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パリ祭(ぱりさい)はフランスで7月14日に設けられている国民の休日(Fête Nationale)。1789年同日に発生しフランス革命の発端となったバスチーユ監獄襲撃および、この事件の一周年を記念して翌年1790年におこなわれた建国記念日(Fête de la Fédération)が起源となっている。
目次 |
[編集] 現在のイベント

Fête nationale または 14 juillet と称される7月14日にはフランス各地で一日中花火が打ちあげられる。また慣例として消防士はダンス・チーム (bals du 14 juillet) を組んで市民に披露する。
パレードはエコール・ポリテクニーク、サン・シール陸軍士官学校、フランス海軍兵学校の生徒による行進で幕を開け、歩兵部隊、機械化部隊が登場する。フランス空軍のアクロバット飛行チームであるパトルイユ・ド・フランスも演技飛行をおこなう。近年においてはフランスの同盟国の要人を招待することが慣例となっている。2004年には英仏協商の100周年を記念して英軍の各部隊 (イギリス海兵隊、王室騎兵隊騎乗連隊、近衛擲弾兵連隊、王立騎馬砲兵国王兵団連隊) がシャンゼリゼを行進し、英空軍のレッド・アローズが演技飛行をおこなった。
[編集] 歴史
1878年の6月30日に On 30 June 1878, a feast had been set in Paris by official decision to honour the Republic (the event was immortalised by a painting by Claude Monet). On the 14 July 1879, another feast took place, with a semi-official aspect; the events of the day included a military review in Longchamp, a reception in the Chambre of Deputies, organised and presided by Léon Gambetta, and a Republican Feast in the pré Catelan with Louis Blanc and Victor Hugo. All through France, as Le Figaro wrote on the 16, "people feasted a lot to honour the Bastille".
On the 21 May 1880, Benjamin Raspail presented a law proposal to have "the Republic choose the 14 July as a yearly national holiday". The Assembly voted the text on 21 May and 8 June. The Senate approved on 27 and 29 June, favouring 14 July against 4 August (honouring the end of the feudal system on 4 August 1789). The law was made official on 6 July 1880, and the Ministry of the Interior recommended to the prefects that the day should be "celebrated with all the brilliance that the local resources allow". Indeed, the celebrations of the new holiday in 1880 were particularly magnificent.
In 1989, 199 years after the fete, President Mitterand hosted world leaders to that year's Bastille Day event which was designated by the French government as a commemeration of the bicentennial of the French Revolution, being 200 years since the Bastille storming.
[編集] アンリ・マルタンによる上院演説
- (...) Do not forget that behind this 14 July, where victory of the new era over the ancien régime was bought by fighting, do not forget that after the day of 14 July 1789, there was the day of 14 July 1790.
- This [latter] day cannot be blamed for having shed a drop of blood, for having divided the country. It was the consecration of unity of France. Yes, it consecrated what the old monarchy had prepared.
- The old monarchy had, one could say, been the essence of France, and we did not forget it; Revolution, on this day of the 14 July 1790, made, I shall not say the soul of France—None but God holds the soul of France—but Revolution gave France the counsciousness of itself. It revealed its own soul to France. Remember then that on this day, the most beautiful and the purest of our history, from one end of the country to the other, from the Pyrenees to Alps and Rhine, all the French were holding hands. Remember that, from all parts of the national territory, delegations of the National Guard and of the Army came to Paris to celebrate the deeds of '89. Remember what was in that Paris: a whole People, without distinctions of age nor sex, of rank not wealth, was associated from all its heart, had participated with its own hands to the fantastic preparations of the Fête de la Fédération; Paris had worked to erect around the Champ-de-Mars this truly sacred amphitheatre which was razed by the Second Empire.
- (...)
- If some of you might have scruples against the first 14 July, they certainly hold none aginst the second. Whatever difference which might part us, something hovers over them, it is the great images of national unity, which we all desire, for which we would all stand, willing to die if necessary.
[編集] 歴史的背景
[編集] バスティーユ監獄の襲撃
- バスティーユ監獄の襲撃を参照せよ。
On 5 May 1789, Louis XVI convened the Estates-General to hear their grievances. The deputies of the Third Estate representing the common people (the two others were clergy and nobility) decided to break away and form a National Assembly.
On 20 June the deputies of the Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath (named after the hall where they had gathered which was frequently used for playing "jeu de paume", an ancestor of tennis), swearing not to separate until a Constitution had been established. To show their support, the people of Paris stormed the Bastille, a prison where people were jailed by arbitrary decision of the King (lettre de cachet). The Bastille was, in particular, known for holding political prisoners whose writings had displeased the royal government. Thus the Bastille was a symbol of the absolutism of the monarchy.
There were only 7 inmates housed at the time of the siege. The storming of the Bastille was more important as a rallying point and symbolic act of rebellion than a practical act of defiance. No less important in the history of France, it was not the image typically conjured up of courageous French patriots storming the Bastille and freeing hundreds of oppressed peasants. However, it did immediately inspire preparations amongst the peasants for the very real threat of retaliation.
Shortly after the storming of the Bastille, on 26 August, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was proclaimed.
[編集] 建国記念日
- バスティーユ建国記念日を参照せよ。
[編集] 外部リンク
- senat.fr Tout savoir sur le 14 Juillet