Nadine Gordimer
Nadine Gordimer, född 20 november 1923 i Springs, Transvaal (i nuvarande Gauteng), Sydafrika, sydafrikansk, engelskspråkig författare.
Började redan som nioåring att skriva och fick sin första novell publicerad när hon var 14 av Johannesburgtidningen Forum. Erhöll 1991 Nobelpriset i litteratur.
[redigera] Bibliografi
- Face to face, (1949)
- The Soft Voice of The Serpent, (1952)
- The Lying Days, (1953)
- Six Feet of The Country, (1956)
- A World of Strangers, (1958)
- Friday's Footprint and Other Stories, (1960)
- Occasion for Loving, (1963)
- Not for Publication, (1965)
- The Late Bourgeois World, (1966)
- South African Writing Today, (1967) (med L. Abrahams)
- Guest of Honour, (1970) (Hedersgästen)
- Livingstone's Companions, (1971)
- The Conservationist, (1974)
- Some Monday for Sure, (1976)
- Burger's Daughter, (1979) (Burgers dotter)
- No Place Like, (1979)
- A Soldier's Embrace, (1980)
- Town and Country Lovers, (1980)
- July's People, (1981) (Julys folk)
- Something Out There, (1984)
- Lifetimes: Under Apartheid, (1986)
- A Sport of Nature, (1987) (Hillela)
- The Essential Gesture, (1988) (Breven från Johannesburg)
- My Son's Story, (1990) (Min sons historia)
- Crimes of Conscience, (1991)
- Jump, and Other Stories, (1991) (Safarin)
- Why haven't you Written?, (1992)
- None to Accompany me, (1994) (Ingen vid min sida)
- Writing and Being, (1995)
- The House Gun, (1998) (Husvapnet)
- The Pickup, (2001) (Ett tillfälligt möte)
- Loot and Other Stories, (2003)
- Get a life, (2005) (Börja leva)