Userboxen: Food |
This user loves food in moderation. |
If they had their little way, this user would eat peaches every day. |
This user eats fish. |
This user enjoys his/her egg with the sunny side up. |
M&M's |
This user eats M & M's. |
This user drinks milk. |
H2O |
This user is H2O intolerant. Achoo! |
Fanta |
This user drinks Fanta Orange. |
C |
This user can't make up their mind if Coke or Pepsi is better and drinks both. |
P |
Userboxen: Grammar & Mathematics |
to / too
/ two |
Too many people have no idea how to use words they should have learned in grade two. |
whom |
This user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever he sees. |
their / there / they're |
This user knows that there, their, and they're are not the same word. |
your/ you’re |
This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, you’re in need of help. |
You and Me |
This user thinks that if you believe it is incorrect to use "you and me" as the subject of a sentence, you and me need to have a little talk... |
Subj |
This user likes that the Subjunctive mood be used. Were this user you, he would use it. |
. The |
This user does not put two spaces after a full stop. |
A, B, and
A and B |
This user prefers to use the serial comma only when its omission can be confusing. |
its |
This user understands the difference between its ("of it") and it's ("it is"). |
’s |
Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice. [sic] |
"…" |
This user favours typewriter style quotation marks over typographic ones. |
…in. |
Ending a sentence with a preposition is something this user is okay with. |
?met? |
This user prefers metric units and cannot figure out why Americans have such a hard time with them. |
Pi = 3.1415926535897932384626... |
2=1 |
This user knows that 2=1. |