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[编辑] 性教育的道德
另一個對性教育的觀點,在歷史上受到性學家如Wihelm Reich和心理學家如佛洛伊德與James W.Prescott等的啟發,認為性教育的目的是個人對自己身體的控制與社會控制的解放。這個觀點的提倡者關心一個政治問題:道德觀該由社會還是個人指導?性教育因此可以當作提供個體必須的知識來解放社會組織所造成的性壓抑,使個體自行做決定。性壓抑則可能被視為是社會性有害的。 對美國另一群大且有輿論力量的對性教育議題團體來說,他們關心的政治問題是道德觀該由國家還是家庭指導?他們認為性行為的指導應該留在家門內,而性教育代表政府的介入。他們亦宣稱有些性教育課程意圖破壞先前存在的守身如玉的概念且鼓勵接受如同性戀跟婚前性行為等行為並不違反道德。他們指出如Coalition for Positive Sexuality的網站作為例子。 If a person explains sexual matters to a child without a formal education program and without consent from the parents this may be considered inappropriate, and may in some cases be interpreted as suspicious child grooming. SEX EDUCATION
There has been great debate about whether sex education should be taught in schools or whether an abstinence only program should be taught instead. The goal of a comprehensive sexuality education should include six key concepts: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture1. Abstinence only programs do not teach this, where then are teenagers supposed to get education about sexual health? Keeping children in the dark about sex isn’t going to stop them from partaking in the act 2. Parents seem to think that if they don’t teach their teenagers about sex, they won’t have it, which just isn’t true at all 3. The Netherlands reports low pregnancy rates among its teenagers; their approach has been what are known as social interventions 4(six concepts listed above). A school-based education youth development program “remains the most efficient way of reaching the greatest number of young people before they become sexually active 5.” The United States has been focusing on abstinence only programs. Studies have shown that while teenagers may sign up for “chastity pledges” and promise to delay sexual intercourse until marriage, this just isn’t the case. This group of teenagers run the risk of not using condoms or other methods of contraceptives, and usually has levels of sexually transmitted diseases as high as other teenagers 6.
1 National Guidelines Task Force. Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education. 2nd Ed., New York, NY: SIECUS, 1996. 2 Sally Feldman. The Humanist. Buffalo: Nov/Dec 2004. Vol. 64, Iss. 6; pg. 7, 4pgs. 3 Emily Chaloner. SIECUS Report. New York, NY: Apr/May 2003. Vol. 31, Iss. 4; pg. 30. 4 Sue Dyson, Anne Mitchell. Australian Health Review. Sydney: May 2005. Vol. 29, Is. 2; pg. 135, 5pgs. 5 Sue Dyson, Anne Mitchell. Australian Health Review. Sydney: May 2005. Vol. 29, Is. 2; pg. 135, 5pgs. 6 Sally Feldman. The Humanist. Buffalo: Nov/Dec 2004. Vol. 64, Iss. 6; pg. 7, 4pgs.
[编辑] Debate in the United States
在美國,很多家長認為青少年應該禁慾的,但是他們應該要接觸到避孕的方法. 在美國百分之九十五的成人和百分之八十五的青少年認為社會應該強烈地對傳達給小學生或青少年避開性這個話題直至他們進入高中。有大約百分之六十的成人認為性活躍青少年應該要接觸到避孕措施。(來源: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy). 在1997年 研究發現有百分之四十八的高中學生是性活躍分子。
In the U.S. some advocates including President George W. Bush have successfully worked toward the introduction of "abstinence-only" curriculum. Under such instruction, teens are told that they should be sexually abstinent until adulthood and/or marriage, and information about contraception is not provided. Opponents argue this approach denies teens needed, factual information and leads to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and propagation of STDs.
Some curricula are advocated on the grounds that they are intended to reduce sexual disease or out-of-wedlock or teenage pregnancy, but no abstinence-only program has ever been shown to reduce teen sexual activity, pregnancy, or STDs. A curriculum ostensibly aimed at reducing pregnancy among high school students, which advocates the use of condoms, could potentially lower the pregnancy rate. Proponents of this view argue that sexual behaviour after puberty is a given, and it is therefore crucial to provide information about the risks and how they can be minimized. They hold that conventional or conservative moralising will put off students and thus weaken the message.
In turn, opponents of comprehensive sexuality education object that curricula which fail to teach moral behaviour actually serve to prevent children from making informed decisions; they maintain that curricula should include the claim that conventional (or conservative) morality is "healthy and constructive", and that value-free knowledge of the body may lead to unhealthy and harmful practices.
In December of 2004 Henry A. Waxman, a United States Congressman from California, released a report that provides several examples of inaccurate information being included in federally funded abstinence-only sex education programs. This report bolstered the claims of those Americans arguing that abstinence-only programs deprive teenagers of critical information.
The August 29/September 5, 2005, issue of The Nation reported that money from the Federal Government used to create high school abstinence clubs was being used to train "young abstinence advocates", who were being encouraged to engage in politics and support right-wing issues like overturning abortion. The article states that although the program's official language has been secularized, a list of its grant recipients "reads like a who's who list of the religious right."
[编辑] 男同女同雙性戀跟跨性別(通稱LGBT)年輕人
LGBT的年輕人通常對相關的性知識很無知 這代表關於較安全的如自慰、口交、肛交等性行為資訊沒有被討論,它們所可能帶來的不同程度染病的風險也闕如。 有些人士不鼓勵提供這些額外的資訊,因為這可能似乎助長同性戀行為。 然而將這些排除在討論之外,只是使這些族群覺得被隔離、孤單、有罪惡感、羞恥和沮喪使事態更糟。 對於支持包括LGBT議題作為不可缺部分的全面性的性教育支持者表示這些資訊仍是有用且有關並能減少諸如自殺、性病、揭發同性戀、適應不良行為等的可能性。 在相關討論的缺乏下,這些年輕人被迫留在小圈子裡,同時其他的異姓年輕人缺乏指引不知如何處理她們的同性吸引力和面對他們的同性戀同學。
全面性性教育課程計畫的支持者表示提倡僅有禁慾的學校性教育課程(婚前不可有任何性行為的禁慾教育)不僅無知且邊緣化LGBT族群,因法律因素他們往往不能和同性伴侶結婚。 僅有禁慾性教育的支持者通常是對同性戀持較保守觀點且反對此被教導為正常的可被接受的生活型態或跟異性戀關係相提並,論因此他們對以上的觀點並不視為問題。
[编辑] Scientific study of sex education
The debate over teenage pregnancy and STDs has spurred some research into the effectiveness of different sex education approaches. In a meta-analysis, DiCenso et al. have compared comprehensive sex education programs with abstinence-only programs. 1 Their review of several studies shows that abstinence-only programs not only did not reduce the likelihood of pregnancy of women who participated in the programs, but that 'abstinence- only' actually increased it. Four abstinence programs and one school program were associated with a pooled increase of 54% in the partners of men and 46% in women (confidence interval 95% 0.95 to 2.25 and 0.98 to 2.26 respectively). The researchers conclude:
- "There is some evidence that prevention programmes may need to begin much earlier than they do. In a recent systematic review of eight trials of day care for disadvantaged children under 5 years of age, long term follow up showed lower pregnancy rates among adolescents. We need to investigate the social determinants of unintended pregnancy in adolescents through large longitudinal studies beginning early in life and use the results of the multivariate analyses to guide the design of prevention interventions. We should carefully examine countries with low pregnancy rates among adolescents. For example, the Netherlands has one of the lowest rates in the world (8.1 per 1000 young women aged 15 to 19 years), and Ketting & Visser have published an analysis of associated factors. 2 In contrast, the rates are:
- 93.0 per 1000 in the United States (85.8/1000 in 1996 3
- 62.6 per 1000 in England and Wales, and
- 42.7 per 1000 in Canada
- 15.1 per 1000 in Belgium (1996) 4
- We should examine effective programmes designed to prevent other high risk behaviours in adolescents. For example, Botvin et al. found that school based programmes to prevent drug abuse during junior high school (ages 12-14 years) resulted in important and durable reductions in use of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana if they taught a combination of social resistance skills and general life skills, were properly implemented, and included at least two years of booster sessions.
- Few sexual health interventions are designed with input from adolescents. Adolescents have suggested that sex education should be more positive with less emphasis on anatomy and scare tactics; it should focus on negotiation skills in sexual relationships and communication; and details of sexual health clinics should be advertised in areas that adolescents frequent (for example, school toilets, shopping centres)." 5
Also, in answer to the criticism of conservatives, a US review, "Emerging Answers", by the National Campaign To Prevent Teenage Pregnancy examined 250 studies of sex education programs. 6 The conclusion of this review was that "the overwhelming weight of evidence shows that sex education that discusses contraception does not increase sexual activity". Regarding abstinence-only programs, the summary notes:
- "Emerging Answers says that the jury is still out about the effectiveness of abstinence-only programs. That is, current evidence about the success of these programs is inconclusive. This is due, in part, to the very limited number of high-quality evaluations of abstinence-only programs available and because the few studies that have been completed do not reflect the great diversity of abstinence-only programs currently offered. However, the early evidence about abstinence-only programs is not encouraging. Fortunately there is currently a high-quality, federally-funded evaluation of abstinence-only programs under way which should offer more definitive results soon."
There is a movement separate from school-based programs to encourage sexual abstinence; scientific research on these programs indicates decreased use of contraceptives among participants who become sexually active (see sexual abstinence).
[编辑] See also
- Harmful to Minors, a book by Judith Levine which deals with sexual morality and sex education in the United States
- Harm reduction
- Promiscuity
- Refusal skills
- Section 28
- Sexual morality
- Teenage pregnancy
[编辑] References
- Sex information website by the "Nederlandse Vereniging voor Seksuele Hervorming" (Netherlands Society for Sexual Reform)
[编辑] Notes
- 註解1:註解5:DiCenso A. et al.: Interventions to Reduce Unintended Pregnancies Among Adolescents: Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. British Medical Journal 2002;324:1426. Online copy.
- 註解2:Ketting, E. & Visser, A., Contraception in the Netherlands: the low abortion rate explained. Patient Education and Counseling 23
- 註解3:註解4:http://www.ethesis.net/clb/clb.htm
- 註解6:Douglas Kirby, Ph.D.: Emerging Answers: Research Findings on Programs to Reduce Teen Pregnancy. National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, 2001. Homepage of the study.
[编辑] External links
- Sex, AIDS, and the Pursuit of Happiness
- Born Again Virgins and the Tyranny of Mandatory Chastity
- TechnicalVirgin A parody of abstinence programs
- Itsteens.com An online magazine for teen issues
- Sexwise Sex information for teenagers in the UK