Juan Ramón Jiménez
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Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958) was a Spanish poet. One of his most important contributions to modern poetry was the idea of "poesia pura" (pure poetry). A prolific author, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956.
[edit] Biography
Jiménez was born in Moguer, near Huelva, in the Andalusia region of southern Spain, on 24 December 1881. He celebrated his home region in his prose poem about a writer and his donkey, called Platero y Yo (1914). He studied law at the University of Seville, but he declined to put this training to use. Strongly influenced by the poet, Rubén Darío, he published his first two books, in 1900, at the age of eighteen. The death of his father in this same year affected him deeply, and the resulting depression led to his being sent to a mental institution in France. Ten years later, he was transferred to the Sanatorio de El Rosario in Madrid. Soon afterwards, he made several trips to France and the United States, where in 1916 he married Zenobia Camprubí, a noted translator of the Indian writer, Rabindranath Tagore. Zenobia became his indispensable companion and collaborator.
Upon the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, he and Zenobia went into exile in Cuba, the U.S.A., and Puerto Rico, where he settled in 1946, a year in which Jiménez was hospitalized for eight months due to another deep depression. Jiménez later became a Professor of Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Maryland at College Park. In 1956, he received the Nobel Prize in Literature; three days later, his wife died of breast cancer. Jiménez never quite recuperated from this loss. He died two years afterwards, on 29 May 1958, in the same clinic where his wife had died. Both are buried in Spain.
[edit] References
- E. Díez-Canedo, Juan Ramón Jiménez en su obra (México, 1944)
- R. Gullón, Conversaciones con Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1958)
- J . Guerrero Ruiz, Juan Ramón de viva voz (Madrid, 1961)
- M. P. Predmore, La obra en prosa de Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1966)
- M. A. Salgado, El arte polifacético de las caricaturas líricas juanramonianas (Madrid, 1968)
- Mª T. Font, «Espacio»: autobiografía lírica de Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1973)
- G. Palau de Nemes, Vida y obra de Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1976)
- A. Campoamor González, Vida y poesía de Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1976)
- A. De Albornoz (ed.), Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1981)
- A. Campoamor, Bibliografía general de Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1982)
- F. J. Blasco, La Poética de Juan Ramón Jiménez. Desarrollo, contexto y sistema (Salamanca, 1982)
- M. Juliá, El universo de Juan Ramón Jiménez (Madrid, 1989)
[edit] External links
- Works by Juan Ramón Jiménez at Project Gutenberg
- Juan Ramón Jiménez on Find-A-Grave
- Activities TIC: webquest, treasure hunts, etc. about Juan Ramón Jiménez, Zenobia and Platero. CEIP SAN WALABONSO
1951: Lagerkvist | 1952: Mauriac | 1953: Churchill | 1954: Hemingway | 1955: Laxness | 1956: Jiménez | 1957: Camus | 1958: Pasternak | 1959: Quasimodo | 1960: Perse | 1961: Andrić | 1962: Steinbeck | 1963: Seferis | 1964: Sartre | 1965: Sholokhov | 1966: Agnon, Sachs | 1967: Asturias | 1968: Kawabata | 1969: Beckett | 1970: Solzhenitsyn | 1971: Neruda | 1972: Böll | 1973: White | 1974: Johnson, Martinson | 1975: Montale |