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Gap is a synonym for any hole or opening; a chasm. Many uses of the word are either literally or figuratively based on this meaning.
Gap or GAP may mean:
- Gap (landform), a way through high land, often carved by a river
- Gap (clothing retailer), a United States-based fashion chain, named for the generation gap
- gallium phosphide, formula GaP, a semiconductor material
- In ecology, a gap refers to the spacing between large trees in a forest.
- Gap analysis (conservation), a geographic conservation model analyzing gaps in protected spaces.
- GAP computer algebra system, for Groups, Algorithms and Programming
- Gun Aiming Point, a point behind a battery of guns used to aim in artillery
- Glock Automatic Pistol - An ammunition standard in .45 :Also see ACP
- Government Accountability Project, a nonprofit organization
- Southeastern Anatolia Project- a land reform project in Turkey.
- Great Ape Project, aims to give the rights and protections given to all humans to every member of the great ape family
- Generic access profile, an interoperability system used in wireless telephony
- GAP (GTPase Activating Protein), a biochemical compound
- Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is a 3-carbon molecule metabolite important in both glycolysis and the Calvin cycle
- Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme important in both the Calvin cycle and glycolysis
- GNUnet's anonymity protocol, GAP
- Digital gap
- Generating Application Propositions, creating implementation examples as templates
- Gäp, the Tatar-based cant language
- DECT General Acces Profile, wireless communication protocol for telephones
- A place in a sentence where material that might normally be expected is missing; for example in 'John ate an apple and Mary __ a banana'. The process of eliding this is called gapping; see also parasitic gap.
A place:
- GAP, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany [1], GAP is the abbreviation taken from the license-plate.
- Gap, Hautes-Alpes, a town in France, in the Hautes-Alpes département
- Gap, Pennsylvania, United States
- The Gap, Queensland, a suburb of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
- The Gap, Mount Isa, Queensland, a suburb of Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia
- The Gap, a pass at the south end of Hut Point Peninsula, on Ross Island, Antarctica
- The Gap, New South Wales, a spectacular ocean cliff at Watsons Bay, New South Wales, Australia
- The Gap slang for the province between Alberta and Manitoba: Saskatchewan, Canada
- Loughborough Gap, a disused section of the Great Central Railway in Loughborough, England
- Southeastern Anatolia Project (Turkish: Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi), the dam/irrigation project on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers primarily in the soulth eastern region of Turkey
[edit] Film
- El Boquete - A 2006 Argentine film
[edit] See also
- Gap Coverage, insurance against the difference in value between a car and the principle of a loan for it, to be paid in the event the car is totalled
- Mind the Gap, An expression generally used by Hartlepool fans to Darlington supporters to highlight the increasing difference in quality between the two historically similar level sides. Since 2000 the former have continued to be far more successful than their less famous neighbours, hence 'mind the gap*
The Gap Band, an R&B group from Tulsa, Oklahoma, famous in the 1970s and 1980s
- Gap Mangione, jazz pianist and bandleader
- Mind the gap, a safety warning for users of the London Underground and the Sydney CityRail, about the space between train and platform
- The Gap (Album) by the Chicago-based band Joan of Arc
- The Gap Cycle, a science fiction story, told in a series of 5 books, written by Stephen Donaldson
- Gaap (demonology)
- GAAP, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- GAP, Genocide Awareness Project
- GAP, Global Authoring Practices for the Mobile Web
- GAP, Good Agricultural Practices
- Diocese of Gap