List of Middle-earth topics
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Below are all articles related to J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. Hobbits are listed by their family names, not given names (for example, Frodo Baggins is under Baggins, Frodo), and rulers of Númenor are listed by their names without Tar- or Ar- prefixes (for example, Ar-Pharazôn is under Pharazôn, Ar-).
Contents |
[edit] A
- Ælfwine of England
- Abattarik, Ar-
- Adan
- Adanedhel
- Adanel
- Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings
- Adorn
- Adrahil
- Adrahil II
- Adûnaic
- Adûnakhôr, Ar-
- Adurant
- Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The
- Aeglos
- Aegnor
- Aelin-uial
- Aerin
- Afterborn
- Aftercomers
- Agarwaen
- Ages of Middle-earth
- Agarwaen
- Agathurush
- Aglarond
- Aglon
- Aiglos
- Aikanáro
- Ailinel
- Ainulindalë
- Ainur
- Aiwendil
- Akallabêth
- Alatar
- Alatáriel
- Alcarin, Tar-
- Aldamir
- Aldarion, Tar-
- Aldaron
- Aldburg
- Aldor
- Alqualondë
- Aman
- Amandil
- Amandil, Tar-
- Amanyar
- Amarië
- Ambar
- Ambush at Ithilien
- Amdír
- Amlaith
- Amon Amarth
- Amon Anwar
- Amon Dîn
- Amon Ereb
- Amon Ethir
- Amon Hen
- Amon Lanc
- Amon Lhaw
- Amon Obel
- Amon Rûdh
- Amon Sûl
- Amon Uilos
- Amras
- Amrod
- Amroth
- Amrothos
- Anadûnê
- Anairë
- Anardil
- Anárion
- Anárion, Tar-
- Ancalagon
- Ancalimë, Tar-
- Ancalimon, Tar-
- Andram
- Andrast
- Andreth
- Androth
- Anducal, Tar-
- Anduin
- Andúnië
- Andúril
- Andustar
- Anfalas
- Anfauglir
- Anfauglith
- Angainor
- Angband
- Angband (computer game)
- Angerthas
- Anglachel
- Angmar
- Angren
- Angrenost
- Angrist
- Angrod
- Anguirel
- Annatar
- Annon-in-Gelydh
- Annúminas
- Anórien
- Arador
- Araglas
- Aragorn I
- Aragorn II
- Aragost
- Arahad
- Arahad I
- Arahad II
- Arahael
- Araman
- Aranarth
- Arantar
- Aranuir
- Araphant
- Araphor
- Arassuil
- Aratar
- Arathorn
- Arathorn I
- Arathorn II
- Araval
- Aravir
- Aravorn
- Arda
- Arda Healed
- Arda Marred
- Arda Unmarred
- Ardamin, Tar-
- Ard-galen
- Aredhel
- Argeleb
- Argeleb I
- Argeleb II
- Argon
- Argonath
- Argonui
- Arien
- Arkenstone
- Armenelos
- Army of the dead
- Arnor
- Aros
- Arthedain
- Arvedui
- Arvegil
- Arveleg I
- Arveleg II
- Arvernien
- Arwen
- Ascar
- Atanamir, Tar-
- Atanatar
- Atanatar I
- Atanatar II
- Atanatári
- Atani
- Athelas
- Atlas of Middle-earth, The
- Aulë
- Aulëan
- Aulendur
- Ausir
- Avallónë
- Avari
- Avathar
- Awakening of the Elves
- Azaghâl
- Azog
[edit] B
- Baggins
- Baggins family
- Baggins, Balbo
- Baggins, Bilbo
- Baggins, Bungo
- Baggins, Frodo
- Bag End
- Bagshot Row
- Bain
- Balar
- Balchoth
- Balin
- Balrog
- Ban of the Valar
- Barad-dûr
- Baragund
- Barahir
- Barahir (Steward)
- Barahir's Ring
- Baran
- Baranduin
- Bard the Bowman
- Bard II
- Barrow-downs
- Barrow-wight
- Battle of Azanulbizar
- Battle of Bywater
- Battle of Dagorlad
- Battle of the Crossings of Erui
- Battle at the Field of Celebrant
- Battle at the Fords of Isen
- Battle of Dale
- Battle of Evermore, The
- Battle of Five Armies
- Battle of Fornost
- Battle of Greenfields
- Battle of Helm's Deep
- Battle of the Hornburg
- Battle of Isengard
- Battle of Lammoth
- Battle of Nanduhirion
- Battle of the Morannon
- Battle of the Pelennor Fields
- Battle of Sudden Flame
- Battle of Tears Unnumbered
- Battle of the Camp
- Battle of Tumhalad
- Battle of Unnumbered Tears
- Battles of Beleriand
- Bauglir
- Bay of Balar
- Bay of Belfalas
- Bay of Eldamar
- Baynes, Pauline
- Belecthor I
- Belecthor II
- Beleg
- Beleg of Arnor
- Belegaer
- Belegorn
- Belegost
- Belegund
- Belemir
- Beleriand
- Belfalas
- Bëor
- Beorn
- Beornings
- Bereg
- Beregond
- Beregond (Captain)
- Beren
- Beren (Steward)
- Bergil
- Beruthiel
- Bifur
- Bilbo's Last Song
- Bill the Pony
- Black breath
- Black Gate
- Black Númenóreans
- Black Rider
- Black Speech
- Blackroot
- Blind Guardian
- Blue Mountains
- Blue Wizards
- Boldog
- Boffin
- Boffin, Berylla
- Bofur
- Bolg
- Bolger, Fredegar
- Bombur
- Book of Lost Tales, The
- Bór
- Bored of the Rings
- Borin
- Boromir (Steward)
- Boromir
- Boron
- Borondir
- Bralda-hîn
- Brand
- Branda-nîn
- Brandir
- Brandybuck
- Brandybuck clan
- Brandybuck, Gormadoc
- Brandybuck, Meriadoc
- Brandybuck, Primula
- Brandywine
- Brandywine Bridge
- Bree
- Brego
- Bregolas
- Bregor
- Brethil
- Bridge of Khazad-dûm
- Bridge of Stonebows
- Brilthor
- Brithombar
- Brithon
- Brodda
- Brown Lands
- Bruinen
- Brytta Léofa
- Bucca of the Marish
- Buckland
- Bucklebury
- Bucklebury Ferry
- Butterbur, Barliman
- Bywater
[edit] C
- Cabed Naeramarth
- Calacirya
- Calaquendi
- Calembel
- Calenardhon
- Calenhad
- Calimehtar
- Calion, Tar-
- Calmacil
- Calmacil, Tar-
- Captain of the Haven
- Caradhras
- Caranthir
- Caras Galadhon
- Carcharoth
- Carchost
- Cardolan
- Carn Dûm
- Carnen
- Castamir the Usurper
- Caverns of Narog
- Celduin
- Celebdil
- Celeborn
- Celebrant
- Celebrían
- Celebrimbor
- Celebrindor
- Celebros
- Celegorm
- Celepharn
- Celon
- Celos
- Cemendur
- Chieftains of the Dúnedain
- Children of Húrin
- Children of Ilúvatar
- Círdan
- Ciril
- Cirion
- Cirith Gorgor
- Cirith Ungol
- Cirth
- Ciryaher
- Ciryandil
- Ciryatan, Tar-
- Common Eldarin
- Common Speech
- Common Telerin
- Complete Guide to Middle-earth, The
- Corsairs of Umbar
- Cotton, Rosie
- Cotton, Tom
- Council of Elrond
- Council of the Wise
- Crack of Doom
- Crissaegrim
- Cuiviénen
- Cursed Ring, The
- Curufin
- Curunír
[edit] D
- Daeron
- Dagmor
- Dagor Aglareb
- Dagor Bragollach
- Dagor Dagorath
- Dagor-nuin-Giliath
- Dagorlad
- Dáin I
- Dáin II Ironfoot
- Dale
- Dark Land
- Darkening of Valinor
- Daughters of Finwë
- Days of the Trees
- Dead Marshes
- Déagol
- Deeping Stream
- Denethor
- Denethor (First Age)
- Denethor I
- Denethor II
- Déor
- Deórwine
- Dernhelm
- Diamond of Long Cleeve
- Dimbar
- Dior
- Dior (Steward)
- Dís
- Dol Amroth
- Dol Guldur
- Dome of Stars
- Doom of Mandos
- Doors of Durin
- Dor Daedeloth
- Dor-lómin
- Dori
- Doriath
- Dorthonion
- Dorwinion
- Downfall of Númenor
- Dragons
- Dramborleg
- Draugluin
- Drengist
- Drúadan Forest
- Drúedain
- Drûg
- Drúwaith Iaur
- Dry River
- Duilwen
- Dúnedain
- Dunharrow
- Dunland
- Dunlendings
- Durin
- Durin II
- Durin III
- Durin IV
- Durin V
- Durin VI
- Durin VII
- Durin's Axe
- Durin's Bane
- Durin's Day
- Durin's folk
- Dwalin
- Dwarf
- Dwarrow
[edit] E
- Eä
- Eagles
- Eagles of Manwë
- Eärendil
- Eärendil of Gondor
- Eärendur
- Early American editions of The Hobbit
- Eärnil
- Eärnil I
- Eärnil II
- Eärnur
- Eärwen
- East Beleriand
- East Road
- Easterlings
- Eastfarthing
- Echoriath
- Ecthelion
- Ecthelion of the Fountain
- Ecthelion I
- Ecthelion II
- Edhel
- Edhellond
- Edoras
- Edain
- Egalmoth
- Eglarest
- Eilenach
- Eiliniel
- Eithel Ivrin
- Eithel Sirion
- Ekkaia
- Elanor the Fair
- Elanor Gamgee
- Elenwë
- Elbereth
- Eldacar
- Eldacar of Arnor
- Eldacar of Gondor
- Eldamar
- Eldar
- Eldarion
- Elder Days
- Elendil
- Elendil, Tar-
- Elendilli
- Elendilmir
- Elendor
- Elendur
- Elenna
- Elessar
- Elven Rings
- Elf
- Elfwine
- Elladan
- Elladan and Elrohir
- Elmo
- Elostirion
- Elrohir
- Elrond
- Elros
- Elu
- Eluréd and Elurín
- Elwë
- Elwing
- Elven-king
- Elvish language
- Elvenking
- Emeldir
- Emerië
- Emyn Arnen
- Emyn Beraid
- Emyn Muil
- Enchanted Isles
- Enchanted River
- Encircling Mountains
- Enedwaith
- Enel
- English-language editions of The Hobbit
- Ent
- Entwash
- Eöl
- Éomer
- Eönwë
- Éored
- Eorl the Young
- Éothéod
- Éowyn
- Epessë
- Ephel Brandir
- Ephel Dúath
- Eradan
- Erebor
- Erech
- Ered Engrin
- Ered Gorgoroth
- Ered Lindon
- Ered Lithui
- Ered Lómin
- Ered Luin
- Ered Mithrin
- Ered Nimrais
- Ered Wethrin
- Eregion
- Erelas
- Erendis
- Eressëa
- Eriador
- Eriol
- Erkenbrand
- Eru Ilúvatar
- Eruhantalë
- Erui
- Erukyermë
- Erulaitalë
- Eryn Lasgalen
- Eryn Vorn
- Esgalduin
- Esgaroth
- Estel
- Estelmo
- Estë
- Estolad
- Evenstar (jewel)
- Exiles
- Eye of Sauron
- Ezellohar
[edit] F
- Falas
- Falassion, Tar-
- Falathrim
- Fallohides
- Fall of Gondolin
- Falls of Rauros
- Fangorn
- Fangorn forest
- Faniel
- Faramir
- Farthing (Middle-earth)
- Fastred of Greenholm
- Fathers of the Dwarves
- Far Harad
- Fëa and hröa
- Fëanor
- Fëanturi
- Feasts in Númenor
- Felagund
- Felaróf
- Fellowship of the Ring (characters)
- Fellowship of the Ring, The
- Fellowship of the Ring, The (film)
- Fell Winter
- Female hobbits
- Fengel
- Fens of Serech
- Ferny, Bill
- Field of Celebrant
- Figwit
- Fíli
- Fimbrethil
- Final Battle
- Finarfin
- Findis
- Finduilas
- Finduilas of Dol Amroth
- Fingolfin
- Fingon
- Finrod Felagund
- Finvain
- Finwë
- Firebeards
- Fíriel
- First Age
- First Battle of Beleriand
- Firth of Drengist
- Five Rivers of Lebennin
- Foalokë
- Folca
- Folcwine
- Folde
- Fords of Isen
- Fords of Rivendell
- Forest of Brethil
- Forest River
- Forlond
- Formenos
- Fornost Erain
- Forochel
- Forodwaith
- Fourth Age
- Framsburg
- Fréa
- Fréaláf Hildeson
- Fréawine
- Freca
- Frerin
- Frór
- Fuinur
- Fundin
[edit] G
- Galador
- Galadriel
- Galdor the Tall
- Galdor of the Havens
- Gamgee, Hamfast
- Gamgee, Samwise
- Gamil Zirak
- Gandalf
- Gap of Rohan
- Gate Stream
- Gelion
- Ghân-buri-Ghân
- Gil-galad
- Gildor
- Gildor Inglorion
- Gilraen
- Gilrain
- Gimilkhâd
- Gimilzôr, Ar-
- Gimli
- Ginglith
- Girdle of Melian
- Girion
- Gladden
- Gladden Fields
- Glamdring
- Glanduin
- Glanhír
- Glaurung
- Glithui
- Glittering Caves
- Glóin
- Glóredhel
- Glorfindel
- Goblin
- Goblin Town
- Goldberry
- Goldwine
- Golfimbul
- Gollum
- Gondolin
- Gondor
- Gorbag
- Gorgol
- Gorgoroth
- Gorlim
- Gorthaur
- Gothmog (First Age)
- Gothmog (Third Age)
- Gram
- Great Darkness
- Great East Road
- Great Gulf
- Great Journey
- Great Plague
- Great River of Wilderland
- Great Sea
- Great Smials
- Greater Gelion
- Greenway
- Greenwood the Great
- Grey Havens
- Greyflood
- Greylin
- Grey Mountains
- Gríma
- Grimbold
- Grishnákh
- Gróin
- Grór
- Grond
- Gulf of Lune
- Gundabad
- Gurthang
- Gwaihir
- Gwathir
- Gwathló
- Gwindor
[edit] H
- Hadhafang
- Hador
- Hador (Steward)
- Haladin
- Haldad
- Haldan
- Haldar
- Haldir (First Age)
- Haldir of Lórien
- Haleth
- Halifirien
- Hallas
- Halls of Mandos
- Halmir
- Half-elven
- Hammer of the Underworld
- Handir
- Harad
- Haradrim
- Haradwaith
- Hardbottle
- Hareth
- Harfoots
- Harlond
- Harnen
- Harondor
- Harrowdale
- Haudh-en-Ndengin
- Haudh-en-Nirnaeth
- Haven of the Eldar
- Havens of Sirion
- Havens of the Falas
- Helcar
- Helcaraxë
- Helm Hammerhand
- Helm's Deep
- Helm's Dike
- Helm of Hador
- Henneth Annûn
- Herion
- Herucalmo
- Herumor
- Herunúmen, Tar-
- Hidden Way
- High Pass
- Hill of Himring
- Hills of Evendim
- Himlad
- Himling
- Himring
- Hirgon
- History of The Lord of the Rings, The
- History of Middle-earth, The
- Hithaeglir
- Hithlum
- Hoarwell
- Hobbit
- Hobbit, The
- Hobbit, The (1977 movie)
- Hobbiton
- Hollin
- Horses of Middle-earth
- Hostamir, Tar-
- House of Bëor
- House of Hador
- House of Haleth
- House of Húrin
- House of Marach
- Houses of Healing
- House of Telcontar
- Howe, John
- Hröa
- Huan
- Hundar
- Huor
- Huorn
- Húrin
- Húrin I
- Húrin II
- Hyarmendacil I
- Hyarmendacil II
[edit] I
- Ibun
- Ice-Bay of Forochel
- Idril
- Ilmarë
- Ilmen
- Iluin
- Ilúvatar
- Imbar
- Imin
- Imladris
- Imrahil
- Indis
- Inglor
- Ingwë
- Inn of the Prancing Pony
- Into the West
- Inziladûn, Ar-
- Inzilbêth
- Irimë
- Iron Hills
- Iron Mountains
- Irmo
- Iron Crown
- Isen
- Isengard
- Isenmouthe
- Isildur
- Isilmo
- Isle of Balar
- Isle of Elenna
- Istari
- Ithilien
- Ithryn Luin
- Ivriniel
[edit] J
[edit] K
- Khamûl
- Khand
- Khazad
- Khazad-dûm
- Kheled-zâram
- Khîm
- Khuzdul
- Kibil-nâla
- Kíli
- King under the Mountain
- King's Men
- King's Riders
- Kingdom of Rhovanion
- Kings of Arnor
- Kings of Arthedain
- Kings of Gondor
- Kings of Rohan
- Kings of Númenor
- Kinslaying
- Kin-strife
- Kôr
[edit] L
- Lagduf
- Ladros
- Laiquendi
- Lalaith
- Lake Evendim
- Lake Helevorn
- Lake Mithrim
- Lake Nenuial
- Laketown (Middle-earth)
- Lambengolmor
- Lamedon
- Land of Seven Rivers
- Land of the Sun
- Languages of Middle-earth
- Langflood
- Langwell
- Last Alliance of Elves and Men
- Laurelin
- Lay of Leithian
- Lays of Beleriand, The
- Leaf by Niggle
- Lebennin
- Lee, Alan
- Lefnui
- Legendarium
- Legolas
- Legolin
- Lembas
- Lenwë
- Léod
- Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, The
- Lhammas
- Lammoth
- Lhûn
- Light Elf
- Limlight
- Limlîht
- Lindar
- Lindon
- List of female hobbits
- List of Middle-earth characters
- List of Middle-earth Elves
- List of Middle-earth peoples
- List of Middle-earth rivers
- List of Middle-earth writings
- List of rulers of Númenor
- Little Gelion
- Loeg Ningloron
- Lohtûr
- Lond Daer
- Lond Daer Ened
- Lonely Mountain
- Long Lake
- Long Winter
- Lord of the Rings, The
- Lord of the Rings, The (film trilogy)
- Lord of the Rings, The (animated film)
- Lord of the Rings, The (1955 radio series)
- Lord of the Rings, The (1979 radio series)
- Lord of the Rings, The (1981 radio series)
- Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game, The
- Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game, The
- Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth, The
- Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, The
- Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II - The Rise of the Witch-king, The
- The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game, The
- Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring, The
- Lords of Andúnië
- Lórien
- Lórinand
- Losgar
- Lossarnach
- Lossoth
- Lost Road and Other Writings, The
- Lothlann
- Loudwater
- Lowdham, Alwin Arundel
- Lugdush
- Lúthien
[edit] M
- Mablung
- Maedhros
- Maeglin
- Maglor
- Maglor's Gap
- Magor
- Máhanaxar
- Mahtan
- Maiar
- Malach
- Malduin
- Mallor
- Mallorn
- Malvegil
- Man in the Moon
- Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late, The
- Manwë
- Marach
- March of Maedhros
- Mardil Voronwë
- Master of Buckland
- Mauhúr
- Mayor of Michel Delving
- Mearas
- Meduseld
- Melian
- Mellyrn
- Melkian
- Melkor
- Men
- Menegroth
- Meneldil
- Meneldur, Tar-
- Meneltarma
- Mering Stream
- Methedras
- Michel Delving
- Middle-earth
- Middle-earth canon
- Middle-earth Role Playing
- Middle Men
- Mîm
- Min-Rimmon
- Minalcar
- Minardil
- Minas Anor
- Minas Ithil
- Minas Morgul
- Minas Tirith (First Age)
- Minas Tirith (Third Age)
- Minastir, Tar-
- Mindeb
- Mindolluin
- Minhiriath
- Minor battles in The Lord of the Rings
- Minor places in Middle-earth
- Minyatur, Tar-
- Míriel
- Mirkwood
- Mirror of Galadriel
- Mirrormere
- Misty Mountain Hop
- Misty Mountains
- Mitheithel
- Mithlond
- Mithrandir
- Mithrellas
- Mithril
- Mithrim
- Moon
- Morannon
- Mordor
- Morenor
- Morgoth
- Morgoth's Ring
- Morgul blade
- Morgulduin
- Moria
- Moria (computer game)
- Moriquendi
- Morthond
- Morwen
- Morwen Steelsheen
- Mount Dolmed
- Mount Doom
- Mount Gram
- Mount Gundabad
- Mount Rerir
- Mount Taras
- Mountains of Moria
- Mouth of Sauron
- Mouths of Sirion
- Music of the Ainur
- Muster of Rohan
- Muzgash
[edit] N
- Nahar
- Náin
- Náin I
- Náin II
- Namo
- Nandor
- Nan Elmoth
- Nan-tathren
- Narchost
- Nardol
- Nargothrond
- Narmacil I
- Narmacil II
- Narn i Chîn Húrin
- Narog
- Narsil
- Narvi
- Nauglafring
- Nauglamír
- Narya
- Nazgûl
- Neldoreth
- Nen Hithoel
- Nenning
- Nenya
- Nerdanel
- Nessa
- Nevrast
- Nienna
- Nienor
- Nibin-Noeg
- Nimloth
- Nimphelos
- Nimrodel
- Nîn-in-Eilph
- Nindalf
- Nine Rings
- Ninglor
- Níniel
- Nirnaeth Arnoediad
- Nivrim
- Noegyth Nibin
- Nogrod
- Noirinan
- Noldoli
- Noldor
- Nóm
- Nori
- Northfarthing
- Northmen
- Notion Club Papers, The
- Núath
- Númenor
- Nunduinë
- Núrn
[edit] O
- Oath of Eorl
- Oath of Fëanor
- Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age
- Óin
- Old Man Willow
- Old Forest
- Old Forest Road
- Oldbuck
- Olog-hai
- Oliphaunt
- Olórin
- Olwë
- Ondoher
- One Ring
- On Fairy-Stories
- Onodló
- Orc
- Orcrist
- Ori
- Ormal
- Ornendil
- Orocarni
- Orodreth
- Orodreth (Steward)
- Orodruin
- Oromë
- Oromëan
- Oropher
- Orophin
- Orthanc
- Osgiliath
- Ossë
- Ossiriand
- Ost-in-Edhil
- Ostoher
[edit] P
- Pallando
- Palantír, Tar-
- Palantír
- Parth Galen
- Pass of Aglon
- Paths of the Dead
- Pelargir
- Pelendur
- Pelennor Fields
- Pelóri Mountains
- Pengolodh
- Peoples of Middle-earth, The
- Petty-dwarves
- Peredhil
- Pharazôn, Ar-
- Poros
- Prancing Pony
- Primitive Quendian
- Princes of Dol Amroth
[edit] Q
[edit] R
- Radagast
- Rammas Echor
- Rangers of the North
- Rathlóriel
- Rauros
- Realms of Arda
- Red Arrow
- Red Book of Westmarch
- Redhorn Pass
- Region
- Regions of the Shire
- Rerir
- Return of the King, The
- Return of the King, The (film)
- Return of the King, The (animated movie)
- Return of the Ñoldor
- Reunited Kingdom
- Rhimdath
- Rhosgobel
- Rhovanion
- Rhudaur
- Rhûn
- Riddle Game
- Ring-bearer
- Ring-inscription
- Ring of Barahir
- Ring of Doom
- Rings of Power
- Rings of the Elves
- Rían
- Ringló
- Ringwil
- Ringwraith
- Rivendell
- River Brithon
- River Celon
- River Gelion
- River Narog
- River Nenning
- River Running
- River Sirion
- River Teiglin
- Rivers of Gondor
- Rivil
- Road Goes Ever On, The
- Rohan
- Rohirric
- Rohirrim
- Rómendacil
- Rómendacil I
- Rómendacil II
- Rómenna
- Romenor
- Round World version of the Silmarillion
- Ruin of Doriath
- Ruffian
- Ruling Queens of Númenor
- Ruling Ring
- Rúmil
- Rushdown
[edit] S
- Sackville-Baggins, Lobelia
- Sackville-Baggins, Lotho
- Sakalthôr, Ar-
- Salmar
- Sarati
- Sarn Ford
- Sarn Gebir
- Saruman/Sharkey
- Sauron
- Scatha
- Scouring of the Shire
- Sea of Helcar
- Sea of Núrnen
- Sea of Rhûn
- Second Age
- Secret Fire
- Serech
- Serni
- Sernui
- Serpent Lord
- Seven Rivers of Gondor
- Shadowfax
- Shagrat
- Shaping of Middle-earth, The
- Shelob
- Shire
- Shire Calendar
- Shire Reckoning
- Shirebourn
- Sickle of the Valar
- Siege of Angband
- Silmariën
- Silmaril
- Silmarillion, The
- Silvan Elves
- Silverlode
- Silvertine
- Sindar
- Sindarin
- Singollo
- Sîr Ninglor
- Sirannon
- Siril
- Sirion
- Siriondil
- Sirith
- Smaug
- Sméagol
- Snowbourn
- Snowmane
- Snowmen of Forochel
- Solisimpi
- Sons of Fëanor
- Soronto
- Southfarthing
- Southrons
- Spring of Arda
- Star of Eärendil
- Star of Elendil
- Star of the Dúnedain
- Starkhorn
- Stewards during the Watchful Peace
- Stewards of Gondor
- Sting
- Stoors
- Straight Road
- Strider
- Summoning
- Sun
- Sundering of the Elves
- Sundering Sea
- Súrion, Tar-
- Swanfleet
[edit] T
- Taeglin
- Tal-Elmar
- Talath Dirnen
- Taliska
- Taniquetil
- Tarcil
- Tarondor
- Tarondor of Arnor
- Tarannon Falastur
- Tarmasundar
- Tarnost
- Tarostar
- Tarn Aeluin
- Tata
- Taur-e-Ndaedelos
- Taur-en-Faroth
- Taur-im-Duinath
- Taur-nu-Fuin
- Teiglin
- Telchar
- Telemmaitë, Tar-
- Telemnar
- Telemnar, Tar-
- Teleri
- Telperiën, Tar-
- Telperion
- Telumehtar
- Tengwar
- Thain
- Thains of the Shire
- Thalos
- Thangorodrim
- Tharbad
- Thargelion
- Thengel
- Théoden
- Théodred
- Théodwyn
- Thingol
- Third Age
- Thorin I
- Thorin II Oakenshield
- Thorin III Stonehelm
- Thorondir
- Thorondor
- Thorongil
- Thráin I
- Thráin II
- Thrall-Ñoldorin
- Thranduil
- Three Houses of Men
- Three Rings
- Thrór
- Thuringwethil
- Tilion
- Timeless Halls
- Timeline of Arda
- Tindomiel
- Tinúviel
- Tirion
- Tol Eressëa
- Tol Galen
- Tolfalas
- Tol-in-Gaurhoth
- Tol Fuin
- Tol Morwen
- Tol Sirion
- Tolkien, Christopher
- Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
- Tolkien-based MUSH
- Tolkien Society of Sweden
- Tolkienist
- Tom Bombadil
- ToME (computer game)
- Took
- Took clan
- Took, Adalgrim
- Took, Belladonna
- Took, Bullroarer
- Faramir Took
- Took, Ferumbras III
- Took, Fortinbras II
- Took, Gerontius
- Took, Isumbras
- Took, Paladin
- Took, Paladin II
- Took, Pearl
- Took, Peregrin
- Took, Pervinca
- Took, Pimpernel
- Tower Hills
- Tree and Leaf
- Treebeard
- Trees of the Valar
- Troll
- Trollshaws
- Trotter
- Tuckborough
- Tulkas
- Tumladen
- Tumunzahar
- Túna
- Tuor
- Turgon
- Turgon (Steward)
- Turambar
- Túrin
- Túrin I
- Túrin II
- Two Lamps
- Two Towers, The
- Two Towers, The (film)
- Two Towers: The Purist Edit, The
- Two Trees
- Tyrn Gorthad
- Two Trees of Valinor
[edit] U
- Udûn
- Ufthak
- Uglúk
- Uinen
- Uldor
- Ulfang
- Ulfast
- Ulwarth
- Ulmo
- Úmanyar
- Umbar
- Umbardacil
- Undómiel
- Undying Lands
- Unfinished Tales
- Ungoliant
- Union of Maedhros
- Uolë Kúvion
- Upbourn
- Uruk-hai
- Urulóki
- Urwen
- Utter West
- Utumno
[edit] V
- Vairë
- Vaiya
- Valacar
- Valacirca
- Valandil
- Valandur
- Valaquenta
- Valar
- Valaraukar
- Valarin
- Valinor
- Valimar
- Valmar
- Vampire (Middle-earth)
- Vána
- Vanimeldë, Tar-
- Vanyar
- Varda
- Vardamir Nólimon
- Variags of Khand
- Vilya
- Vidugavia
- Vidumavi
- Vingilótë
- Vinyalondë
- Vinyamar
- Vinyarion
- Vista
- Void, The
- Vorondil the Hunter
- Voronwë
[edit] W
- Wainriders
- Walda
- Wall of the Sun
- War of the Dwarves and Orcs
- War of the Elves and Sauron
- War of the Jewels
- War of the Jewels, The
- War of the Last Alliance
- War of the Ring
- War of the Ring, The
- War of Wrath
- Warg
- Warning beacons of Gondor
- Watcher in the Water
- Watchful Peace
- Water, The
- Weathertop
- Werewolves
- West Beleriand
- Westfarthing
- Westmarch
- Westron
- White Council
- White Downs
- White Mountains
- White Tree of Gondor
- Wilderland
- Witch-king of Angmar
- Withywindle
- Wizards
- Wood-elves
- Wormtongue
- Woses
- Wulf
[edit] X
[edit] Y
[edit] Z
[edit] Categories
- Category:LOTR Movie Trilogy only
- Category:Middle-earth
- Category:Middle-earth battles
- Category:Middle-earth books
- Category:Middle-earth languages
- Category:Middle-earth places
- Category:Middle-earth plants
- Category:Middle-earth rivers
- Category:Middle-earth towns and cities
- Category:Mountains of Middle-earth
- Category:Realms of Middle-earth
- Category:Middle-earth swords
- Category:Middle-earth characters
- Category:Middle-earth Dwarves
- Category:Middle-earth Elves
- Category:Ents
- Category:Middle-earth Hobbits
- Category:Middle-earth Maiar
- Category:Middle-earth Men
- Category:Middle-earth Dúnedain
- Category:Rulers of Númenor
- Category:Middle-earth Edain
- Category:Middle-earth Rohirrim
- Category:Middle-earth Orcs (was later deleted)
- Category:Middle-earth Ringwraiths (was later deleted)
- Category:Middle-earth Valar
- Category:Middle-earth weapons
- Category:Tolkien stubs
- Category:Middle-earth rings and jewels
- Category:Grey Elves
- Category:Middle-earth Half-elven
- Category:High Elves
- Category:Dúnedain of the North
[edit] Templates
[edit] Family trees
- Template:Elendil
- Template:Fëanor
- Template:Finarfin
- Template:Fingolfin
- Template:Half-elven
- Template:Isildur
- Template:Telcontar
[edit] Subject lists
- Template:Ainur
- Template:Dragons
- Template:Dwarves
- Template:Ents
- Template:History of Arda
- Template:Lotr
- Template:Meweapons
- Template:Middle-earth
- Template:Silmarillion
- Template:Tolkien-stub
- Template:Tolkien-sectstub
[edit] See also
List of Middle-earth articles by category
List of Middle-earth characters
List of Middle-earth peoples
List of Middle-earth rivers
List of Middle-earth writings
List of Middle-earth Wizards
List of Hobbits
Bestiary of Middle-earth
J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium | |
Published during his lifetime: | The Hobbit • The Lord of the Rings • The Adventures of Tom Bombadil • The Road Goes Ever On |
Posthumous publications: | The Silmarillion • Unfinished Tales • The History of Middle-earth (12 volumes) • Bilbo's Last Song • The Children of Húrin • The History of The Hobbit |
Lists of articles: | By category • By name • Writings • Characters • Peoples • Rivers • Realms • Ages |
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