Fredric Brown
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[modifier] Biographie
Fredric Brown (29 octobre 1906 Cincinnati, Ohio - 11 mars 1972 Tucson, Arizona) est un écrivain de science fiction célèbre pour ses nouvelles au parfum humoristique. Il a également publié des romans et nouvelles policières ou justement humoristique comme Martians, go home !
Sa première histoire de fiction, « The Moon for a Nickel » a été publiée dans « Detective Story » en Mars 1938. Il a été édité toute sa vie dans des « pulps » regroupant des histoires policières ou de science-fiction. Dans les années soixante, il fut publié dans Playboy et d'autres magazines pour hommes, où ses histoires très courtes et souvent drôles avec une chute inattendue faisaient merveille.
L'humour était présent dans ses romans. What Mad Universe écrit en 1949 joue avec les clichés du genre, envoyant un éditeur de magazine dans un monde parallèle reprenant une vision enfantine des histoires publiées dans la revue. De même, en 1955, Martiens, Go Home porte un regard sur une invasion Martienne à travers les yeux d'un auteur de science-fiction.
L'une de ses histoires courtes les plus populaires, Arena, est à la base d'un épisode de la série Star Trek.
[modifier] Œuvres
[modifier] Nouvelles
- 1938
- 'The Moon for a Nickel'.
- 1939
- The Cheese on Stilts.
- Blood of the Dragon.
- There Are Bloodstains in the Alley.
- Murder at 10:15.
- 1940
- Bloody Murder.
- The Prehistoric Clue.
- A Matter of Taste.
- Trouble in a Teacup (alias Teacup Trouble et The Amazing Dip).
- Murder Draws a Crowd.
- Footprints on the Ceiling.
- Town Wanted.II.
- The Little Green Men.
- Herbie Rides His Hunch.
- The Stranger from Trouble Valley.
- The Strange Sisters Strange.
- 1941
- Fugitive Impostor.
- The King Comes Home.
- Big-Top Doom.
- The Discontented Cows.
- Life and Fire.
- Big-League Larceny.
- Client Unknown.
- Homicide Sanitarium.
- Your Name in Gold.
- Here Comes the Hearse.
- Six-Gun Song.
- Star-Spangled Night.
- Wheels Across the Night.
- Armageddon.
- Little Boy Lost.
- Bullet for Bullet.
- Listen to the Mocking Bird.
- You'll End Up Buming.
- Selling Death Short.
- Thirty Corpses Every Thursday.
- Trouble Comes Double.
- Not Yet the End.
- Number Bug.
- 1942
- Clue in Blue.
- Death is a White Rabbit.
- Twenty Gets You Plenty.
- Etaoin Shrdlu.
- Little Apple Hard to Peel.
- Pardon My Ghoulish Laughter.
- Death in the Dark (alias The Black Dark).
- Handbook for Homicide.
- The Incredible Bomber.
- Twice-Killed Corpse.
- Mad Dog!.
- Moon Over Murder.
- The Star Mouse.
- A Cat Walks.
- Who Did I Murder .
- Murder in Furs.
- Suite for Flute and Tommy Gun.
- Three Corpse Parlay.
- A Date to Die.
- Red is the Hue of Hell.
- Two Biers for Two.
- You'll Die Before Dawn.
- Get Out of Town.
- A Little White Lye.
- Nothing Sinister.
- The Numberless Shadows.
- Satan's Search Warrant.
- Starvation (alias Runaround).
- Where There's Smoke.
- Boner.
- Legacy of Murder.
- The New One.
- The Santa Claus Murders.
- Double Murder.
- A Fine Night for Murder.
- Heil, Werewolf.
- I'll See You At Midnight.
- The Monkey Angle.
- Satan One-and-a-Half.
- The Men Who Went Nowhere.
- 1943
- A Lock of Satan's Hair.
- The Spherical Ghoul.
- The Wicked Flea.
- The Angelic Angleworm.
- Death is a Noise.
- The Hat Trick.
- Hound of Hell (alias Beware of the dog).
- The Sleuth from Mars.
- A Change for the Hearse.
- Encore for a Killer.
- Trial By Darkness.
- Cadavers Don't Make a Fifth Column.
- Death of a Vampire.
- Death's Dark Angel.
- The Freak Show Murders.
- Market for Murder.
- The Corpse and the Candle.
- Madman's Holiday.
- Blue Murder.
- The Geezenstacks. .
- Tell 'em, Pagliaccio.
- Whispering Death.
- Daymare.
- Death Insurance Payment.
- The Motive Goes Round and Round.
- Paradox Lost.
- 1944
- The Djinn Murder.
- Murder in Miniature.
- The Ghost of Riley.
- The Devil's Woodwinds.
- And the Gods Laughed.
- Nothing Sirius.
- The Yehudi Principle.
- Arena.
- The Jabberwocky Murders.
- The Ghost Breakers.
- The Gibbering Night.
- Murder While You Wait.
- The Bucket of Gems Case (alias Mr Smith kicks the Bucket).
- To Slay a Man About a Dog (alias Shaggy dog murders).
- A Matter of Death.
- 1945
- Pi in the Sky.
- The Night the World Ended.
- The Waveries.
- No Sanctuary (alias Terror ou Dangerous People).
- Compliments of a Fiend.
- Ten Tickets to Hades (alias Murder in Ten easy Lessons).
- Murder-on-the-Hudson.
- 1946
- Dead Man's Indemnity.
- Placet is a Crazy Place.
- Song of the Dead.
- Obit for Obie.
- Whistler's Murder.
- 1947
- A Voice Behind Him''.
- Don't Look Behind You.
- Miss Darkness.
- 1948
- I'll Cut Your Throat Again, Kathleen.
- The Dead Ringer.
- Four Letter Word (alias The Greatest Poem ever written et Distillation).
- The Four Blind Men.
- What Mad Universe.
- The Laughing Butcher.
- If Looks Could Kill (alias The Joke ou Face of Death).
- Cry Silence.
- Red-Hot and Hunted.
- Knock.
- 1949
- This Way Out.
- All Good Bems.
- Mouse.
- Murder and Matilda.
- Come and Go Mad. .
- Last Curtain (alias Cream of the Jest ou Good Night, Good Knight).
- Crisis, 1999.
- Each Night He Died (alias Cain).
- Letter to a Phoenix.
- The Cat from Siam.
- The Sinister Mr. Dexter (alias House of Fear).
- Deadly Weekend. .
- The Bloody Moonlight.
- Gateway to Darkness (alias Small World ou Race to the Stars).
- 1950
- The Last Train.
- Death and Nine Lives.
- The Blind Lead.
- The Case of the Dancing Sandwiches.
- The Nose of Don Aristide.
- Vengeance Unlimited (alias Vengeance Fleet).
- From These Ashes (alias Entity Trap).
- The Undying Ones (alias Obedience).
- Walk in the Shadows.
- The Frownzly Florgels.
- Gateway to Glory.
- The Last Martian.
- Honeymoon in Hell.
- Mitkey Rides Again.
- Device of the Turtle (alias Six-Legged Swengali).
- 1951
- Dark Interlude.
- Man of Distinction.
- The Switcheroo.
- The Weapon.
- Cartoonist.
- Something Green.
- The Dome.
- A Word from Our Sponsor.
- The Gamblers.
- The Hatchetman.
- 1952
- Me and Flapjack and the Martians.
- 1953
- Witness in the Dark.
- The Pickled Punks.
- The Wench is Dead.
- The Little Lamb.
- Rustle of Wings.
- Hall of Mirrors.
- 1954
- Experiment.
- Sentry.
- Keep Out.
- Martians, Go Home.
- Naturally.
- Voodoo.
- Answer.
- Daisies.
- Pattern.
- Politeness.
- Preposterous.
- Reconciliation.
- Search.
- Sentence.
- Solipsist.
- 1955
- Blood.
- Millenium.
- Premiere of Murder.
- The Perfect Crime (alias Fatal Error).
- The Letter (alias Dead Letter).
- The First Time Machine.
- Too Far.
- Imagine.
- 1956
- Line of Duty.
- 1957
- Murder Set to Music (alias Murder to Music ou Dig That Crazy Killer).
- Expedition.
- Happy Ending.
- 1958
- The Amy Waggoner Murder Case.
- Jaycee.
- Unfortunately.
- Who Was That Blonde I Saw You Kill Last Night .
- 1959
- The Late Lamented.
- Nasty.
- Rope Trick.
- Night of the Psycho.
- 1960
- Abominable.
- Bear Possibility.
- The Mind Thing.
- Recessional.
- The Power (alias Rebound).
- Earthmen Bearing Gifts.
- Granny's Birthday.
- The House.
- 1961
- Great Lost Discoveries I - Invisibility.
- Great Lost Discoveries II - Invulnerability.
- Great Lost Discoveries III - Immortality.
- The Hobbyist.
- Nightmare in Blue.
- Nightmare in Gray.
- Mghtmare in Red.
- Nightmare in Time (alias The End).
- Nightmare in Yellow.
- Of Time and Eustace Weaver (The Short Happy Lives of E. Weaver I-II-III)
- Bright Beard.
- Cat Burglar.
- Death on the Mountain.
- Fish Story.
- Horse Race.
- Nightmare in Green.
- Nightmare in White.
- The Ring of Hans Carvel.
- Second Chance.
- Three Little Owls.
- Before She Kills.
- 1962
- Aelurophobe.
- Puppet Show.
- Fatal Facsimile .
- 1963
- Double Standard.
- Instant Novellas (alias 20 Stories in 60 Lines).
- It Didn't Happen.
- Tale of the Flesh Monger (alias Ten Percenter).
- The Missing Actor.
- 1964
- Why, Benny, Why.
- 1965
- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.
- Publications Posthumes
- Mirror.
- Nightmare in Darkness.
- The Water-Walker.
- How Tagrid Got There.
[modifier] Romans
- The Fabulous Clipjoint, 1947 (Crime à Chicago)
prix Edgar Award du meilleur roman. Premier roman de la série Ed et Am Hunter, le neveu et l'oncle. - The Dead Ringer, Ed et Am Hunter n°2 1948 (Le Fantôme du Chimpanzé)
- Murder Can Be Fun, 1948 (Tuer pour passer le temps)
- The Bloody Moonlight, Ed et Am Hunter n°3 1949 (Un cadavre au clair du Lune)
alias Murder by Moonlight - The Screaming Mimi, 1949 (La Belle et la Bête)
ISBN 0881844497 - What Mad Universe, 1949 (L'Univers en folie)
- Compliments of a Fiend, Ed et Am Hunter n°4 1950 (Le Monstre vous salue bien)
- Here Comes a Candle, 1950 (La Chandelle et la hache)
Récit sous plusieurs formes à tour de rôle : roman classique, scénario, pièce de théâtre ou émission de radio. - Night of the Jabberwock, 1950 (Drôle de Sabbat)
alias La nuit du Jabberwock - The Case of the Dancing Sandwiches, 1951
- Death has Many doors, Ed et Am Hunter n°5 1951 (La mort a ses entrées)
- The Far Cry, 1951 (La fille de nulle part)
- Space on my Hands, 1951 (Une étoile m'a dit)
ISBN 0899683320 - The Deep End, 1952 (Rendez-vous avec un Tigre)
- We all killed Grandma, 1952 (Qui a tué grand maman ?)
- The Lights in the Sky are Stars, 1953
- Madball, 1953 (Maboul de cristal)
- His Name was Death, 1954 (Meurtres en filigrane)
adapté au cinéma en 1992 par Gérard Jourd'hui, avec Michel Serrault, Anna Galiena et Pierre Richard, sous le titre « Vieille canaille » - Martians, Go Home, 1955 (Martiens, go home !)
adapté en 1990 en un film du même nom avec Randy Quaid et Margaret Colin - The Wench is Dead, 1955
- The Lenient Beast, 1956
ISBN 0881844446 - Rogue in Space, 1957
- The Office, 1958 (Cincinnati Blues)
son seul roman "classique" (ni polar ni S.F) partiellement autobiographique. - One for the Road, 1958
- Knock Three-One-Two, 1959 (Ça ne se refuse pas)
- The Late Lamented, Ed et Am Hunter n°6 1959 (Le cher Disparu)
- The Mind Thing, 1961 (L'esprit de la chose)
- The Murderers, 1961
- The Five-Day Nightmare, 1962 (120 heures de cauchemar)
- Mrs. Murphy's Underpants, Ed et Am Hunter n°7 1963 (Les dessous de madame Murphy)
- Brother Monster
fin des années 60, dernier roman inachevé
[modifier] Publications posthumes
- The Best of Fredric Brown collection de nouvelles par Robert Bloch (Nelson Doubleday, 1976)
Puis publié après sa mort deux collections, la première de ses histoires courtes de science fiction et fantastique:
- From These Ashes: The Complete Short Sf Of Fredric Brown (2001), ISBN 1-886778-18-3
puis de ses romans:
- Martians And Madness (2002), ISBN 1-886778-17-5
[modifier] Bibliographie
- Fredric Brown de Stéphane Bourgoin (Ed. Encrage)