of Holland. It is traditionally said that the citizens of Leiden were offered the choice between a university and a certain exemption from taxes, and that the citizens believed that a tax law could be rescinded, whereas the great universities of Europe had survived for many centuries. Originally located in the convent of St Barbara, the university moved to the convent of the White Nuns in 1581, a site which it still occupies, though the original building was destroyed in 1616.
The presence within half a century of the date of its foundation of such scholars as Justus Lipsius, Joseph Scaliger, Franciscus Gomarus, Hugo Grotius, Jacobus Arminius, Daniel Heinsius and Gerhard Johann Vossius, at once raised Leiden university to the highest European fame, a position which the learning and reputation of Jacobus Gronovius, Herman Boerhaave, Tiberius Hemsterhuis and David Ruhnken, among others, enabled it to maintain down to the end of the 18th century.
At the end of the nineteenth century, Leiden University again became one of Europe's leading universities. At the world’s first university low-temperature laboratory, professor Heike Kamerlingh Onnes achieved temperatures of only one degree above absolute zero of -273 degrees Celsius. In 1908 he was also the first to succeed in liquifying helium and can be credited with the discovery of the superconductivity in metals.
Kamerlingh Onnes was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1913. Three other professors received the Nobel Prize for their research performed at Universiteit Leiden: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman received the Nobel Prize for their pioneering work in the field of optical and electronic phenomena, and the physiologist Willem Einthoven for his invention of the string galvanometer, which among other things, enabled the development of electrocardiography.
These Nobel prize winners, but also the physicists Albert Einstein and Paul Ehrenfest, the Arabist and Islam expert Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje, the law expert Cornelis van Vollenhoven and historian Johan Huizinga, were among those who pushed the university into a place of international prominence during the 1920s and 1930s. In 2005 the manuscript of Einstein on the quantum theory of the monatomic ideal gas (the Einstein-Bose condensation) was discovered in one of Leiden's libraries.[2]
At present, Leiden has a firmly established international position among the top research institutes in many fields, including the natural sciences, medicine, social and behavioural sciences, law, arts and letters. Of the twenty-eight Spinoza awards (the highest scientific award of The Netherlands), seven were granted to professors of the Universiteit Leiden. Literary historian Frits van Oostrom was the first professor of Leiden to be granted the Spinoza award for his work on developing the NLCM centre (Dutch literature and culture in the Middle Ages) into a top research centre. Other Spinoza award winners are linguist Frits Kortlandt, mathematician Hendrik Lenstra and Carlo Beenakker, who works his field of mesoscopic physics. Among other leading professors are Ewine van Dishoeck, professor of astronomy at Leiden Observatory, professor of transplantation biology Els Goulmy, Frits Rosendaal, professor of clinical epidemiology, Wim Blockmans, professor of Medieval History, and Willem Adelaar, professor of Amerindian Languages.
The portraits of many famous professors since the earliest days hang in the university aula, one of the most memorable places, as Niebuhr called it, in the history of science. The University Library, which has more than 3.5 million books and fifty thousand journals, also has a number of special collections of western and oriental manuscripts, printed books, archives, maps, and atlases. Scholars from all over the world visit Leiden University Library. The research activities of the Scaliger Institute concentrate on the various aspects of the transmission of knowledge and ideas through texts and images from antiquity to the present day.
Among the institutions affiliated with the university are The KITLV or Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (founded in 1851), the observatory 1633; the natural history museum, with a very complete anatomical cabinet; the museum of antiquities (Museum van Oudheden), with specially valuable Egyptian and Indian departments; a museum of Dutch antiquities from the earliest times; and three ethnographical museums, of which the nucleus was P. F. von Siebold's Japanese collections. The anatomical and pathological laboratories of the university are modern, and the museums of geology and mineralogy have been restored.
The Hortus Botanicus (botanical garden) is the oldest botanical garden in the Netherlands. Plants from all over the world have been carefully cultivated here by experts for more than four centuries. The Clusius garden (a reconstruction), the 18th century Orangery with its monumental tub plants, the rare collection of historical trees hundreds of years old, the Japanese Von Siebold Memorial Garden symbolising the historical link between East and West, the tropical greenhouses with their world class plant collections, and the central square and Conservatory exhibiting exotic plants from South Africa and southern Europe.
Research at Leiden is well developed. There are many university research institutes and Leiden participates in over forty nation-wide research schools, twelve of which being located in the heart of Leiden.
[编辑] Education
[编辑] Undergraduate programs:
Most of the university's departments offer their own degree program(s). Undergraduate programs lead to either a B.A., B.Sc. or LL.B. degree. Other degrees such as the B.Eng. or B.F.A. or an are not awarded at Leiden University.
[编辑] Graduate Studies:
Students can choose from a range of graduate programs. Most of the above mentioned undergraduate programs can be continued with either a general or a specialised graduate program. Leiden University offers more than 100 graduate programs leading to either M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil., or LL.M. degree. The M.Phil. is a special research degree and only awarded by selected departments of the university (mostly in the fields of Arts, Social Sciences, Archeology, Philosophy, and Theology). Admission to these programs are highly selective and primarily aiming at those students opting for an academic career.
Some of the notable graduate programs are
- Aerospace Law
- Behavioural Science
- Bioinformatics
- DNA computing
- Drug Delivery Technology and Biopharmaceutics
- East-Asian Studies
- European Law
- European Business Law
- European Studies
- Evolutionary and Ecological Sciences
- Functional Genomics
- History
- ICT in Business
- International Public Law
- International Relations and Diplomacy
- Islamic Studies
- Media Technology
- Nanoscience
- Philosophy of a certain discipline
- Toxicology
[编辑] Doctorate programs:
In addition, most departments, affiliated (research)institutes or faculties offer doctorate programs or positions, leading to the Ph.D degree. Most of the Ph.D. programs offered by the university are concentrated in several research schools or institutes.
[编辑] Research schools and affiliated institutes
Leiden University has more than 50 research and graduate schools and institutes. Some of them are fully affiliated with one faculty of the university, while others are interfaculty institutes or even interuniversity institutes. Most of the scholars working in the Netherlands are associated with one of these schools or institutes.
Institute | ||
ASC | Research Centre for African Studies | Website |
CNWS | Research School of Asian, African, and American Studies | Website |
CTI | Center for Language and Identity | Website |
E.M. Meijers Institute | Research School for Legal Studies | Website |
Grotius Centre | Research Centre for International Legal Studies | Website |
GSS | Leiden Graduate School of Science | Website |
Historical Institute | Research Institute of History | Website |
Huizinga Instituut | Research Institute and Graduate School of Cultural History | Website |
IBL | Leiden Research Institute for Biology | Website |
IIAS | International Institute for Asian Studies | Website |
IOPS | Interuniversity Graduate School Psychometrics and Sociometrics | Website |
ISED | Institute for the Study of Educational and Human Development | Website |
LACDR | The Leiden Amsterdam Center for Drug Research | Website |
LCMBS | Leiden Centre for Molecular BioScience | Website |
LGSAS | Leiden Graduate School for Archeology | Website |
LIACS | Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science | Website |
LIC | Leiden Insitute of Chemistry | Website |
LION | Leiden Institute of Physics | Website |
LISOR | Leiden Institute for the Study of Religion | Website |
LUCL | Leiden University Centre for Linguistics | Website |
LUMI | Leiden University Mathematical Institute | Website |
Mediëvistiek | Netherlands Research School for Medieval Studies | Website |
NIG | Netherlands Institute of Government | Website |
NOVA | Netherlands Research School for Astronomy | Website |
N.W. Posthumus Instituut | Netherlands Research Institute and School for Economic and Social History | Website |
OIKOS | National Graduate School in Classical Studies | Website |
Onderzoekschool Kunstgeschiedenis | Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History | Website |
OSL | Netherlands Graduate School for Literary Studies | Website |
PALLAS | Research Institute of Art History and Literatures of the Western World | Website |
Polybios | Graduate School for Political Science and International Affairs | |
Sterrewacht Leiden | Leiden Astronomical Observatory | Website |
The Europe Institute | Research Institute for Legal Studies in the Field of European Integration | Website |
Van Vollenhoven Institute | Research Institute for Law, Governance and Development | Website |
[编辑] 校友與其他與本校相關人士
- Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- John Quincy Adams
- Bernhard Siegfried Albinus
- Jacobus Arminius
- Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
- Herman Boerhaave
- Bart Bok
- Frits Bolkestein
- Alexander Boswell
- Carolus Clusius
- Edsger Dijkstra
- Paul Ehrenfest
- Willem Einthoven
- Albert Einstein
- Michiel Jan de Goeje
- Franciscus Gomarus
- Jacobus Gronovius
- Hugo Grotius
- Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX
- David Hartley (the Younger)
- Daniel Heinsius
- Tiberius Hemsterhuis
- Johan Huizinga
- Juliana of the Netherlands
- Heike Kamerlingh Onnes,物理學者,冷凍機發明者,超導體發現者,1913年諾貝爾物理獎得主。
- Johan Hendrik Caspar Kern
- Justus Lipsius
- Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
- Peter Mair
- Pieter van Musschenbroek
- Jan Hendrik Oort
- Ivo Opstelten
- Hans Ras
- Rembrandt van Rijn
- John Robinson
- David Ruhnken
- Joseph Justus Scaliger
- Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
- Willem de Sitter
- Willebrord Snell
- Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje
- Dirk Jan Struik
- Morris Tabaksblat
- Johan Rudolf Thorbecke
- Nikolaas Tinbergen
- Bram van der Stok
- Paul Verhoeven
- Cornelis van Vollenhoven
- Gerhard Johann Vossius
- Johannes Diderik van der Waals
- Prince William I of Orange
- Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands
- Johan de Witt
- 彼得·塞曼(Pieter Zeeman),物理學者,1902年諾貝爾物理獎得主。
[编辑] See also
[编辑] References
[编辑] External links
- Homepage of Leiden University (in English)
- Homepage of Leiden University (in Dutch)
- English Graduate Programs
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