Amhrán na bhFiann
Amhrán na bhFiann är Irlands nationalsång, på engelska The Soldier's Song. Vid officiella tillfällen så sjungs inte hela sången utan enbart refrängen.
Irisk version | Fonetisk version | Engelsk version |
Sinne Fianna Fáil |
Shin-na fee-in-na fall |
Soldiers are we |
Hela texten:
Seo dhibh a cháirde duan Óglaigh | We'll sing a song, a soldier's song |
Cathréimeach briomhar ceolmhar | With cheering rousing chorus |
Ár dtinte cnámh go buacach táid | As round our blazing fires we throng |
'S an spéir go min réaltogach | The starry heavens o'er us |
Is fonnmhar faobhrach sinn chun gleo | Impatient for the coming fight |
'S go tiúnmhar glé roimh thíocht do'n ló | And as we await the morning's light |
Fé chiúnas chaomh na hoiche ar seol | Here in the silence of the night |
Seo libh canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann | We'll chant a soldier's song |
Sinne Fianna Fáil | Soldiers are we |
A tá fé gheall ag Éirinn | Whose lives are pledged to Ireland |
Buion dár slua | Some have come |
Thar toinn do ráinig chugainn | From a land beyond the wave |
Fé mhóid bheith saor | Sworn to be free |
Sean tír ár sinsir feasta | No more our ancient sireland |
Ní fhagfar fé'n tiorán ná fé'n tráil | Shall shelter the despot or the slave |
Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil | Tonight we man the gap of danger |
Le gean ar Ghaeil chun báis nó saoil | In Erin's cause, come woe or weal |
Le guna screach fé lámhach na bpiléar | 'Mid cannon's roar and rifles' peal |
Seo libh canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann | We'll chant a soldier's song |
Cois bánta réidhe, ar árdaibh sléibhe | In valley green, on towering crag |
Ba bhuachach ár sinsir romhainn | Our fathers fought before us |
Ag lámhach go tréan fé'n sár-bhrat séin | And conquered 'neath the same old flag |
Tá thuas sa ghaoith go seolta | That's proudly floating o'er us |
Ba dhúchas riamh d'ár gcine cháidh | We're children of a fighting race |
Gan iompáil siar ó imirt áir | That never yet has known disgrace |
'S ag siúl mar iad i gcoinne námhad | And as we march, the foe to face |
Seo libh canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann | We'll chant a soldier's song |
Sinne Fianna Fáil... | Soldiers are we... |
A bhuíon nách fann d'fhuil Ghaeil is Gall | Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale! |
Sin breacadh lae na saoirse | The long-watched day is breaking |
Ta scéimhle 's scanradh i gcroíthe namhad | The serried ranks of Inisfail |
Roimh ranna laochra ár dtire | Shall set the tyrant quaking |
Ár dtinte is tréith gan spréach anois | Our camp fires now are burning low |
Sin luisne ghlé san spéir anoir | See in the east a silv'ry glow |
'S an bíobha i raon na bpiléar agaibh | Out yonder waits the Saxon foe |
Seo libh canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann | So chant a soldier's song |
Sinne Fianna Fáil... | Soldiers are we... |
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