Wilhelm Gustloff (skib)
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Wilhelm Gustloff var et tysk passagerskib. Det blev søsat 2. april 1938, og det sank 30. januar 1945.
Wilhelm Gustloff blev bygget af Blohm & Voss til rederiet Kraft durch Freude og var søsterskib til Robert Ley. Det var navngivet efter den likviderede schweiziske nazileder Wilhelm Gustloff.
Wilhelm Gustloff blev benyttet som hospitalsskib under 2. verdenskrig under navnet Lazarettschiff D og var indrettet med plads til 500 patienter.
På sin sidste sejlads blev Wilhelm Gustloff benyttet til at transportere flygtninge fra Gotenhafen vestpå. Skibet sank 30. januar 1945 i Østersøen efter at være blevet ramt af torpedoer fra en sovjetisk ubåd. 1.239 mennesker blev reddet af andre skibe.
Tabstallet er uklart, fordi ingen ved med sikkerhed, hvor mange mennesker der faktisk var ombord. Forskellige kilder udviser skøn fra godt 5.000 til godt 9.000 ofre. Selv det laveste tal vil gøre sænkningen til en af de største, det højeste tal gør det til den allerstørste skibskatastrofe i historien.
Günter Grass' bog Im Krebsgang handler om sænkningen.
Indholdsfortegnelse |
[redigér] Tekniske data
25.484 bruttoregistertons. Længde 208,50 m. Marchhastighed 15,5 knob. Skibet kunne i fredstid medbringe 1.465 passagerer.
Vessel | Goya | Wilhem Gustloff | Cap Arcona | General Steuben | Thielbek | Woosung | Dona Paz | Titanic | Lusitania |
Year Lost | 1945 | 1945 | 1945 | 1945 | 1945 | 1948 | 1987 | 1912 | 1915 |
Country | Germany | Germany | Germany | Germany | Germany | China | Philippines | Great Britain | Great Britain |
Number of Fatalities | ~6,000 | ~9,343 | ~4,500 | ~4,500 | ~2,800 | ~2,750 | ~2,000 | ~1,503 | ~1,198 |
[redigér] Wreckage
Skabelon:Coor d is the resting place of the Gustloff. This is 30 km offshore, east of Łeba (17.33E) and west of Władysławowo (18.24E). It has been designated as a war memorial site (off-limits to salvage crews). On Polish navigation charts it is noted as "Obstacle No. 73".[1]
In 2006, a bell recovered from the wreck, and subsequently used as decoration in a Polish fish restaurant, was loaned to the "Forced Paths" exhibition in Berlin.[2]
[redigér] Movie and Novel
The film Nacht fiel über Gotenhafen 1959 presented the tragedy 43 years before Günter Grass did it.
The novel Im Krebsgang (2002) (English translation: Crabwalk), by Danzig-born German author and Nobel prize winner Günter Grass, is based on the story of the disaster.
[redigér] See also
- Cap Arcona
- Goya
- Steuben
- List of shipwrecks
- List of ship and ferry disasters
- Alexander Marinesko
[redigér] References
- Kappes, Irwin J.; The Greatest Marine Disaster in History... and why you probably never heard of it. 2003. — The website militaryhistoryonline.com is included in the Military History - Web sources by theCentral Michigan University Libraries.
- Leja, Michael; Die letzte Fahrt der "Wilhelm Gustloff"; ZDF, 1 August 2005 reports that earlier estimates of approximately 6000 drowned have been revised upwards in more recent sources to about 9300. An article in German on the website of a public service German television channel.
- Pipes, Jason; A Memorial to the Wilhelm Gustloff — The website www.feldgrau.com is listed as an external link by the Department of German at the University of Wales
- Schön, Heinz; Die Gustloff Katastrophe (Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart, 2002)
[redigér] Further reading
Bishop, Leigh; Shipwreck Expedition May 2003, led by Mike Boring, 2003 | |
www.wilhelmgustloff.com A bibliography on the Wilhelm Gustloff |
A search for the website, wilhelmgustloff.com, (using Google 12:45, 8 November 2006 (UTC)) under the academic domian names "ac.uk" and "edu" returned no pages |
The submarine that sank the Third Reich | The website this is published on claims it is/was an article in the Russian Navy Chronicle but does not give author of date of publication. A search (using Google 12:45, 8 November 2006 (UTC)) returned only two mentions of the Russian Navy Chronicle both on the website http://www.strelna.ru. |
Maritimequest Wilhelm Gustloff Photo Gallery | A search for the website, maritimequest.com, (using Google 12:45, 8 November 2006 (UTC)) under the academic domain names "ac.uk" and "edu" returned no pages. |
[redigér] External Links
- [2]-good
- [3]-good and fine
- [4]-polish
- [5]-russian
- [6]-russian
- [7]-russian.Very interesting site
- [8]-lot of interactive
- [9]-T-36 /click -disaster-T36 /
[redigér] Footnotes
- ↑ Irwin J. Kappes References
- ↑ Mark Landler Poles riled by Berlin exhibition originally published in The New York Times, August 30, 2006 republished in the International Herald Tribune
[redigér] Litteratur
- Schön, Heinz: SOS Wilhelm Gustloff. Die größte Schiffskatastrophe der Geschichte, Motorbuch Verlag Pietsch, 1998, ISBN 3613019000
- Grass, Günter: Im Krebsgang, Steidl Gerhard Verlag, 2002, ISBN 3882438002
- Dückers, Tanja: Himmelskörper, Aufbau Verlag, 2003, ISBN 3351029632
- Michelers, Detlef: Wilhelm Gustloff - Vom Flaggschiff zum eisernen Sarg, Hörbuch, DAV, Berlin, 2002, ISBN 3898131939
- Med ilden i ryggen- Martin Petersen
[redigér] Film
- Nacht fiel über Gotenhafen («Nat faldt over Gotenhafen», Tyskland (vest), 1959)
- Triumph und Tragödie der Wilhelm Gustloff
- Die große Flucht - Der Untergang der Gustloff (Tyskland, 2001)
[redigér] Se også
- Wilhelm Gustloff for andre betydninger.