朱蒙 (電視劇)
目录 |
[编辑] 劇情綱要
Hae Mo-su escapes just in time and travels until he meets a caravan from the tribe of Gyeh-Ru. The head merchant, who is also the ruler of the Gyeh-Ru tribe, offers Hae Mo-su a job within the caravan, not knowing who the man is. The ruler, Yeon Ta-Bal, tells Hae Mo-su to join him in his tent, and they introduce each other and share a conversation. News of the Habaek tribe pops up in the middle of the conversation, and seeing the shocked look on his guest's face, Yeon Ta-Bal begins to suspect the guest of being Haemosu himself. The next day, the caravan travels but stops when they hear that Yeon's wife has gone into labor. They set up camp and So Seo-No is born and protected, as Hae Mosu defends the trade caravan against a band of thieves, reinforcing Yeon's assumption. Yeon's caravan has trading rights with the Han Dynasty itself. Yeon knows of Hae Mosu's escape, and a great reward for his capture. At this point, he is fully convinced that his guest is Hae Mosu. Yeon decides not to turn Hae Mosu in, because of his deed of defending his caravan and his daughter from harm.
Hae Mo-su returns to Geumwa, and they resume the skirmishes. However, as the Damulgun progress in their obejective to free all refugees, the Han disguise Han soldiers as fake refugees, whom the Damulgun attempt to rescue. Ambushed by the fake refugees and "ironclad cavalry," the Damulgun with him are killed, and he is captured. Hae Mosu is subsequently tortured and blinded by the Han.
Geum-wa, attempts and succeeds in freeing Hae Mo-su, who, though blind, is able to ride a horse. Geum-wa ultimately fails in his task to save Hae Mo-su, who Geumwa sees, trapped upon a chateau, shot with arrows and presumably dead in the river.
Haebaek princess has Hae Mosu's child. She goes to the Crown Prince of Buyeo. After bearing her son, Jumong, he becomes a prince of Buyeo (after the enthronement of the Crown Prince) and she a Royal Concubine upon the new Emperor's insistence. Jumong will learn of his father, his violent rivalry among him and his half-brothers, his love for Soseuno, and finally, a revival of the Da-mul Gun and the founding of Goguryeo.
[编辑] 主要角色及演員
- 宋一國(송일국) 飾 朱蒙(주몽)
- 韓惠珍(한혜진) 飾 召西奴(소서노)
- 金承洙(김승수) 飾 帶素(대소)
- 全光烈(전광렬) 飾 金蛙王(금와왕)
- 吳娟受(오연수) 飾 柳花夫人(유화부인)
- 許俊浩(허준호) 飾 解慕漱(해모수)
- 甄美里(견미리) 飾 元后(원후)
- 宋智孝(송지효) 飾 禮素雅(예소야)(禮氏夫人(예씨부인)[5])
- 金炳基(김병기) 飾 延陀勃(연타발)
- 陳喜慶(진희경) 飾 神女汝美乙(여미을)
- 李才勇(이재용) 飾 大使者夫得拂(부득불)
[编辑] 歷史爭議
[编辑] 劇集在世界各地播映的情況
[编辑] 韓國
[编辑] 香港
[编辑] 菲律賓
《朱蒙》這套電視劇在菲律賓的GMA電視網絡放映。It was set to rival Princess Hours, an MBC Korean series & 2nd highest rated Koreanovela for 2006, aired on its rival channel, ABS-CBN. Because of low ratings from Princess Hours, which garnered its pilot episode with 17.5% and continuing to drop, this was transferred to an earlier timeslot. It now airs at 10:15pm Philippines time (GMT +8). JuMong continues to soar high ratings, reaching 25% over Princess Hours.
- Highest Rating Earned - 27.1
- Lowest Rating Earned - 18.4
- Pilot Episode - 19.6
- Pilot Week - 21.2
- Average Per Week - tbc
- Final Week - tbc
week | date | mega manila |
1 | 2007/01/08-12 | 21.2% |
2 | 2007/01/15-19 | 24.3% |
3 | 2007/01/22-26 | 25.3% |
4 | 2007/01-02/29-02 | % |
average | % |
[编辑] 日本
[编辑] 台灣
[编辑] 中国境外
[编辑] 拍攝場地
[编辑] 參見
[编辑] 外部連結
- (朝鲜文)官方網站
- (朝鲜文)官方宣傳網站
- (繁體中文 - 香港)《朱蒙》元旦收視44.8%
- (中文)韓國觀光公社網站中的介紹(劇集簡介及外景拍攝場地的介紹)
- (中文)MBC - Global Media中文版
[编辑] 註釋
- ^ 1.0 1.1 《朝鮮日報》:《朱蒙》以51.9%最高收视率圆满大结局
- ↑ 《朝鮮日報》:《朱蒙》後三女人螢屏戰爭即將打響
- ↑ 在這裡所記載的集數,是以MBC電視台在韓國當地所播映的集數為準(每集長約1小時,期間沒有廣告時段)。
- ↑ 根據《三國史記·高句麗本紀一》,「多勿」在古朝鮮語的意思指「舊土」。
- ↑ 原應由芙英這個角色擔任,但後來由於飾演該角色的演員(林素英(임소영))中途要辭演的關係,便改由後來才加入演出的宋智孝所飾演的禮素雅擔任。
- ↑ 金羊网--羊城晚报:牵涉到历史问题 《朱蒙》戏说被指误导观众
- ↑ 在2007年3月12日播出的一集首次出現;在此之前曾一度翻譯正確。
- ↑ 《朝鮮日報》:日本韓流雜誌大篇幅報道《朱蒙》
MBC 月火劇 | ||
上一節目 | 朱蒙 (2006.5.15 - 2007.3.6) |
下一節目 |
你來自哪顆星 (2006.3.13 - 2006.5.2) |
H.I.T (2007.3.19 - ) |