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- "Pistol" redirects here. For other uses, see Pistol (disambiguation).

A handgun is a firearm designed to be held in the hand when used. This characteristic differentiates handguns as a general class of firearms from their larger cousins: long guns such as rifles and shotguns, mounted weapons like machine guns, and larger weapons such as artillery.
Some handgun subtypes include single-shot pistols, revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, and fully automatic, or machine pistols.
The overlapping variations in meaning of the words "pistol" and "handgun" are discussed below.
[edit] Multiple senses of the word "pistol"
The word "pistol" in laypersons' usage is often synonymous with the word "handgun". However, some handgun experts make a technical distinction that views pistols as a subset of handguns. In American usage, a pistol is a handgun whose chamber is integral with the barrel, while the other main type of handgun, the revolver, has a revolving chamber (that is—to speak with technical precision—a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers). However, Commonwealth usage makes no distinction at a technical level—"pistol" may refer to revolvers, semi-automatics, or muzzle-loading/cap-&-ball handguns. For example, the official designation of the Webley Mk VI was "Pistol, Revolver, Webley No. 1 Mk VI", and the designation "Pistol No. 2 Mk I" was used to refer to both the Enfield Revolver and the later Browning Hi-Power semi-automatic.
In the 15th century the word "pistol" was used for small knives and daggers which could be concealed in a person's clothing. By the 18th century, the term came to be used exclusively to refer to handheld firearms. Practical revolver designs appeared in the 19th century, and it was in that century that the technical differentiation in usage of the words "pistol" and "revolver" developed.
[edit] Etymology of the word "pistol"
The word "pistol" is derived from the French pistole (or pistolet), which has these possible origins:
- From the Czech pistole and this one from the Czech píšťala (flute or pipe, referring to the shape of a Hussite firearm).
- From the city of Pistoia, Italy, where perhaps a manufacturer was one Camillio Vettelli in the 1540s.
- That early pistols were carried by cavalry in holsters hung from the pommel (or pistallo in medieval French) of a horse's saddle.
[edit] Types of handguns
The general types of handguns are listed below in their order of historical appearance. Each type can be classified into many subtypes. Some of these types can also be differently classified using the general distinction between muzzle-loading firearms (loading from the front of the barrel) and breech-loading firearms (loading from behind the barrel).
[edit] Single-shot pistols
Single-shot pistols are the theoretically simplest pistols. The earliest handguns were single-shot, muzzle-loading guns with ignition provided by inserting a smoldering match cord into a touch hole. As such, they were essentially nothing more than miniature cannons, small enough to be handheld.
Improvements followed in subsequent centuries, as various types of locks (ignition devices) were invented. In the matchlock, the separate match cord was affixed to a spring-loaded pivot which could be tripped by a trigger. In the wheellock, a mechanism analogous to that used in today's cigarette lighters replaced the smoldering match cord. In the 17th century, the flintlock, which strikes a flint against steel, appeared. (The flintlock, amazingly, remained state-of-the-art for some two hundred years.) In the 19th century, percussion caps were developed, followed shortly by modern integrated-primer cartridges, and hammers therefore traded their flint for firing pins.
Single-shot pistols are not completely things of the past, as they have continued to be built (for various reasons) throughout the breech-loading era. However, for most applications, the single-shot handgun has been replaced by revolvers and semi-automatic pistols.
[edit] Multi-barreled pistols
Not long after the very beginning of firearms, inventors began experimenting with multi-barreled weapons in the quest for the ability to fire more than one shot before needing to reload. Not surprisingly, all types of firearms were included in their efforts, from volley guns to analogously devised handguns. Before anyone developed a practical capability for delivering multiple loads to one barrel in quick succession (which is how repeat fire is usually accomplished today), they were aggregating multiple loaded barrels into one place.
Some examples of such handguns are:
- Duck's-foot pistols
- Derringers
- Pepper-box guns (variously referred to as pepper-box pistols or pepper-box revolvers)
[edit] Revolvers

With the development of the revolver in the 19th century, humans had finally achieved the goal of a practical capability for delivering multiple loads to one handgun barrel in quick succession. Revolvers feed ammunition via the rotation of a cartridge-filled cylinder, in which each cartridge is contained in its own ignition chamber, and is sequentially brought into alignment with the weapon's barrel by a mechanism linked to the weapon's trigger (double-action) or its hammer (single-action). These nominally cylindrical chambers, usually numbering between five and ten depending on the size of the revolver and the size the cartridge being fired, are bored through the cylinder so that their axes are parallel to the cylinder's axis of rotation; thus, as the cylinder rotates, the chambers revolve about the cylinder's axis.
There is a hybrid form of the revolver, known as the automatic revolver, which combines the revolving chamber concept of the conventional revolver with the recoil-harnessing, self-cycling ability of the semi-automatic pistol.
[edit] Semi-automatic pistols

The next development in handgun history after a practical revolver was the development of the semi-automatic pistol, which uses the energy of one shot to reload the chamber for the next (typically by mechanically harnessing the energy of recoil). After a round is fired, the pistol will cycle, ejecting the spent casing and chambering a new round from the magazine, allowing another shot to take place immediately.
Some terms that have been, or still are, used as synonyms for "semi-automatic pistol" are:
- automatic pistol
- autopistol
- self-loading pistol
- selfloader
[edit] Machine pistols

A machine pistol is generally defined as a firearm designed to be fired with one hand, and capable of fully automatic or selective fire. While there are a number of machine pistols such as the Glock 18 and later models of the Mauser C96, these are rare; the light weight, small size, and extremely rapid rates of fire of a machine pistol make them difficult to control, making the larger heavier submachine gun a better choice in cases where the small size of a machine pistol is not needed. Most machine pistols can attach a shoulder stock (the Heckler & Koch VP70 would only fire single rounds at a time unless the stock was attached); others, such as the Beretta 93R, add a forward handgrip. Either of these additions technically create a legal non-pistol under the US National Firearms Act, as pistols are by definition designed to be fired with one hand. The addition of a stock or forward handgrip is considered a design change that creates either a short-barreled rifle or any other weapon, and therefore such additions are generally only found on legal machine guns.
[edit] Operating Mechanisms
Single-action (SA) handguns have a trigger whose sole function is to drop a pre-cocked hammer to discharge a cartridge. For revolvers, the popular Colt Peacemaker of Old West fame is typically thought of. Its hammer must be manually cocked for each shot. For auto-loading pistols the Colt 1911 or Browning Hi-Power are typical examples. They must be cocked for the first shot, but subsequent shots are cocked automatically. These types of guns typically have a very light and crisp trigger pull, making for more accurate target shooting.
Traditional double-action (DA) handguns have a mechanism that can be either pre-cocked, like the above single-action gun, or can be fired with the gun uncocked. In this case, the gun has an additional mechanism added to the trigger that will cock the gun (and rotate the cylinder in the case of revolvers) as the trigger is pulled. Once the trigger is pulled far enough, the hammer is released and the gun fired. For autoloading pistols the self-loading mechanism will also re-cock the hammer after the first shot is fired so that subsequent shots are fired single-action. For revolvers, each shot is fired with the hammer initially uncocked unless the shooter manually cocked the gun. Popular auto pistols in this category include the Walther P38 and Beretta Model 92. These guns typically have a longer, heavier trigger pull for the first shot then light, crisp pulls for subsequent shots. Popular revolvers include the Ruger Redhawk and Smith & Wesson Model 629. These have long, heavy trigger pulls for all shots unless the revolver is manually cocked.
Double-action only (DAO) handguns do not have the ability to be cocked and is usually evidenced by a lack of either the hammer spur or the entire hammer. A typical autopistol in this category is the Ruger KP93DAO and Taurus Millennium, and a typical revolver is the Smith & Wesson Model 642 "Centennial". All pistols in this category have a long, heavy trigger pull for all shots.
Pre-set triggers are only on autoloading pistols. In this case the pistol mechanism is always partially cocked while being carried and during firing. The partially-cocked firing pin or striker is not cocked enough to cause an accidental release to discharge a cartridge, adding to the safeness of the design, but is cocked enough to remove much of the trigger pull and weight of a purely double-action pistol. These types of pistols do not have external hammers and do not generally have a decock function. Common pistols in the category are the Springfield Armory XD and the various forms of the extremely popular Glock. The trigger pull of these guns is between double-action and single-action pistols. Pre-set triggers may or may not have a second-strike feature on a dud cartridge.
Some automatic pistol models such as the HK Heckler & Koch USP (Universal Self-loading Pistol) come in a variety of mechanism types and can be easily changed by a gunsmith for both left- and right-handed shooters and for different operating mechanism and safety features.
[edit] Advantages and disadvantages of semiauto pistols versus revolvers: the debate
Both revolvers and semiauto pistols have prominent places in the world of handgun applications today. For over a century, a debate has continued as to which one is better for which particular application and why. A cogent summary is this: each has its place, and user preference is just as large a factor as the following variables:
- reliability (likelihood of jams; how to recover from jams; how to recover from misfires)
- degree of user training needed
- degree and frequency of gun cleaning needed
- "firepower" (usually meaning the number of rounds that can be fired before reloading; not to be confounded with "stopping power")
- speed and ease of reloading
- bulkiness with regard to concealment
[edit] The partial-to-revolvers viewpoint
- Easier to cycle to next round if there is a failure/blockage: all that is needed is a pull of the trigger, while in semi autos one must rack the slide, which takes the pistol out of the shooting position.
- Can carry more powerful rounds than most semi autos
- More reliable.
- Easier to aim with (lack of a recoiling slide results in less percieved recoil).
- Operating elements are exposed, making them more interesting mechanically.
[edit] The partial-to-semiautos viewpoint
- Faster firing rate and higher volume of fire.
- Often has a larger ammo capacity: A Glock 17 carries 17 rounds: while few revolvers can carry more than six.
- Faster to reload: Using magazines is faster than loading individual rounds into a revolver and easier to use and more ergonomic to carry than a speedloader.
- Easier to conceal in certain circumstances due to the flatter profile - there is no cylinder creating a bulge.
[edit] Advantages of handguns versus shoulder weapons
In comparison to longer guns such as shoulder weapons (rifles and shotguns), handguns are smaller, lighter, easier to conceal, and faster to bring to bear. Another important tactical consideration, in the context of civilian self-defense, is that an attacker in close quarters with the defender can more easily wrestle a shoulder weapon's muzzle to a position where it is not covering him, and can more easily wrestle the gun away from the defender, whereas a handgun offers little to grab, and is more likely to still be covering some portion of the attacker during the struggle. Finally, a handgun is actually more socially acceptable, whether carried by sworn law enforcement officers or authorized civilians (e.g. private investigators, bodyguards and concealed-weapon-permit holders) than a long gun such as a shotgun or carbine.
[edit] Disadvantages of handguns versus shoulder weapons
Generally being a self-defense weapon for use under 50 metres, most handgun rounds have neither the energy nor the accuracy of a round fired from a rifle or shotgun.
[edit] Handguns and gun politics
Many handguns are easily concealed on a person—a trait that is useful both to people wishing to carry a handgun for self-protection and to criminals wishing to bear arms. For these reasons, handguns are a particular focus of debates on gun politics, and in many jurisdictions their ownership is much more heavily regulated than that of long arms.
In the United States, 48 states allow some form of concealed carry by citizens meeting training or other requirements. 39 of these states, called "shall-issue" states, require issue of a permit if there is no compelling reason not to issue a permit (such as a prior felony conviction, a restraining order, or history of mental illness). Generally, in a shall-issue state, if a person cannot obtain a concealed weapons permit once training requirements are met, that person also cannot lawfully own a firearm. The remaining 9 states, called "may-issue" states, may deny a permit for any reason, usually at the discretion of local law enforcement.
In the United States, a person must be 21 years of age to purchase a handgun or ammunition intended for a handgun from a federally licensed dealer, which is higher than the age requirement of 18 for rifles and shotguns.
In the United Kingdom, civilian ownership of almost any handgun has been outlawed since the Dunblane massacre of 1996; the only exclusion were single shot rimfire and muzzleloading pistols; all cartridge firearms were later banned in 1997. Air pistols are still legal, however, those with power levels over 6 foot pounds (half the limit for air rifles) are classified as firearms.
See the main gun politics article or the article on concealed carry in particular for more details on this debate.
[edit] Other related info
In the 1780s, Alessandro Volta built a toy electric pistol ([1]) in which an electric spark caused the explosion of a mixture of air and hydrogen, firing a cork from the end of the gun.
[edit] See also
- Blowback
- Concealed carry
- Gun
- Handgun Effectiveness
- Machine-pistol
- Pocket pistol
- Small arms
- Semi-automatic pistol
- Target shooting
- Weapon
- List of pistols
[edit] References
- Stamps, Mark & Skennerton, Ian: ".380 Enfield Revolver No. 2". Greenhill Books, London (UK), 1993. ISBN 1-85367-139-8
- Maze, Robert J: "Howdah to High Power". Excalibur Publications, Tucson AZ (USA), 2002. ISBN 1-880677-17-2
- Skennerton, Ian: "Small Arms Identification Series No. 9: .455 Pistol, Revolver No 1 Mk VI" Arms & Militaria Press, Gold Coast QLD (Australia), 1997. ISBN 0-949749-30-3
- Smith, W.H.B: "1943 Basic Manual of Military Small Arms" (Facsimile). Stackpole Books, Harrisburg PA (USA), 1979. ISBN 0-8117-1699-6
[edit] External links
- Modern Firearms & Ammunition
- Modern Firearms - Handguns
- UK Air Pistols
- Handgun Information and Discussion Forum
- Handgun Course
- ModelGuns.co.uk
- Israeli Special Forces Handguns - at isayeret.com
- ArmsWorld Firearms
- Nazarian`s Gun`s Recognition Guide on Pistols
- Interactive Illustrated Pistol
- ShootingWiki.org Competition Arms Database