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[编辑] 自由力矩進動
[编辑] 诱导力矩进动
[编辑] 物理進動
Precession is the resultant of the angular velocity of rotation and the angular velocity produced by the torque. It is an angular velocity about a line which makes an angle with the permanent rotation axis, and this angle lies in a plane at right angles to the plane of the couple producing the torque. The permanent axis must turn towards this line, since the body cannot continue to rotate about any line which is not a principal axis of maximum moment of inertia; that is, the permanent axis turns in a direction at right angles to that in which the torque might be expected to turn it. If the rotating body is symmetrical and its motion unconstrained, and if the torque on the spin axis is at right angles to that axis, the axis of precession will be perpendicular to both the spin axis and torque axis. Under these circumstances the period of precession is given by:
In which Is is the moment of inertia, Ts is the period of spin about the spin axis, and Q is the torque. In general the problem is more complicated than this, however.
For a layman’s explanation of Precession: we will have to imagine the wheel of a gyroscope as a group of particles that are being forced to move in circle. Remember the particles want to move in a straight line. In order for the particles to move in a curved line there must be a force. This force is provided by the structure of the wheel holding the particles within the wheel.
Now let’s see what happens to our accelerating particles when a torque is applied to the spinning wheel. Assume the axis of rotation created by the torque is through the center of the wheel at 90 degrees to the primary rotation of the wheel. Let’s look at a particle that is on this axis of rotation. Since the particle is on the axis of rotation there is no direct motion applied to the particle at the instant of the applied torque. But let’s look at what will need to happen at the next moment in time. The particle is now going to be forced to curve again. This time in the direction of the curve so as to accommodate the tilt of the wheel. Now we have a particle that is already moving and it wants to keep moving in a straight line. So the particle will exert a force on the wheel. If you look at a particle on the other side of the wheel you will see that the force of the second particle is in the opposite direction of the first particle. That pair of unmatched forces is what causes the precession torque that is 90 degrees to the applied torque.
[编辑] 分點歲差
地球大約以25,800年完成一次的歲差週期,在這段期間內,恆星在赤道座標上被測量到的位置會慢慢的改變,這種變化是歸結於座標本身的變動。在這個週期內,地球自轉軸的北極指向將從現在的位置移開,距離北極星約1°之處,並繞著黃極畫出一個 角半徑23.5°的圓圈(正確的說應該是23°27')。[1]移動的量是每180年1°,這個數值不是從圓圈的中心,是由觀測者的位置量度的。
[编辑] 行星軌道的進動

每顆行星橢圓軌道的長軸在他的軌道平面內也會發生進動,以回應其他行星的引力改變所施加的攝動,這稱為近日點進動或是拱點進動(參見拱點)。觀察到的水星近日點進動與古典力學理論預測的數值不能吻合,每百年差了43" [2],突顯了愛因斯坦相對論的正確,消除了觀測與理論上的歧異。[3]
一般所了解影響地球氣候的23,000和19,000週期,是由於太陽和月球的引力作用導致地球的軌道進動。 這些週期改變了地球的軌道參數,好比軌道傾角,地球自轉軸與公轉軌道平面的夾角,是天文學理論的冰河期中的重要部分。月球軌道的進動請參考月球進動。
[编辑] 相關條目
[编辑] 註解
- ↑ Cook·David R. (1999) - Tilt of Earth's Axis - Environmental Earth Science Archive, Ask A Scientist United States Department of Energy - 於2006-05-24zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ 1973, 中華書局, P123, 天文知識叢書(一), 王石安著
- ↑ Max Born (1924), Einstein's Theory of Relativity (The 1962 Dover edition, page 348 lists a table documenting the observed and calculated values for the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, Venus, and Earth.)
[编辑] 參考資料
- "Moon and Spica", StarDate July 14, 2005, University of Texas McDonald Observatory, [1]