Imagine:Mandel zoom 00 mandelbrot set.jpg
De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Mărimea acestei previzualizări: 800 × 600 pixeli
Măreşte rezoluţia imaginii (2560 × 1920 pixel, file size: 1.25 MB, MIME type: image/jpeg)
- Mandelbrot set. Initial image of a zoom sequence: Mandelbrot set with continuously colored environment.
- Coordinates of the center: Re(c) = -.7, Im(c) = 0
- Horizontal diameter of the image: 3.076,9
- Created by Wolfgang Beyer with the program Ultra Fractal 3.
- Uploaded by the creator.
To the next image of the zoom sequence.
All images of the zoom sequence:
The content of the parameter file for Ultra Fractal 3 (UPR file) corresponding with the initial image of the sequence is given below. For the parameter files of the other images the values at "center=" have to be replaced by the values given above and for the magnification at "magn=" 4 divided by the horizontal image diameter given above.
mandelZoom00MandelbrotSet { fractal: title="mandel zoom 00 mandelbrot set" width=2560 height=1920 layers=1 credits="WolfgangBeyer;8/21/2005" layer: method=multipass caption="Background" opacity=100 mapping: center=-0.7/0 magn=1.3 formula: maxiter=50000 filename="Standard.ufm" entry="Mandelbrot" p_start=0/0 p_power=2/0 p_bailout=10000 inside: transfer=none outside: density=0.42 transfer=log filename="Standard.ucl" entry="Smooth" p_power=2/0 p_bailout=128.0 gradient: smooth=yes rotation=29 index=28 color=6555392 index=92 color=13331232 index=196 color=16777197 index=285 color=43775 index=371 color=3146289 opacity: smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 }
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