Wikipedia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Æfterra Gēola
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1 Æfterra Gēola: Nīwes Gēares Dæg
- 1801 - Giuseppe Piazzi onfand þone ǣrost asteroid, 1 Ceres.
- 1801 - Se Cynerīce Īrlandes þēodeþ þone Cȳnerīce Grēate Brittenes and ætīeceþ Hālga Patrices crūc mid þǣm Union Jack.
- 1959 - Foresittend Fulgencio Batista Cuban tō þǣm Dominican Republic flugon hwile heras under Fidel Castro took control of Havana.
- 1983 - The ARPANET changed its core networking protocols from NCP to TCP/IP, marking the beginning of the Internet as we know it today.
- 1995 - The World Trade Organization was created to replace the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Nīwlice dagas: 31 Gēolmōnaþ – 30 Gēolmōnaþ – 29 Gēolmōnaþ
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2 Æfterra Gēola:
- 366 - Þā Alamanni oferfōr þone gefrorenan Rīn in grēatum rīmum tō inswōgenne þæt Rōmānisce Rīce.
- 533 - Mercurius wearþ Papa Iohannes II, se forma pāpa tō nimenne nīwne naman æt ūpāhafennesse tō þǣm pāpdōme.
- 1492 - Reconquista: Los Reyes Catōlicos framādrāf Boabdil Granadan, þone endemestan þǣra Mōriscra rīcsera, ūt of þǣm Iberiscan Næsse.
- 1946 - Forþǣm þe hē ne cūðe edfōn tō rīce æfter Ōðru Woruldgūþ, Zog Cyning of Albanian ofgeaf ac hēold his āgnunge þæs gumstōles.
- 1949 - Luis Muñoz Marīn wearþ se forma þēodisclīce gecorena Wissiend Rīces Portes.
Nīwlice dagas: 1 Æfterra Gēola – 31 Gēolmōnaþ – 30 Gēolmōnaþ
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- 1749 - Stǣr Vermontes: Benning Wentworth begann ingefeallan þā Nīwe Hampscīr Grants on land þæt Nīwe Eboracum āhte.
- 1888 - The 91-cm refracting feorglæs æt Lick Observatory, æt þǣre stunde þæt man brūcode þæt grīeteste feorglæs in þǣre worulde for þǣre ǣrestan tīde.
- 1958 - Tīen ǣrra Bryttisca landbūenda in the Caribbean geānlǣhton tō macienne nīwe ungewilde lande, se West Indies Federation.
- 1973 - George Steinbrenner and investoras bōhton þā New York Yankees for 10 millionan U.S. dollara.
- 1990 - Se heretoga Manuel Noriega, āwearp "Strangmann Panamum", forleorton.
Nīwlice dagas: 2 Æfterra Gēola – 1 Æfterra Gēola – 31 Gēolmōnaþ
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- 871 - Beadu Rēadinges - Denisc flocrād forhīende cyninge Æðelræd Westseaxes and Westseaxisc here æfter blodig beadu.
- 1493 - Cristofer Columbus biþ þā Nīwe Worulda faren, and his ǣrest for endode.
- 1884 - Se Fabianisca Fēolagascipe wæs in Lundene gestaðolod.
- 1948 - Burma, under Thakin Nu of þǣm Anti-Fascist People's Frēodōm League, gefērode his selfdōm of þǣm Britiscan Rīce.
- 2004 - Se NASA Mars Rover Spirit landode spēdlīce on Mars æt 04:35 UTC.
Nīwlice dagas: 3 Æfterra Gēola – 2 Æfterra Gēola – 1 Æfterra Gēola
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- 1527 - Felix Manz, lādmann þǣre Anabaptistan ciricware in Zürich, was executed mid besencunge.
- 1933 - Geweorc þǣm Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Bay onginnþ.
- 1968 - Alexander Dubček came to power in Czechoslovakia, beginning a political reform gecnāwen swā "Socialism mid mannlicum nebbe".
- 1970 - Se forma māra þonne nigon þūsend episoda Ealra Mīnra Cildra wearþ broadcast on the ABC television network.
Nīwlice dagas: 4 Æfterra Gēola – 3 Æfterra Gēola – 2 Æfterra Gēola
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6 Æfterra Gēola: Sweotolungdæg (Þrēora Cyninga Dæg) in Crīstendōme, Zvaigznes Diena in Latvian
- 1661 - Thomas Venner and þā Fīftan Ānwealdanmenn unsigefæstlīce attempted to seize control of Lundone from the newly restored government of Charles II.
- 1838 - Samuel Morse successfully tested the electrical telegraph forman sīðe.
- 1907 - Maria Montessori openode hire ǣreste scōle and daycare center for working class children in Rōm.
- 1995 - A suspicious fȳr in an apartment in Manila, Philippines led police commander Aida Fariscal and her colleagues to discover and terminate the wælwulf plot Operation Bojinka, a precursor to the Onhryras 11 Hāligmōnaþ 2001.
Nīwlice dagas: 5 Æfterra Gēola – 4 Æfterra Gēola – 3 Æfterra Gēola
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7 Æfterra Gēola: Crīstesmæssan Dæg in þǣre Juliscan gerīmbēc and manigum Ēasternum Ciricum
- 1785 - Frencisc Jean-Pierre Blanchard and Americanisc John Jeffries faraþ of Dofer, Englaland tō Calaise, Franclande in a gas balloon, becoming the first to cross the Sūþsǣ by air.
- 1927 - Ǣrost transatlantic telephone call - Nīwe Eoforwic tō Lundene.
- 1975 - OPEC raised the price of crude oil by 10 percent.
- 1979 - Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were overthrown in Democratic Kampuchea by Vietnamese troops.
Nīwlice dagas: 6 Æfterra Gēola – 5 Æfterra Gēola – 4 Æfterra Gēola
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- 871 - Æðelræd Westseaxes and his broðor Ælfrēd forhīendaþ þā Dene æt þǣre Beadwe Ascdūnes.
- 1198 - Lotario de Conti wierþ Pāpa Innocent III. His ǣrost geweorc wæs sēo edstaðelung þæs pāpdōmes in Rōme.
- 1889 - Herman Hollerith þigeþ an patente for his electric tabulating machine.
- 1926 - Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud wierþ cyninge Hejase, þæt is todæges Saudi Arabia.
- 1989 - Kegworth Air Disaster: Britisc Midland Flight 92 crashed onto the embankment of the M1 motorway, short of the runway of East Midlands airport, Leicestershire.
- 2004 - RMS Queen Mary 2, the largest passenger ship ever built, was christened by her namesake's granddaughter, Elizabeth II cwēn.
Nīwlice dagas: 7 Æfterra Gēola – 6 Æfterra Gēola – 5 Æfterra Gēola
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- 1768 - Philip Astley staged the first modern circus in Lundene.
- 1839 - The Frencisc Academy of Sciences announced the Daguerreotype photography process, genemnod æfter his onfindere, Louis Daguerre.
- 1878 - Humbert se Gōda wierþ cyning Italian.
- 1916 - Forma Woruldgūþ: Þæt Ottomanisce Rīce sigoraþ æfter þǣre Beadwe Çanakkales.
Nīwlice dagas: 9 Æfterra Gēola – 8 Æfterra Gēola – 7 Æfterra Gēola
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10 Æfterra Gēola: Coming-of-Age Dæg in Iapane (2005)
- 49 BC - Iulius Cāsere and his tēoða legie āsetaþ þone Rubicone. Þēos dǣd bricþ Romaniscne lage and onginnþ ingefeohte.
- 1776 - Thomas Paine ingefielþ Common Sense, which galvanized the American Revolution among the populace.
- 1810 - Se gaderscipe Napoleones and Josephinan is forboden.
- 1929 - Belgisc artist Hergē created Tintin, a fictional character who went on to be published in over 200 million comic books in 40 sprǣcum.
Nīwlice dagas: 9 Æfterra Gēola – 8 Æfterra Gēola – 7 Æfterra Gēola
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- 532 - Lufiendas scridrǣsum brǣcon in sum nēadcleofan and onburnon dǣlum Constantinopoles; her ongann þā Nica Ūphebbung.
- 1787 - William Herschel fand Titanian and Oberon, twēgen mōnan þæs planētan Uranes.
- 1879 - Þæt Anglo-Zulu Gefeoht ābærst ūt.
- 1922 - Insulin wæs frumcyrre gebrytnod tō menniscum þoliende mid diabetes in Toronto, Canada.
- 1964 - In nīedmicelre cwiddunge, Americisc Surgeon General Luther Terry forþbrōhte þā warnunge þæt "smēocung mæg bēon plēolic for hwæs hǣlþe".
Nīwlice dagas:10 Æfterra Gēola – 9 Æfterra Gēola – 8 Æfterra Gēola
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- 1838 - Tō losienne ēhtunge wiþ Mormonan, Joseph Smith, Jr. and his æfterfolgeras flugon of Ohion tō Missourin.
- 1966 - Batman the television series, mid steorramann Adam Weste, wæs first broadcast on ABC.
- 1969 - Britisc rock band Led Zeppelin ālīesde his ǣrost record album, ēac Led Zeppelin gehāten.
- 1970 - Se selfhātte Republic Biafran in sūþēast Nigerian forlēt, ending þæt Nigerisc Ingefeoht.
Nīwlice dagas: 11 Æfterra Gēola – 10 Æfterra Gēola – 9 Æfterra Gēola
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- 1898 - Ēmile Zola published "J'Accuse" to expose the Dreyfus affair, accusing Frencisc government of antisemitism.
- 1957 - The Wham-O toy company produced their first flying disc, later renamed the Frisbee.
- 1967 - Se heretoga Gnassingbē Eyadēma seized power in Togo after a coup d'ētat. He is todæg the longest-serving cynewīses heafod in Affrican.
- 1986 - A mōnaþ-long violent struggle began in Aden, Sūþ Iemen between supporters of Ali Nasir Muhammad and Abdul Fattah Ismail, resulting in thousands of casualties.
Nīwlice dagas: 12 Æfterra Gēola – 11 Æfterra Gēola – 10 Æfterra Gēola
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14 Æfterra Gēola: Pongal
- 1301 - The Ārpād dynasty in Hungary ended.
- 1639 - The Fundamental Orders, the first written constitution that created a government, was adopted in Connecticut.
- 1954 - Joe DiMaggio married Marilyn Monroe.
- 1972 - Cwēn Margrethe II, the current wealdend Denemearces, ascended to the throne under a new act of succession.
- 2004 - Se national fana Georgian, the so-called Fīf Crūc Fana, was restored to official use after a hiatus of some 500 years.
Nīwlice dagas: 13 Æfterra Gēola – 12 Æfterra Gēola – 11 Æfterra Gēola
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15 Æfterra Gēola: Jallikattu
- 1759 - Þæt Britisce Museum openode.
- 1919 - Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, tū þāra forðhlīfendra socialista in Þēodisclande, wǣron forðwyrft and ofmyrðrode be þǣm Freikorps.
- 1943 - Man hæfþ gefullode geweorc þæs grēatostan office building þǣre worulde, Þæs Pentagones.
- 1967 - Þā Green Bay Packers forhīendon þā Kansas City Chiefs in the Americanisc fōtball championship game þæt man nū hātte Super Bowl I.
- 2001 - Þæt Nīwe Englisc Wicipǣdia, Wicilicu frēo-understandennesse wīsdōmbōc wæs ambihtlīce forþsende on Wicipǣdian Dæge.
Nīwlice dagas: 14 Æfterra Gēola – 13 Æfterra Gēola – 12 Æfterra Gēola
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- 27 BC - Se Romanisc Senatus giefþ tō Gaius Octavius þone tītule Augustus.
- 1547 - Ivan se Gryrelic is swā Tsar Russlandes gebēagod.
- 1605 - Se ǣrost bōc Don Quixote, El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha be Miguel de Cervantes, is in Madrid, Spēonland ābenþ.
- 1909 - The expedition led by Sir Ernest H. Shackleton located the Magnetic South Pole.
- 1991 - Gulfgūþ: Operation Desert Storm onginnþ.
Nīwlice dagas: 15 Æfterra Gēola – 14 Æfterra Gēola – 13 Æfterra Gēola
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17 Æfterra Gēola: Martin Luther King Dæg in þǣm Geānlǣhtum Rīcum (2005)
- 1893 - The Citizen's Committee of Public Safety and the U.S. Marine Corps underplantodon Cwēn Lili'uokalani and þone Cȳnedōme Hawai'i.
- 1929 - Popeye se Scipfarend, cartūn lēasspellmann be Elzie Crisler Segar gescapen, ǣrost appeared in newspaper comic strips.
- 1946 - Þæt UN Borggemōt hæfde his ǣroste geþeaht æt Ciricehūse in Lundene (Englalande).
- 2002 - Se fyrbeorg Nyiragongo ūpāblǣwþ in þǣm Democratic Republic of the Congo, and seteþ 400,000 lēoda of.
Nīwlice dagas: 16 Æfterra Gēola – 15 Æfterra Gēola – 14 Æfterra Gēola
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- 1778 - Captain James Cook becymþ tō þǣm Sandwices Īegum.
- 1871 - Cyning Wilhelm I Prūssene is swā ǣrosta Cāser þæs Þēodiscan Rīces ingefēoll.
- 1958 - Willie O'Ree of the Boston Bruins plægeþ his ǣroste gamen in the National Hockey League, breaking the color barrier in professional īshocig.
- 1977 - Man on findeþ þæt sēo uncūðe Legiemannes sēocnes is caused by a novel bacterium þæt man nū hātte Legionella.
- 2003 - The Canberra Firestorm: Bushfires burning out of control began blazing through residential areas of Canberra, Australia.
Nīwlice dagas: 17 Æfterra Gēola – 16 Æfterra Gēola – 15 Æfterra Gēola
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19 Æfterra Gēola:
- 1419 - Hundredgēaru Gūþ: Rouen forlēt in Henry V Englalandes and Englaland hæfþ Normandige genumen.
- 1839 - Þā Royal Marines landed at Aden to stop pirates from attacking Britisc shipping to and from India. Aden was to remain under British control until 1967.
- 1942 - Ōðru Woruldgūþ: Iapanisc heras invade Burma.
- 1977 - Iva Toguri, allegedly a Tokyo Rose, was granted a full pardon.
- 1983 - Apple Computer introduced the Apple Lisa, their first commercial personal computer with a graphical user interface and a computer mouse. It had 1 MB of RAM, and was priced at US $9,995 each.
Nīwlice dagas: 18 Æfterra Gēola – 17 Æfterra Gēola – 16 Æfterra Gēola
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20 Æfterra Gēola: Inauguration Day in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Underrīcum.
- 1265 - Ācīegde fram Simon de Montfort, gehēgde se forma Englisc Parliament his forman þing in þǣm Palast Westmynsteres.
- 1320 - Æfter edānlǣcunge Polandes, man bēagode Władyslaw þone Scortne swā cyning in Krakōwe.
- 1885 - Tō LaMarcus Adna Thompson wearþ gewriten bōc þæs roller coaster.
- 1892 - Þæt forme sōþlice binnballes gamen wæs gepleged æt þǣm YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts.
- 1942 - Nazis in þǣm Wannsee conference in Berline dēmdon þā "enderǣselan for þǣm Iūdēa fregne", þæt tō þǣm Holocauste wearþ.
Nīwlice dagas: 19 Æfterra Gēola – 18 Æfterra Gēola – 17 Æfterra Gēola
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21 Æfterra Gēola: Eid ul-Adha (Islam, 2005)
- 304 - Man hæfþ Hālge Agnes, þrēotīenegēare mægden and hālge þāra mǣdencildra, gecweald for þǣm þe sēo wiernode sum hǣmede.
- 1793 - Frencisc Wiðerwinnung: Æfter þǣm þe hē wearþ swicdōmes gescyldigod fram þǣre Þēodlican Gesamnunge, hæfþ man Louis XVI cyning Franclandes gecweald mid guillotine onforan rōtum geþrȳle.
- 1915 - Se forma Kiwanis þegnestgesīðscipe wearþ gestaðolod in Detroite, Michigane. Þǣr sind nū mā þonne 600,000 gildan in 94 landum.
- 1976 - Þā Concorde ofersōngāndan oferferiend ongunnon cēapiendlica flygan tō Lundene, Parise, Bahraine, and Rio de Janeiro.
Nīwlice dagas: 20 Æfterra Gēola – 19 Æfterra Gēola – 18 Æfterra Gēola
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22 Æfterra Gēola:
- 1879 - Britisc here in Zululande were routed at the Battle of Isandlwana.
- 1901 - After holding the title Prince of Wales for six decades, Cyning Ēadweard VII wearþ the oldest man to ascend to the throne in Britisc stǣr.
- 1905 - Russian Revolution: Cempas Tsares wælhrēowlīce cwealdon friðsum oncweðeras þæt Father Gapon lǣde, būtan þǣm Winter Palace in Hālga Petersburge on Blōdigan Sunnandæge.
- 1973 - Roe v. Wade: The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a landmark legal decision on ofdrǣfunge.
- 1980 - Man Andrei Sakharov hæfted in Moscow, þæt wæs a key architect of the Soviet hydrogen bomb and winner of the 1975 Nobel Peace Prize, and hē wæs ellende in Gorki.
Nīwlice dagas: 21 Æfterra Gēola – 20 Æfterra Gēola – 19 Æfterra Gēola
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23 Æfterra Gēola:
- 1579 - The Union of Utrecht was signed, unifying the provinces in norþern Niðerland.
- 1719 - Se cāser Charles VI scōp þæt nīwe Principality Liechtensteine, hit is ān dǣl þæs Hālgan Rōmāniscan Rīces þe stendeþ tōdæg.
- 1960 - The bathyscaphe USS Trieste reached the record dēop of 35,813 fōtum (10,916 metres) in the Challenger Deep æt þǣm sūþende þǣre Mariana Fyrh.
- 1968 - USS Pueblo was seized by Norþcoreanisc here, who claimed that it had violated their territorial waters while spying.
Nīwlice dagas: 22 Æfterra Gēola – 21 Æfterra Gēola – 20 Æfterra Gēola
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24 Æfterra Gēola:
- 41 - Æfter gēarum scendunge, cwealdon Cassius Chaerea and þā earfoþhyldan Prǣtoriscan Healdend dēorlīce þone Rōmāniscan cāsere Gaius and his geonge cynn.
- 1438 - Pāpa Eugenius IV was suspended by the Council of Basel.
- 1848 - James W. Marshall fand gold æt Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California, leading to the California Gold Rush.
- 1924 - Petrograd, founded by Peter se Grēata, czar Russlandes, in 1703, wearþ ednemnod Leningrad 3 dagum æfter þǣm dēaðe Vladimires Lenines.
- 1984 - Se forma Apple Macintosh went on sale.
Nīwlice dagas: 23 Æfterra Gēola – 22 Æfterra Gēola – 21 Æfterra Gēola
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25 Æfterra Gēola: Tu Bishvat (Iūdēadōm, 2005), Burns Niht in Scotlande
- 1327 - Teenaged Ēadweard III wæs gebēagod cyninge Englalandes, ac þæt rīce his mōdor Isabella cwēn wēold mid hire lufere Roger Mortimer.
- 1924 - Se ǣrest Winter Olympic Games openode at the foot of Mont Blanc in Chamonixe, Franclande.
- 1971 - Se heretoga Idi Amin seized power in Uganda from Forma Minister Milton Obote, beginning eahta gēar of military ānweald.
- 2004 - Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity lendede on Mars and rolled into Eagle crater, a small crater on the Meridiani Planum.
Nīwlice dagas: 24 Æfterra Gēola – 23 Æfterra Gēola – 22 Æfterra Gēola
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26 Æfterra Gēola: Australia Dæg in Australian (1788), Republic Dæg in Indian (1950).
- 1700 - Se magnitude 9 Cascadia Eorþryne gelamp off the Pacific rima of the Pacific Northwest, as evidenced by Iapanisc records of tsunamis.
- 1788 - Se Britisc Ǣrest Fleet, led by Captain Arthur Phillip, landed at Sydney Cove just outside present-day Sydney, establishing the first permanent Europaiscan landbūnes in Australian.
- 1950 - Foresittend Rajendra Prasad æfterfolgode Rajaji, þone Governor General, swā cynewīses heafod Indian and Commander-in-Chief þæs Indiscan innheres.
- 1983 - Lotus 1-2-3, a hugely popular spreadsheet program, was first released.
Nīwlice dagas: 25 Æfterra Gēola – 24 Æfterra Gēola – 23 Æfterra Gēola
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27 Æfterra Gēola: Holocaust Myndgung Dæg in þǣm Geānlǣhtan Cynerīce.
- 1888 - The National Geographic Society, publisher of the National Geographic magazine, was founded.
- 1945 - Se Rēadhere liberated 7500 prisoners left behind by Nazi personnel in the Auschwitz concentration camps in Oświęcim, Polaland.
- 1951 - Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site ongann mid ān-kiloton bomb dropped on Frenchman Flats.
- 1967 - Se Apollo 1 spacecraft was destroyed by fȳr at the Kennedy Space Center, killing astronauts Gus Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee.
- 1973 - The Paris Peace Accords were signed to put an end to the Vietnam War.
Nīwlice dagas: 26 Æfterra Gēola – 25 Æfterra Gēola – 24 Æfterra Gēola
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28 Æfterra Gēola:
- 1521 - Se Diet of Worms wearþ efencumen tō mōtienne Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation in þǣm Hālgan Rōmāniscan Rīce.
- 1855 - A locomotive on the Panama Railway made the world's first transcontinental crossing.
- 1918 - Rebels seized control of Helsinki, forcing the Senate of Finland underground during the Finniscan Ingefeohte.
- 1921 - Man dyde Gemyndstōw þæs Uncūðan Cempan under þǣm Arc de Triomphe in Parise.
- 1986 - NASA Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into its tenth mission.
Nīwlice dagas: 27 Æfterra Gēola – 26 Æfterra Gēola – 25 Æfterra Gēola
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29 Æfterra Gēola:
- 1845 - Se Hræfn , folcmǣre lēoþ of Edgar Allan Poe, wæs ǣrost gewīdmǣrsod in þǣm New York Evening Mirror.
- 1856 - Þone Victoria Crūc man ǣrestlīce geaf, recognizing acts of valour during the Crimean War.
- 1886 - Carl Benz filed a patent for the first successful gasoline-driven automobile.
- 1959 - The Disney animated film Sleeping Beauty was first released.
- 2002 - In his Rǣden þǣre Samwrǣdnesse mæðele, U.S. Foresittend George W. Bush tōmearcode Irac, Iran, and Norþcorea swā "rīcu þe onfōþ brēgnesse", maciaþ "Eaxe Yfles".
Nīwlice dagas: 28 Æfterra Gēola – 27 Æfterra Gēola – 26 Æfterra Gēola
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- 1649 - Þone cyning Charles I hæfþ man gehēafdod for hlāfordswice in front of the Banqueting House in Lundene on þǣm Engliscan Ingefeohte.
- 1820 - Edward Bransfield of the Royal Navy fand Antarctican.
- 1933 - Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Cancelere Þēodisclandes.
- 1948 - Nathuram Godse bowed before Mahatma Gandhi, se Fæder Indian, wished him well, then shot him to death with a Beretta pistol.
- 1994 - The Buffalo Bills became the first team in the National Football League to play in four consecutive Super Bowls.
Nīwlice dagas: 29 Æfterra Gēola – 28 Æfterra Gēola – 27 Æfterra Gēola
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31 Æfterra Gēola: Selfdōmdæg in Nauru (1968)
- 1606 - Guy Fawkes wæs gecweald for his befealdunge in þǣre Gundūst Sierwunge wiþ þæt Englisce Gemōt and James I Cyning.
- 1747 - The first clinic specializing in the treatment of venereal diseases was opened.
- 1876 - Þā Geānlǣhtan Rīcu budon ealle Inlende Americansǣte tō gewendenne intō cynntūnum.
- 1946 - In Yugoslavian, staðelode nīwu gesetednes þā six dǣlcynewīsan: Bosnia and Herzegofina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slofenia.
- 1961 - On bordeMercury-Redstone 2, Ham se Cimp wearþ þæt ǣreste menniscdēor in ȳterran rūme.
Nīwlice dagas: 30 Æfterra Gēola – 29 Æfterra Gēola – 28 Æfterra Gēola
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