重力波 (相對論)
- 此條目指的是相對論中的重力波(gravitational wave),中国大陸称為引力波,英文中有時也寫作gravity wave;但更多場合中,gravity wave是留給地球科學與流體力學中另一種性質迥異的波動,請參見重力波 (流體力學)。另見重力波,消歧義頁。
目录 |
[编辑] 概觀
- 重力波代表了一個二階張量場的微擾;在量子場論術語中會稱作是「自旋-2」。
- 電磁波則是來自於向量場的微擾;在量子場論中會稱作是「自旋-1」。
- 其他類型的物理學波動有很多來自於純量場的微擾;在量子場論中會稱作是「自旋-0」。
[编辑] 重力波本質
Gravitational waves represent fluctuations in the metric of space-time. That is, they alter the relative distance between test particles. It follows that to directly detect a gravitational wave, you should in essence look for tiny relative motions between two objects. In the case of the LIGO detectors, this is essentially relative motion between two suspended mirrors, and as we saw above the motion to be detected is far smaller than the size of an atom, in fact smaller than the "size" of an atomic nucleus. Since thermal motion in each mirror is far larger than this, understanding why anyone would expect LIGO to work takes some explaining! (See LIGO.)
Imagine a perfect flat region of spacetime, with a bunch of mutually motionless test particles. Along comes a monochromatic linearly polarized gravitational wave. What happens to the test particles? Roughly speaking, they will oscillate in a cruciform manner, orthogonal to the direction of motion:
- first, East/West separated particles draw together while North/South separated particles draw apart,
- next, East/West separated particles draw apart while North/South separated particles draw together,
and so forth. (Diagonally separated particles exhibit a relative motion which is more difficult to describe verbally, but which is more or less implied by this description.) The cross-sectional of a small box of test particles is invariant under these changes, and there is neglible motion in the direction of propagation (at least, neglecting gravitomagnetic effects; that is, we are tacitly assuming that the relative motion of our test particles is not very rapid).
A monochromatic circularly polarized induces similar cruciform oscillation, except that the crucifix rotates with the same frequency as the frequency of cruciform oscillation.
Interestingly enough, after the wave has passed, there may be some residual "secular" relative motion of the test particles. There are also some interesting optical effects. If, before the wave arrives, we look through the oncoming wavefronts at objects behind these wavefronts, we can see no optical distortion (if we could, of course, we would have advance notice of its impending arrival, in violation of the principle of causality). But if, after the wave has passed by, we turn and look through the departing wavefronts at objects which the wave has not yet reached, we will see optical distortions in the images of small shapes such as galaxies. Unfortunately, this is an utterly impractical method of detecting the very weak waves we can expect to occur in the vicinity of the solar system.
[编辑] 重力波源
Gravitational waves are caused by certain motions of mass or energy. The type of motion required is different from electromagnetism in one very important respect however: the strongest type of electromagnetic radiation is dipole radiation, while the strongest type of gravitational radiation is quadrupole radiation. [1]
According to general relativity, the quadrupole moment (or some higher moment) of an isolated system must be time-varying in order for it to emit gravitational radiation. Here are some examples which illustrate when we should (assuming general relativity gives accurate predictions) expect a system to emit gravitational radiation:
- An isolated object in approximately "rectilinear" motion will not radiate. (Needless to say, this motion is wrt some observer and can be only approximately rectilinear. Technically, this entails defining a weakly gravitating system possessing a time varying dipole moment but stationary quadrupole moment, with all moments being taken with respect to the origin.) This can be regarded as a consequence of the principle of conservation of linear momentum. (Caveat: this example is trickier than it looks, and in the case of a small object falling toward a large one, say, it leads to one of the most vexed questions in general relativity, the problem of treating radiation reaction).
- A spherically pulsating spherical star (nonzero and non-stationary monopole moment or mass, but vanishing and hence stationary quadrupole moment) will not radiate, in agreement with Birkhoff's theorem.
- A spinning disk (nonzero but stationary monopole and quadrupole moments) will not radiate. This can be regarded as a consequence of the principle of conservation of angular momentum. (Caveat: in general relativity, unlike Newtonian gravitation, a spinning disk will not generate an external field identical to the field of an equivalent but non-spinning disk, due to gravitomagnetic effects, but this does not contradict the absence of radiation. Roughly speaking, the field is generated as we concentrate matter, and if that matter has some angular momentum, but we end up with a stationary external gravitational field, that field will exhibit gravitomagnetism but not radiation.)
- Two objects mounted on the endpoints of an isolated extensible curtain rod, which is provided with some kind of engine and which oscillates long/short/long with frequency ω, gives a system with time-varying quadrupole moment, so this system will radiate. Observers far from the rod and in the equatorial plane of the rod will observe linearly polarized radiation (aligned with the rod) with frequency ω. Observers lying on the axis of symmetry of the rod will observe no radiation, however.
- A spinning non-axisymmetric planetoid (say with a large bump or dimple on the equator) will define a system with a time-varying quadrupole moment, so this system will radiate. As an idealization, one can study an isolated uniform mass curtain rod which is spinning with angular frequency ω about a rotation axis orthogonal to the rod, but passing through some point other than the centroid of the rod. This gives a system with time varying quadrupole moment, so the system will radiate. Observers far from the system and lying in the plane of rotation will observe linearly polarized radiation with frequency 2ω. Observers far from the system and near its axis of symmetry will observe circularly polarized radiation with frequency ω.
- Two objects orbiting each other with angular frequency ω in a quasi-Keplerian planar orbit, gives a system with time-varying quadrupole moment, so this system will radiate. Observers far from the system and in its equatorial plane will observe linearly polarized radiation (aligned with the rod) with frequency 2ω. Observers far from the system and lying on its axis of symmetry will observe circularly polarized radiation with frequency ω.
The last three examples illustrate a general rule-of-thumb: far from a radiating system, projection of the system on the "viewing plane" affords a rough and ready indication of what kind of radiation will be observed.
These examples (and others) are most commonly studied using a simplified version of general relativity, sometimes called 線性化廣義相對論, which gives indistinguishable results in the case of weak gravitational fields. (The external field of our Sun would be considered "weak" in this terminology.) Similar conclusions hold for the fully nonlinear theory, but it is much more difficult to obtain analytic results outside the domain of the linearized theory. This is one reason why so much work on phenomena such as the collision and merger of two black holes currently requires 數值分析.
Gravitational radiation carries energy away from a radiating system. Consequently, in the case of the quasi-Keplerian system discussed above, the two objects will gradually spiral in towards one another, becoming more tightly bound to compensate for this loss of energy. The predicted rate of this inspiral can also be computed, using the linearized approximation, and the result gives excellent agreement for observed binary pulsars (this is the theoretical basis for the Nobel Prize awarded to Hulse and Taylor). In the late stages of the inspiral of two neutron stars or black holes, however, the linearized theory is no longer adequate, so one must result to more complicated approximations, and eventually to numerical simulations.
Similarly, in the case of the eccentric rotating rod, the frequency will decrease as the radiation gradually carries off energy from the system.
We stress that some theories of gravitation give significantly different predictions concerning the nature and generation of gravitational radiation, while others give predictions which are almost identical to those of general relativity. All currently known theories other than general relativity are either in disagreement with observation, or in some sense more complicated than general relativity (see for example Brans-Dicke theory for an example illustrating the latter possibility).
If two spinning black holes were to collide, they could emit an enormous amount of gravitational radiation and lose energy in the process.
[编辑] 偵測
Russell Alan Hulse and Joseph Hooton Taylor Jr. were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993年 for their observations of a remarkable binary pulsar, PSR B1913+16. According to general relativity, this system should emit gravitational radiation which carries off energy at a specific rate, which should in turn cause the orbit to decay at a rate of roughly 7 mm per day. This prediction agrees with the observations of Hulse and Taylor.
But to directly detect gravitational waves you would have to look for any motion they cause. Typically you would look for the expansion and contraction oscillations caused by the gravitational wave. A simple version of this setup is called a 韋伯棒 -- a large, solid piece of metal with electronics attached to detect any vibrations. Unfortunately, Weber bars are not likely to be sensitive enough to detect anything but very powerful gravitational waves. A more sensitive version is the 干涉儀, with test masses placed as many as four kilometers apart. Ground-based interferometers such as LIGO are now coming on line. The motion to be detected would be very slight -- a small fraction of the width of an atom, over a distance of four kilometers. A number of teams are working on making more sensitive and selective gravitational wave detectors and analysing their results. Space-based interferometers, such as LISA are also being developed.
One reason for the lack of direct detection so far is that the gravitational waves that we expect to be produced in nature are very weak, so that the signals for gravitational waves, if they exist, are buried under noise generated from other sources. Reportedly, ordinary terrestrial sources would be undetectable, despite their closeness, because of the great relative weakness of the 重力.
A commonly used technique to reduce the effects of noise is to use coincidence detection to filter out events that do not register on both detectors. There are two common types of detectors used in these experiments:
- 雷射干涉儀, which use long light paths, such as GEO, LIGO, TAMA, VIRGO, ACIGA and the space-based LISA;
- resonant mass gravitational wave detectors which use large masses at very low temperatures such as AURIGA, ALLEGRO, EXPLORER and NAUTILUS.
There are other prospects such as MiniGRAIL, a spherical gravitational wave antenna based at Leiden University. Some scientists even want to use the moon as a giant gravitational wave detector. The moon should be somewhat pliable to the contortions caused by gravitational waves.
[编辑] 「愛因斯坦在你家」重力波搜尋計畫(Einstein@Home)
Bruce Allen of UWM's LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) group is leading the development of the 愛因斯坦在你家計畫(Einstein@Home), developed to search data for signals coming from selected, extremely dense, rapidly rotating stars observed from LIGO in the US and the GEO 600 gravitational wave observatory in Germany . Such sources are believed to be either 夸克星 or 中子星; a subclass of these stars are already observed by conventional means and are known as 波霎, electromagnetic wave-emitting celestial bodies. If some of these stars are not quite near-perfectly spherical, they should emit gravitational waves, which LIGO and GEO 600 may begin to detect.
Einstein@Home is a small part of the LSC scientific program. It has been set up and released as a distributed computing project similar to SETI@home. That is, it relies on computer time donated by private computer users to process data generated by LIGO's and GEO 600's search for gravity waves.
[编辑] 展望
科學家渴望能夠自一些難以或無法利用電磁輻射來偵測的天文客體,直接觀測到重力波,用之來探察現象。舉例來說,雖然黑洞不像一般星體會放出可見的電磁輻射 (另見重力紅移),然而當一個物體掉入黑洞時,重力波會被發射出來;另外的發射場合是兩個黑洞互撞。If the inspiraling mass is significantly smaller than the central black hole, the emitted gravitational waves may, at least in some circumstances, allow physicists to directly probe the spacetime geometry around the event horizon (such observations are a primary goal of the LISA mission). Also, because gravitational waves are so weak (and thus difficult to detect), objects opaque to light are often transparent to gravitational radiation. In particular, gravitational waves could propagate while the universe was still opaque to light (i.e., at times before recombination). In this way, gravitational waves could help reveal information about the very structure of the 宇宙.
In contrast to electromagnetic radiation, it is not fully understood what difference the presence of gravitational radiation would make for the workings of the universe. A sufficiently strong sea of primordial gravitational radiation, with an energy density exceeding that of the 大霹靂 electromagnetic radiation by a few orders of magnitude, would shorten the life of the universe, violating existing data that show it is at least 13 billion years old. More promising is the hope to detect waves emitted by sources on astronomic size scales, such as:
- 超新星或伽瑪射線爆;
- "chirps" from inspiraling coalescing binary stars;
- periodic signals from spherically asymmetric neutron stars or quark stars;
- stochastic gravitational wave background sources.
[编辑] 推導
[编辑] 平直時空的微擾
是達朗貝爾算符(d'Alembertian)或4-拉普拉斯算符。升降指標可以是很具技巧性的。到第一階,你只需要用到平直度規。此外注意到反度規(inverse metric)帶有負的微擾加上其高階項。
接著,我們挑選了一個特別的座標系統,其中恰是零。要能如此需做一些證明,不過事實上真的可以。我們得到一條波動方程式與我們的規範條件(gauge condition)。
其中,是個零向量(null vector)。波動方程式現在被滿足了,不過
因此振動會是橫向的空間扭曲。這樣的波稱為自旋-2因為存在有2個不同的偏振。光只有1!稱為加號偏振(plus polarization)而
稱為叉號偏振(cross polarization)。
[编辑] 有源微擾
我們現在只關注洛侖茲規範(Lorentz gauge)這個選項,現在可以將它寫成很有意義的形式:
這可以類比於有源電磁波,在電磁學上是個解決已久的問題,解決的辦法是遲滯格林函數(retarded Green's functions):
其中}-是遲滯時間(retarded time)。
[编辑] 遠源的近似
If we want to study metric perturbations far from the source then we can envoke a very useful approximation.
Where r is the approximate distance to the source.
We now invoke the local conservation of energy-momentum (to first order) to find useful interrelationships in the stress-energy tensor.
We now take this relationship and massage it into the form of our original integral and see what new information it gives us.
We wanted to multiply the right hand side with with the two powers of x so that we can integrate by parts twice and get down to a regular volume integral.
Assuming the stress-energy tensor takes the simple form
- Tαβ = ρuαuβ
Where ρ is the mass density and uα is the 4-velocity. If the source is nonrelativistic, then the energy density will be dominated by the mass density, Ttt = ρ
Here we see something very similar to the moment of inertia, we call it the second mass moment.
We now have our final expression that relates the gravitational waves with their source.
[编辑] 微擾法 對 精確解
[编辑] 重力波會傳遞能量
[编辑] 相關條目
- 重力磁性(Gravitomagnetism)
- 重力子
- LIGO,美國重力波偵測器。
- VIRGO與GEO 600,歐洲的兩處偵測器。
- TAMA,日本偵測器。.
- LISA,計畫中的雷射干涉儀太空天線,預計2015年升空。
- Sticky bead argument,能看出重力輻射應該攜帶能量的費因曼方法。
- pp-wave spacetime,利用平面波前來為重力輻射(可能伴隨電磁或其他輻射)建立重要的精確解模型類別。
[编辑] 外部連結
- USENET上的物理學問答集(physics FAQ)中的重力輻射討論
- 重力波偵測器列表
- 雷射干涉儀重力波觀測站(縮寫LIGO)——加州理工學院LIGO實驗室
- Info page for "Einstein@Home," a distributed computing project processing raw data from LIGO Laboratory, at CalTech searching for gravity waves
- 愛因斯坦在你家計劃首頁
- 義大利研究者關於EXPLORER與NAUTILUS資料分析之論文
- 重力波物理中心——美國國家科學基金會 [PHY 01- 14375]
- 澳大利亞國際重力研究中心——西澳大利亞大學
- TAMA計畫——開發針對公里級干涉儀的高等技術。
- "Could superconductors transmute electromagnetic radiation into gravitational waves?"——科學美國人(Scientific American)文章
- Science to ride gravitational waves, 英國國家廣播公司(BBC)新聞(2005年11月announcement of science run of LIGO and GEO 600 gravitational wave detectors).
- [2]
[编辑] 文獻
- B. Allen, et al., Observational Limit on Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Stars in the Galaxy. The American Physical Society, March 31, 1999.
- Gravitational Radiation. Davis Associates, Inc.
- Amos, Jonathan, Gravity wave detector all set. BBC, February 28, 2003.
- Rickyjames, Doing the (Gravity) Wave. SciScoop, December 8, 2003.
- Will, Clifford M., The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment. McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Department of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis MO.
- Chakrabarty, Indrajit, "Gravitational Waves: An Introduction". arXiv:physics/9908041 v1, Aug 21, 1999.
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