Vikipēdijas raksts
Zoroastrisms ir reliģija un filozofija, kas balstīta uz mācību, ko piedēvē pravietim Zoroastram jeb Zaratustram. Saskaņā ar zoroastrisma principiem tas ir identisks mazdaismam – reliģijai, kas par augstāko varu atzīst Ahuru Mazdu (kuru Zoroastrs nosauca par visa radītāju). Mūsdienās zoroastrisms ir neliela reliģija, kuras lielākais centrs atrodas Indijā.
[izmainīt šo sadaļu] Literatūra
- Kulke, Eckehard: The Parsees in India: a minority as agent of social change. München: Weltforum-Verlag (= Studien zur Entwicklung und Politik 3), ISBN 3-8039-00700-0
- Ervad Sheriarji Dadabhai Bharucha: A Brief sketch of the Zoroastrian Religion and Customs
- Dastur Khurshed S. Dabu: A Handbook on Information on Zoroastrianism
- Dastur Khurshed S. Dabu: Zarathustra an his Teachings A Manual for Young Students
- Jivanji Jamshedji Modi: The Religious System of the Parsis
- R. P. Masani: The religion of the good life Zoroastrianism
- P. P. Balsara: Highlights of Parsi History
- Maneckji Nusservanji Dhalla: History of Zoroastrianism; dritte Auflage 1994, 525 p, K. R. Cama, Oriental Institute, Bombay
- Dr. Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Parvez Karanjia: Zoroastrian Religion & Ancient Iranian Art
- Adil F. Rangoonwalla: Five Niyaeshes, 2004, 341 p.
- Aspandyar Sohrab Gotla: Guide to Zarthostrian Historical Places in Iran
- J. C. Tavadia: The Zoroastrian Religion in the Avesta, 1999
- S. J. Bulsara: The Laws of the Ancient Persians as found in the "Matikan E Hazar Datastan" or "The Digest of a Thousand Points of Law", 1999
- M. N. Dhalla: Zoroastrian Civilization 2000
- Marazban J. Giara: Global Directory of Zoroastrian Fire Temples, 2. Auflage, 2002, 240 p, 1
- D. F. Karaka: History of The Parsis including their manners, customs, religion and present position, 350 p, illus.
- Piloo Nanavatty: The Gathas of Zarathushtra, 1999, 73 p, (illus.)
- Roshan Rivetna: The Legacy of Zarathushtra, 96 p, (illus.)
- Dr. Sir Jivanji J. Modi: The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of The Parsees, 550 Seiten
- Mani Kamerkar, Soonu Dhunjisha: From the Iranian Plateau to the Shores of Gujarat, 2002, 220 p
- I.J.S. Taraporewala: The Religion of Zarathushtra, 357 p
- Jivanji Jamshedji Modi: A Few Events in The Early History of the Parsis and Their Dates, 2004, 114 p
- Dr. Irach J. S.Taraporewala: Zoroastrian Daily Prayers, 250 p
- Adil F.Rangoonwalla: Zoroastrian Etiquette, 2003, 56 p
- Rustom C Chothia: Zoroastrian Religion Most Frequently Asked Questions, 2002, 44 p
[izmainīt šo sadaļu] Ārējās saites