Wikipedia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Sēremōnaþ
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6 Sēremōnaþ: Þēodlic hāligdæg Swēolandes in Swēoland.
- 1654 - Charles X Gustav æfterfolgode his mōdrie Christina tō rīce Swēolandes.
- 1925 - Þæt Chrysler Corporation hæfþ Walter Chrysler ongunnen.
- 1944 - Sēo Beadu Normandiges ongann: 155,000 Allied cempas habbaþ on waroþ Normandiges in Francland gelend, in rīcost wæter-and-land feohte in menniscan stǣr.
- 1971 - The Ed Sullivan Show, a top rated variety show that introduced the Geānlǣht Rīcu to Elvis Presley and The Beatles, went off the air æfter þrēo-and-twentig gēaru.
- 1982 - Gūþ in Lebanon ongann æfter Israelisc here inswēog sūþ Lebanon tō oferfeallan PLO feohtendas.
Nīwlice dagas: 5 Sēremōnaþ – 4 Sēremōnaþ – 3 Sēremōnaþ
Hord – Māran gemynddagas...
7 Sēremōnaþ:
- 1099 - Crusaderas þǣm Forma Crusād oncōmon in Ierusalem and begunnon fīf-wuce ymbsetnung þǣre burge.
- 1905 - Se Norðwegiscan geþingþ endode þǣre Gaderung betwēonan Swēoland and Norðwege.
- 1940 - Haakon VII cyning Norðweges, Olaf Æþeling and Norðwegisc geþingþ habbaþ Tromsø oþflogen for wræcfæc in London, æfter þǣre Þēodisc infaru.
- 1948 - Edvard Beneš resigned as Foresittend Czechoslofacian rather than sign a Constitution making his nation a Communist land
- 1981 - The Israeli Air Force attacked and destroyed Iraq's Osiraq cyrnreactor.
Nīwlice dagas: 6 Sēremōnaþ – 5 Sēremōnaþ – 4 Sēremōnaþ
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14 Sēremōnaþ: Hreddungdæg in þǣm Falcland Īegum and Sūðum Georgian and þǣm Sūðum Sandwīcīegum (1982); Fanandæg in þǣm Geānlǣhte Rīcu
- 1381 - Ricard II cyning Englalandes mētte lǣdmenn þǣre Færbēnena Wiðerwinnunge.
- 1777 - Þæt Continental Congress onfōþ todæges þone Fanan þāra Geānlǣhtra Rīca.
- 1822 - Charles Babbage (pictured) foresette scēadsearu in bēc tō þǣm Cynelicum Tungolcræftlicum Gefērscipe
- 1940 - Nazi Þēodiscland gerād Paris.
- 1985 - TWA Flight 847 was hijacked by Hezbollah cempan.
Nīwlice dagas: 14 Sēremōnaþ – 13 Sēremōnaþ – 12 Sēremōnaþ
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20 Sēremōnaþ: Woruldes Friðbēnan Dæg; Fanadæg in Argentinan; West Virginia Dæg in Americanisc rīce West Virginia.
- 451 - Sēo Beadu Chalons wiþ Attila se Hun is endenīehst beadu þæs westernes Rōmāniscan Rīce.
- 1685 - Monmūþ Wiþfeoht: Se Duc Monmūðes declared himself Cyning Englalandes æt Brycgwæter.
- 1789 - 577 deputies of the French National Assembly took the Tennis Court Oath, starting the French Revolution.
- 1837 - Victoria cwēn (pictured) hæfþ feng tō þǣm Bryttisc rīce.
- 1973 - Snipers fired into a crowd of Peronists near the Ezeiza Airport in Buenos Aires, Argentina, killing at least 13 people and injuring 365 others.
Nīwlice dagas: 19 Sēremōnaþ – 18 Sēremōnaþ – 17 Sēremōnaþ
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22 Sēremōnaþ:
- 168 BC - In þǣre Beadwe Pydnan, Romanisc here forhīende and genōm þone Macedoniscne cyning Perseus.
- 1854 - Þæt Britisc Parliament abolished feudalism and þæt seigneurial system in Britiscan Norþamerican.
- 1937 - Camille Chautemps wearþ Forma Minister Franclandes in oðre Popular Front ministry.
- 1941 - Nazi Þēodiscland gesōhte þā Sofietan Gesamnung mid Operation Barbarossa.
- 1990 - Þenden in Berlin þæt ōðre gemōt for þǣm Twa-plus-Fēower Formǣl ongann, wierþ þæt Checkpoint Charlie gebroten.
Nīwlice dagas: 21 Sēremōnaþ – 20 Sēremōnaþ – 19 Sēremōnaþ
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23 Sēremōnaþ: Jani wearþ in ealdan Latvian.
- 1713 - After Anne Cwenes Guþ, Frencisc bīgengan in Acadian were given one year to declare allegiance to Britain or leave Nova Scotia.
- 1887 - Man macode þæt forma national park Canadiscan, Banff.
- 1894 - The International Olympic Committee was founded at the Sorbonne in Paris.
- 1941 - June independence: Members of Lithuanian Activist Front declared independence of þǣre Sofietan Gesamnung and formed an underground government in Lithuania.
- 1947 - Þæt veto of the Taft-Hartley Act þæs foresittend Harry S. Truman was overridden by the Congress of the United States.
- 1985 - Air India Flight 182 blew-up 31,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean, south Īrlandes, killing all 329 on board.
Nīwlice dagas: 22 Sēremōnaþ – 21 Sēremōnaþ – 20 Sēremōnaþ
Hord – Māran gemynddagas...
24 Sēremōnaþ: Beadwe Carabobon Dæg in Venezuelan (1821), Fête nationale du Québec (Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day) in Québec, Canada
- 1128 - Alfonso I of Portugal fought the Battle of São Mamede, the first step toward Portuguese selfdōm.
- 1314 - Scotland regained independence as forces led by Robert the Bruce forhīende Ēadweard II Englalandes in þǣm Beadwe Bannockburnes.
- 1440 - Eton College in Berkshire, Englaland, was founded by Henry VI Cyning to provide free leornung to poor students who would then go on to King's College, Cambridge.
- 1535 - Se Anabaptist rīce of Münster was conquered and subsequently disbanded.
- 1597 - The first Niðerlandisc voyage to the East Indies reached Bantam on Java.
- 1947 - First known sighting of UFOs: Kenneth Arnold saw nine luminous disks in the form of saucers flying above the U.S. state of Washington.
Nīwlice dagas: 23 Sēremōnaþ – 22 Sēremōnaþ – 21 Sēremōnaþ
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Wikipedia:Gecorene gemynddagas/27 Sēremōnaþ view - talk - ādihtan - stǣr
28 Sēremōnaþ: Vidovdan in Serbian.
- 1389 - In þǣre Beadwe Cosofo, habbaþ Turcas forhīendon Serbs and Bosnians.
- 1914 - Iugoslafisc nationalist Gavrilo Princip ācwellode Franz Ferdinand Grēatheretoga Ēastrīces, sparking the outbreak of Ǣrest Woruldgūþ.
- 1919 - The Friðuwǣr Versailles was signed and endode þǣre Ǣrest Woruldgūþ.
- 1956 - Workers in Poznań, Pōlaland held massive protests demanding the lowering of food prices, rising of wages and revoking some recent law changes that worsened working conditions, but were violently repressed the following day.
- 1969 - In response to a police raid at the Stānwall Inn (pictured) in Nīweoforwicburg, groups of gay and transgender people began to sacunga wiþ Nīwe Eoforwic Police officers, sparking the modern worldwide LGBT social movement.
Nīwlice dagas: 27 Sēremōnaþ – 26 Sēremōnaþ – 25 Sēremōnaþ
Hord – Māran gemynddagas...
29 Sēremōnaþ: Hāligdæg þǣre Gebundennes for sanctas Peter and Paul (Rōmānisc Eallgelēaflicnes).
- 1184 - Sverre wæs swā Cyning Norðweges gebēagod.
- 1613 - The original Globe Theatre in Lunden burned to the ground after a cannon employed for special effects misfired during a performance of Henry VIII and ignited the theatre's hrōf.
- 1874 - Grēcisc politician Charilaos Trikoupis published a manifesto in the Athens daily Kairoi getītulodne "Hwā is scyldig?", laying out his complaints wiþ George Cyninge.
- 1922 - Francland hæfþ km² (100 hectares) æt Vimy Hlinc (biliþ riht) tō Canadan giefen tō brēmanne Canadisc gewinn in þǣre Beadwe in Vimy Hlinc on þǣre Ǣrestan Woruldgūðe.
- 1995 - Þæt Sampōnges dālhēddærnmarket tōfēoll in þǣre Seocho-gu scīre æt Seoule, Sūþcorean, cwealde 501 and derede 937.
Nīwlice dagas: 28 Sēremōnaþ – 27 Sēremōnaþ – 26 Sēremōnaþ
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