উইকিপেডিয়া:উইকিপ্রকল্প গণিত
উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে
সূচিপত্র |
[সম্পাদনা] লক্ষ্য
গণিত উইকিপ্রকল্পের লক্ষ্য বাংলা উইকিপিডিয়ায় গণিতের ওপর উচ্চমানের নিবন্ধ যোগ করা, যেসব নিবন্ধ পরে সিডি বা কাগজে ছাপা হবে।
[সম্পাদনা] সদস্য তালিকা
এখানে আপনার নাম যোগ করুন।
[সম্পাদনা] সহায়ক ও সংশ্লিষ্ট পৃষ্ঠাসমূহ
[সম্পাদনা] সারণি
নিচের সারণিতে উইকিপিডিয়ার জন্য আবশ্যকীয় ২০০-এর কিছু বেশি গণিত বিষয়ক নিবন্ধ তালিকাবদ্ধ করা হল, যাদের মধ্যে ৯০টি সর্বোচ্চ, ৬৪টি উচ্চ, ৪২টি মধ্যম গুরুত্বের নিবন্ধ চিহ্নিত করা হয়েছে। লাল সংযোগ বোঝায় নিবন্ধটি এখনও শুরু করা হয়নি।
নীচের গুলো সারণিতে স্থান পায়নি, কিন্তু এগুলো সর্বোচ্চ গুরুত্ত্ববিশিষ্ট ধরে নিতে হবে।
- গণিতের ইতিহাস (en:The History of Mathematics) Stub - Start - B - GA - A - FA
- গণিতের ভিত্তি (en:The Foundations of Mathematics) Stub - Start - B - GA - A - FA
- গুচ্ছ-বিন্যাস তত্ত্ব (en:Combinatorics) Stub - Start - B - GA - A - FA
- গুচ্ছ-বিন্যাস জ্যামিতি (en:Combinatorial geometry) Stub - Start - B - GA - A - FA
- অটোমাটা তত্ত্ব (en:Automata theory) Stub - Start - B - GA - A - FA
- কম্পিউটার বিজ্ঞান (en:Computer Science) Stub - Start - B - GA - A - FA
- গেম তত্ত্ব (en:Game theory) Stub - Start - B - GA - A - FA
[সম্পাদনা] নিবন্ধের মান যাচাই পদ্ধতি
Label | Criteria | Reader's experience | Editor's experience | Example |
![]() {{FA-Class}} |
Reserved exclusively for articles that have received "Featured article" status after peer review, and meet the current criteria for featured articles. | Definitive. Outstanding, thorough article; a great source for encyclopedic information. | No further editing is necessary unless new published information has come to light; but further improvements to the text are often possible. | Sikhism (as of August 2006) |
A {{A-Class}} |
Provides a well-written, reasonably clear and complete description of the topic, as described in How to write a great article. It should be of a length suitable for the subject, with a well-written introduction and an appropriate series of headings to break up the content. It should have sufficient external literature references, preferably from "hard" (peer-reviewed where appropriate) literature rather than websites. Should be well illustrated, with no copyright problems. At the stage where it could at least be considered for featured article status, corresponds to the "Wikipedia 1.0" standard. | Very useful to readers. A fairly complete treatment of the subject. A non-expert in the subject matter would typically find nothing wanting. May miss a few relevant points. | Minor edits and adjustments would improve the article, particularly if brought to bear by a subject-matter expert. In particular, issues of breadth, completeness, and balance may need work. Peer-review would be helpful at this stage. | Durian (as of June 2006) |
![]() {{GA-Class}} |
The article has passed through the Good article nomination process and been granted GA status, meeting the good article standards. This should be used for articles that still need some work to reach featured article standards, but that are otherwise good. Good articles that may succeed in FAC should be considered A-Class articles, but having completed the Good article designation process is not a requirement for A-Class. | Useful to nearly all readers. A good treatment of the subject. No obvious problems, gaps, excessive information. Adequate for most purposes, but other encyclopedias could do a better job. | Some editing will clearly be helpful, but not necessary for a good reader experience. If the article is not already fully wikified, now is the time. | Agriculture (as of June 2006) |
B {{B-Class}} |
Has several of the elements described in "start", usually a majority of the material needed for a completed article. Nonetheless, it has significant gaps or missing elements or references, needs substantial editing for English language usage and/or clarity, balance of content, or contains other policy problems such as copyright, Neutral Point Of View (NPOV) or No Original Research (NOR). With NPOV a well written B-class may correspond to the "Wikipedia 0.5" or "usable" standard. Articles that are close to GA status but don't meet the Good article criteria should be B- or Start-class articles. | Useful to many, but not all, readers. A casual reader flipping through articles would feel that they generally understood the topic, but a serious student or researcher trying to use the material would have trouble doing so, or would risk error in derivative work. | Considerable editing is still needed, including filling in some important gaps or correcting significant policy errors. Articles for which cleanup is needed will typically have this designation to start with. | Munich air disaster (as of May 2006) has a lot of helpful material but contains too many lists, and needs more prose content & references. |
Start {{Start-Class}} |
The article has a meaningful amount of good content, but it is still weak in many areas, and may lack a key element such as a standard infobox. For example an article on Africa might cover the geography well, but be weak on history and culture. Has at least one serious element of gathered materials, including any one of the following:
Useful to some, provides a moderate amount of information, but many readers will need to find additional sources of information. The article clearly needs to be expanded. | Substantial/major editing is needed, most material for a complete article needs to be added. This article still needs to be completed, so an article cleanup tag is inappropriate at this stage. | Arithmetic (as of Oct 2005) |
Stub {{Stub-Class}} |
The article is either a very short article or a rough collection of information that will need much work to bring it to A-Class level. It is usually very short, but can be of any length if the material is irrelevant or incomprehensible. | Possibly useful to someone who has no idea what the term meant. May be useless to a reader only passingly familiar with the term. At best a brief, informed dictionary definition. | Any editing or additional material can be helpful. | Coffee table book (as of July 2005) |