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出生: | 1953年1月21日 美国 |
職業: | 董事主席 | |
净值: | $220亿美元(2006) | |
網站: | paulallen.com |
保罗·加德纳·艾伦(1953年1月21日—),是一位美国企业家,他与比尔·盖茨创立了微软公司的前身。他被认为是世界上最富有的人之一,到2006年他在福布斯杂志排名第六,拥有资产大约227亿美元,其中50亿是微软股票。同时他是Charter Communications主席,梦工厂股东。最近他被邀加入美国电影艺术与科学学会(AMPAS)。
目录 |
[编辑] 早年生活
保羅·艾倫生於華盛頓州西雅圖,是華盛頓大學圖書館副館長Kenneth S. Allen和Faye G. Allen的兒子。艾倫就讀於西雅圖一家著名的私立學校湖滨中学(Lakeside School),在這裏他遇到了比他小2級但對計算機同樣癡迷的比爾·蓋茨。他們一起獨佔了湖岸中學的唯一一台微型計算機。為了獲得更大的計算能力,艾倫和蓋茨偷偷潛入華盛頓大學計算機實驗室。雖然事件最後被揭發,但他們與管理人員達成協議,以提供學生電腦支援服務作補償。中學畢業之後艾倫入讀華盛頓州立大學,曾是兄弟會Phi Kappa Theta的活躍成員。為了實現為編寫商業軟件的夢想,他在兩年之後輟學,後來更與從哈佛大學輟學的蓋茨創立了微軟公司。
[编辑] 微软公司
- 更多信息参看微软的历史
[编辑] 慈善事业
Much of Paul Allen's philanthropy has been dedicated to health and human services and toward the advancement of science and technology. The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation was established in 1986 to administer much of the giving. Through the Foundation, Allen awards nearly $30 million in grants annually. Approximately 75 percent of the Foundation's money goes to non-profit organizations in Seattle and the state of Washington. The remaining 25 percent is distributed to Portland, Oregon and other cities within the Pacific Northwest. Allen also contributes through other charitable projects known as venture philanthropy. The most famous of those projects are the Experience Music Project, the Allen Institute for Brain Science, and SETI. Paul Allen's total philanthropy as of 2005 is estimated to be over US$815 million.
华盛顿大学是保罗·艾伦捐助的主要受益者。1980年代末,他捐助1.8亿美元用于建造新的图书馆,图书馆以他父亲德名字肯尼斯·S·艾伦(Kenneth S. Allen)命名。2003他捐助500万美金建立了以他母亲名字Faye G. Allen命名的视觉艺术中心。 Paul Allen also was the top private contributor (US$14 million) and namesake of the Paul G. Allen Center for Computer Science & Engineering (2004年完工)。多年来,艾伦已向华盛顿大学医学院捐助了数百万美元,最近的320万美元用于前列腺炎的研究。
In 1993, Paul Allen funded the two-year lawsuit in which the family of rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix regained the rights to his music after the estate administrator allegedly sold them without permission. Allen has also funded the purchase of many Hendrix artifacts (including the guitar Hendrix played at Woodstock) and ensured their public display in the Experience Music Project exhibits.
[编辑] 西雅图房地产投资和开发
Allen is a key developer and investor in the controversial development of the South Lake Union neighborhood of 西雅图 as a biotechnology hub. This development has been criticized by some as a city-supported real estate investment for Vulcan Inc.. Concerns over the loss of low-income housing are prominent. Allen has made investments estimated at US$200 million as of 2005, and has promoted for city funding of a "South Lake Union Trolley" from Seattle's Westlake Center to the south end of Lake Union which some suggest would be of questionable contribution to the overall 公共交通 plan of the city.
Allen was a key financier and owner of the Experience Music Project.
[编辑] Sports involvement
In 1988, Paul Allen purchased the 波特兰开拓者队 NBA team for $70 million, and was instrumental in the development and funding of their Rose Garden Arena in 1993. In 1997, he purchased the Seattle Seahawks NFL team after city leaders asked him to save the team when former owner Ken Behring threatened to move the Seahawks to southern California. He played a large part in the development of the Seahawks' stadium, Qwest Field, although it was funded largely by taxpayer dollars.
Through his investment and project management company Vulcan Inc., Paul Allen also owns The Sporting News magazine.
Recently Allen has been asking 波特兰 and 俄勒冈 officials for assistance in the financing of the Blazers, which he estimated would lose $100 million over the next three years. Portland Mayor Tom Potter has so far rebuffed the requests, and many Portland fans have been blaming Allen for the serious deterioration of the team's record, quality of play, and image in the community since 1996.
[编辑] SpaceShipOne
In 2004, Allen confirmed that he was the sole investor behind Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites' SpaceShipOne suborbital commercial spacecraft. SpaceShipOne was the first privately-funded effort to successfully put a civilian in suborbital space and winner of the Ansari X Prize competition.
[编辑] 章鱼号
In 2003, the launch of Paul Allen's 127m (416ft) 章鱼号 secured its position as one of the world's largest 游艇. 它位于摩托游艇长度列表第四位。艾伦还拥有另两条很长的游艇。
[编辑] 个人生活
保罗·艾伦一直单身生活。2005年,纽约每日新闻披露他与女演员,前选美大赛皇后Laura Harring 联袂主演过Mulholland Drive (movie),约会有大约6个月。
[编辑] 外部链接
- 保罗·艾伦官方主页
- Vulcan Inc.
- Halo计划
- 章鱼号船坞
- Cinerama
- 章鱼号游艇照片艾伦最大的游艇
- Tatoosh号 艾伦第二大游艇
- Méduse号 艾伦第三大游艇照片
- [1] 纽约每日新闻刊出艾伦与Laura Harring约会
[编辑] 文献
[编辑] 博物馆
[编辑] 慈善事业
- 保罗G.艾伦家族基金会
- 艾伦大脑地图集 艾伦脑科研究所项目
软件家族 | MS-DOS - 操作系统Windows - 办公系统Office套件 - Web浏览器IE - 集成开发环境Visual Studio - 多媒体播放器Windows Media Player - MS SQL数据库服务器 - Exchange Server |
操作系统 | Windows 1.0 - Windows 2.0 - Windows 3.x - Windows 95 - Windows 98 - Windows Me - Windows XP - Windows Vista - Windows NT - Windows 2000 - Windows Server 2003 - Windows Server "Longhorn" - Windows Vienna - Windows Mobile - Pocket PC - Windows CE - Windows Neptune |
Office | Word - Excel - PowerPoint - Outlook Express - Access - FrontPage - Visio |
网络服务 | MSN - MSNBC - Hotmail - MSN Messenger - Windows Messenger - Microsoft Outlook - MSN Explorer |
Windows Live | Windows Live ID - .NET Messenger Service - Windows Live Messenger - Microsoft Office Live - FolderShare |
技術 | .NET - ASP - ASP.NET - DirectX - VBScript - Visual Basic .NET - C# - WMV - WMA - 信賴運算 |
人物 | 比尔·盖茨 - 史蒂夫·巴爾默 - 保罗·艾伦 - 傑·阿拉德 |
遊戲 | Xbox - Xbox 360 - zh-cn:帝国时代;zh-tw:世紀帝國 - 微軟模擬列車 - 微軟模擬飛行 |
ERP Package | Microsoft Dynamics AX - Microsoft Dynamics NAV - Microsoft Dynamics SL - Microsoft Dynamics GP |