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- ".co.uk", ".org.uk", ".me.uk", and ".ac.uk" all redirect here. For short decriptions of these sub-domains, see the Second-level domains section below.
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Introduced | 1985 |
TLD type | Country code top-level domain |
Status | Active |
Registry | Nominet UK |
Sponsoring organization | Nominet UK |
Intended use | Entities connected with![]() |
Actual use | Very popular in UK, especially .co.uk subdomain - as of August 2006 there were 5,215,373 registrations [1] |
Registration restrictions | None for .co.uk and .org.uk; other subdomains have differing restrictions |
Structure | Second-level registrations prohibited (but a few old ones grandfathered); registration is at third level beneath generic-category 2nd level domains except under .sch.uk where registration is at fourth level |
Documents | |
Dispute policies | DRS Policy |
Web site | nic.uk |
.uk is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Kingdom.
The use of .uk rather than .gb for the top-level domain is due to its pre-existing use in the (now obsolete) JANET Name Registration Scheme in which the order of address components were reversed. .uk was made available in DNS to simplify the translation to and from these addresses. There were plans for eventual transition to .gb, but this never occurred and the use of .uk is now entrenched.
As with other ccTLDs in the early days it was originally delegated to an individual by Jon Postel. In time, it passed to (Dr Willie Black) at the UK Education and Research Networking Association (UKERNA). Domain requests were emailed to - and manually screened by - the UK Naming Committee before being processed by UKERNA. This Committee was in practice a mailing list of representatives of all organisations involved in the UK Internet system at the time.
By the mid-1990s the growth of the Internet, and particularly the advent of the World Wide Web was pushing requests for domain name registrations up to levels that were not manageable by a group of part-time voluntary managers. Oliver Smith of Demon Internet forced the issue by providing the committee with a series of automated tools, called the "automaton", which formalized and automated the naming process end to end. This allowed many more registrations to be processed far more reliably and rapidly, and inspired individuals such as Ivan Pope to explore more entrepreneurial approaches to registration.
Various plans were put forward for the possible management of the domain, mostly Internet service providers seeking to stake a claim, each of which were naturally unacceptable to the rest of the committee. In response to this Dr Black, as the .uk Name, stepped up with a bold proposal for a not-for-profit commercial entity to deal with the .uk domain properly. Commercial interests initially balked at this, but with widespread support Nominet UK was formed to be the .uk Network Information Centre, a role which it continues to this day.
The general form of the rules (i.e. which domains can be registered and whether to allow second level domains) was set by the Naming Committee. Nominet has not made major changes to the rules, although it has introduced a new second level domain .me.uk for individuals.
It is prohibited to register a domain name directly under .uk (such as .internet.uk) and a second-level domain must be used (such as internet.co.uk).
However, some domains delegated before the creation of Nominet UK remain. Examples include parliament.uk (Parliament), bl.uk and british-library.uk (the British Library), nls.uk (the National Library of Scotland), nhs.uk (The National Health Service), and jet.uk (UKAEA as operator of the Joint European Torus experimental fusion tokamak). No new 'normal' registrations at the second level are accepted although there is a system for allocating new second level domains to expand the capacity of the system. Such allocations are rarely made.
It is possible to directly register a domain name with Nominet UK but it is faster and cheaper to do it via a Nominet tag holder.
Contents |
[edit] Second-level domains
- .ac.uk - academic (tertiary education and research establishments) and learned societies.
- .co.uk - commercial/general
- .gov.uk - government (central and local)
- .ltd.uk - limited companies
- .me.uk - personal
- .mod.uk - Ministry of Defence and HM Forces public sites
- .net.uk - ISPs and network companies
- .nic.uk - network use only
- .nhs.uk - National Health Service institutions
- .org.uk - non-profit organisations
- .plc.uk - public limited companies
- .police.uk - police forces
- .sch.uk - schools, primary and secondary education
[edit] Rejected second-level domains
- .soc.uk - proposed for Social and Society use.
- .me.uk - the PDN version - similar to the one that was chosen but outsourced to the proposer.
- .scot.uk - A domain for Scotland; it did not have the support of the Scottish internet community, many of whom favour a wholly separate Scottish ccTLD (see .sco). It was another attempt to outsource an SLD to the proposer.
[edit] Individual institutions
- .bl.uk and .british-library.uk - British Library
- .icnet.uk - Cancer Research UK
- .jet.uk - Joint European Torus
- .nel.uk - National Engineering Laboratory (now TÜV NEL)
- .nls.uk and .national-library-scotland.uk - National Library of Scotland
- .parliament.uk - Parliament of the United Kingdom (the placement of parliament.uk outside of .gov.uk reflects the British constitutional convention of the importance of parliamentary sovereignty over, and independence from, the executive government. Note that .scottish.parliament.uk relates to the devolved Scottish Parliament, not to part of the UK Parliament.)
[edit] Inactive second-level domains
- .govt.uk - former government domain, now deleted and replaced by .gov.uk
- .orgn.uk - former non-profit organisations domain, now deleted and replaced by .org.uk
- .mil.uk - former Ministry of Defence domain, now deleted and replaced by .mod.uk
- .lea.uk - local education authorities; since fallen out of use.
.co.uk, .ltd.uk, .me.uk, .net.uk, .nic.uk, .org.uk, .plc.uk and .sch.uk are managed by Nominet UK and except for .nic.uk are available for registration by the public (though they all carry various degrees of restrictions). The other second-level domains are managed by various government agencies, and generally more strongly controlled.
[edit] Allocation of domain names
Allocations are on a strict first-come, first-served basis to qualified applicants. There are no territorial restrictions: applicants need not have any connection to the UK.
.co.uk is by far the most used of the domains, followed by .org.uk. .plc.uk and .ltd.uk are only rarely used.
The intended restriction of .co.uk to companies is purely nominal; in practice it is open to any and all applicants. Likewise, whilst .org.uk is for organisations, there are no restrictions on registering domains. While .me.uk originally had no restrictions on registrants it has since been tightened up to require registrants to be natural persons (i.e. not companies, etc).
However, registrants in .ltd.uk must be, and remain, private limited companies incorporated under the UK Companies Act 1985. In addition, names can only be registered if they correspond (in accordance with the algorithm in the rules of registration) with the exact company name, as recorded at the companies registry at Companies House. The same conditions apply for .plc.uk, but for public limited companies. Neither of these domains is widely used.
.net.uk is more open, but the Nominet regulations still mean that a registrant must be an ISP, or a similar body, and that the domain is not used for providing services to end-users. .nic.uk, however, is limited solely to domains operated by Nominet.
.ac.uk domains are intended for the use of higher education institutions (beyond compulsory education age), and are also used by some academic support bodies such as the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (www.ucas.ac.uk), public research establishments, and learned societies such as the Royal Society (royalsoc.ac.uk) and the Royal Institution (ri.ac.uk). Primary and secondary education uses .sch.uk.
Unusually, .sch.uk domains are allocated at the fourth level, with the third level being taken up by the name of the local authority (LA previously LEA or Local Education Authority) e.g. someschool.lea.sch.uk. For example, Loughborough Grammar School in Leicestershire has the web address loughgs.leics.sch.uk. Previously applications were made in the normal way, but after Nominet came to an arrangement with the education authorities, one domain per school was issued automatically.