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Tajwīd (تجويد) is an Arabic word meaning proper pronunciation during recitation, as well as recitation at a moderate speed. It is a set of rules which govern how the Qur'an should be read. It is derived from the triliteral root j-w-d, meaning to make well, make better, or improve. It is required. It started just after Muhammad's death when Abu Bakr ruled.
[edit] Rules of tajwid
[edit] Manners of the heart
- One should understand that the Qur'an is not the word of man.
- The reader should throw away all other thoughts.
- One should understand the meaning.
- One should be humble.
- One should feel that every message in the Qur’an is meant personally for himself or herself.
[edit] External manners
- One should be vigilant of the purity of body, clothes, and place.
- One should face the Qiblah.
- One should stop at a verse of warning and seeking protection with Allah.
- One should stop at a verse of mercy and asking Allah for mercy.
- One should use pure classical Arabic pronunciation, without foreign or dialectic influence.
[edit] See also
[edit] External links