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Acharya NÄgÄrjuna (Telugu: నాగారà±à°œà±à°¨; Chinese: é¾æ¨¹; Tibetan: Klu Sgrub) (c. 150 - 250 AD) was an Indian philosopher, the founder of the Madhyamaka (Middle Path) school of MahÄyÄna Buddhism, and arguably the most influential Buddhist thinker after the Gautama Buddha himself.
His writings were the basis for the formation of the Madhyamaka (Middle Way) school, which was transmitted to China under the name of the Three Treatise (Sanlun) School. He is credited with developing the philosophy of the Prajnaparamita sutras, and was closely associated with the Buddhist university of Nalanda.
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[edit] History
Very few details on the life of NÄgÄrjuna are known, although many legends exist. He was born in South India, near the town of Nagarjunakonda (నాగారà±à°œà±à°¨à°•à±Šà°‚à°¡) in present day Nagarjuna Sagar in the Nalgonda district of Andhra Pradesh.[citation needed] According to traditional biographers and historians such as Kumarajiva (鳩摩羅什), he was born into a Brahmin family, but later converted to Buddhism. This may be the reason he was one of the earliest significant Buddhist thinkers to write in classical Sanskrit rather than PÄli or Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit.
From studying his writings, it is clear that NÄgÄrjuna was conversant with the Nikaya school philosophies and with the emerging MahÄyÄna tradition. If the most commonly accepted attribution of texts (that of Christian Lindtner) holds, then he was clearly a MÄhayÄnist, but his philosophy holds assiduously to the canon, and while he does make explicit references to MahÄyÄna texts, he is always careful to stay within the parameters set out by the canon.
[edit] Writings
There exist a number of influential texts attributed to NÄgÄrjuna, although most were probably written by later authors. The only work that all scholars agree is Nagarjuna's is the MÅ«lamadhyamakakÄrikÄ (Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way), which contains the essentials of his thought in twenty-seven short chapters. According to Lindtner the works definitely written by Nagarjuna are:
- MÅ«lamadhyamakakÄrikÄ (Fundamental Verses of the Middle Way)
- ŚūnyatÄsaptati (Seventy Verses on Emptiness)
- VigrahavyÄvartanÄ« (The End of Disputes)
- Vaidalyaprakaraṇa (Pulverizing the Categories)
- VyavahÄrasiddhi (Proof of Convention)
- Yuktiá¹£Äá¹£á¹ika (Sixty Verses on Reasoning)
- Catuḥstava (Hymn to the Absolute Reality)
- RatnÄvalÄ« (Precious Garland)
- PratÄ«tyasamutpÄdahá¹dayakÄrika (Constituents of Dependent Arising)
- SÅ«trasamuccaya
- Bodhicittavivaraṇa (Exposition of the Enlightened Mind)
- Suhá¹›llekha (To a Good Friend)
- BodhisaṃbhÄra (Requisites of Enlightenment)
There are other works attributed to NÄgÄrjuna, some of which may be genuine and some not. In particular, several important works of esoteric Buddhism (most notably the Pañcakrama or "Five Stages") are attributed to NÄgÄrjuna and his disciples. Contemporary research suggests that these works are datable to a significantly later period in Buddhist history (late eighth or early ninth century), but the tradition of which they are a part maintains that they are the work of the Madhyamaka NÄgÄrjuna and his school. Traditional historians (for example, the 17th century Tibetan TÄranÄtha), aware of the chronological difficulties involved, account for the anachronism via a variety of theories, such as the propagation of later writings via mystical revelation. A useful summary of this tradition, its literature, and historiography may be found in Wedemeyer 2006.
Lindtner considers that the MÄhaprajñÄparamitopadeÅ›a, a huge commentary on the Large PrajñÄparamita not to be a genuine work of NÄgÄrjuna. This is only extant in a Chinese translation by Kumarajiva. There is much discussion as to whether this is a work of NÄgÄrjuna, with some original comments by Kumarajiva, or an original work by Kumarajiva based on the philosophy of NÄgÄrjuna.
[edit] Philosophy
NÄgÄrjuna's primary contribution to Buddhist philosophy is in the development of the concept of śūnyatÄ, or "emptiness," which brings together other key Buddhist doctrines, particularly anatta (no-self) and pratÄ«tyasamutpÄda (dependent origination). For NÄgÄrjuna, it is not merely sentient beings that are empty of Ätman; all phenomena are without any svabhÄva, literally "own-nature" or "self-nature", and thus without any underlying essence; they are empty of being independent. This is so because they are arisen dependently: not by their own power, but by depending on conditions leading to their coming into existence, as opposed to being. NÄgÄrjuna was also instrumental in the development of the two-truths doctrine, which claims that there are two levels of truth in Buddhist teaching, one which is directly (ultimately) true, and one which is only conventionally or instrumentally true, commonly called upÄya in later MahÄyÄna writings. NÄgÄrjuna drew on an early version of this doctrine found in the KaccÄyanagotta Sutta, which distinguishes nÄ«tÄrtha (clear) and neyÄrtha (obscure) terms -
- By and large, Kaccayana, this world is supported by a polarity, that of existence and non-existence. But when one reads the origination of the world as it actually is with right discernment, 'non-existence' with reference to the world does not occur to one. When one reads the cessation of the world as it actually is with right discernment, 'existence' with reference to the world does not occur to one.
NÄgÄrjuna differentiates between saṃvá¹›ti (conventional) and paramÄrtha (ultimately true) teachings, but he never declares any to fall in this latter category; for him, even śūnyatÄ is śūnya--even emptiness is empty. For him, ultimately,
- nivá¹›ttam abhidhÄtavyaṃ nivá¹›tte cittagocare|
- anutpannÄniruddhÄ hi nirvÄṇam iva dharmatÄ||7
- The designable is ceased when the range of thought is ceased,
- For phenomenality is like nirvana, unarisen and unstopped.
This was famously rendered in his tetralemma with the logical propositions: X, not X, X and not X, neither X nor not X.
For more on NÄgÄrjuna's philosophy, see MÅ«lamadhyamakakÄrikÄ.
[edit] English translations
[edit] Mulamadhyamakakarika
[edit] Other works
Author | Title | Publisher | Notes |
Lindtner, C | Nagarjuniana | Motilal, 1987 [1982] | Contains Sanskrit or Tibetan texts and translations of the
Shunyatasaptati, Vaidalyaprakarana, Vyavaharasiddhi (fragment), Yuktisastika, Catuhstava and Bodhicittavivarana. A translation only of the Bodhisambharaka. The Sanskrit and Tibetan texts are given for the Vigrahavyavartani. In addition a table of source sutras is given for the Sutrasamuccaya. |
Komito, D R | Nagarjuna's "Seventy Stanzas" | Snow Lion, 1987 | Translation of the Shunyatasaptati with Tibetan commentary |
Bhattacharya, Johnston and Kunst | The Dialectical Method of Nagarjuna | Motilal, 1978 | A superb translation of the Vigrahavyavartani |
Kawamura, L | Golden Zephyr | Dharma, 1975 | Translation of the Suhrlekkha with a Tibetan commentary |
Jamieson, R.C. | Nagarjuna's Verses on the Great Vehicle
and the Heart of Dependent Origination |
D.K., 2001 | Translation and edited Tibetan of the Mahayanavimsika and the Pratityasamutpadahrdayakarika, including work on texts from the cave temple at Dunhuang, Gansu, China |
Master of Wisdom
Writings of the Buddhist Master NÄgÄrjuna An excellent introduction to Madhyamika, Master of Wisdom contains two hymns of praise to the Buddha, two treatises on Shunyata, and two works that clarify the connection of analysis, meditation, and moral conduct. Includes Tibetan verses in transliteration and critical editions of extant Sanskrit.
Tibetan Translation (product ID: 0-89800-286-9) Dharma Publishing - 1986
[edit] References
- Campbell, W. L. Ed. and trans. 1919. The Tree of Wisdom: Being the Tibetan text with English translation of NÄgÄrjuna's gnomic verse treatise called the PrajñÄdanda. Calcutta University. Reprint: Sonam T. Kazi, Gangtok. 1975.
- Forizs, Laszlo, 1998. "The Relevance of Whitehead for Contemporary Buddhist Philosophy. PÄṇini, NÄgÄrjuna and Whitehead."
- Hoogcarspel, E., 2005. The Central Philosophy, Basic Verses. Olive Press Amsterdam (translation from Sanskrit, commentary with references to contemporary philosophy)
- Kalupahana, David J. The Philosophy of the Middle Way. SUNY, 1986
- McCagney, Nancy, 1941. NÄgÄrjuna and the philosophy of openness. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c 1997.
- Murti, T. R. V., 1955. The Central Philosophy of Buddhism. George Allen and Unwin, London. 2nd edition: 1960.
- Murty, K. Satchidananda. 1971. Nagarjuna. National Book Trust, New Delhi. 2nd edition: 1978.
- Ramanan, K. Venkata. 1966. NÄgÄrjuna's Philosophy. Charles E. Tuttle, Vermont and Tokyo. Reprint: Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. 1978. (This book gives and excellent and detailed examination of the range and subtelties of Nagarjuna's philosophy.)
- Samdhong Rinpoche, ed. 1977. Madhyamika Dialectic and the Philosophy of Nagarjuna. Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, India.
- Sastri, H. Chatterjee, ed. 1977. The Philosophy of NÄgÄrjuna as contained in the RatnÄvalÄ«. Part I [ Containing the text and introduction only ]. Saraswat Library, Calcutta.
- Streng, Frederick J. Emptiness: A Study in Religious Meaning. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1967.
- Walser, Joseph. NÄgÄrjuna in Context: MahÄyÄna Buddhism and Early Indian Culture. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005.
- Wedemeyer, Christian K. 2006. Ä€ryadeva's Lamp that Integrates the Practices: The Gradual Path of VajrayÄna Buddhism according to the Esoteric Community Noble Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Zangpo, Ngorchen Kunga. 1975. The Discipline of The Novice Monk. Including Ä€cÄrya NÄgÄrjuna's The (Discipline) of the Novice Monk of the Ä€ryamÅ«lasaryÄstivÄdÄ«n in Verse, and Vajradhara Ngorchen Kunga Zenpo's Word Explanation of the Abridged Ten Vows, The Concise Novice monks' Training. Translated by Lobsang Dapa et al. Sakya College, Mussoorie, India
[edit] External links
- Nagarjuna Seminar
- The Life of Nagarjuna
- Overview of traditional biographical accounts
- Online version of the Mula madhyamaka karika with Tibetan and English Translated by Stephen Batchelor
- Kaccayanagotta Sutta on Access to Insight
- NÄrÄgjuna vis-à -vis the Ä€gama-s and NikÄya-s
- ZenEssays: Nagarjuna and the Madhyamika
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