4月1日 (2002年)
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』
4月1日 (2002年)は、2002年のエイプリルフールについての記事である。
[編集] デマ一覧
- The Register: reported AOL buying up weblogs
- The Open Directory re-branded itself as the 'Microsoft Directory Project'
- オープンディレクトリが「マイクロソフト・ディレクトリ・プロジェクト」にブランドを改名した。
- Kuro5hin acquired MetaFilter, renaming it to met4filter.org
- Kuro5hin(w:Kuro5hin)がMetaFilter(w:MetaFilter)に買収の提案を受け、met4filter.org と、改名した。
- Slashdot announced that is will start posting advertiser-sponsored news stories, and disable anonymous posting.
- Google described its PigeonRank system.
- The Guardian profiled Harmony Cousins
- CPAN renamed itself the 'Comprehensive Java Archive Network'
- The annual spoof Linus Torvalds post on the Linux kernel mailing list announced his resignation from the Linux effort
- 毎年恒例のリーナス・トーバルズのLinux kernel mailing list への投稿で、Linuxからの彼の引退を発表した。
- IETF published April 1st RFCs RFC3251 (Distribution of electricity over IP) and RFC3252 (Encapsulating IP in XML).
- MIT changed its home page to a spoof of the Google home page.
- a spoof Yahoo News story was circulated stating that PK Interactive had received funding from idealab (note: check the URL below closely)
- The TidBITS newsletter offered a spoof issue
- The Tom's Hardware website reported that AMD and nVIDIA were to merge.
- The BBC reported more April Fools' pranks including the announced 'flotation' of Harrods.
- CNN reported that two Montreal disk jockeys managed to phone Bill Gates on the pretext that one of them was Canadian prime minister Jean Chrétien wanting to set up a meeting with Gates. What CNN didn't mention is that these two have a reputation for their audacious prank calls. Previous recipients of their attention have included Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II.
- http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/00/tokuho/20020401/mng_____tokuho__000.shtml東京新聞「新首相官邸の完成で現首相官邸を解体、壁面のタイルをネットオークションにかける」
- イソプレス PCうおっち
- Please add more 2002 April Fool hoaxes here, including any relevant external links
- 「2002年のエイプリルフールのデマをここに追加して下さい。有効な外部リンクをお忘れなく。」