目录 |
[编辑] 历史
[编辑] 史前至兹里德王朝
格拉纳达有史以来就有人居住。起初有一片凯尔特伊比利亚人的居住地,他们和 腓尼基人、迦太基人和古希腊人有来往。前5世纪,希腊人建立一个名为 "艾利勃格”“Elybirge"的殖民地,在公元前古罗马统治下,这名字演变成为“伊利勃里斯”(Iliberis)。西哥特人 保持该城市作为传教士中心和民政事务中心的重要性,并将它建立成一个军事重地。伊利勃里斯城铸造自己的硬币。
犹太人在该城市的郊区建一个名为迦纳塔(意为犹太人的格拉纳达)的社区。在迦纳塔帮助下塔利克·宾·泽雅德领的莫尔人在711年年第一次占领了格拉纳达,713年巩固其统治。莫尔人将城市称为伊比拉,并且设为科多巴哈里发省的首府,而其余的基督徒社区则称之为“爱尔维拉”(Elvira) 。11世纪初科多巴哈里发的内乱使该城市在1010年被毁。在随后重建过程中,迦纳塔郊区被并入市内, 此城市的现代名字也由此而来。1013年伴随着兹里德王朝的来临,格拉纳达成为一个独立的苏丹王国。11世纪末,该城市地盘扩大,跨越达若河直到如今阿尔汗布拉宫所在地。
[编辑] 基督徒统治的格拉纳达王国
1232年 the progress of the Spanish Reconquista led to the subjugation of the last Islamic stronghold of 格拉纳达 under Mohammed ibn Alhamar to Christian forces of Ferdinand III of Castile. Thus 格拉纳达市成为 seat of the Nasrid sultanate (until 1238)和王国(from 1238), one of the longest-lasting 伊斯兰王朝 in the history of al-Andalus. The Nasrid sultans and kings were responsible for building most of the palaces in 阿兰布拉。taifa became a vassal state of the Christian kingdom of Castile for the next 250 years. The Nasrid sultans and kings paid tribute to 基督教国王 and cooperated with them in the battle against rebellious Muslims under Castilian rule.
格拉纳达王国联结了从欧洲到马格里布的贸易路线。 The territory constantly shrank,到1492年,格拉纳达只控制了地中海沿岸的一小块地方。穆斯林格拉纳达 was the sole remaining religiously homogenous area in 半岛:没有皈依伊斯兰教的基督徒被迫deported to 北非或逃到基督教国家。唯一的少数宗教是a small 犹太人的小社群。阿拉伯语是官方语言,也是大多数人的母语,包括穆斯林和犹太人。
1492年1月2日,最后的穆斯林统治者Boabdil surrendered 完全控制 of the remnants of the last Moorish stronghold of 格拉纳达, to Ferdinand和Isabella, Los Reyes Católicos ("The Catholic Monarchs").
See Nasrid dynasty for a full list of the Nasrid rulers of Granada. The most prominent members of the dynasty were:
- Mohammed ibn Alhamar (死于1273年),王朝的建立者
- Yusuf I (1334年–1354年)
- Muhammed V (1354–1391年,阿兰布拉王宫的建立者
- Boabdil of Granada, the last of the line, who was defeated and deposed in 1492 by Ferdinand and Isabel
[编辑] 格拉纳达陷落以后
摩尔人的失败是格拉纳达历史上最重要的事件之一。阿兰布拉decree of the Christian Monarchs allowed the predominantly 穆斯林 皈依天主教,或回到北非。阿拉伯语失去了在日常生活中的地位,而被西班牙语取代。mosques,一些前基督教堂的遗址,重归基督教使用。Part of the predominantly Muslim population was gradually converted to 天主教 and remaining muslims were eventually expelled to surrounding rural areas, leading to the Revolt of the Alpujarras in 1568. [[犹太人] were immediately expelled following 阿兰布拉 decree of 1492.
格拉纳达的陷落 holds an important place among the many significant events that mark the latter half 15世纪。它结束了伊斯兰教在伊比利亚半岛800年的影响。Freed from conflicts with the Muslims,统一的 西班牙在欧洲国家中排名第一,embarked onto its greated phase of expansion around the globe 导致美洲的发现 by Isabella's prodigy 哥伦布 and followed by what was to 成为西班牙帝国,此后数百年世界最大的帝国之一。
[编辑] 建筑
- 阿兰布拉 and Generalife
- 格拉纳达主教座堂
- Capilla Real. Royal Chapel, with the tombs of Ellisabeth an Ferdinand, the Catholic Kings.
- El Albaicín (Albayzin):古代阿拉伯 quarter, containing many original houses 从16世纪
- The Charterhouse: One of the most impressive pieces of ornamental Baroque in Spain.
- Calle Calderería: An Albayzin street where you can taste Arab typical food, especially teas and desserts from North Africa
- El Cármen de los mártires: 一个带有美丽植物园的可爱宫殿,靠近阿兰布拉
- 圣Ana教堂: 16世纪, Mudejar风格
- 圣Salvador Church: 16世纪, Mudejar风格. Whith moorish Almohade patio from the former mosque.
- El Corral del carbón: Deposit of merchandise and shelter of merchants. Adapted after 16th century for theater plays.
- Hospital Real: Funded in 1504 by the Reyes Católicos, now part of the University.
- 圣多明我教堂: Funded in 1512 by the Reyes Católicos.
- 圣若瑟教堂: On the site of the "moans" Almorabitín, the mosque of the morabites, one of oldest in Granada, dating from the 10th century.
- Sacromonte Abbey: Founded in the 17th century. Legend says that the catacombs under the church were the site of the martyrdom of San Cecilio, the city's first bishop and now its patron saint.
- 老大学: 今法律学校, it retains its original 17世纪 facade.
- Bermejas Towers: Strongpoints on the encircling wall of the Alhambra, they date from the 8th and 9th centuries.
- Basilica San Juan de Dios: Basilica where the rest of this saint rest. Sample of Granada's baroque.
- The Gate of Elvira: The principal Gate to the old city Part of the moorish wall.
- Casa de los Tiros, 16th century. With a complex iconographic program of sculputure and painting about Spanish history and full of cryptograms, it was the palace of Gil Vázquez-Rengifo, who helped the Catholic Kings in the fight for the City. Nowadays it is a museum where visitors can follow the History of Granada from the Middle Age to our days.
[编辑] 外部链接
- (西班牙文) Web directory of Granada and Province.
- (西班牙文) Information on the city from the databases of the Andalucian Statistical Institute.
- (西班牙文) Alcazaba de La Alhambra by castillosnet.org
- (英文) Tapas bars in Granada
- (英文) Granada attractions, local accommodation and how to get there.
- (英文) Images from Alhambra + Granada