De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Totuşi, nu exageraţi cu folosirea jargonului jargon în paginile de discuţie wikipedia sau în descrierile modificărilor.
Acesta este un glosar de termeni folosiţi frecvent în cadrul Wikipediei. Pentru mai mult ajutor, vezi Wikipedia:Ajutor şi Wikipedia:Întrebări frecvente. Pentru abrevieri folosite des în descrierea modificărilor, vezi Wikipedia:Legendă pentru descrierea modificărilor.
Cuprins: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[modifică] A
- Aberaţie totală
- Un termen pejorativ glumeţ care se referă la articole care sunt fie complet neinteligibile fie care se referă la cu totul altceva. See Wikipedia:Patent nonsense.
- Administrator
Un utilizator care are o serie de permisiuni suplimentare, printre care posibilitatea de a şterge articolelor, de a bloca utilizatorii care vandalizează paginile, etc. Vezi: Wikipedia:Administratori.
- Se mai folosesc şi: Admin (varianta scurtă) Sysop, Îngrijitor.
- AdS
- Pagina Wikipedia:Articole de şters.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Ghid pentru ştergere pentru explicarea unor termeni folosiţi în cadrul articolelor de şters.
- Ancoră
- Un termen HTML pentru cod ce permite legarea către un anumit capitol al unei pagini, folosind caracterul "#". Îl puteţi folosi pentru legarea către o secţiune a unei pagini, precum Wikipedia:Cum să modifici o pagină#Legături, URL-uri, imagini. Reţineţi că ancorele nu au nici un efect în redirecţionări.
- Anon
- Abreviere pentru "utilizator anonim". Stadiul în care vă aflaţi când nu sunteţi autentificat.
- Se mai foloseşte şi: utilizator IP.
- Arbitraj
- Soluţia finală într-un proces de rezoluţie disputată.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Comitet de arbitraj.
- Arhivă
- O subpagină a unei Pagină de discuţie în care unele porţiuni ale discuţiei sunt transferate, pentru reducerea mărimii paginii de discuţie. Rar, termenul poate face referire la pagina Wikipedia:Arhivă, pentru material istoric absolut.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Cum arhivezi o pagină de discuţie.
- Articol
- tipul principal de pagini de la Wikipedia, care conţin informaţii enciclopedice organizate pe subiecte. Toate articolele sunt pagini, însă nu toate paginile sunt articole.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Cum scriu un articol.
- AS
- Abreviere pentru Wikipedia:Articolul săptămânii.
[modifică] B
- Blocare
ridicarea dreptului unui utilizator (înregistrat sau anonim) de a modifica paginile Wikipedia.
- Acţiunea unui sysop, oprind abilitatea unui anume IP sau utilizator de a modifica în cadrul Wikipediei. De obicei făcută împotriva adreselor care au vandalizat sau utilizatorilor interzişi.
- Vezi şi Interzicere, Wikipedia:Blocare.
- Birocrat
- Un Administrator al Wikipediei care a fost încredinţat cu abilitatea de a promova alţi administratori.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Birocraţi.
- Se foloseşte şi Crat.
[modifică] C
- Categorie
- O categorie este o colecţie de pagini formată automat de către serverele Wikipedia prin analizarea etichetelor de categorizare adăugate în articole. Etichetele de categorizare sunt în forma: [[Categorie:Computere]]. Partea de după două puncte este numele categoriei. Adăugarea unei etichete de categorizare adaugă o legătură către categorie şi orice super-categorii la finalul paginii. După cum s-a spus, rezultatul include şi adăugarea paginii între itemii categoriei. O listă de categorii de bază prin care puteţi naviga poate fi găsită la Categorie:Fundament, deşi o metodă mai uşoară de a găsi o categorie este la Wikipedia:Navigare.
- CdS
- Pagina pentru Wikipedia:Categorii de şters.
- Checkuser
- Un nivel de acces ce permite utilizatorilor deţinându-l de a vedea adresele de IP ale utilizatorilor autentificaţi, de obicei pentru a determina dacă cineva foloseşte sockpuppet-uri pentru a încălca politica.
- Vezi şi m:checkuser.
- Ciot
- Un articol foarte scurt, care oferă informaţii minimale despre subiectul propus de titlu, de obicei o simplă definiţie. Vezi Wikipedia:Ciot.
- ComArb
- Abreviere pentru Wikipedia:Comitet de arbitraj
- Comentariu afară
- A ascunde din afişajul normal, însă a păstra materialul pentru văzul editorilor. Aceasta se face prin introducerea caracterelor <!-- la începutul textului comentat şi --> la final. O modalitate asemănătoare este folosită pentru delimitarea comentariilor în codul HTML.
- Portalul comunităţii
- Una dintre paginile principale ale Wikipediei. Poate fi găsită adesea în bara de navigare (în partea stângă la cele mai multe interfeţe) şi este o pagină ce listează articolul săptămânii, sarcini extraordinare ce necesită abordare şi câteva alte informaţii şi resurse utile. Portalul comunităţii este folositor pentru alegerea unui articol la care să lucraţi sau pe care să-l citiţi.
- Contriburi
- Varianta scurtă pentru contribuţii. Acestea sunt modificările făcute de un utilizator.
- Copyvio
- Se foloseşte şi: copyviol.
- Violare de drept de autor (copyright). Folosită de obicei în descrierea modificărilor când au fost adăugate la Wikipedia materiale cu drepturi de autor.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Drepturi de autor.
- Crat
- Variantă scurtă pentru Birocrat.
- Curăţenie
- Procesul de reparare a articolelor având conţinut gramatical incorect, o formatare deficientă etc. Curăţenia necesită în general numai îndemânare de editare, spre deosebire de cunoştinţele specializate de care este nevoie în cazul pagini necesitând atenţie.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Iniţiativa de Curăţenie.
- Mişcare dezlipire şi alipire
- Mutarea unei pagini prin dezlipirea textului de pe o pagină şi adăugarea sa într-o altă pagină. Considerată în general mai gravă decât o mutare normală, deoarece cauzează ca pagina şi istoricul său să fie în locuri separate. Mişcările dezlipire şi alipire pot fi reparate de către administratori.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Cum repari mişcări dezlipire şi alipire.
[modifică] D
- dez
- Vezi Dezambiguizare.
- Vărsare de date
- A importa la Wikipedia materiale din surse exterioare fără a le edita, formata şi crea legături în prealabil. Astfel de acţiuni sunt dezagreate de către majoritatea Wikipediştilor.
- Vezi şi Wikizare.
- Pagină fără legături
- Pagină care nu conţine legături către alte pagini, poate cu excepţia celor interlimbi. Special:Deadendpages le afişează, însă această funcţie este dezactivată în unele proiecte Wikimedia.
- De-admin
- Vezi De-sysop.
- Degroşare
- A înlătura îngroşarea aplicată unui text, deoarece el nu reprezintă prima menţiune a titlului sau un sinonim al subiectului. Cuvintele în limbi străine ar trebui modificate drept cursive, iar legăturile wiki ar trebui să fie normale, conform Manualului de stil).
- Deorfaniza
- A face ca o pagină să nu mai fie orfană.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Orfan
- De-sysop
- Se foloseşte şi: De-admin.
- A înlătura statutul de sysop al unei persoane. Se foloseşte foarte rar, în cazurile când cineva abuzează de puterile de sysop.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Posibile abuzuri ale privilegiilor de administrator.
- Developant
- Un utilizator care poate face schimbări direct în soft-ul Wikipedia şi în baza de date.
- Vezi şi m:Developanţi pentru o listă de developanţi şi informaţii suplimentare.
- Dezwikiza
- Se foloseşte şi: Un-Wikify.
- A înlătura o wikizare al unui articol. Aceasta se face pentru a înlătura legăturile proprii sau wikizarea comună excesivă.
- Dif
- Diferenţa dintre două versiuni ale paginii, după cum se arată în istoricul paginii sau în cadrul Schimbărilor recente.
- Vezi şi: m:Help:Diff.
- Dezambiguizare
- Se folosesc şi: dez, dezambig.
- Procesul de rezolvare a conflictului iscat când două sau mai multe subiecte au în mod natural acelaşi titlu. De exemplu: Atena, care poate fi un oraş sau o zeiţă.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Dezambiguizare.
- Dup
- Variantă scurtă pentru articol duplicat. Folosit adesea la identificarea unei pagini duplicat ce trebuie să fuzioneze cu alta.
Cuprins: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[modifică] E
- Conflict de modificare
- Două sau mai multe părţi au încercat salvarea unor modificări diferite în aceeaşi pagină în acelaşi timp. Modificarea din urmă nu are efect, iar cel care încearcă să facă modificarea primeşte un mesaj prin care este sfătuit să fuzioneze cu o modificare făcută anterior.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Conflicte de modificare.
- Descriere modificări
- Conţinutul câmpului de Descriere modifiări: de sub cutia de editare din cadrul paginii de "modifică pagina".
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Descriere modificări.
- Război de modificare
- Se foloseşte şi: război de reveniri.
- Două sau mai multe părţi păstrează în mod continuu schimbările pe care le doresc într-o pagină, revenind asupra modificărilor cu care nu sunt de acord. În general, un război de modificare este rezultatul unui argument al unei pagini de discuţie ce nu a putut fi rezolvat.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Război de modificare.
- Legătură externă
- O legătură către un sit web care nu se află sub proprietatea Wikimedia. Alternativele constau din o legătură internă, wikilegătură sau legătură liberă întru Wikipedia, şi o legătură interwiki către un proiect înrudit.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:Legături externe.
[modifică] F
- Fii îndrăzneţ
- Îndemnul ca utilizatorii să încearce repararea greşelilor găsite în articole şi nu plângerea la adresa acestora. Vezi Wikipedia:Fii îndrăzneţ în actualizarea paginilor.
- AC
- Articol de calitate, un articol care a fost ales printre "cele mai bune ale Wikipediei". Numirea unui astfel de articol se face prin vot şi stabilizea unui conses în cadrul PAC.
- Propuneri pentru articole de calitate, locul unde articolele au fost propuse pentru a fi adăugate între articolele de calitate.
- Legătură liberă
- O legătură trimiţând către o altă legătură întru Wikipedia sau unul dintre proiectele cu care este înrudită Wikipedia prin folosirea unui parantezelor pătrate duble "[[" şi "]]". Uneori sunt numite wikilinkuri sau legături interne. În situaţia în care fişierul monobook.css al unui utilizator nu a fost modificat, aceste legături apar de obicei sub culoarea albastră dacă sunt active şi nu le-aţi vizitat până atunci, roşii dacă nu sunt disponibile şi mov dacă funcţionează şi le-aţi vizitat în trecut; de reţinut că acestea nu au simbolul săgeţii caracteristic legăturilor externe.
- Format
- O bucată de text sursă, salvată separat, care poate fi introdusă în mai multe pagini. La modificarea formatului toate paginile respective sînt actualizate automat.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Formate utile
[modifică] G
- Golire
- Înlăturarea întregului conţinut a unei pagini. Noii veniţi procedează astfel accidental. De altfel, dacă golirea unui articol este făcută ca rea credinţă se consideră vandalism. Ştergerea unei pagini implică folosirea etichetei {{şterge}}, adăugată la începutul articolului. Nou veniţii au tendinţa de a confunda golirea cu ştergerea.
- Gdanzig
- An edit war over which of several possible names should be used for a place, after an ancient lengthy edit war over the name of Gdansk.
- Legea lui Geogre
- A law attributed to User:Geogre (although he may not have been the first person, and has certainly has not been the only person, to observe this correlation), and most frequently referred to in Articles for deletion. Paraphrased, the law states that there exists a strong correlation between the lack of proper capitalization of a person's name in the title of a biographical article, and the failure of the subject of that article to satisfy the criteria for inclusion of biographies.
- A stronger correlation has been found between the use of "cool" or "awesome" in a biography and failure to satisfy the criteria.
- GNU Free Documentation License. Wikipedia articles are released under this license.
- See also Wikipedia:Copyrights.
- Google test
- Running sections or titles of articles through the Google search engine for various purposes. The four most common are to check for copyright violations, to determine which term among several is the most widely used, to decide whether a person is sufficiently famous to warrant an article or is simply engaging in vanity and to check whether a questionable and obscure topic is real (as opposed to the idiosyncratic invention of a particular individual).
- See also Wikipedia:Google test.
- GNU General Public License. Wikipedia's software is released under this license.
[modifică] H
- Hagiography
- Wording that is excessively flushing or glowing, to the point of being POV, in a biographical article on a deceased person.
- History
- All previous versions of an article, from its creation to its current state. Also called page history.
- See also: Wikipedia:Page history
- Hopelessly POV
- While Wikipedia policy states that Wikipedia must fairly describe multiple points of view, some Wikipedians are intent on suppressing certain points of view and so find it convenient to delete them with "hopelessly POV" given as the "reason".
[modifică] I
- Interzicere
- Interzicerea este acţiunea extremă, folosită în ultimă instanţă prin care cuiva îi este interzisă temporar sau definitiv abilitatea de modificare a materialelor Wikipedia. Motivul interzicerii este de obicei un cazier lung de modificări descentrate, insistenţă în adăugarea unor informaţii incorecte sau incerte, refuzul de a coopera cu alţii sau incivitate extremă şi ameninţări. Dacă accesul cuiva este interzis, contul de utilizator este blocat şi orice utilizator sau adresă de IP identificată drept concordantă cu persoana respectivă pot fi blocate fără explicaţii suplimentare.
- Vezi şi Blocare.
- IfD
- An abbreviation for Images and media for Deletion.
- An abbreviation for I Am Not A Lawyer, indicating that an editor is about to give their opinion on a legal matter as they understand it, although they are not qualified and probably don't fully understand the law in question. May be generalized to other professions, e.g. IANAD (doctor).
- Inclusionist
- A user who is of the opinion that Wikipedia should contain as much information as possible, often regardless of presentation or notability. There are varying degrees of Inclusionism — radical Inclusionists vote "Keep" on every AfD they come across, while more moderate ones merely express their desire for a wide variety of topics to be covered, even if they do not fit the classical criteria for inclusion in an encyclopedia, or if the articles in question have quality problems.
- Infobox
- A consistently formatted table which is present in articles with a common subject. See Wikipedia:Infobox and Wikipedia:Infobox templates for a how-to guide.
- See also: taxobox.
- Internal link
- See free link.
- Interwiki
- O legătură spre o pagină de internet de tip wiki fără a folosi în textul sursă întreaga adresă URL a acelei pagini. În particular, astfel se pot lega unul de celălalt articole despre acelaşi subiect în limbi diferite în cadrul sitului Wikipedia. Poate fi şi o legătură spre un proiect ca Wikibooks, Meta etc.
- Vezi Wikipedia:Legături interlingve.
- I thought he already was one. Used about people listed in 'admin' requests.
- An abbreviation for Template:In the news
[modifică] J
- Îngrijitor
- Vezi Admin.
- Jimbo
- Jimmy Wales, preşedintele Fundaţiei Wikimedia.
[modifică] K
- Kate's Tool
- A tool written by Kate used to count a user's edits without having to page through the contributions list.
- See also WP:KATE.
[modifică] L
- Legătură accidentală
- O wikilegătură unde textul afişat este ţinta articolului. Pentru a afişa text diferit de numele ţintei articolului, foloseşte o legătură tub
- Legătură incorectă
- Se folosesc şi: legătură de modificat, legătură roşie.
- O legătură către o pagină inexistentă, de obicei colorată cu roşu. [[Format:]] se afişează similar, în funcţie de setările dumneavoastră.
- Language link
- See Interwiki.
- Legătură de editat
- Vezi legătură indisponibilă.
- Legătură externă
- O legătură (link) care trimite cititorul spre o pagină din afara sitului Wikipedia.
- link rot
- Because websites change over time, many external links from Wikipedia to other sites cannot be guaranteed to remain active. When an article's links becomes outdated and no longer work, the article is said to have undergone link rot.
- lk
- Link. See Wikipedia:Links.
[modifică] M
- m
- On the Recent changes page, m (lower case, bold) indicates a minor edit.
- Main Page
- The page to which every user not specifying an article is redirected. The Main Page contains links to current events, presents certain articles (like a featured article of the day and links to Wikipedia's newest articles), and also serves as an entry point to browsing all articles by topic or other classification. Links to sister projects and other-language Wikipedias are also a prominent feature on the Main Page. Due to its high exposure, all content on the Main Page is protected.
- MC
- The Mediation Committee. See Wikipedia:Mediation Committee.
- Meat puppet
- An account that is created only for the strengthening of another user's position in votes or discussions, but which is operated by another person, unlike a sock puppet (which is operated directly by the user in question). Meat puppets are treated exactly like sock puppets in most cases, making the distinction between them largely academic.
- medcab
- The Mediation Cabal. See Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal.
- medcom
- The Mediation Committee. See Wikipedia:Mediation Committee.
- Mediation
- An attempt by a third party to resolve an edit war or other conflict between users. There exists a Wikipedia:Mediation Committee which can do so on a more or less official basis as the penultimate step in the Wikipedia:dispute resolution process, and a Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal which acts as an informal alternative.
- See also: Wikipedia:What is mediation?; Wikipedia:Mediation.
- MediaWiki
- The software behind Wikipedia and its sister projects, as well as several projects not related to Wikimedia, and a namespace.
- Compare with Wikimedia.
- See also Wikipedia:MediaWiki, Wikipedia:MediaWiki namespace.
- Merge
- Taking the text of two pages, and turning it into a single page. See Wikipedia:Merging and moving pages
- Mergist
- A user who adheres to the principle of Mergism, which is a compromise between the Inclusionist and Deletionist principles. A Mergist is of the opinion that while many topics merit inclusion, not every topic deserves its own article, and tries to combine these "side" topics into longer, less specific articles.
- Meta
- A separate wiki ( used to discuss general Wikipedia matters. In the past, this has been called Metapedia, Meta Wikipedia, Meta Wikimedia, and many other combinations.
- See also Meta.
- Meta page
- Page that provides information about Wikipedia. Meta pages are more correctly referred to as project namespace pages. Meta pages should not be confused with a page on Meta-Wikimedia.
- See also Wikipedia:Meta page.
- Mirror
- A website other than Wikipedia that uses content original to Wikipedia as a source for at least some of its content.
- See also Wikipedia:Mirrors and forks.
- Mop
- A term used to refer to administrator duties (compare Janitor). Often seen in the phrase to give someone a mop (i.e., to make someone into an administrator).
- Move
- Changing the name and location of an article because of a misspelling, violation of naming convention, misnomer, or inaccuracy. Involves either renaming the page or moving it and constructing a redirect to keep the original link intact.
- See also Help:Renaming (moving) a page.
Cuprins: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
[modifică] N
- Nominalizare pentru rea credinţă
- O nominalizare pentru rea credinţă constă în nominalizarea uneia sau a mai multor pagini (de obicei pentru ştergere la AdS) pentru motive necinstite precum crearea unui sens sau vandalism.
- N
- On the Recent changes page, N (upper case, bold) indicates a new page or article.
- n/a
- An abbreviation for new article, often used in edit summaries.
- Namespace
- A way to classify pages. Wikipedia has namespaces for encyclopedia articles, pages about Wikipedia (project namespace), user pages (User:), special pages (Special:), template pages (Template:), and talk pages (Talk:, Wikipedia talk:, and User talk:), among others.
- See also Wikipedia:Namespace.
- Newbie test
- Also used: newb test, noob test.
- An edit made by a newcomer to Wikipedia, just to see if "Edit this page" really does what it sounds like. Newcomers should use Wikipedia:Sandbox for this purpose.
- See also newcomers.
- NN
- frequently in lower case as nn
- Found on comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion, indicating that the article's subject is not notable enough for a Wikipedia entry.
- nom
- Short for "nomination," it is often found on Wikipedia:Articles for deletion as part of the phrase Delete per nom, indicating a voter's assent to the main nomination for deletion.
- The Wikipedia policy that No Original Research is allowed for sources in articles.
- Notice board
- Also used: noticeboard.
- A page which acts as a forum for a group of users, who use it to coordinate their editing. Most notice boards are by geographic location, like the UK Wikipedians' notice board; a notable exception is the Administrators' noticeboard.
- Neutral point of view, or the agreement to report subjective opinions objectively, so as not to cause edit wars between opposing sides. As a verb, to remove biased statements or slanted phrasing. As an adjective, it indicates that an article is in compliance with Wikipedia's NPOV policy.
- Null edit
- a null edit is made when an editor opens the edit window of a document then re-saves the file without having made any text changes. This is sometimes done to change the functioning of templates (which require articles containing them to be edited in order for any changes to take effect).
- Nupedia
- A Wikipedia predecessor project that shut down in 2003. It is currently inactive and there are no plans to resurrect it.
- See also: Wikipedia:Nupedia and Wikipedia.
[modifică] O
- Open tasks
- A template (found at {{opentask}}) that lists several more or less janitorial things to do. It is found on the community portal as well as on many user pages.
- Original research
- In Wikipedia, original research (sometimes abbreviated OR) is material added to articles that has not been published already by a reputable source. Wikipedia is not the place for original research.
- Orphan
- A page with no links from other pages. You can view lists of orphaned articles and images.
- See also Wikipedia:Orphan.
[modifică] P
- Premiu
- Wikipedia:Premiile sunt un sistem de premiere acordat editorilor wikipedieni de către alţi editori pentru recunoaşterea muncii de calitate sau a altor contribuţii pozitive la Wikipedia. Acestea iau forma unei imagini depuse în pagina de discuţie a unui utilizator, de obicei o stea în cinci colţuri. Există o largă varietate de premii, fiecare indicând un motiv diferit pentru premiere.
- Pagină
- Orice subiect separat în cadrul Wikipedia; Pagina de web (web page) fără barele de început, sfârşit şi cele laterale. Paginile includ articole, cioturi, redirecţionări, pagini de dezambiguizare, pagini de utilizator, pagini de discuţii, documentaţie şi pagini speciale.
- Pagină aleatorie
- The Random page link is on the left of each page for most skins. It will take you to a Wikipedia article that is chosen by a computer algorithm without any deliberate pattern or meaning to the choice.
- Pagină de dezambiguizare
- O pagină care conţine diferite semnificaţii ale unui cuvânt, oferind paginile unde aceste semnificaţii sunt definite.
- PD
- Public domain
- Peer Review
- A request to have fellow wikipedians review and help improve an article. Wikipedia has a page specifically for posting such a request and offering up your work for review. See Wikipedia:Peer Review.
- Per nom
- A vote on a page such as RFA or AFD may be accompanied by the note "per nom", which means "for the reasons given by the nominator". Similarly, a vote may be noted "per X" where X is the name of a previous voter.
- See also: nom
- Personal attack
- A comment that is not directed at content, but insults or threatens another editor (or a group of editors) personally. To maintain a friendly and productive atmosphere, personal attacks are forbidden per Wikipedia policy and may be grounds for blocking in serious and/or repeated cases.
- See also: Wikipedia:No personal attacks, Wikipedia:Remove personal attacks
- Phase I
- The wiki software UseModWiki. Wikipedia used this software prior to January 25, 2002.
- Phase II
- The wiki software written by User:Magnus Manske and adopted by Wikipedia after January 25, 2002 (Magnus Manske Day).
- Phase III
- A rewritten and improved version of the Phase II software. It was eventually renamed to MediaWiki. Wikipedia currently uses MediaWiki version 1.6devel [1].
- See also Wikipedia:MediaWiki, m:MediaWiki.
- Phase IV
- A dreamy proposal for the next generation of Wikipedia software made back when complete rewrites were in vogue. Development is now focused on incremental progress.
- See also m:Wikipedia4.
- Piped link
- A link where the displayed text is not the name of the target article. Such links are created using the pipe character "|" e.g. [[Target article|Displayed text]]. The pipe trick is a software feature that generates the displayed text for you in certain circumstances.
- See also Wikipedia:Piped link.
- "Thou shalt not deliberately skew any page, nor create or nominate for deletion any page, nor in any other way vandalise Wikipedia, in order to try to prove your point!" Also written as WP:POINT.
- See also Wikipedia:Don't disrupt Wikipedia to illustrate a point.
- Pokémon test
- A heuristic for assessing the relevance or legitimacy of prospective article topics, which holds that any topic more notable than the most obscure species of Pokémon may deserve a Wikipedia article.
- See also Wikipedia:Pokémon test.
- Portal
- Portal
- Picture of the day
- Point of view. Originally referred to each of many perspectives on an issue which may need to be considered and balanced in an encyclopedic article. Today, more often used as an insulting synonym for "bias", as in "That reply was POV, not neutral.".
- POV warrior
- A wiki editor who aggressively distorts coverage of certain topics to suit his/her biases despite community norms of neutrality. An affliction that especially infests Wikipedia.
- Process page
- A wikispace page dedicated to discussion and (usually) voting on specific pages or users, or for similar administrative reasons. Examples include CFD, RFA, and AFD.
- Prod
- Proposed deletion. A process by which articles which do not qualify for speedy deletion but are able to be uncontroversially deleted can be removed from Wikipedia without going through a full AfD process. Can be used as both a noun and a verb (To prod an article).
- See also Wikipedia:Guide to deletion.
- Project namespace
- The project namespace is a namespace dedicated to providing information about wikipedia.
- Protected page
- This term indicates a page that cannot be edited except by sysops. Usually this is done to cool down an edit war.
- See also Wikipedia:This page is protected.
- Protologism
- A word that is created and used in the hope that it will become widely used and an accepted part of the language. A successful protologism becomes a neologism.
- The term protologism has been adopted as jargon for use within Wiki communities, but is not in common usage outside this context. "Protologism" itself can be considered either a protologism or neologism. Coined by Mikhail Epstein from Greek protos, first + Greek logos, word.
- See also list of protologisms.
- The Pump
- Also used: VP.
- A nickname for Wikipedia:Village pump.
- Abreviere pentru "presupune bune intenţii", o politică prin care nu trebuie să înţelegem că un utilizator cu o editare eronată este rău intenţionat. Vezi Wikipedia:Presupune bune intenţii.
- Publicitar
- Descriind un articol a cărui existenţă tinde să facă publicitate sau să promoveze un produs, o companie, un serviciu sau sit, decât să ofere informaţii enciclopedice despre acesta.
[modifică] Q
- Quarto
- Wikimedia Quarto is a multilingual quarterly newsletter published by the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. It can be read online here.
- Quickpoll
- A poll among Wikipedia regulars on issues that need to be quickly resolved, such as the banning of problematic users. Also used as verb: to quickpoll, meaning to hold a quickpoll. Considered obsolete.
[modifică] R
- Redirecţionare dublă
- O redirecţionare care conduce către o altă redirecţionare. Împotriva intuiţiei, asta nu va conduce către destinaţia finală şi astfel este nevoie să fie eliminate, iar legarea să se facă direct către ţintă.
- Redirecţionare incorectă
- Redirecţionare către o pagină inexistentă. Majoritatea consideră că această practică ar trebui evitată.
- Robot
- Un program ce adaugă automat sau semi-automat sau editează pagini Wikipedia.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Boţi, Rambot.
- Rambot
- A controversial bot written by User:Ram-Man and used to enter United States geographical data for tens of thousands of cities, notable and otherwise.
- See also User talk:Rambot.
- RC
- An abbreviation for Recent changes
- RC Patrol
- See Recent changes.
- Reader-facing template
- See: Wikipedia:Neutral point of view
- Re-creation
- A posting either of the same text of a deleted article by a new user, or of the same text or different text of a deleted article by the original creator.
- Recent changes
- A dynamically generated page (found at Special:Recentchanges) that lists all edits in descending chronological order. Recent changes are checked regularly by editors doing RC patrol, which means checking all suspicious edits to catch vandalism as early as possible. Other ways of watching recent changes are the Recentchanges IRC channel, or CryptoDerk's Vandal Fighter, which announce changes in realtime.
- Redirect
- Also used: redir.
O pagină care trimite în mod automat cititorul spre pagina unde se află articolul principal, atunci cînd acelaşi subiect este cunoscut sub mai multe nume sau cînd acest nume are mai multe grafii posibile. Este utilizat pentru sinonime sau pentru cuvinte similare. De examplu, impresionist ar putea redirecţiona spre impresionism.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Redirect.
- Red link
- A wikilink to an article that doesn't exist shows up red.
- Refactor
- The act of restructuring a document, usually applied to the ordering and summarizing of talk pages.
- See also: Wikipedia:Refactoring talk pages
- Reincarnation
- A new user account created by a banned user. See sock puppet.
- Render
- In the context of the World Wide Web, rendering is the operation performed by the user's browser of converting the web document (in HTML, XML, etc. plus image and other included files) into the visible page on the user's screen.
- Revert
- An edit that reverses changes made by someone else.
- See also Wikipedia:Revert
- Revert war
- See Edit war.
- RfA
- Can mean request for adminship or request for arbitration, depending on the context. The latter is frequently abbreviated RfAr to avoid the ambiguity.
- RfAr
- A request for arbitration.
- RfC
- Request for comment, part of the dispute resolution process. A request for comment is an informal process for soliciting input from Wikipedians about a question of article content or a user's conduct.
- See also: Wikipedia:Requests for comment.
- RfD
- The Wikipedia:Redirects for deletion page.
- RfM
- Request for mediation, part of the dispute resolution process.
- See also: Wikipedia:Requests for mediation.
- rm
- Remove. Used in edit summaries to indicate that a particular piece of text or formatting has been deleted.
- rmv
- Remove vandalism. Used in edit summaries when good edits were made after vandalism, requiring the editor to sort out the vandalism, as opposed to a simple reversion. (See "rvv" below.)
- Rogue admin
- Accusatory term for a Wikipedia administrator, suggesting that the accused person systematically abuses their administrative access. Such accusations are rarely found to be particularly productive.
- Rollback
- To change a page back to the version before the last edit. Sysops have special tools to do this more easily.
- Rouge admin
- A misspelling of "rogue admin" occasionally used by vandals and trolls. Now used jokingly by many Wikipedia administrators, usually to describe themselves performing actions that are within policy but which the affected users may not like (such as blocking vandals and deleting pages).
- rv
- Revert. An edit summary indicating that the page has been reverted to a previous version, often because of vandalism.
- See also Wikipedia:How to revert a page to an earlier version.
- rvv
- Revert because of vandalism. See rv above.
[modifică] S
- s/word1/word2/
- Replace word1 with word2. Used in edit summaries. It is a reference to the command for "find and replace" in languages such as sed and Perl. s/word1/word2/g means "replace all occurrences of word1 with word2" (g stands for "global").
- Sandbox
- A sandbox is a page that users may edit however they want. Though it is meant to help users experiment and gain familiarity with Wiki markup, the public sandbox at Wikipedia:Sandbox is often filled with strange things and patent nonsense. In addition to the public sandbox, users may create private sandboxes on subpages of their user page, e.g. User:Hephaestos/Sandbox.
- Section editing
- Using one of the '[edit]' links to the right of each section's title, one can get an edit window containing only the section of the page that's below the [edit] link. This makes it (hopefully) easier to find the exact spot where one wants to edit, and helps you avoiding an edit conflict. You can turn section editing off in your preferences under the "Enable section editing via [edit] links" option.
- Self-link
- A Wikilink contained in an article that points the reader to that same article, e.g. linking Vice President in the article "Vice President". Such links are automatically displayed as strongly emphasised text rather than links, but the more complex case of a link which redirects to the same article is not, and should be de-wikified.
- SfD
- The Wikipedia:Stub types for deletion page.
- Sheep vote
- A vote on Wikipedia which seems to be cast just to go along with the flow. E.g., on RfA, this can typically be a vote such as "Support because x, y, and z are supporting."
- Skin
- The appearance theme in Special:Preferences. Currently, five are available: Standard, Nostalgia, Cologne Blue, Monobook, and MySkin.
- Snowball clause
- Sometimes votes on process pages are closed early when it becomes obvious that they have "a snowball's chance in Hell" of passing the vote. This removal is "per the Snowball clause".
- See also Wikipedia:Snowball clause.
- Sock puppet
- Another user account created secretly by an existing wikipedian, generally to manufacture the illusion of support in a vote or argument. Also, particularly on AfD, a friend of an existing Wikipedian who has created an account solely for the purpose of supporting that wikipedian in a vote (this special case is often called a meat puppet). It is not always possible to tell the difference.
- See also Wikipedia:Sock puppet.
- Soft redirect
- A very short article or page that essentially points the reader in the direction of another page. Used in cases where a normal redirect is inappropriate for various reasons (e.g. it is a cross-wiki redirect)
- See also Wikipedia:Soft redirect.
- sp
- Short for spelling correction. Used in edit summaries.
- Speedy delete
- Deletion of a page without prior discussion. Pages can be speedily deleted only under very specific circumstances; see Wikipedia:Criteria for speedy deletion for those.
- Speedy keep
- The closing of a vote on a deletion wikispace page (like AFD) prior to the normal end of the voting period. This happens when the nomination has been faulty (e.g. a Bad faith nomination) or when there is overwhelming evidence that the page should be kept.
- Split
- Separating a single page into two or more pages.
- Steward
- An Administrator who has been empowered to change any user's status, including granting and revoking Administrator status and granting bureaucrat status.
- See also Wikipedia:Administrators#Stewards.
- Stub
- An article usually consisting of one short paragraph or less.
- See also Wikipedia:Find or fix a stub.
- Strike out
- Placement of text in strikethrough (HTML <s></s>) tags. This is very rarely used in articles, but is relatively common in votes and discussions when a contributor changes his opinion. As not to cause confusion, the outdated comments are stricken out (
like this). Generally, one should strike out only one's own comments.
- Subst'ing
- See Transclusion.
- Sub-stub
- A very short stub. For example, an article that is no more than a simple definition ("An airplane is a type of winged flying vehicle"). The practice of tagging short articles as substubs has been deprecated - tag them as stubs instead.
- See also Wikipedia:Substub.
- Subpage
- A page connected to a parent page. You can only create subpages in certain namespaces. Do not use subpages in the main article space.
- See also Wikipedia:Subpages.
- Suitly emphazi
- A phrase with no known exact meaning, but which has a general allusion to positive things, such as improvement. Originally started as an in-joke on the Wikipedia Reference desk. (See here for the original usage.)
- Sysop
- See Admin.
- Systemic bias
- In Wikipedian terms, this refers to the preponderance of Wikipedia articles relating to subjects specific to English-speaking and/or Western countries, as opposed to those from the rest of the world. It may also refer to a bias for articles that may be of particular interest to those who have an affinity towards computers and the Internet, since they are more likely to edit Wikipedia.
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[modifică] T
- Text placăboiler
- Un mesaj standard ce poate fi adăugat unui articol prin folosirea unui format. De exemplu, {{ciot}} se expansionează în:
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Text placăboiler.
- Tag
- In addition to its usual HTML meanings, a tag can simply mean a category or a template that will assign an article to a category (most often a stub template). "To tag an article" means to either add a category or a stub template.
- See also Help:HTML in wikitext and Help:Table
- Talk page
- A page reserved for discussion. Very confusingly, the link to a talk page is labelled "discussion". All pages within Wikipedia (except pages in the Special namespace, and talk pages themselves!) have talk pages attached to them.
- See also Wikipedia:Talk page.
- Taxobox
- A type of infobox, a taxobox is a taxonomy table positioned at the right side of an entry for a species or organism (or for a genus or family), giving a chart of the kingdom, phylum, etc. of the creature. Taxoboxes are also used for similar standardised tables.
- See also Wikipedia:Taxobox.
- Template
- A way of automatically including the contents of one page within another page, used for boilerplate text, navigational aids, etc.
- See also: Wikipedia:Template namespace.
- TfD
- The Wikipedia:Templates for deletion page.
- Trackback
- Not yet documentated: Wikipedia:Trackback.
- Transclusion
- also used subst'ing
- There are two main ways of using templates on articles: inclusion (accomplished by using
{{Template Name}}
), and transclusion ({{subst:Template Name}}
). The former will include the content of Template Name on the fly whenever the article is loaded, while the latter will permanently insert the content of the template onto the article. Thus, using transclusion, if the template content is modified at a later date, the article's content will not change. - Transclusion is the preferred method for long-term, permanent notices, as it is less confusing, and even helps to lighten the load on the database. Transclusion has a further advantage in that a template may be de-linked from any associated category or slightly modified to suit the circumstances, for instance when the template is used on a talk page. Inclusion is preferred when it is possible that the template will be edited or replaced at a later date.
- some process pages are said to be transcluded when each day's new additions to the page (or every new item) has its own subpage, linked to the main process page by a template.
- Translation
- The English-language Wikipedia should have only pages in English. Non-English pages are subject to deletion unless translated.
- See also: Wikipedia:Pages needing translation into English for pages on the English Wikipedia that are written in a foreign language; Wikipedia:Translation into English for requests for translations into English of pages from foreign-language Wikipedias.
- Transwiki
- Move a page to another wiki, in particular Wiktionary, Wikibooks, Wikisource or sep11.
- See also m:Transwiki.
- Troll
- A user who incites or engages in disruptive behavior (trolling). There are some people who just enjoy causing conflict, and there are those who make a hobby of it. However, these are few in number. Calling someone a troll in a dispute is a bad idea; it has an effect similar to calling someone a Nazi – no further meaningful debate can be held.
- Compare with Cabal.
- See also polarization.
- Tyop
- A cute misspelling of typo. Used as an edit summary when correcting typos.
- See also Wikipedia:typo.
[modifică] U
- Unencyclopedic
- What should not be in Wikipedia; the term is highly debated and sometimes considered useless or tautological.
- See also Wikipedia:Unencyclopedic.
- Un-wiki
- Going against the character of a Wiki. Usually, saying that something is "un-wiki" means that it makes editing more difficult or impossible.
- UseMod
- See UseModWiki.
- Userbox
- A small box which is stored in the template space, and which includes a small piece of information about a user (such as "This user likes cheese"). Many users use userboxes on their user page, although several look down upon it.
- See also Wikipedia:Userboxes.
- Userfy
- To turn a page in the article or template namespace into a user page or subpage.
- User page
- A personal page for Wikipedians. Most people use their pages to introduce themselves and to keep various personal notes and lists. They are also used by Wikipedians to communicate with each other via the user talk pages. A user page is linked to as [[User:Hephaestos|Hephaestos]] and appears as Hephaestos.
- See also Wikipedia:User page.
- Umbrella nomination
- A nomination (e.g. on CfD) that contains several items (e.g. categories) which are normally nominated individually.
[modifică] V
- Vandalbot
- Some kind of bot being used for vandalism or spamming. Recognizable by the fact that one or a few IP-addresses make many similar clearly vandalist edits in a short time. In the worst cases these have created or vandalized hundreds of pages in several Wikipedias in a timespan of only minutes.
- See also m:Vandalbot.
- Vandalism
- Introducerea de obscenităţi sau injurii de orice fel, ştergerea conţinutului paginilor şi în general orice acţiune care afectează negativ paginile Wikipedia. Termenul este adesea utilizat incorect pentru a discredita punctele de vedere diferite ale opozanţilor în disputele privind editarea anumitor articole. Vandalismele pot fi raportate la Wikipedia:Vandalism in progress.
- Vezi şi Wikipedia:Vandalism.
- Vanity page
- A page in the article namespace that presents biographical details of a non-famous person favorably and is considered inappropriate and/or unencyclopedic by most Wikipedians. Such articles are often suspected to be written by their subjects.
- See also Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not a vanity press.
- VfD
- "Votes for Deletion", the previous name of Wikipedia:Articles for Deletion (see AfD, above)
- VfU
- "Votes for undeletion", the previous name of Wikipedia:Deletion review.
- Village pump
- The main community forum of Wikipedia (found at Wikipedia:Village pump), where proposals, policy changes, technical problems and other internals are announced and discussed in front of a wider audience than a topic-specific page would have.
- VP
- Shorthand for Village pump.
[modifică] W
- Pagini urmărite
- Un set de pagini alese de către utilizator, care poate vizualiza cu uşurinţă schimbările recente survenite în aceste pagini apăsând pe meniul Pagini urmărite.
- Vezi şi: Ajutor:Urmărirea paginilor.
- Wiki
- Un tip de sit web care permite utilizatorilor să modifice întreg conţinutul paginilor, avînd ca scop realizarea de articole în colaborare, aşa cum este Wikipedia. Vezi Wiki.
- Wikibooks
- Un proiect soră al Wikipediei care priveşte dezvoltarea cărţilor electronice gratuite, a manualelor şi a altor astfel de texte.
- Vezi şi: Wikibooks.
- Wikivacanţă
- Se foloseşte şi: Wikipauză.
- Când un wikipedist ia o pauză de la editarea Wikipediei.
- Vezi şi: m:Wikibreak.
- WikiZână
- Termen în slang dat unui editor wiki care înfrumuseţează intrările enciclopediei prin organizarea articolelor, adăugarea stilului, culorilor şi graficilor. De obicei eforturile WikiZânelor sunt binevenite, deşi contribuiţiilor nu reprezintă de cele mai multe ori articole noi sau modificări majore ale conţinutului articolelor pe care le editează. WikiZânele sunt considerate persoane prietenoase, precum WikiGnomii.
- Vezi şi: Wikipedia:WikiZână.
- Wikiza
- A formata folosind Wiki markup (as opposed to plain text or HTML) and add internal links to material, incorporating it into the whole of Wikipedia. Noun: Wikification. Sometimes shortened to wfy.
- See also Wikipedia:How to edit a page, Category:Articles that need to be wikified, Wikipedia:Guide to layout and Wikipedia:Make only links relevant to the context.
- WikiGnome
- A Wikipedian who makes minor, helpful edits.
- See also Wikipedia:WikiGnome.
- Wikilawyering
- Attempting to inappropriately rely on technicalities in a legalistic manner with respect to Wikipedia:Policies or Wikipedia:Arbitration. See Wikipedia:Wikilawyering
- Wikilink
- A link to another Wikipedia page, as opposed to an external link. See Wikipedia:Only make links that are relevant to the context, Wikipedia:Build the web, and Wikipedia:Canonicalization.
- Wiki markup
- Also used: wiki text, wikitext.
- Code like HTML, but simplified and more convenient, for example '''bold''' instead of <b>bold</b>. It is the source code stored in the database and shown in the edit box. Searching by the Wikipedia software is done in the wikitext, as opposed to searching by Google, which is done in the resulting text. The size of a page is the size of the wikitext.
- See also Wikipedia:How to edit a page, Wikipedia:Guide to layout.
- Wikimedia
- Properly Wikimedia Foundation Inc., a non-profit organisation that provides a legal, financial and organisational framework for Wikipedia and its sister projects and provides the necessary hardware.
- Compare with MediaWiki.
- See also Wikimedia.
- Wikipedian
- Also used: Wikipedist, Wikipede.
- A contributor to Wikipedia.
- See also Wikipedia:Wikipedians.
- Wikiportal
- Pages intended to be the main pages for Wikipedians interested in a specific area of knowledge, helping both to find the information on the specific topic and to develop articles connected with it.
- See also Wikipedia:Portal.
- wikipediholic
- A wikipediholic or wikiholic is someone with a serious addiction to anything involving the words "Wiki" and "Pedia" in the same word or sentence. One of the main, and most common characteristics of the condition is the victim having a web browser window constantly open to the Recent Changes section of Wikipedia (or in the condition's slightly milder form, one's Watchlist), and pressing the "Reload" or "Refresh" button with a high frequency.
- WikiProject
- An attempt to standardise the content and formatting of a particular category of articles using an agreed template.
- See also Wikipedia:WikiProject.
- Wikiquette
- The Wikipedia etiquette of working with others on Wikipedia.
- See also Wikipedia:Wikiquette.
- Wikiquote
- A Wikipedia sister project to create a free online collection of quotations.
- See also Wikiquote.
- Wikislap
- Providing someone with the URL of a Wikipedia article when they express a lack of knowledge about a particular topic.
- Wikisource
- A Wikipedia sister project to create a free online compendium of primary source texts.
- See also Wikisource.
- Wikispace
- The Wikipedia namespace. See Wikipedia:Namespace#Pseudo-namespaces and Wikipedia:WP.
- Wikispam
- Articles or sections created to promote a product or other meme. Spamming can also include adding extraneous links to promote an outside site, particularly for commercial purposes.
- Wikispecies
- A Wikipedia sister project. It is a wiki-based, species directory that provides a solution to the problem that there is no central registration of species data in Wikipedia. Wikispecies will provide a central, more extensive database for taxonomy. Wikispecies is aimed at the needs of scientific users rather than general users.
- Wikistress
- Personal stress or tension induced by editing Wikipedia, or more often by being involved in minor conflict with another editor. Some users maintain a Wikistress meter on their user page. See Wikistress template, The Bosch Wikistress Meter, Wikistress
- Wiktionary
- A Wikipedia sister project to create a free online dictionary of every language.
- See also Wiktionary.
- Vezi şi Fundaţia Wikimedia.
- WP
- Abreviere frecventă pentru Wikipedia, în special pentru paginile din domeniul Wikipedia. Vezi Wikipedia:Domenii#Pseudo domenii şi Wikipedia:WP.
[modifică] ?
- en: / de: / ja: / etc.
- Versiunea Wikipedia în limba engleză / germană / japoneză / etc. Adesea folosite în descrierile modificărilor pentru a indica modificările legăturilor interwiki. Pentru o listă completă de coduri, vezi ISO 639. Pentru o listă complete de Wikipedii, vezi Listă completă de limbi Wikipedia disponibile.
- ø
- Termenul ø este uneori folosit în descrierile modificărilor pentru a indica o modificare nulă.
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