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国民公会(こくみんこうかい、Convention nationale、コンベンシオン・ナシオナール)は、フランスの立法機関。フランス革命期の1792年9月20日から1795年10月26日(革命暦IV年霧月4日)まで設置された。1795年11月2日に始まる総裁政府がこれに続く。国民公会の参加者にはジャコバン派のマクシミリアン・ド・ロベスピエール、ジャン・ポール・マラー、およびジョルジュ・ジャック・ダントンなどがいた。
目次 |
[編集] 成立
1792年8月10日the insurrection、パリの市民がチュイルリー宮を襲撃し、王政廃止を要求した。立法議会は国王ルイ16世の王権を暫定的に停止した。ついで新憲法制定のための国民公会が求められた。同時に25歳以上で1年以上フランス国内に在住する勤労者であるフランス国民に選挙権が付与され、代議員を選ぶことが決定した。国民公会は、身分や階級の別なく成人男子による普通選挙で選出されるフランス史上最初の議会となった。有権者の選挙権は21歳にまで引き下げられ、被選挙権は25歳とされた 。
[編集] 革命政府
The Convention lasted for three years. The country was at war, and it seemed best to postpone the implementation of the new constitution until peace should be concluded. At the same time, as the Convention prolonged its powers, it extended them considerably in order to meet the pressing dangers which menaced the Republic.
Through a legislative assembly, it took over the executive power, entrusting it to its own members. This "confusion of powers", contrary to the philosophical theories — those of Montesquieu especially — which had inspired the Revolution at first, was one of the essential characteristics of the Convention. The series of exceptional measures by which that confusion of powers was created constitutes the "Revolutionary government" in the strict sense of the word, a government which was principally in vigour during the period called the "Reign of Terror". It is thus necessary to distinguish, in the work of the Convention, the temporary expedients from measures intended to be permanent.
[編集] 構成とメンバー
The Convention held its first session in a hall of the Tuileries, then it sat in the Salle du Manège, and finally from 10 May 1793 in that of the Spectacles (or Machine), an immense hall in which the deputies were but loosely scattered. This last hall had tribunes for the public, who often influenced the debate by interruptions or by applause.
The members of the Convention came from all classes of society, but the most numerous were lawyers. Seventy-five members had sat in the National Constituent Assembly, 183 in the Legislative Assembly. The full number of deputies was 749, not counting 33 from the colonies, of whom only some arrived in Paris. Besides these, however, the newly-formed départements annexed to France from 1792 to 1795 were allowed to send deputations. Many of the original deputies died or were exiled during the Convention, but not all their places were filled by suppléants. Some members proscribed during the Terror returned after 9 Thermidor. Finally, many members were sent away, either to the départments or to the armies, on missions which lasted sometimes for a considerable length of time. For all these reasons it is difficult to find out the number of deputies present at any given date, for votes by roll-call were rare. During the Terror the number of those voting averaged only 250.
According to its own ruling, the Convention elected its president every fortnight. He was eligible for re-election after the lapse of a fortnight. Ordinarily the sessions were held in the morning, but evening sessions also occurred frequently, often extending late into the night. Sometimes in exceptional circumstances the Convention declared itself in permanent session and sat for several days without interruption. For both legislative and administrative purposes the Convention used committees, with powers more or less widely extended and regulated by successive laws. The most famous of these committees included the Committee of Public Safety (Comité de salut public), the Committee of General Security (Comité de sûreté générale), and the Committee of Education, (Comité de l’instruction).
[編集] 遺産
The article on the Convention in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica concludes, "The Convention achieved immense changes in all branches of French public affairs. To appreciate its work without prejudice, one should recall that this assembly saved France from a civil war and invasion, that it founded the system of public education (Museum, École Polytechnique, École Normale Supérieure, École des Langues orientales, Conservatoire), created institutions of capital importance, like that of the Grand Livre de la Dette publique, and definitely established the social and political gains of the Revolution."
[編集] 関連項目
- 立法議会と王政廃止 en:The Legislative Assembly and the fall of the French monarchy
- ジロンド派
- 山岳派
- ジョルジュ・ジャック・ダントン
- マクシミリアン・ド・ロベスピエール
- ジャン・ポール・マラー
[編集] 外部リンク
[編集] 参照
この記述はパブリックドメインの百科事典『ブリタニカ百科事典第11版』("Encyclopædia Britannica" 1911年版)に基づいています。
The 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, in turn, gives the following references:
[編集] 1911年版エンサイクロペディア・ブリタニカからの引用
The Convention published a Procès-verbal of its sessions, which, although lacking the value of those published by later assemblies, forms an official document of capital importance. Copies of it are rare, however, and it has been too much neglected by historians. See:
- F. A. Aulard, Recueil des actes du comité de Salut Public avec la correspondance officielle des représentants en mission, et le registre du conseil exécutif provisoire (Paris, 1889 et seq.)
- M. J. Guillaume, Procès-verbaux du comité d’Instruction Publique de la Convention Nationale (Paris, 1891 - 1904, 5 vols. 4to)
- F. A. Aulard, Histoire politique de la Révolution francaise (Paris, 1903)
- Mortimer-Ternaux, Histoire de la Terreur (1862 - 1881), a work based on and comprising documents, but written with strong royalist bias
- Eugene Despois, Le Vandalisme révolutionnaire (1868), for the scientific work of the Convention.
- 国民公会議長全リスト
A detailed bibliography of the documents relating to the Convention is given in the Repertoire général des sources manuscrites de l'histoire de Paris pendant la Revolution française, vol. viii. &c. (1908), edited by A. Tueléy under the auspices of the municipality of Paris. For a more summary bibliography see Jean Maurice Tourneux, Bibliographie de l'histoire de Paris pendant la Revolution française, i. 89-95 (Paris, 1890).
カテゴリ: 翻訳中 | ブリタニカ百科事典第11版 | フランス革命時の議会