Lijst van afkortingen in de milieukunde
Van Wikipedia
Deze pagina bevat in de milieukunde gebruikte afkortingen (tevens buitenlandse)
[bewerk] eenheden
- cgs Centimeter, Gram, Seconde
- eV Elektronvolt
- f/cc Fibres per Cubic Centimetre of air
- fcc Fibres per Cubic Centimetre of air
- g/gms Gram
- GPa gigapascal
- kJ/mol kilojoules per mol
- kPa kilopascal
- Kg kilogram
- Kow Octanol/Water Verdelings-coëfficiënt
- L Liter
- mg Milligram
- mg/l Milligram per liter
- ml Milliliter
- ml Hg Milliliters kwik
- ug Microgram
- ug/l Microgram per liter
- mp Melting point (smeltpunt)
- n- normaal (chemisch)
- n.o.s. Not Otherwise Specified
- nm nanometer
- ppb Parts Per Billion
- pph parts per hundred (= procent)
- ppm Parts Per Million
- ppt parts per trillion
- psia Pounds per Square Inch Absolute
- psig Pounds per Square Inch Gauge
- Torr Torricelli
- vPvBs Very Persistent and Very Bioacccumulative substances
[bewerk] Afkortingen
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
[bewerk] A
- AC2 ACGIH suspected human carcinogen
- ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable
- AQTX Aquatic Toxicity
[bewerk] B
- BAT Best Available Techniques (Best Beschikbare Technieken)
- BCF Bioconcentratie Factor
- BHC Benzeen Hexachloriden
- BHT Butylated Hydroxytuolene
- BLS Basic Life Support
- BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand/Biological Oxygen Demand (zie BZV)
- BTEX Benzeen, Tolueen, Ethylbenzeen en Xyleen
- BTX Benzeen, Tolueen en Xyleen
- Bp Boiling Point (kookpunt)
- BZV Biologisch Zuurstof Verbruik (zie BOD)
[bewerk] C
- CAR Carcinogenic Effects (carcinogeen effect)
- CAS No Chemical Abstracts Service Number
- CFC Chlorofluorocarbon (Chloorfluorkoolstofverbinding)
- CGI Combustible Gas Indicator
- CMRs Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or toxic to Reproduction
- CNS Central Nervous System
- COC Chemical of Concern
- COD Chemical Oxygen Demand (zie Chemisch Zuurstof Verbruik (CZV))
- CVOC Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compound
- Conc Concentratie
- Concen. Concentratie
- CZV Chemisch Zuurstof Verbruik (zie COD)
[bewerk] D
- DDT Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (pesticide)
- DNEL Derived No-Effect Level
[bewerk] E
- ECL Environmental Conservation Law
- ECO Environmental Conservation Officer
- ECn Exposure Concentration (n% of test population)
- ED50 Effectieve Dosis 50
- EDn Exposure Dose (n% of test population)
- EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance
- EIS Environmental Impact Statement
- ELAP Environmental Laboratory Approval Program
- EPA ..
- EPB Energie Prestatie Binnenklimaat
- EQO Environmental Quality Objective
- EQS Environmental Quality Standard
- ET50 Exposure Time 50 (blootstellingstijd)
[bewerk] F
- FBP Final Boiling Point
[bewerk] G
- GW Grondwater
[bewerk] H
- HASP Health and Safety Plan
- HCB Hexachlorobenzeen
- HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbon
- HDPE High-Density Polyethyleen
- HEPA Filter High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter
- HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons
- HRS Hazard Ranking System
- HW Hazardous waste (Gevaarlijk afval)
- HazMat Hazardous Material
[bewerk] I
- IBP Initial Boiling Point
- IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health
- ISR Investigative Summary Report
- Inds Indicators
- Inhl Inhalatie
- Insol Insoluble
[bewerk] J
[bewerk] K
[bewerk] L
- LC Letale Concentratie (dodelijke concentratie)
- LC50 Mediaan Letale Concentratie
- LCLO Lowest Lethal Airborne Concentration Tested
- LD Lethale dosis
- LD50 Mediaan Letale Dosis
- LDLO Lowest Lethale Dose Tested
- LNG Liquified Natural Gas
- LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas
- LTTD Low Temperature Thermal Desorption
- LUST Leaking Underground Storage Tank
[bewerk] M
- MCL Maximum Contaminant Level
- MEK Methyl Ethyl Ketone
- MEL Maximum Exposure Limit
- MIBK Methyl Isobutyl Ketone
- MLC Median lethal concentration
- MPa MegaPascal
- MRL Maximum Residu Limit
- MTBE Methyl-tert-butylether
- MUT Mutageen
- MW Molecular Weight
[bewerk] N
- N/A Not Applicable
- N/Ap Not Applicable
- N/K Not Known
- NA Number North American Number
- NCE New Chemical Entity
- NCP National Contingency Plan
- ND Not Detected
- ND, N/D Not Determined
- NEO Neoplastic Effects
- NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effect Level
- NOEL No Observable Effect Level
- NOS Not Otherwise Specified
- NTP-K National Toxicology Program-Known to be a carcinogen
- NTP-R National Toxicology Program-Reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen
- NUI Nuisance dust
- NVOC Non-Volatile Organic Compound
- Nox Oxides of Nitrogen (Stikstofoxiden)
[bewerk] O
- OEL Occupational Exposure Limits
- OES Occupational Exposure Standard
[bewerk] P
- PC Partition Coëfficiënt
- P2 Pollution Prevention (plan)
- PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAK polycyclische aromatische koolwaterstoffen)
- PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator
- PBTs Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic substances
- PCB Polychloorbifenyl
- PCDDs Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxine
- PCDFs Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans
- PCE Perchloroethylene
- PEC Predicted Environmental Concentration
- PF Resin Phenol-Formaldehyde resin
- PFCs Perfluorocarbons
- PNA Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons
- PNEC Predicted No-Effect Concentration
- PNOC Particulates Not Otherwise Classified
- PNOR Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated
- POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants
- PPE Personal Protection Equipment
- PRA Pest Risk Analysis
- PSI Pounds per Square Inch
- PUR Polyurethaan
- PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol
- PVC Polyvinylchloride
- Per Perchloroethyleen
[bewerk] Q
[bewerk] R
- RAR Risk Assessment Report
- RDS Primary Irritation Dose
- REL Recommended Exposure Limit
- RHM Residual Hazardous Material
- RLN Regulatory List Number
[bewerk] S
- SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Wiegendood)
- SISD Spill Information System Database
- SNARL Suggested No Adverse Response Level
- SOM Some evidence of carcinogenicity
- SPCC Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan
- STEL Short-Term Exposure Limit
- STEV Short-Term Exposure Value
- STP Standard Temperature and Pressure (Standaardtemperatuur en standaarddruk)
- SVE Soil Vapor Extraction
- SVOC Semi-Volatile Organic Compound
[bewerk] T
- TCA Trichloroethaan
- TCDD Tetrachlorodibenzo Para-Dioxin
- TCDF Tetrachlorodibenzofuran
- TCLO Lowest Toxic Airborne Concentration Tested
- TCLP Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
- TDLO Lowest Toxic Dose Tested
- TLM Threshold Limit, Median
- TLV-A1 Threshold Limit Value-Confirmed Human Carcinogen
- TLV-A2 Threshold Limit Value-Suspected Human Carcinogen
- TLV-A3 Threshold Limit Value-Confirmed Animal Carcinogen
- TLV-A4 Threshold Limit Value-Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen
- TLV-A5 Threshold Limit Value-Not Suspected as a Human Carcinogen
- TLV-C Threshold Limit Value-Ceiling
- TSDF Treatment, Storage or Disposal Facility
- TSRAL Temporary Safe Reference Action Level
- TWA Time-Weighted Average
- Tk Toxicokinetics
[bewerk] U
- UEL Upper Explosion Limit/Upper Explosive Limit
- UFL Upper Flammable Limit
- USM Universal Sorbent Materials
- USOS US Occupational Health Standard
- UST Underground Storage Tank
- UV Ultraviolet
[bewerk] V
- VD Vapour Density
- VOA Volatile Organic Analysis
- VOC Volatile Organic Compound
[bewerk] W
- WEEL Workplace Environmental Exposure Limit
- WGK Wassergefährdungsklasse
- WHC Water Hazard Class
- WWTP Waste Water Treatment Plant (Rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie)