古斯塔夫二世·阿道夫(Gustavus II Adolphus,1594年12月9日—1632年11月6日),瑞典瓦薩王朝(House of Vasa) 國王,生於斯德哥爾摩。他是歷代瑞典國王中唯一可以稱為"大王(the Great)",被清教徒称作“北方雄狮”。
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[编辑] 簡歷
古斯塔夫二世于1611年继承瑞典王位,之后参加三十年战争。他娶勃兰登堡选帝侯的女儿Maria Eleonora为妻,并以普鲁士的埃尔宾(Elbing,今波兰埃尔布拉格,Elbląg)为他在德国战斗的基地,于1632年11月6日战死在德国的吕岑。
[编辑] 军事指挥官
古斯塔夫热衷于亲临前线带队冲锋, 颈、喉、腹部都受过枪伤,有一发子弹留在他颈部靠近脊椎的地方。因此他不能穿常见的金属胸甲,因为胸甲压迫枪伤导致剧痛。古斯塔夫在吕岑战役佩戴的是轻便的生皮盔甲,这副皮甲现在陈列在瑞典王宫的Livrustkammaren。
古斯塔夫年轻时曾化名嘎斯上尉微服游历欧洲各地,目的是游学和在潜在的盟国和敌国参谋旅行。嘎斯这个名字是拉丁语"瑞典国王古斯塔夫阿道夫"(Gustavus Adolphus Rex Sueciae)的首字母缩写。小说里常有国王自低身份化名平民旅行的情节,但史上真正以次付诸实践的君主只有古斯塔夫一人。古斯塔夫是一个高度启蒙化的统治者,他严格控制瑞典贵族,并扶持工商阶级对抗贵族阶级。
在吕岑战役的激战中,古斯塔夫在浓雾和硝烟中率领一个骑兵小分队冲入敌军防线,寡不敌众战死。古斯塔夫死后,他的妻子Maria Eleonora先后把他的遗体和心脏留在她的城堡,时间长达一年多。现在他的遗体(包括心脏)被安葬在斯德哥尔摩的Riddarholmskyrkan。
In February 1633, following the death of the great king, the Swedish Riksdag of the Estates decided that his name would be accompanied by an accolade and that his name was to be styled Gustav Adolf the Great (or Gustav Adolf den Store in Swedish). No such honor has been bestowed on any other Swedish monarch since.
The crown of Sweden was inherited in the family of Vasa, and from Charles IX's time excluded those Vasa princes who had been traitors or descended from deposed monarchs. Gustav Adolph's younger brother had died years ago, and therefore there were only females left. Maria Eleonora and the king's ministers took over the government on behalf of Gustav Adolph's underage daughter Christina of Sweden upon her father's death. He left two children of which we are aware: his illegitimate son Gustav, Count of Vasaborg, and his legitimate daughter and successor, queen Christina of Sweden.
[编辑] 其他观点
德国社会主义历史学家弗朗兹·梅林(1846 - 1919)撰写古斯塔夫的传记时,以马克思主义观点分析了这位瑞典国王在三十年战争中的行为,声称新教与基督教的冲突(官方解释)对此影响甚微,而经济(马克思主义史论)起了决定性作用。
[编辑] Timeline
- July 1626 Gustav and his army were disembarked in Pillau Prussia during Polish-Sweden War of 1625-1629.
- On 18 August 1627 the King was seriously wounded by a Polish soldier in the battle of Tczew.
- May1630. Gustav lands with his army in Pomerania. On July 6 he lands in Germany.
- September 1631. At the Battle of Breitenfeld, Gustav decisively defeats the Catholic forces led by Tilly, even after the allied Protestant Saxon army was routed and fled with the baggage train.
- March 1632. At the Battle of Lech, Gustav defeats Tilly once more, and in the battle Tilly sustains a fatal wound.
- April 1632. Battle of Rain.
- May 1632. Munich yields to the Swedish army.
- September 1632. Gustav attacks the stronghold of Alte Feste, which is under the command of Wallenstein, but is repulsed. This leads to defection of some mercenary elements in the Protestant army.
- November 1632. The Battle of Lützen, Gustav is killed but the Swedes win the day and defeat Wallenstein. The Swedish war effort was kept up by generals Horn, Banér, Torstensson and chancellor Oxenstierna until the Peace of Westphalia.
A history of Adolphus' wars was written by Johann Philipp Abelin.
Gustav Adolf Day is celebrated in Sweden each year on November 6. On this day only a special pastry, with a chocolate medallion of the king, is sold. The day is also an official flag day in the Swedish calendar.
[编辑] Fictional appearances
Gustavus Adolphus plays an important supporting role in Eric Flint's 16XX series.
[编辑] 參看
- 瑞典歷史 — Rise of Sweden as a Great Power
- Axel Oxenstierna
- Gustav Gustavsson af Vasaborg
- Gustavus Adolphus College
- List of people known as The Great
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