交响诗篇 | |
交響詩篇エウレカセブン | |
Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN | |
假名 | こうきょうしへん エウレカセブン |
羅馬字 | Kōkyōshihen Eureka Sebun |
類型 | 冒險、機器人、科幻 |
作品原名 | 交響詩篇エウレカセブン |
正式譯名 | ![]() |
常用譯名 | 交响诗篇 |
電視動畫 | |
原作 | BONES |
導演 | 京田知己 |
企畫 | 竹田靑滋、鵜之澤伸 南雅彦、川城和実 彌冨健一、峯岸卓生 |
系列構成 | 佐藤大 |
腳本 | 佐藤大、野村祐一 大野木寛、菅正太郎 大河内一楼、小中千昭 清水恵 |
人物原案 | 吉田健一 |
機械設定 | 河森正治 |
撮影監督 | 木村俊也 |
音響監督 | 若林和弘 |
音樂 | 佐藤直紀 |
動畫製作 | BONES |
製作 | 毎日放送 Project EUREKA BONES |
播放電視台 | 毎日放送、東京放送 |
播放期間 | 2005年4月17日 - 2006年4月2日 |
話數 | 50 |
代理發行 | |
漫畫 | |
原作 | BONES |
作畫 | 片岡人生、近藤一馬 |
出版社 | ![]() |
連載雜誌 | 少年ACE |
連載期間 | 2005年3月 – 連載中 |
冊數 | 6(完) |
■動漫主題 ■模板使用方法 ■討論 |
交響詩篇,是一部由日本 Bandai Entertainment 和 BONES工作室 制作發行的動畫作品。在此基礎上, 還發行了一部漫畫作品和三部相關的遊戲作品。
故事講述了名叫Renton Thurston的少年與神秘的少女LFO操作員Eureka相遇,並在反政府武裝團體Gekkostate號上不斷成長的故事。 在一次次的戰鬥中,Renton開始慢慢發現他從前所不知道的真相。
目录 |
[编辑] 情節
[编辑] 概述
Renton Thurston是一名看似普通的十四歲少年,他的父親是一名軍隊的研究人員,因爲犧牲自己拯救了地球而被稱爲英雄。然而Renton對自己和作爲機械師的祖父相依爲命的生活現狀卻十分不滿,流行的運動lifting成了他打發時間的唯一愛好。他最大的夢想是有一天能夠加入傳奇的天才lifter Holland的艦船Gekkostate號,成爲和他一樣出色的lifter,可是他的祖父卻希望他成爲一名出色的機械師,繼承家業。
Renton無聊的生活終于在某一天發生了改變,一架故障的神秘LFO Nirvash突然沖進了他祖父的倉庫,LFO的駕駛員是一名叫做Eureka的少女,她請求Renton的祖父對她的LFO進行修理。Renton對Eureka一見鍾情,而在與趕來追擊的軍部武裝戰鬥的過程中,他驚人的表現擊退了敵人,更讓他得到了加入Gekkostate號的機會。然而在進入Gekkostate號之後,他才發現艦船上的真實生活與他在雜誌Ray=Out上所看到的光輝燦爛的一面完全不同,自己不但很難適應這種艱苦而危險的生活和戰鬥,更難以得到船上其他成員的認同。但是他想要保護和了解自己所愛慕的Eureka的心卻沒有因此而動搖。
[编辑] 環境设定
[编辑] 背景
交響詩篇的故事設定在未來,人類在被迫離開地球以後,終于尋找到了可以居住的星球。這是一個充滿的Trapar waves的荒涼星球,被稱爲“約束の地”。人類爲了最大限度的利用Trapar waves所帶來的能源,在星球上建立了許多非常高大的塔,而塔下的人類城市經過長時間的擴大、合併、發展,並逐漸形成了以“塔州联邦”爲首的大型城市群。然而,由於星球的地表一直被大量的神秘事物Scub Coral覆蓋,經常發生大型的地殼變動,給人類的生活帶來了苦難。
[编辑] 專有名詞
- Trapar waves
在故事所发生的星球上,整个大气层弥漫着一种叫做Transparence Light Particles的空气粒子, 又被称为trapar waves. 通過這種空氣粒子提供的能源和浮力,人們才可以自由的駕駛各種空中交通工具自由飛翔。故事中Vodarek人的領導人Norb,把這種奇特的現象解釋為“星球的思想轉化為的能量”。
- Lifting
Lifting是故事所描述星球上流行的一項娛樂兼體育運動,類似于現實生活中的衝浪運動。 通過專門製作的滑板,加上掌握一定的技巧,就可以利用星球上Transparence Light Particles所提供的能量進行短距離飛行,並可以做出很多花哨的高難度動作只有少數人才做的出來。在當地的年輕人中十分流行,但能玩的好的人卻沒有多少。
- LFOs and compac drives
在交響詩篇中,用於戰鬥和運輸的大型機器人,被統稱爲LFO(Light Finding Operation). LFO是在人類發掘的不明外星機械支架的基礎上,經過電流刺激試驗,並添加大量重型裝甲,武器而演化而來的。第一台LFO為Eureka所駕駛的Type Zero, 之後的LFO都是人類根據其特性,批量仿造生産的。LFO根據不同需要,大多有運輸車和戰鬥機器人兩种形態可以變化。其機器人形態的飛行原理同運動Lifting同出一轍,也是依靠大氣中的粒子,並搭配專門的滑板來飛行的。大多數LFO必須通過專門的操作員駕駛才能夠行動,並通過駕駛員的Compac Drive建立連接。
- Scub Coral
The Scub Coral is a sentient, rock-like entity that covers the entire planet. According to Diane Thurston, in episode 47, it is unknown whether it was a natural phenomenon or man-made. It is implied that the Scub Coral was originally a small space-borne entity that collided with a rocket, causing the vessel to crash into the ocean. It was there that the Coral became self-aware and began merging with sea life, its only known method of communication was to merge with lifeforms and share their thoughts. As it grew in size, it began ignorantly encroaching on human territory. Unable to stop the expanding Coral, humanity left Earth in a mass exodus. The Coral eventually consumed the entire planet.
Humans returned 7,000 years after the Coral gained sentience. Now mature and having learned from its experiences, the Coral became quiescent in order to avoid scaring humanity away again. The Coral's desire to communicate, though, convinced it to send out messengers: human-form Coralians. Eureka and Sakuya are such (another observer is suggested in the last episode to be another).
If all the Scub Coral awoke, the "Limit of Life" (or "Limit of Matter") would be achieved. Crossing the limit would cause a tear in space somewhat like a black hole. The Coral's "Command Cluster," its main node of sentience, prevents the limit from being reached.
[编辑] 主要人物
大多数登场人物都是来自月光洲和U.F. Force.
月光洲是一帮以Holland为首的"恐怖份子",而Holland本身也作为一个LFO驾驶员驾驶着typeR909. Eureka是一个冷漠的女孩,与Renton一起驾驶Nirvash typeZERO. Stoner是一个自由摄影家写作家,由他撰写杂志ray=out记载着月光洲的日常生活与动向,由于被政府列为"禁书",所以此书只得在黑市等地方才能买到. Talho是战舰月光号(月光洲成员的住处)的舰长.Hap作为Holland少年时代的好友,同时也拥有月光洲第二高的司令权. 还有武器专家和月光号拥有者Ken-Goh,工程师Jobs和Woz, 医生Mischa,舰炮发射员Moondoggie,LFO typeR808和typeR606的驾驶员Hilda和Matthieu, 通信员Gidget和算命师Gonzy一起组成了月光洲.
The U.F. Force is the military force under the command of the Sage Council (or The Council of the Wise), the main authority of the United Federation of Predgio Towers. Serving under the Sage Council is Lieutenant Colonel (promoted to Colonel early in the series) Dewey Novak, who directed the SOF prior to his imprisonment. Dominic Sorel is an intelligence officer under Novak and the chief handler of Anemone, who pilots the LFO theEND.
[编辑] 动画
[编辑] Episodes
Eureka Seven consists of 50 episodes which aired from 2005-04-17 to 2006-04-02 on the Mainichi Broadcasting System and Tokyo Broadcasting System. Almost all of the show's episodes are named after real songs, composed by Japanese or foreign artists. [1][2] The same holds true for the manga.
[编辑] Development
The series' origins can be traced to a concept of a mecha anime series Bandai proposed to studio BONES. At first, the studio rejected it, but later reversed its position because it had already planned to create an anime using mecha designs by Shoji Kawamori. With the appointment of director Tomoki Kyoda and writer Dai Sato, Bandai's proposal was more or less scrapped and the current incarnation of Eureka Seven was brought to life.[3] The series was Kyoda's first as chief director for a TV series; earlier, he had directed RahXephon's movie adaption, also for Bones. RahXephon creator and director Yutaka Izubuchi provided additional design works for Eureka Seven as well.
[编辑] 相关音乐
The music of Eureka Seven is available on three different compilations composed by Naoki Sato and a variety of other artists who composed insert songs used in the series. The third soundtrack, Complete Best, includes the full length versions of the opening and ending themes for the series and game as well as the insert song for the final episode.
[编辑] 曲目列表
- "少年ハート(Shōnen Heart)", 演唱:HOME MADE 家族、作词/作曲:KURO/MICRO/U-ICHI,作曲/编曲:Takahiro Watanabe (episodes 14-26)
- "太陽の真ん中へ(Taiyō no Mannaka e)",演唱:Bivattchee(ビバッチェ),作词/作曲:堤晋一,编曲:ビバッチェ・小倉健二 (episodes 27-32, 34-39)
- "sakura", 演唱:NIRGILIS(ニルギリス)、作词:岩田アッチュ、作曲:栗原稔/岩田アッチュ/伊藤孝氣,编曲:ニルギリス (episodes 40-49)
- "Himitsu Kichi", 演唱:高田梢枝,作詞/作曲:高田梢枝, 編曲:TOMI YO(episodes 1-13, 26)
- "Fly Away", 演唱:伊沢麻未,作詞/作曲:伊沢麻未,編曲:安部潤 (episodes 14-25)
- "Tip Taps Tip", 演唱:HALCALI、作詞:U、作曲/編曲:田中ユウスケ (episodes 27-39)
- "Canvas", 演唱:COOLON、作詞/作曲:COOLON、編曲:MIne-Chang (episodes 40-49)
- "trance ruined", by NEWDEAL
- "draft any funk", by NEWDEAL
- "GET IT BY YOUR HANDS", by Watanabe Hiroshi a.k.a. Quadra
- "Niji", by Denki Groove (episode 50)
- "Realize", by FLOW (Eureka Seven TR1: New Wave, Eureka Seven: New Vision)
[编辑] 相关游戏
Eureka Seven vol.1: New Wave, a PlayStation 2 game, was released in Japan on October 27, 2005. It is set 4 years before the anime and features a different cast of characters. The theme song, Realize, is sung by FLOW. It was released in North America on October 24, 2006.
Eureka Seven: New Vision, also for the PlayStation 2, is the sequel to TR1: New Wave and takes place 2 years after. It came out in Japan on May 11, 2006 and is set for a March 15, 2007 release in North America.[4]
Eureka 7 V.1: New Wave, a game for the PlayStation Portable, was released on April 6, 2006 in Japan. This game is based on the events in the show.
[编辑] 参考资料
- 交響詩篇エウレカセブンまとめ@2chアニメ板. Retrieved November 9, 2006. (日文)
- ↑ Interview with Dai Sato (PDF) - Japan Society (2005) - 於2006-03-20zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Eureka seveN "alternative soundtrack" - 於2006-03-20zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
- ↑ Shida, Hidekuni (March 2006). "Eureka Seven: Catch the wave". Newtype USA 5 (3): 46.
- ↑ Namco Bandai Announces Eureka Seven Vol 2 for PS2 (2006-12-14) - 於2007-01-02zh-tw:造;zh-cn:采訪。
[编辑] 外部链接
- 交响诗篇日文官方网站 (日文)
- 《交响诗篇》在互联网电影数据库(IMDb)
页面分类: 翻譯請求 | 日本漫畫 | 月刊少年Ace連載作品 | 2005年日本電視動畫 | PS2遊戲 | 動漫小作品