出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
リチャード・パイプス(Richard Pipes, 1923年7月1日-)は、アメリカ合衆国の歴史学者で、ハーヴァード大学名誉教授。専門は、ロシア近現代史。
[編集] 著書
[編集] 単著
- The Formation of the Soviet Union: Communism and Nationalism, 1917-1923, (Harvard University Press, 1954, revised ed., 1964).
- Social Democracy and the St. Petersburg Labor Movement, 1885-1897, (Harvard University Press, 1963).(桂木健次・伊東弘文訳『レーニン主義の起源』河出書房新社, 1972年)
- Struve, Liberal on the Lleft, 1870-1905, (Harvard University Press, 1970).
- Russia under the Old Regime, (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1974).
- Struve, Liberal on the Right, 1905-1944, (Harvard University Press, 1980).
- U.S.-Soviet Relations in the Era of Detente, (Westview Press, 1981).
- Survival is not Enough: Soviet Realities and America's Future, (Simon and Schuster, 1984).
- Russia Observed: Collected Essays on Russian and Soviet History, (Westview Press, 1989).
- The Russian Revolution, (Knopf, 1990).
- Russia under the Bolshevik Regime, (Knopf, 1993).
- Communism: the Vanished Specter, (Scandinavian University Press, 1994).
- A Concise History of the Russian Revolution, (Knopf, 1995).(西山克典訳『ロシア革命史』成文社, 2000年)
- Three "Whys" of the Russian Revolution, (Vintage Books, 1997).
- Property and Freedom, (Knopf, 1999).
- Communism: A History, (Modern Library, 2001).(飯嶋貴子訳『共産主義が見た夢』ランダムハウス講談社, 2007年)
- The Degaev Affair: Terror and Treason in Tsarist Russia, (Yale University Press, 2003).
- Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-belonger, (Yale University Press, 2003).
- Russian Conservatism and its Critics: A Study in Political Culture, (Yale University Press, 2005).
[編集] 編著
- The Russian Intelligentsia, (Columbia University Press, 1961).(気賀健三・和田敏雄訳『ロシア・インテリゲンチア』時事通信社, 1962年)
- Revolutionary Russia, (Harvard University Press, 1968).
- Soviet Strategy in Europe, (Crane, Russak, 1976).
- The Unknown Lenin: from the Secret Archive, (Yale University Press, 1996).