Wikipedia:Featured articles
From Wikipedia
As this is still a fairly small Wikipedia with little activity (only 2,896 articles so far), there is no regularly scheduled program for selecting or nominating "featured articles". It is hoped that this will be addressed at some future point with a nominating system, once more users begin contributing.
To date, there have been 5 featured articles. Some of these were written specifically for the purpose of giving the main page an inviting appearance. This was inspired by the Swahili wikipedia, where the "featured article" was "Panzi" (grasshopper) for six months. Anyone at all with any suggestions for improving this system is welcome to leave discussion on the talk page by clicking ውይይት above.
- 1. August 5 to 13 - ዋዝንቢት
- 2. August 13 to November 25 - ብርቱካን (ፍሬ)
- 3. November 21, 2005 to April 24, 2006 - ሜሪላንድ
- 4. April 24 to August 18 - ፀሐይ
- 5 August 18 to present - ጉግል
ይዞታ |
[ለማስተካከል] Current Featured Article
18 August 2006 - present
[ለማስተካከል] Past Featured Articles
[ለማስተካከል] 24 April 2006 - 18 August 2006
"ፀሐይ በኛ ፈለኮች ጣቢያ መኻል ያለው ኮከብ ነው። ምድር በዟሪ ክበቧ በፀሐይ ምኋር ዙሪያ ዘወትር ትዞራለች። ሌሎቹም ፈለኮች፣ "ጂራታም ከዋክብት"፣ ታላላቅ ድንጋዮችና ያቧራ ደመኖች ሁሉ እንዲሁም ይዞራሉ..."
[ለማስተካከል] 21 November 2005 - April 24 2006
"ሜሪላንድ (Maryland) በአሜሪካ የምትገኝ ስቴት ስትሆን ምዕጻረ ቃሏ MD ወይም Md. ነው። ሜሪላንድ ከአሜሪካ አስራሶስት ጥንታዊ ስቴቶች አንዷ ናት። ከሜሪላንድ ጋር የሚገናኙ..."
[ለማስተካከል] 13 August - 25 November 2005
"ብርቱካን (ወይም ኦሬንጅ) ማለት የዛፍ አይነትም ሆነ በተለይ የዚሁ ዛፍ ፍሬ ማለት ነው። የሌሎች አትክልት ክልስ ሆኖ ከጥንት እንደ ለማ ይታሥባል። እርዝማኔው እስከ 10 ሜትር ድረስ ቢደርስም ዛፉ ትንሽ ይባላል፤ ቡቃያው እሾህ አለበትና..."
[ለማስተካከል] 5 August - 13 August 2005
"ዋዝንቢት የትኋን አይነት ነው። የፌንጦና የአንበጣ ዘመድ ነው። ሁለንተናው ትንሽ ለጥ ይላል፤ የረዘሙ አንቴኖችም አሉት። የሚታወቀው በተለይ ስለ ድምጹ ይሆናል..."