极速前进7 | ||
播出阶段 | 2005年-3月1日 – 2005年-5月10日 | |
拍摄阶段 | 2004年-11月20日 – 2004年-12月19日 | |
集数 | 12 | |
冠军队 | Uchenna & Joyce | |
访问的大洲 | 5 | |
访问的国家 | 10 | |
访问的城市 | 25 | |
旅行里程 | 40,000 | |
站数 | 12 | |
前后 | ||
极速前进6 | 极速前进8 |
In Spring 2005, Season 7 was chosen to represent the series in its bid for a third Primetime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Reality-Competition Program." Although Seasons 5 and 6 were also eligible, producers chose Season 7 since it was the most recent installment of the show.
目录 |
[编辑] 结果
赛段名次 | ||||||||||||||
队伍 | 关系 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8* | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 路障次数 |
Uchenna&Joyce(烏真拿與采絲) | 夫妇 | 8th | 4th | 2nd | 3rd | 6th | 3rd | 3rd | 1st | 1st | 3rd | 3rd | 1st | Uchenna 6, Joyce 5 |
Rob&Amber(洛與安芭) | 恋爱中 | 3rd | 1st | 5th | 1st | 5th | 2nd | 1st | 3rd | 3rd | 1st> | 2nd | 2nd | Rob 6, Amber 6 |
Ron&Kelly(朗與姬莉) | 前战俘/选美王后 | 10th | 2nd | 4th | 4th | 2nd | 1st | 2nd | 2nd | 4th | 2nd< | 1st | 3rd | Ron 6, Kelly 6 |
Meredith&Gretchen(梅利迪與桂珍) | 退休夫妇 | 6th | 7th | 7th | 7th | 7th | 5th | 5th | 4th | 2nd | 4th | Meredith 6, Gretchen 4 | ||
Lynn&Alex(連與雅力) | 男友 | 5th | 5th | 1st | 5th | 4th | 4th | 4th | 5th | Lynn 4, Alex 4 | ||||
Brian&Greg(拜仁與格力) | 兄弟 | 4th | 9th | 3rd | 2nd | 3rd | 6th | 6th | Brian 3, Greg 3 | |||||
Ray&Deana(雷與典娜) | 恋爱中 | 7th | 3rd | 6th | 6th | 1st | 7th | Ray 2, Deana 2 | ||||||
Susan&Patrick(素珊與百捷) | 母子 | 2nd | 8th | 8th | 8th | Susan 1, Patrick 2 | ||||||||
Debbie&Bianca(狄琵與碧安卡) | 好友 | 1st | 6th | 9th | Debbie 2, Bianca 0 | |||||||||
Megan&Heidi(美瑾與海迪) | 室友 | 9th | 10th | Megan 1, Heidi 0 | ||||||||||
Ryan&Chuck(黎恩與卓家) | 好朋友 | 11th | Ryan 0, Chuck 0 |
- 红 :已淘汰。
- 蓝 :最后到达之队伍,但由于处在非淘汰赛段,并未淘汰,但被处罚没收所有现金,并且在下一赛段将不会给予任何现金以供使用。
- 绿 :获得快进线索。
- 黄色>说明这个队伍使用了冻结; <是被冻结的队伍
- *第八赛段是普通赛段长度的两倍,并分别设有两个岔道和两个路障.使用快进的队伍在这一赛段的中程得到快进线索,因此他们只被允许跳过第二组岔道和路障.
[编辑] Trivia
[编辑] General
- 坚持到最后的三只队伍将穿过五大洲,参访25个城市,全部旅程达4万英里。与前几季的节目不同,这次旅程在向西返回前,向东最远只到了印度。
- 这季节目第一次出现了母子的队伍。
- Brian 和 Jennifer Aniston一起出现在一场 喜力的 商业活动上。[1]
- Meredith 和 Gretchen 是历次参加极速前进比赛的最大年龄组中走得最远的,他们拿到了第四名。
- 这一季的特点是在某些赛段提供奖品和奖金,这在以前的节目中是从没有过的。在第一赛段,优胜队伍每人获得1万美金,在第五赛段,优胜队伍每人获得一辆Toyota RAV4 车,在第十赛段,奖品是一套JVC 家庭娱乐系统。以前,对于赛段优胜者的鉴赏只有旅游和照相机。
- 旅游网站Travelocity取代了先前的正式赞助商美国航空度假和皇家加勒比游轮集团。除了旅行,还提供2万美元的特别奖金。这笔奖金在第九赛段中一个新设的自由奖金系统中被Ron 和 Kelly获得.
- 胜利者在大结局公映前,被指陷入了一个网络赌博的丑闻。[2][3]
[编辑] Pre-Race
- 三个真人秀节目的老面孔出现在这次比赛中。已经订婚的一对Amber Brkich 和 Rob Mariano是曾经出现在 [[幸存者(电视系列节目)]中的“幸存者”. Brian 曾经出现在 挑战恐惧的一个 圣诞节 段落里.
- 45 个预选的队伍在赛前被禁闭在一个宾馆里。因为队伍之间禁止互相讲话,Brian and Greg 兄弟和Heidi and Megan 最初的联系是通过服务生传送牛奶和饼干.
- Uchenna and Joyce 本来是计划参加[[急速前进6|第六季]的]. 他们在比赛开始前被禁闭在加利佛尼亚的桑塔莫尼卡 ,但是在比赛在芝加哥开始前的最后时刻,他们被取消了。
[编辑] In-Race
- 第三赛段 设置了一个非常困难的路障,选手们必须吃下四磅肉和下水。空前的居然有四位选手放弃了这个任务,他们是:Rob, Meredith, Deanna, 和Patrick。不过电视上没有放,Patrick在退出后,又再次决定完成它。
- 在第六赛段 中,当Brian and Greg驾驶陆虎从路障开往岔道时,因为翻车,一个 摄像师 受了轻伤.
- 主持人菲尔·基奥汉 greeted teams at a race mat halfway through Leg 8 to hand them their next clue, marking the first time in the history of The Amazing Race that teams have stepped on a mat marker to be handed their next clue. Previously, teams only received route information stored in boxes or from locals after completing a task.
- In Leg 8, Meredith broke three bones in his foot after it had been run over during the elephant Detour, and later by a tuktuk. However, he did not reveal his injury to production, because he feared that it would force him to leave the race.
- The Leg 8 Fast Forward returned to the concept of a Fast Forward from Season 5 - an Indian good-luck ritual, where both team members must shave their heads - but this time it was completed; the sole team to try in Season 5 balked at the task once they discovered it.
- In Leg 12 of the race, teams had to fly between Montego Bay and San Juan, Puerto Rico. What producers did not show, however, was a connection in Miami. Because American Airlines does not operate non-stop flights between Montego Bay and San Juan, all three teams and their camera crew caught one of American Airlines' three daily Montego Bay-Miami flights and connected in Miami onto Miami-San Juan flights.
[编辑] Post-Race
- In a radio interview [4], Uchenna and Joyce said that they won the race by 45 minutes, even though Rob and Amber were 7 minutes ahead of them at the first Miami cluebox at Rickenbacker Causeway.
- According to Aaron of Season 6, Rob and Amber received a commission of $500,000 for racing in this installment.
[编辑] 赛段
[编辑] 第1段(美国—秘鲁)
- 美国加州长滩 长滩港玛丽皇后号邮轮附近)
- 由 加州洛杉矶 (洛杉矶国际机场) 飛往 秘鲁利马
- 阿玛斯广场
- 安孔 (美丽沙滩)
- 库斯科
- 万布蒂奥
- 皮斯卡
- 库斯科(Convento de La Merced)
[编辑] 第2段 (秘鲁-智利)
[编辑] 第3段(智利-阿根廷)
[编辑] 第4段(阿根廷)
[编辑] 第5段(阿根廷—南非)
[编辑] 第6段(南非—博茨瓦纳)
- 克鲁赫斯多普(犀牛和狮子自然保护区)
- 博茨瓦纳哈博罗内
- 弗朗西斯镇(大阿德维克)
- 牛站
- 马卡迪卡迪盆地 [5]
[编辑] 第7段(博茨瓦纳)
- 桑库约村
- 卡哇河
- 卡哇河畔的露营地[6]
[编辑] 第8段(博茨瓦纳-印度)
- 勒克瑙(Lucknow), 印度Uttar Pradesh (Bara Imambara)
- 勒克瑙 (Steel Emporium)
- 勒克瑙 (Aishbagh Gas Station)
- 勒克瑙 (Rooftop of Charbaugh Multiflats) (Leg midpoint; teams are told there is no Pit Stop and must continue)
- 勒克瑙 (Lucknow Train Station)
- 焦特布尔(en:Jodhpur), 拉贾斯坦邦 (Train Station)
- 焦特布尔 (Sardar Market)
- 焦特布尔 (Temple behind the lake)
- 焦特布尔 (Deora Krishi Farm)
- 焦特布尔 (Jaswant Thada)
[编辑] 第9段(印度-土耳其)
- 土耳其伊斯坦布尔 (基兹库列西)
- 伊斯坦布尔于斯居达尔(加拉塔库列西)
- 伊斯坦布尔(Rumeli Hisari)
- 伊斯坦布尔(Rumeli Hisari, Lookout)
- 土耳其伊斯坦布尔 (Kiz Kulesi)
- Üsküdar District, Istanbul (Galata Kulesi)
- 伊斯坦布尔(吕梅利希萨里)
- 伊斯坦布尔(吕梅利希萨里的瞭望台)
[编辑] 第10段(土耳其-英国)
- 伊斯坦布尔 (Sirkeci Train Station)
- 伦敦, 英国英格兰 (Abbey Road)
- 伦敦 (伦敦眼) 绕道:脑力: [1-2-3-4] 或体力:Battersea公园
- 伦敦 (Millennium Dome)
- 伦敦 (Potter's Field Park)
[编辑] 第11段(英国-牙买加)
- Kingston, Jamaica
- Port Antonio (Frenchman's Cove)
- Port Antonio (Grant's Level High)
- Montego Bay (Round Hill)
[编辑] 第12段(牙买加-美国)
- Lucea
- Montego Bay (Rose Hall)
- 波多黎各San Juan (Castillo de San Felipe del Morro Fort)
- Aguadilla (Abandoned Sugar Factory)
- 佛罗里达迈阿密 (Rickenbacker Causeway)
- 迈阿密(Little Havana)
- Fort Lauderdale (Bonnet House) (终点)
[编辑] External links
- Official site
- TARFlies Times (Season 7)
- Uchenna and Joyce video interview (The Early Show)
- Final Three video interview (The Early Show)